980 resultados para Discourse studies
Esta tesis doctoral explora la construcción de algunos aspectos enunciativos relacionados con la heterogeneidad lingüístico-cultural presentes en la narrativa de la escritora chicana Sandra Cisneros [n. 1954]. Más específicamente, esta investigación tiene como objetivo principal explicar el fenómeno de la desterritorialización de la lengua a partir del examen de la conformación de espacios lingüístico-culturales intersticiales a lo largo del desarrollo de la obra de Cisneros [1984, 1991, 2002], que conforma el corpus de nuestro trabajo. Nuestra hipótesis rectora indica que en la escritura de Cisneros. La constitución de la heterogeneidad y la gesta del sentido son ineludiblemente interlingües. Así, proponemos que la heterogeneidad interlingüe es la categoría que permite explicar la complejidad discursivo-enunciativa característica de nuestro corpus. A partir del concepto de heterogeneidad[es] enunciativa[s] elaborado por Authier-Revuz [1984]. Definimos la heterogeneidad interlingüe como un fenómeno enunciativo que se inscribe en el ámbito del dialogismo interdiscursivo [Bajtin [1952-3] 1982] y que se manifiesta a través de las marcas y formas que surgen en el discurso a través de los procesos de negociación y traducción Iingüistico-culturales actualizados en el encuentro constante y constitutivo de distintas lenguas. Según entendemos, la heterogeneidad interlingüe se articula a partir de tres dimensiones que se encuentran en permanente interacción: la conformación de una imagen discursiva o ethos [Ducrot, [1984] 1986; Amossy, 1999] asociado al responsable de la enunciación de la totalidad de los textos narrativos [Iocutor-Autor], la institución de sitios -formas y marcas- que se presentan como heterogéneos desde un punto de vista lingüístico-cultural y la configuración de una practica de lectura particular que exige una competencia discursivo-cultural de parte del lector que debe completar el sentido del texto y también del discurso. En atención alas dimensiones aludidas, esta tesis otorga atención específica a los siguientes aspectos: la constitución interlingüe de la paratextualidad, la alternancia de lenguas, los distintos modos de presencia de la traducción, los enunciados paremiológicos y la dimensión reflexiva de la enunciación. Entre los objetivos centrales de nuestra investigación, se cuentan: 1. la elaboración de un andamiaje teórico-metodológico pluridisciplinario que permita dar cuenta de las particularidades discursivas de nuestro corpus y ser referencia para el análisis de otras escrituras de minorías y narrativas de frontera; 2. la contribución al desarrollo de los estudios del discurso [Authier-Revuz, 1984, 1995; Ducrot. [1984] 1986, 2004] a través de la incorporación de la noción de interlingüismo a la discusión de la constitución de la heterogeneidad y de la gesta del sentido discursivo; 3. la articulación del concepto de desterritorializacion [Deleuze y Guattari, [1975] 1998] con algunas nociones originadas en los modelos provenientes de la teoría de la Frontera [Hicks, 1991; Arteaga, 1997] y de la teoría discursiva de Authier-Revuz [1984, 1995]. En cuanto a los objetivos particulares, este trabajo de tesis se propone examinar las distintas formas y marcas de la heterogeneidad interlingüe presentes en la narrativa de Cisneros y ofrecer un panorama analítico que pondere la evolución de la obra de la escritora chicana en relación con la construcción del responsable de la enunciación, los sitios de la heterogeneidad y la practica de lectura singular que impone esta escritura
Esta tesis doctoral explora la construcción de algunos aspectos enunciativos relacionados con la heterogeneidad lingüístico-cultural presentes en la narrativa de la escritora chicana Sandra Cisneros [n. 1954]. Más específicamente, esta investigación tiene como objetivo principal explicar el fenómeno de la desterritorialización de la lengua a partir del examen de la conformación de espacios lingüístico-culturales intersticiales a lo largo del desarrollo de la obra de Cisneros [1984, 1991, 2002], que conforma el corpus de nuestro trabajo. Nuestra hipótesis rectora indica que en la escritura de Cisneros. La constitución de la heterogeneidad y la gesta del sentido son ineludiblemente interlingües. Así, proponemos que la heterogeneidad interlingüe es la categoría que permite explicar la complejidad discursivo-enunciativa característica de nuestro corpus. A partir del concepto de heterogeneidad[es] enunciativa[s] elaborado por Authier-Revuz [1984]. Definimos la heterogeneidad interlingüe como un fenómeno enunciativo que se inscribe en el ámbito del dialogismo interdiscursivo [Bajtin [1952-3] 1982] y que se manifiesta a través de las marcas y formas que surgen en el discurso a través de los procesos de negociación y traducción Iingüistico-culturales actualizados en el encuentro constante y constitutivo de distintas lenguas. Según entendemos, la heterogeneidad interlingüe se articula a partir de tres dimensiones que se encuentran en permanente interacción: la conformación de una imagen discursiva o ethos [Ducrot, [1984] 1986; Amossy, 1999] asociado al responsable de la enunciación de la totalidad de los textos narrativos [Iocutor-Autor], la institución de sitios -formas y marcas- que se presentan como heterogéneos desde un punto de vista lingüístico-cultural y la configuración de una practica de lectura particular que exige una competencia discursivo-cultural de parte del lector que debe completar el sentido del texto y también del discurso. En atención alas dimensiones aludidas, esta tesis otorga atención específica a los siguientes aspectos: la constitución interlingüe de la paratextualidad, la alternancia de lenguas, los distintos modos de presencia de la traducción, los enunciados paremiológicos y la dimensión reflexiva de la enunciación. Entre los objetivos centrales de nuestra investigación, se cuentan: 1. la elaboración de un andamiaje teórico-metodológico pluridisciplinario que permita dar cuenta de las particularidades discursivas de nuestro corpus y ser referencia para el análisis de otras escrituras de minorías y narrativas de frontera; 2. la contribución al desarrollo de los estudios del discurso [Authier-Revuz, 1984, 1995; Ducrot. [1984] 1986, 2004] a través de la incorporación de la noción de interlingüismo a la discusión de la constitución de la heterogeneidad y de la gesta del sentido discursivo; 3. la articulación del concepto de desterritorializacion [Deleuze y Guattari, [1975] 1998] con algunas nociones originadas en los modelos provenientes de la teoría de la Frontera [Hicks, 1991; Arteaga, 1997] y de la teoría discursiva de Authier-Revuz [1984, 1995]. En cuanto a los objetivos particulares, este trabajo de tesis se propone examinar las distintas formas y marcas de la heterogeneidad interlingüe presentes en la narrativa de Cisneros y ofrecer un panorama analítico que pondere la evolución de la obra de la escritora chicana en relación con la construcción del responsable de la enunciación, los sitios de la heterogeneidad y la practica de lectura singular que impone esta escritura
Identity is a recurrent research interest in current sociolinguistics and it is also of primary interest in digital discourse studies. Identity construction is closely related to stance and style (Eckert 2008; Jaffe 2009), which are fundamental concepts for understanding the language use and its social meanings in the case of social media users from Malaga. As the specific social meanings of a set of dialect features constitute a style, this style and the social (and technological) context in which the variants are used determine the meanings that are actually associated with each variant. Hence, every variant has its own indexical field covering any number of potential meanings. The Spanish spoken in Malaga, as Andalusian Spanish in general, was in the past often times considered an incorrect, low prestige variety of Spanish which was strongly associated with the poor, rural, backward South of Spain. This southern Spanish variety is easily recognised because of its innovative phonetic features that diverge from the national standard. In this study several of these phonetic dialect features are looked at, which users from Malaga purposefully employ (in a textualised form) on social media for identity construction. This identity construction is analysed through interactional and ethnographic methods: A perception and an imitation task served as key data and were supplemented by answers to a series of open questions. Further data stems from visual, multimodal elements (e.g. images, photos, videos) posted by users from the city of Malaga. The program TAMS Analyzer was used for data codification and analysis. Results show that certain features that in spoken language are considered rural and old-fashioned, acquire new meaning on social media, namely of urbanity and fashion. Moreover, these features, if used online, are associated with hipsters. That is, the “cool” social media index the “coolness” of the dialect features in question and, thus, the mediatisation makes their indexical fields even more multi-layered and dynamic. Social media users from Malaga performatively employ these stylised dialect features to project a hipster identity and certain related stances.
