115 resultados para Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (Dppc)


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Molecular dynamics simulations of electroporation in POPC and DPPC lipid bilayers have been carried out at different temperatures ranging from 230 K to 350 K for varying electric fields. The dynamics of pore formation, including threshold field, pore initiation time, pore growth rate, and pore closure rate after the field is switched off, was studied in both the gel and liquid crystalline (L-alpha) phases of the bilayers. Using an Arrhenius model of pore initiation kinetics, the activation energy for pore opening was estimated to be 25.6 kJ mol(-1) and 32.6 kJ mol(-1) in the L-alpha phase of POPC and DPPC lipids respectively at a field strength of 0.32 V nm(-1). The activation energy decreases to 24.2 kJ mol(-1) and 23.7 kJ mol(-1) respectively at a higher field strength of 1.1 V nm(-1). At temperatures below the melting point, the activation energy in the gel phase of POPC and DPPC increases to 28.8 kJ mol(-1) and 34.4 kJ mol(-1) respectively at the same field of 1.1 V nm(-1). The pore closing time was found to be higher in the gel than in the L-alpha phase. The pore growth rate increases linearly with temperature and quadratically with field, consistent with viscosity limited growth models.


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本文简要介绍了生物膜的组成、结构和一些基本性质,详细描述了支撑类脂双层膜、非支撑类脂双层膜的成膜方法和各种制备方法的特点。概要总结了仿生膜的各个领域的研究情况,着重评述了仿生膜在电化学、生物传感器、膜片钳领域的发展过程及研究现状,展望仿生膜在电化学的发展前景。采用电化学方法对磷脂浇铸膜(Cast lipid film)、支撑双层磷脂膜(s-BLM)、杂化双磷脂膜(HBM)等不同的模拟生物膜体系进行了研究。主要结果如下:1、通过浇铸二茂铁和DMPC 氯仿溶液的办法,在玻碳(GC)电极表面制备了磷脂浇铸膜。固定在此仿生膜内的二茂铁有一对不可逆的循环伏安峰,阳极峰的电位是+340mV(Ag/AgCl)。在扫速150mV/以下,阳极峰电流与发速的平方根成线性关系,说明二茂铁在浇铸膜内的扩散进程是控制步骤。此电极对抗击环血酸具有很好的身体催化活性,我们研究了溶液pH值对催化效果的影响,发现在pH6.64时催化效果最好。与此同时我们也研究了浇铸膜 厚度和尿酸的干扰。在等摩尔尿酸存在的条件下,此电极仍然可以测定抗坏血酸。在1 * 10~(-4)至5 * 10~(-3)的范围内,抗坏血酸深度与催化电流成正比。2、我们在玻碳电极表面上浇铸(DPPC)磷脂多层膜,二茂铁稳定地固定资产在膜内并以多巴胺显示出良好的催化氧化能力,其阳极电流得到显著增加,并且使多巴胺氧化过电位降低了约80mV。二茂铁在膜内体现了受扩散控制的行为。我们发现溶液的pH值显著地影响催化效果,较高pH对催化有利。与此同明我们还研究磷脂极性基团所带电荷对催化的影响,发现带负电荷的磷脂有利于此电化学催化,而带正电的磷脂对多巴胺的催化不利。造反适当的条件可以分别测定多巴胺和抗坏血酸,在抗坏务酸存在的情况下,我们用此电极测定多巴胺,测定范围是1 * 10~(-4)至3 * 10~(-3) mol/L。3、在铂电极表面制备了卵磷脂和胆固醇支撑双层膜 ,采用循环伏安和交流阻抗方法,研究了支撑双层膜与杂多酸K_7Fe~(3+)P_2V_(17)O_(62)H_2之间的相互作用。发现该种杂多酸能够在双层膜 上产生一些“通道”,探针Ru(NH_3)_6~(3-)和Fe(CN)_6~(3-/4-)可经过这些通道达到电极表面,与此同时通道降低了膜 电阻,增加了膜电容。我们研究了杂多酸浓度和时间对孔洞形成的影响。我们推测K_7Fe~(3+)P_2V_(17)O_(62)H_2与卵磷脂的极度性关作用,减小卵磷脂之间、卵磷脂与胆固醇之间的作用使得双层膜 结构松散形成孔洞。4、利用涂抹-冷冻法制备了硫醇-磷脂杂化双层膜,采用循环伏安和交流阻抗方法,研究了硫醇-磷脂杂化双层膜 与杂多酸K_7Fe~(3+)P_2V_(17)O_(62)H_2作用前后通透性的变化。发现该种杂多酸能够诱导硫醇-磷脂杂化双层膜产生一些孔洞,降低了膜电阻,增加了膜电容,也啬了探针Fe(CN)63-/4-与电极的电子传递。同时对产生该现象的机理进行了初步的探讨。


