987 resultados para Direct Blue 71


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Blue Leaf es un proyecto de emprendimiento que consiste en la elaboración y venta directa de bebidas naturales a base de frutas a través de un food truck en la ciudad de Bogotá. Tras revisar algunas tendencias actuales como la cultura Fitness y el Juicing, y tras identificar un problema sobre los hábitos de alimentación desordenados que llevan muchas personas, nace Blue Leaf como una alternativa de alimentación saludable, natural, práctica y diferente. El negocio contará inicialmente con un portafolio de 12 bebidas divididas en tres categorías. Primero, las bebidas alimenticias cuentan con altos contenidos nutricionales y sirven como fuente de alimento práctico y saludable; segundo, las bebidas funcionales, están diseñadas para ofrecer beneficios específicos de salud como desintoxicar, ayudar a bajar de peso o fortalecer las defensas; por último, las bebidas fuente de energía, cuentan con altos niveles de vitaminas y minerales que le permiten a los consumidores recargar energías rápidamente y continuar con sus actividades diarias. Adicionalmente, Blue Leaf ofrecerá la oportunidad a los consumidores de hacer su propia bebida, dándoles la posibilidad de elegir de entre más de 50 ingredientes entre bases, frutas, verduras, hierbas, semillas, adiciones y endulzantes. El proyecto es liderado por Paola Higuera Rodríguez y David Santiago Soto, ambos estudiantes de la Escuela de Administración de la Universidad del Rosario


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The 'direct costs' attributable to 30 different endemic diseases of farm animals in Great Britain are estimated using a standardised method to construct a simple model for each disease that includes consideration of disease prevention and treatment costs. The models so far developed provide a basis for further analyses including cost-benefit analyses for the economic assessment of disease control options. The approach used reflects the inherent livestock disease information constraints, which limit the application of other economic analytical methods. It is a practical and transparent approach that is relatively easily communicated to veterinary scientists and policy makers. The next step is to develop the approach by incorporating wider economic considerations into the analyses in a way that will demonstrate to policy makers and others the importance of an economic perspective to livestock disease issues.


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Indirect and direct models of sexual selection make different predictions regarding the quantitative genetic relationships between sexual ornaments and fitness. Indirect models predict that ornaments should have a high heritability and that strong positive genetic covariance should exist between fitness and the ornament. Direct models, on the other hand, make no such assumptions about the level of genetic variance in fitness and the ornament, and are therefore likely to be more important when environmental sources of variation are large. Here we test these predictions in a wild population of the blue tit (Parus caeruleus), a species in which plumage coloration has been shown to be under sexual selection. Using 3 years of cross-fostering data from over 250 breeding attempts, we partition the covariance between parental coloration and aspects of nestling fitness into a genetic and environmental component. Contrary to indirect models of sexual selection, but in agreement with direct models, we show that variation in coloration is only weakly heritable (h(2) < 0.11), and that two components of offspring fitness-nestling size and fledgling recruitment-are strongly dependent on parental effects, rather than genetic effects. Furthermore, there was no evidence of significant positive genetic covariation between parental colour and offspring traits. Contrary to direct benefit models, however, we find little evidence that variation in colour reliably indicates the level of parental care provided by either males or females. Taken together, these results indicate that the assumptions of indirect models of sexual selection are not supported by the genetic basis of the traits reported on here.


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A localised aggregation of blue whales. which may be pygmy blue whales (B. m. brevicauda), occurs in southern Australian coastal waters (between I39°45'E-143°E) during summer and autumn (December-May), where they feed on coastal krill (Nyctiphanes australis). a species which often forms surface swarms. While the abundance of blue whales using this area is unknown, up to 32 blue whales have been sighted in individual aerial  surveys. Krill appear to aggregate in response to enhanced productivity  resulting from the summer-autumn wind-forced Bonney Coast upwelling along the continental shelf. During the upwelling's quiescent (winter-spring) period. blue whales appear to be absent from the region. Krill surface  swarms have been associated with 48% of 261 blue whale sightings since 1998, with direct evidence of feeding observed in 36% of all sightings. Mean blue whale group size was 1.55 (SD =0.839), with all size classes represented including calves. This seasonally predictable upwelling system is evidently a regular feeding ground for blue whales, and careful  management of human activities is required there.