Based on a corpus of English, German, and Polish spoken academic discourse, this article analyzes the distribution and function of humor in academic research presentations. The corpus is the result of a European research cooperation project consisting of 300,000 tokens of spoken academic language, focusing on the genres research presentation, student presentation, and oral examination. The article investigates difference between the German and English research cultures as expressed in the genre of specialist research presentations, and the role of humor as a pragmatic device in their respective contexts. The data is analyzed according to the paradigms of corpus-assisted discourse studies (CADS). The findings show that humor is used in research presentations as an expression of discourse reflexivity. They also reveal a considerable difference in the quantitative distribution of humor in research presentations depending on the educational, linguistic, and cultural background of the presenters, thus confirming the notion of different research cultures. Such research cultures nurture distinct attitudes to genres of academic language: whereas in one of the cultures identified researchers conform with the constraints and structures of the genre, those working in another attempt to subvert them, for example by the application of humor. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
Language policy and governmentality in businesses in Wales:a continuum of empowerment and regulation
In this paper, I examine how language policy acts as a means of both empowering the Welsh language and theminority language worker and as a means of exerting power over them. For this purpose, the study focuses on a particular site: private sector businesses in Wales. Therein, I trace two major discursive processes: first, the Welsh Government’s national language policy documents that promote corporate bilingualism and bilingual employees as value-added resources; second, the practice and discourse of company managers who sustain or appropriate such promotional discourses for creating and promoting their own organisational values. By drawing on concepts from governmentality, critical language policy and discourse studies, I show that promoting bilingualism in business is characterised by local and global governmentalities. These not only bring about critical shifts in valuing language as symbolic entities attached to ethnonational concerns or as promotional objects that bring material gain. Language governmentalities also appear to shape new forms of ‘languaging’ the minority language worker as selfgoverning, and yet, governed subjects who are ultimately made responsible for ‘owning’ Welsh.
The discussion involving the identity of social actors has taken place for some years, however, it has become significant for the discourse studies over the last years due to the fragmentation of postmodern actors. Understanding the identity as a symbolic concept that can aid in the detection of certain realities - a kind of mechanism / a magnifying glass (MERLUCCI, 1985) - you can check the linguistic materiality of the introductory text of the lattes resume as a adequate place for the formation of collective identities . The aim of this dissertation is to reflect, in a time of postmodernity, through the lattes introductory curriculum texts, the collective identities of the language researchers are portrayed in discursive and social practices based on the accumulation of cultural and academic capital. For analysis, surrounding the indisciplinary posture in Applied Linguistics (MOITA-LOPES, 2006), the descriptive / interpretive methodology was used (MAGALHÃES, 2001). Whereas the study method and the social theory, as state reasons of the research makes use of the Sociological Approach and Communicational Discourse, chain linked to the assumptions of Critical Discourse Analysis (PEDROSA, 2012a). The corpus is constituted of twenty-seven introductory texts from the lattes curriculum of language researchers, connected to three institutions of higher learning in Sergipe. After the collection, on the lattes platform, and the numbering of the curriculum in order to achieve the research objective, we performed the analysis based on three identity themes: teaching, social belonging (BAJOIT, 2006; DESCHAMPS; MOLINER, 2009) and the accumulation of academic-cultural capital (BOURDIEU, 2004; HEY, 2008). The data show that the texts of the lattes curriculum are based on hegemonic and ideological principals, referring to the accumulation of academic assets, the valuation of actors and the hierarchical positions, recognized and ratified by couples who socialize among themselves Right now, the research allows us to infer that, in postmodernity, some collective identity assumptions, contribute to the understanding of the academic reality, around the the lattes curriculum.
Crisis communication is a widely treated field. There are lot of works and guides which provide helpful information in order to face crisis situations successfully (Alcat, 2005, Benoit, 1997) and articles about case studies (Nespereira, 2014, Blaney y Benoit 2001). Nonetheless, most of times, these guides are focused on business or corporations (Abeler, 2010) and there are not such information about crisis communications in politics (Gaspar e Ibeas, 2015). The field is smaller if we speak about forgiveness as restoration image tool in politics (Harris 2006). Despite all, we live in “forgiveness era” as Krauze said (1998) where people demand to politicians to apologize when they have mistakes (Harris et al. 2006:716). So, we will try to make an approach to forgiveness in politics as a image restoration tool and analyze its capabilities in order to face crisis management.