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A minicapillary viscometer utilizing <0.5 ml of sample at a volume fraction of <0.1% is described. The calculated a/b of DPPC/DPPG multilamellar liposome was 1.14 as prolate ellipsoids and a/b of dioleoylpropyltrimethyl ammonium methylsulfate-DNA complex at a charge ratio of 4: 1 (+/-) was 3.7 as prolate ellipsoids or 4.9 as oblate ellipsoids. The deviation of shape from perfect sphere is thus expressed quantitatively in more than two significant figures. In these measurement, the necessary amount of DNA is <0.5 mg.


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Amphotericin B (AmB) is a popular drug frequently applied in the treatment of systemic fungal infections. In the presence of ruthenium (II) as the maker ion, the behavior of AmB to form ion channels in sterol-free and cholesterol- or ergosterol-containing supported phosphatidylcholine bilayer model membranes were studied by cyclic votammetry, AC impedance spectroscopy, and UV/visible absorbance spectroscopy. Different concentrations of AmB ranging from a molecularly dispersed to a highly aggregated state of the drug were investigated. In a fixed cholesterol or ergosterol content (5 mol %) in glassy carbon electrode-supported model membranes, our results showed that no matter what form of AmB, monomeric or aggregated, AmB could form ion channels in supported ergosterol-containing phosphatidylcholine bilayer model membranes. However, AmB could not form ion channels in its monomeric form in sterol-free and cholesterol-containing supported model membranes. On the one hand, when AmB is present as an aggregated state, it can form ion channels in cholesterol-containing supported model membranes; on the other hand, only when AmB is present as a relatively highly aggregated state can it form ion channels in sterol-free supported phosphatidylcholine bilayer model membranes. The results showed that the state of AmB played an important role in forming ion channels in sterol-free and cholesterol-containing supported phosphatidylcholine bilayer model membranes.


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The general and synchronous spectra of phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) isolated from Chinese agkistrodon blomhoffii Ussurensis snake venom were studied. The chromophores of PLA(2) were mainly contributed by tyrosine and tryptophane residues when the intervals between the excitation wavelength and the emssion waveleagth (Delta lambda) were 20nm and 75nm, respectively. The pH of buffers could change the fluorescence intensities of PLA(2) by changing the charge distribution of its amino acid chain. Ca2+ can not only increase the emission fluorescence intensity of PLA(2) but also improve the reaction rate of PLA(2) with its corresponding substrate DPPC.


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研究了金属离子Ca2+和Tb3+对长白山白眉蝮蛇蛇毒磷脂酶A2(phospholipase A2)荧光光谱的作用,发现Ca2+浓度的增加能够增强磷脂酶A2的荧光发射强度.而且Ca2+ 浓度的增大能够明显加快磷脂酶A2与其相应反应底物DPPC的反应速率.稀土离子Tb3+在低浓度条件下对磷脂酶A2起荧光淬灭作用, 而在浓度较高时能够提高磷脂酶A2荧光发射强度.


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The interactions of lanthanide ions and the Ln-DTPA (DTPA = diethylenetriaminepentaacetate) complex with di palmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DPPE) bilayers are studied by 2D NOESY and FT-Raman spectroscopy. Proton NMR spectroscopic results show that lanthanide ions combine with phosphate groups in the polar region of the outer layer of DPPC liposomes, leading to the separation in chemical shift of the proton signal of N(CH3)(3) The conformational change of the O-C-C-N+ backbone from the gauche conformer to the trans one is not found; i.e., the orientation of the polar headgroup is still parallel to the surface of the bilayers. The Ln-DTPA complex at low concentration in a pH 7.4 solution localizes far away from bilayers and thereby has little effect on the structure of bilayers. The FT-Raman spectroscopic results indicate that lanthanide ions affect strongly the fluidity of acyl chains of DPPE bilayers while the Ln-DTPA complex affects it slightly.