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The function of avian ultraviolet (UV) vision is only just beginning to be understood. One plausible hypothesis is that UV vision enhances the foraging ability of birds. To test this, we carried out behavioural experiments using wild-caught blue tits foraging for cabbage moth and winter moth caterpillars on natural and artificial backgrounds. The light environment in our experiments was manipulated using either UV-blocking or UV-transmitting filters. We found that the blue tits tended to find the first prey item (out of four) more quickly when UV cues were present. This suggests that UV vision offers benefits to birds when searching for cryptic prey despite the prey and backgrounds reflecting relatively little UV Although there was no direct effect of UV on the time taken to find all four prey items in a trial, search performance in the absence of UV wavelengths tended to increase over the course of an experiment. This may reflect changes in the search tactics of the birds. To our knowledge, these are the first data to suggest that birds use UV cues to detect cryptic insect prey and have implications for our understanding of protective coloration.


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The preference of female blue tits, Parus caeruleus, is correlated with the brightness of the ultraviolet (UV) crest; there is also assortative mating with respect to the crest's UV/violet chroma. However, manipulation of plumage reflectance is necessary to infer a direct causal link between UV plumage and mate choice. We gave both male and female blue tits a choice between a W-reflecting ('UV+') partner and a partner whose UV plumage reflectance had been removed ('UV-'). Male blue tits significantly preferred UV+ females. Similarly, female blue tits tended to prefer UV-reflecting males, but their UV+ preferences were nonsignificant. Neither sex showed a preference when conspecifics were replaced by a heterospecific. This study suggests mutual mate choice but male choice may be more strongly influenced by the visual appearance of potential mates. This is one of a few studies to show male mate preferences and the first demonstration of a direct relationship between UV reflectance and;male mate choice. (C) 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.


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In order to discover phytochemicals that are potentially bioactive against Phytophthora cinnamomi, (a soil-borne plant pathogen) a metabolite profiling protocol for investigation of metabolic changes in Lupinus angustifolius L. plant roots in response to pathogen challenge has been established. Analysis of the metabolic profiles from healthy and P. cinnamomi-inoculated root tissue with high resolution mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy confirmed that although susceptible, L. angustifolius upregulated a defence associated genistein and 2′-hydroxygenistein-based isoflavonoid and a soyasapogenol saponin at 12h post inoculation which increased in concentration at 72h post inoculation. In contrast to the typical susceptible interaction, the application of a phosphorous-based treatment to L. angustifolius foliage 48h before P. cinnamomi challenge negated the ability of the pathogen to colonise the root tissue and cause disease. Importantly, although the root profiles of water-treated and phosphite-treated plants post pathogen inoculation contained the same secondary metabolites, concentration variations were observed. Accumulation of secondary metabolites within the P. cinnamomi-inoculated plants confirms that pathogen ingress of the root interstitially occurs in phosphite-treated plants, confirming a direct mode of action against the pathogen upon breaching the root cells.


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The use of habitat is an important part of a species biology. One resource of great importance for the survivor and reproduction of an individual is the food resource. Thus, the social interactions an animal has during the feeding activities are of extremely importance within its behavioral aspects, which represents the part of an organism trough which it interacts with the environment, adapting to changes and variations. Herons are known to form feeding aggregations of even more than thousands of individuals, in which social components of foraging have been identified and studied for several species. More profound studies of these aspects are yet to poor for the Little Blue Heron, Egretta caerulea. Therefore, the aim of this study was to describe the social behavior (display postures, vocalizations and co-specific interactions) and the territoriality of the specie during the feeding period in an area of mud bank in the estuarine system of Cananéia, south coast of São Paulo state, Brazil. The defense of a fixed and exclusive area, closest to the mangrove, trough expulsion was observed; some thing that have not yet been registered with concrete data for the specie. Higher capture and success rates, and lower investment rates (steps/min and stabs/min) were registered for individuals foraging in areas corresponding to the defended territory. This could be one of possible reasons for the establishment of territories in the area. Four display postures were registered for the specie, two of then new in the literature, which are used in the interactions between individuals; one vocalization, that apparently is important in the social context of foraging for the specie and, possibly, has a function of advertising and proclaiming the dominance position of the territorial individual within the group. A territorial individual uses three behaviors, of the ones described: expulsion, vocalization and encounter (agonistic encounter between individuals, without physical aggression). Of these, the expulsion is apparently used in the actual defense, actively; while the other two behaviors are used in a more passive way, in the maintenance of the dominance position of the individual, helping it in the defense of its territory in a less direct manner. Therefore, with the results presented in here, new components of the social utilization of the feeding resource for the Little Blue Heron were identified, incorporating aspects of the territorial behavior for a future understanding of its possible adaptive significance. And it also reinforces the importance of the social interactions of herons foraging in great aggregations, in areas ecologically important