Estructura formal, textual y oral del discurso públicoExisten tres competencias comunicativas muy valoradas en la sociedad de la información. Primero, la búsqueda, selección y gestión de grandes cantidades de información. Segundo, la redacción de textos claros, concisos y rigurosos. Y en tercer lugar, la exposición y defensa oral de esta información en un discurso público. Tradicionalmente, los estudios de periodismo han abordado estas competencias de forma independiente. Pero actualmente, instituciones y empresas de ámbitos diferentes demandan un perfil profesional capaz de aplicarlas ante cualquier tipo de información y con objetivos diversos. Se propone un modelo integral en tres niveles estructurales basado en teorías, conceptos y estudios específicos de periodismo, oratoria, retórica… o comunicación, en los últimos años. Este modelo puede contribuir a encauzar las investigaciones de académicos y representa una herramienta de entrenamiento para profesionales.
In this paper we explore the various spaces and sites through which the figure of the parent is summoned and activated to inhabit and perform market norms and practices in the field of education in England. Since the late 1970s successive governments have called on parents to enact certain duties and obligations in relation to the state. These duties include adopting and internalizing responsibility for all kinds of risks, liabilities and inequities formerly managed by the Keynesian welfare state. Rather than characterize this situation in terms of the ‘hollowing of the state’, we argue that the role of the state includes enabling the functioning of the parent as a neoliberal subject so that they may successfully harness the power of the market to their own advantage and (hopefully) minimize the kinds of risk and inequity generated through a market-based, deregulated education system. In this paper we examine how parents in England are differently, yet similarly, compelled to embody certain market norms and practices as they navigate the field of education. Adopting genealogical enquiry and policy discourse analysis as our methodology, we explore how parents across three policy sites or spaces are constructed as objects and purveyors of utility and ancillaries to marketisation. This includes a focus on how parents are summoned as 1) consumers or choosers of education services; 2) governors and overseers of schools; and 3) producers and founders of schools.
The Author discusses the concept of gender neutrality in the context of the Swedish education system. The article is based on critical analyses of the international press discourse, studies of Nordic scholars and on a small-scale empirical study carried out in Stockholm in the autumn of 2014. The study involved non participant observation, interviews with academics associated with the subject matter, interviews with head teachers of schools and nurseries in Stockholm and a number of openquestion, questionnaires completed by teachers and students enrolled in specialist teaching courses at Stockholm University at the time of the study. This triangulation of qualitative techniques allowed the building of an in-depth understanding of what gender neutrality means in educational practice.
This book brings together the fields of language policy and discourse studies from a multidisciplinary theoretical, methodological and empirical perspective. The chapters in this volume are written by international scholars active in the field of language policy and planning and discourse studies. The diverse research contexts range from education in Paraguay and Luxembourg via businesses in Wales to regional English language policies in Tajikistan. Readers are thereby invited to think critically about the mutual relationship between language policy and discourse in a range of social, political, economic and cultural spheres. Using approaches that draw on discourse-analytic, anthropological, ethnographic and critical sociolinguistic frameworks, the contributors in this collection explore and refine the ‘discursive’ and the ‘critical’ aspects of language policy as a multilayered, fluid, ideological, discursive and social process that can operate as a tool of social change as well as reinforcing established power structures and inequalities.
The objective of the present research is to describe and explain populist actors and populism as a concept and their representation on social and legacy media during the 2019 EU elections in Finland, Italy and The Netherlands. This research tackles the topic of European populism in the context of political communication and its relation to both the legacy and digital media within the hybrid media system. Departing from the consideration that populism and populist rhetoric are challenging concepts to define, I suggest that they should be addressed and analyzed through the usage of a combination of methods and theoretical perspectives, namely Communication Studies, Corpus Linguistics, Political theory, Rhetoric and Corpus-Assisted Discourse Studies. This thesis considers data of different provenance. On the one hand, for the Legacy media part, newspapers articles were collected in the three countries under study from the 1st until the 31st of May 2019. Each country’s legacy system is represented by three different quality papers and the articles were collected according to a selection of keywords (European Union Elections and Populism in each of the three languages). On the other hand, the Digital media data takes into consideration Twitter tweets collected during the same timeframe based on particular country-specific hashtags and tweets by identified populist actors. In order to meet the objective of this study, three research questions are posed and the analysis leading to the results are exhaustively presented and further discussed. The results of this research provide valuable and novel insights on how populism as a theme and a concept is being portrayed in the context of the European elections both in legacy and digital media and political communication in general.