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稀土毒理学以及稀土离子作为钙离子的探针的研究受到普遍关注,人们对稀土离子的生物化学性质进行了广泛研究.作者曾报到了金属离子对DPPC脂质体的极性头构象的影响.鞘磷脂是神经组织细胞膜的重要磷脂组分,和DPPC有相似的极性头.本文利用核磁共振结合Raman光谱研究了金属离子对鞘磷脂脂双层的极性头构象的影响.1 材料和方法


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Os sistemas de veiculação de fármacos, presentemente, apresentam-se como uma alternativa viável às terapias convencionais. De entre os diversos sistemas de transporte passíveis de associar substâncias farmacologicamente activas, destacam-se os de base lipídica, em particular, os lipossomas, os quais constituem um dos sistemas mais estudados e com maior sucesso, comprovado pelo número de produtos em fase clínica ou já aprovados para utilização em humanos. Os lipossomas são estruturas constituídas por membranas lipídicas organizadas em bicamadas, fechadas e concêntricas, que permitem a encapsulação de moléculas hidrofílicas no espaço interno aquoso e hidrofóbicas na bicamada lipídica. No presente trabalho, foram desenvolvidas metodologias com vista à encapsulação em lipossomas do aminoglicosídeo, a Paromomicina (PRM). Este fármaco está indicado para o tratamento de doenças infecciosas nomeadamente parasitárias e bacterianas. Algumas das principais desvantagens resultantes da sua utilização em clínica são, o reduzido tempo de circulação na corrente sanguínea, rápida excreção renal e consequentemente insuficiente concentração intracelular do fármaco. Como forma de ultrapassar algumas das desvantagens apresentadas, foram desenvolvidas formulações lipossomais de PRM com vista a melhorar o desempenho deste antibiótico. Para tal, foram preparadas e caracterizadas diversas formulações lipossomais de PRM com vista à selecção daquelas que apresentem maiores valores de eficácia de encapsulação (E.E.), e superior estabilidade. Com as formulações seleccionadas foram realizados estudos in vitro de interacção lipossoma-célula, utilizando uma linha celular humana monocítica leucémica, THP-1. De entre as formulações desenvolvidas e seleccionadas para os estudos in vitro de a formulação DPPC:DPPG, foi uma das que apresentou uma E.E. superior a 80% e valores de internalização celular superiores a 90%.


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Phosphatidylcholine (PC), sphingomyelin (SM) and cholesterol (CHOL) are major constituents of mammalian cell membranes. DPPC/CHOL and DPPC/DMPC are well-known binary mixtures. POPC/CHOL, DOPC/CHOL, egg-SM/CHOL, egg-SM/POPC and egg-SM/DOPC are less studied, but also important for the comprehension of the POPC/egg-SM/CHOL mixtures. These provide complex media for which polarity is hard to access. It is mainly determined by the water penetrating the bilayer (unevenly distributed creating a polarity gradient), though the influence of the dipoles from phospholipids (e.g. –PO, –CO, –OH) and the double bond in the steroid ring of CHOL cannot be neglected. CHOL derivatives are an interesting tool to verify the influence of the double bonds in the polarization of its surroundings. Pyrene fluorescence was used to access an equivalent polarity (associated to the dielectric constant) near the lipid/water interface of lipid bilayers. POPC/CHOL and DOPC/CHOL have similar thermal behavior and variation with CHOL content, though for lower CHOL content the equivalent polarity is higher for the DOPC/CHOL mixtures. The studies with DPPC and DMPC showed that pyrene does not seem to have a marked preference for either ordered or disordered phases. For DPPC/CHOL and egg-SM/CHOL the highlight goes to the behavior of the mixtures at higher CHOL amounts, where there is a substantial change in the thermal behavior and polarity values especially for the egg-SM/CHOL mixture. Egg-SM/POPC and egg-SM/DOPC show different behavior depending on which phospholipid has a higher molar proportion. The ternary mixtures analyzed do not exhibit significant differences, though there is the indication of the existence of a more ordered environment at lower temperatures and a less ordered environment for higher temperatures. The presence of 7DHC or DCHOL in egg-SM bilayers showed a tendency for the same behavior detected upon mixing higher amounts of CHOL.


