985 resultados para Dilute magnetic semiconducting oxide
Uniform metal iron ellipsoidal particles of around 200 nm in length were obtained by reduction and passivation of alumina-coated alpha-Fe2O3 (hematite) particles under different conditions of temperature and hydrogen flow rate. The monodispersed hematite particles were prepared by the controlled hydrolysis of ferric sulfate and further coated with a homogeneous thin layer of Al2O3 by careful selection of the experimental conditions, mainly pH and aluminum salt concentration. The reduction mechanism of alpha-Fe2O3 into alpha-Fe was followed by x-ray and electron diffraction, and also by the measurements of the irreversible magnetic susceptibility. The transformation was found to be topotactic with the [001] direction of hematite particles, which lies along the long axis of the particles, becoming the [111] direction of magnetite and finally the [111] direction of metal iron. Temperature and hydrogen flow rate during the reduction have been found to be important parameters, which determine not only the degree of reduction but also the crystallite size of the final particles. Magnetic characterization of the samples shows that the only parameters affected by the crystallite size are the saturation magnetization and magnetic time-dependence effect, i.e., activation volume. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Vanadium oxide nanotubes (NTs) were synthesized by the sol-gel method followed by a long-term hydrothermal treatment. The obtained nanotubes have a multiwall structure, and 70% of vanadium ions are in the V4+ state. This percentage was derived by evaluating three components of the magnetic susceptibility; namely, (i) the paramagnetic Curie-Weiss behavior, (ii) antiferromagnetic dimers, and (iii) magnetic trimers. The as-made NTs were annealed in situ in the cavity of the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrometer. The line shape changes irreversibly at 390 K, and the EPR susceptibility presents an anomaly at 425 K. These changes are interpreted as a partial oxidation of the V4+ ions and consequently a decrease in the concentration of the magnetic species. The quantification of the V4+ ions of the annealed NTs reveals a diminution to 39% of V4+, a weakening of the Curie-Weiss and antiferromagnetic dimers contributions, and the suppression of magnetic trimers. Vibrational studies confirm the decrease of V4+ amount. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4749417]
Gegenstand dieser Arbeit war die Untersuchung von metallischen gemischtvalenten Manganaten und magnetischen Doppelperowskiten. Aufgrund ihres großen negativen Magnetowiderstandes (MW) sind diese halbmetallischen Oxide interessant für mögliche technische Anwendungen, z.B. als Leseköpfe in Festplatten. Es wurden die kristallographischen, elektronischen und magnetischen Eigenschaften von epitaktischen Dünnschichten und polykristallinen Pulverproben bestimmt.Epitaktische Dünnschichten der Verbindungen La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 und La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 wurdenmit Kaltkathodenzerstäubung und Laserablation auf einkristallinen Substraten wie SrTiO3abgeschieden. Mit Hall-Effekt Messungen wurde ein Zusammenbruch der Ladungsträgerdichte bei der Curie-Temperatur TC beobachtet.Mit dem Wechsel des Dotierungsatoms A von Ca (TC=232 K) zu Sr (TC=345 K)in La0.67A0.33MnO3 konnte die Feldsensitivität des Widerstandes bei Raumtemperatur gesteigert werden. Um die Sensitivität weiter zu erhöhen wurde die hohe Spinpolarisation von nahezu 100% in Tunnelexperimenten ausgenutzt. Dazu wurden biepitaktische La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 Schichten auf SrTiO3 Bikristallsubstraten hergestellt. Die Abhängigkeit des Tunnelmagnetowiderstandes (TMW) vom magnetischen Feld, Temperatur und Strum war ein Schwerpunkt der Untersuchung. Mittels spinpolarisierten Tunnelns durch die künstliche Korngrenze konnte ein hysteretischer TMW von 70% bei 4 K in kleinen Magnetfeldern von 120 Oe gemessen werden. Eine weitere magnetische Oxidverbindung, der Doppelperowskit Sr2FeMoO6 miteine Curie-Temperatur oberhalb 400 K und einem großen MW wurde mittels Laserablation hergestellt. Die Proben zeigten erstmals das Sättigunsmoment, welches von einer idealen ferrimagnetischen Anordnung der Fe und Mo Ionen erwartet wird. Mit Hilfe von Magnetotransportmessungen und Röntgendiffraktometrie konnte eine Abhängigkeit zwischen Kristallstruktur (Ordnung oder Unordnung im Fe, Mo Untergitter) und elektronischem Transport (metallisch oder halbleitend) aufgedeckt werden.Eine zweiter Doppelperowskit Ca2FeReO6 wurde im Detail als Pulverprobe untersucht. Diese Verbindung besitzt die höchste Curie-Temperatur von 540 K, die bis jetzt in magnetischen Perowskiten gefunden wurde. Mit Neutronenstreuung wurde eine verzerrte monoklinische Struktur und eine Phasenseparation aufgedeckt.