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Nonperturbative Wilson coefficients of the operator product expansion (OPE) for the spin-0 glueball correlators are derived and analyzed. A systematic treatment of the direct instanton contributions is given, based on a realistic instanton size distribution and renormalization at the operator scale. In the pseudoscalar channel, topological charge screening is identified as an additional source of (semi-) hard nonperturbative physics. The screening contributions are shown to be vital for consistency with the anomalous axial Ward identity, and previously encountered pathologies (positivity violations and the disappearance of the 0(-+) glueball signal) are traced to their neglect. on the basis of the extended OPE, a comprehensive quantitative analysis of eight Borel-moment sum rules in both spin-0 glueball channels is then performed. The nonperturbative OPE coefficients turn out to be indispensable for consistent sum rules and for their reconciliation with the underlying low-energy theorems. The topological short-distance physics strongly affects the sum rule results and reveals a rather diverse pattern of glueball properties. New predictions for the spin-0 glueball masses and decay constants and an estimate of the scalar glueball width are given, and several implications for glueball structure and experimental glueball searches are discussed.


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The oxidation of a reactive dye, Cibacron Blue F3GA, CB, (C.I. 61211), widely used in the textile industries to color natural fibers, was studied by electrochemical techniques. The oxidation on glassy carbon electrode occurs in two steps at 2.0 < pH < 10 involving one electron transfer each to the amine group leading to the imide derivative. Stable films of poly-L-lysine (PLL) in the presence of glutaraldehyde (GA) 97.5%:2.5% on glassy carbon electrode can be used to detect low levels of dye using its oxidation peak at +0.75V by voltammetry. Linear calibration graphs were obtained for the CB reactive dye, from 1.0 X 10(-6) to 1.0 X 10(-5) mol L-1 in B-R buffer, pH 2.0, using a pre-concentration off-line during 10 min. The detection limit (3 sigma/slope) was calculated to be 4.5 X 10(-8) mol L-1. Films of PLL can readily be applied for the determination of CB dye bearing aminoanthraquinone as chromophore and chlorotriazinyl as reactive group at concentrations at least 100 times lesser than using a glassy carbon electrode without modification. The method described was applied for the determination of CB dye in tap water and raw water collected from the municipal treatment plant with a recovery of 89.2% +/- 5.4 and 88.0% +/- 6.5, respectively. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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An approach is proposed here to calculate mixed valence ratios in molecular compounds. Synchrotron x-ray powder diffraction experiments were conducted to determine the Fe(+3)/Fe(+2) ratio in Prussian Blue compounds, which were elected as an example of the use of this approach. As a result, a resonant x-ray diffraction measurement provided direct evidence that the vacant [Fe(CN)(6)] group was randomly absent from similar to 31% of the structure, which was indicated by structural differences caused by variations in the anomalous dispersion term. These findings are very important for a deeper understanding of the changes occurring in properties during in situ compositional variations. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Turquoise blue 15 (AT15) is a reactive dye widely used in the textile industry to color natural fibers. The presence of these dyes in effluent and industrial wastewater is of considerable interest due ecotoxicological and environmental problems. The electrochemical reduction of this dye has been investigated in aqueous solution using cyclic voltammetry, controlled potential electrolysis and cathodic stripping voltammetry. Optimum conditions for dye discoloration by controlled potential electrolysis use an alkaline medium. Using cathodic stripping voltammetry a linear calibration graph was obtained from 5.00×10-8 mol L-1 to 1.00×10 -6 mol L-1 of AT15 at pH 4.0, using accumulation times of 180 and 240 s and an accumulation potential of 0.0 V. The proposed method was applied in direct determination of the dye in tap water and in textile industry effluent.


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Objective. To evaluate the degree of conversion (DC), flexural strength (FS) and Knoop microhardness (KHN) of direct and indirect composite resins polymerized with different curing systems. Materials and methods. Specimens of direct (Z250, 3M/Espe) and indirect (Sinfony, 3M/Espe) restorative materials were made and polymerized using two light curing units: XL2500 (3M/Espe) and Visio system (3M/Espe). Absorption spectra of both composites were obtained on a FTIR spectrometer in order to calculate the DC. FS was evaluated in a universal testing machine and surface microhardness was performed in a microhardness tester (50gf/15s). DC, FS and KHN data were submitted to two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (α = 0.05). Results. Z250 showed higher DC, FS and KHN compared with Sinfony when the polymerization was carried out with XL2500 (p < 0.05). However, there is no statistical difference in DC between the materials when Visio was used (p > 0.05). Visio showed higher DC and KHN for Z250 and Sinfony than the values obtained using XL2500 light curing (p < 0.05). For FS, no significant difference between curing units was found (p > 0.05). Conclusion. Even though the Visio system could increase DC and KHN for some direct and indirect composites, compared with the conventional halogen curing unit, a high number of monomers did not undergo conversion during the polymerization. © 2013 Informa Healthcare.