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Durant les dernières décennies, la technique Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) s’est beaucoup développée dans l’approche « bottom-up » pour la création de couches ultra minces nanostructurées. Des patrons constitués de stries parallèles d’environ 100 à 200 nm de largeur ont été générés avec la technique de déposition LB de monocouches mixtes de 1,2-dilauroyl-sn-glycéro-3-phosphatidylcholine (DLPC) et de 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycéro-3-phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) sur des substrats de silicium et de mica. Afin d’amplifier la fonctionnalité de ces patrons, la 1-palmitoyl-2-(16-(S-methyldithio)hexadécanoyl)-sn-glycéro-3-phosphatidylcholine (DSDPPC) et la 1-lauroyl-2-(12-(S-methyldithio)dodédecanoyl)-sn-glycéro-3-phosphatidylcholine (DSDLPC) ont été employées pour la préparation de monocouches chimiquement hétérogènes. Ces analogues de phospholipide possèdent un groupement fonctionnel méthyldisulfide qui est attaché à la fin de l’une des chaînes alkyles. Une étude exhaustive sur la structure de la phase des monocouches Langmuir, Langmuir-Schaefer (LS) et LB de la DSDPPC et de la DSDLPC et leurs différents mélanges avec la DPPC ou la DLPC est présentée dans cette thèse. Tout d’abord, un contrôle limité de la périodicité et de la taille des motifs des stries parallèles de DPPC/DLPC a été obtenu en variant la composition lipidique, la pression de surface et la vitesse de déposition. Dans un mélange binaire de fraction molaire plus grande de lipide condensé que de lipide étendu, une vitesse de déposition plus lente et une plus basse pression de surface ont généré des stries plus continues et larges. L’addition d’un tensioactif, le cholestérol, au mélange binaire équimolaire de la DPPC/DLPC a permis la formation de stries parallèles à de plus hautes pressions de surface. La caractérisation des propriétés physiques des analogues de phospholipides a été nécessaire. La température de transition de phase de la DSDPPC de 44.5 ± 1.5 °C comparativement à 41.5 ± 0.3 °C pour la DPPC. L’isotherme de la DSDPPC est semblable à celui de la DPPC. La monocouche subit une transition de phase liquide-étendue-à-condensée (LE-C) à une pression de surface légèrement supérieure à celle de la DPPC (6 mN m-1 vs. 4 mN m-1) Tout comme la DLPC, la DSDLPC demeure dans la phase LE jusqu’à la rupture de la monocouche. Ces analogues de phospholipide existent dans un état plus étendu tout au long de la compression de la monocouche et montrent des pressions de surface de rupture plus basses que les phospholipides non-modifiés. La morphologie des domaines de monocouches Langmuir de la DPPC et de la DSDPPC à l’interface eau/air a été comparée par la microscopie à angle de Brewster (BAM). La DPPC forme une monocouche homogène à une pression de surface (π) > 10 mN/m, alors que des domaines en forme de fleurs sont formés dans la monocouche de DSDPPC jusqu’à une π ~ 30 mN m-1. La caractérisation de monocouches sur substrat solide a permis de démontrer que le patron de stries parallèles préalablement obtenu avec la DPPC/DLPC était reproduit en utilisant des mélanges de la DSDPPC/DLPC ou de la DPPC/DSDLPC donnant ainsi lieu à des patrons chimiquement hétérogènes. En général, pour obtenir le même état de phase que la DPPC, la monocouche de DSDPPC doit être comprimée à de plus hautes pressions de surface. Le groupement disulfide de ces analogues de phospholipide a été exploité, afin de (i) former des monocouches auto-assemblées sur l’or et de (ii) démontrer la métallisation sélective des terminaisons fonctionnalisées des stries. La spectrométrie de photoélectrons induits par rayons X (XPS) a confirmé que la monocouche modifiée réagit avec la vapeur d’or pour former des thiolates d’or. L’adsorption de l’Au, de l’Ag et du Cu thermiquement évaporé démontre une adsorption préférentielle de la vapeur de métal sur la phase fonctionnalisée de disulfide seulement à des recouvrements sub-monocouche.