BACKGROUND: Lymph node staging of bladder or prostate cancer using conventional imaging is limited. Newer approaches such as ultrasmall superparamagnetic particles of iron oxide (USPIO) and diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) have inconsistent diagnostic accuracy and are difficult to interpret. OBJECTIVE: To assess whether combined USPIO and DW-MRI (USPIO-DW-MRI) improves staging of normal-sized lymph nodes in bladder and/or prostate cancer patients. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Twenty-one consecutive patients with bladder and/or prostate cancer were enrolled between May and October 2008. One patient was excluded secondary to bone metastases detected on DW-MRI with subsequent abstention from surgery. INTERVENTION: Patients preoperatively underwent 3-T MRI before and after administration of lymphotropic USPIO using conventional MRI sequences combined with DW-MRI. Surgery consisted of extended pelvic lymphadenectomy and resection of primary tumors. MEASUREMENTS: Diagnostic accuracies of the new combined USPIO-DW-MRI approach compared with the "classic" reading method evaluating USPIO images without and with DW-MRI versus histopathology were evaluated. Duration of the two reading methods was noted for each patient. RESULTS AND LIMITATIONS: Diagnostic accuracy (90% per patient or per pelvic side) was comparable for the classic and the USPIO-DW-MRI reading method, while time of analysis with 80 min (range 45-180 min) for the classic and 13 min (range 5-90 min) for the USPIO-DW-MRI method was significantly shorter (p<0.0001). Interobserver agreement (three blinded readers) was high with a kappa value of 0.75 and 0.84, respectively. Histopathological analysis showed metastases in 26 of 802 analyzed lymph nodes (3.2%). Of these, 24 nodes (92%) were correctly diagnosed as positive on USPIO-DW-MRI. In two patients, one micrometastasis each (1.0x0.2 mm; 0.7x0.4 mm) was missed in all imaging studies. CONCLUSIONS: USPIO-DW-MRI is a fast and accurate method for detecting pelvic lymph node metastases, even in normal-sized nodes of bladder or prostate cancer patients.
Magnetic properties measurements were performed on 47 samples drilled during Leg 111 of the Ocean Drilling Program and oxide petrography was studied in 32 samples taken at depths throughout the sheeted dike complex in Hole 504B. Integration of these data with results from previous DSDP legs shows that while natural remanent magnetization is constant with depth, magnetic susceptibility increases and median demagnetizing field and the Q ratio decrease with depth in the section. These trends appear to be a result of an increase in deuteric oxidation and a decrease in hydrothermal alteration of primary titanomagnetite with depth. A distinct change in stable magnetic inclination occurs between the extrusive basalts and the sheeted dikes and may be a result of tectonic rotation of the upper extrusive basalts.
We study the critical behavior of the diluted antiferromagnet in a field with the tethered Monte Carlo formalism. We compute the critical exponents (including the elusive hyperscaling violations exponent θ). Our results provide a comprehensive description of the phase transition and clarify the inconsistencies between previous experimental and theoretical work. To do so, our method addresses the usual problems of numerical work (large tunneling barriers and self-averaging violations).
In recent years, nanoscience and nanotechnology has emerged as one of the most important and exciting frontier areas of research interest in almost all fields of science and technology. This technology provides the path of many breakthrough changes in the near future in many areas of advanced technological applications. Nanotechnology is an interdisciplinary area of research and development. The advent of nanotechnology in the modern times and the beginning of its systematic study can be thought of to have begun with a lecture by the famous physicist Richard Feynman. In 1960 he presented a visionary and prophetic lecture at the meeting of the American Physical Society entitled “there is plenty of room at the bottom” where he speculated on the possibility and potential of nanosized materials. Synthesis of nanomaterials and nanostructures are the essential aspects of nanotechnology. Studies on new physical properties and applications of nanomaterials are possible only when materials are made available with desired size, morphology, crystal structure and chemical composition. Cerium oxide (ceria) is one of the important functional materials with high mechanical strength, thermal stability, excellent optical properties, appreciable oxygen ion conductivity and oxygen storage capacity. Ceria finds a variety of applications in mechanical polishing of microelectronic devices, as catalysts for three-way automatic exhaust systems and as additives in ceramics and phosphors. The doped ceria usually has enhanced catalytic and electrical properties, which depend on a series of factors such as the particle size, the structural characteristics, morphology etc. Ceria based solid solutions have been widely identified as promising electrolytes for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC). The success of many promising device technologies depends on the suitable powder synthesis techniques. The challenge for introducing new nanopowder synthesis techniques is to preserve high material quality while attaining the desired composition. The method adopted should give reproducible powder properties, high yield and must be time and energy effective. The use of a variety of new materials in many technological applications has been realized through the use of thin films of these materials. Thus the development of any new material will have good application potential if it can be deposited in thin film form with the same properties. The advantageous properties of thin films include the possibility of tailoring the properties according to film thickness, small mass of the materials involved and high surface to volume ratio. The synthesis of polymer nanocomposites is an integral aspect of polymer nanotechnology. By inserting the nanometric inorganic compounds, the properties of polymers can be improved and this has a lot of applications depending upon the inorganic filler material present in the polymer.
Background: The magnetic albumin nanosphere (MAN), encapsulating maghemite nanoparticles, was designed as a magnetic drug delivery system (MDDS) able to perform a variety of biomedical applications. It is noteworthy that MAN was efficient in treating Ehrlich's tumors by the magnetohyperthermia procedure. Methods and materials: In this study, several nanotoxicity tests were systematically carried out in mice from 30 minutes until 30 days after MAN injection to investigate their biocompatibility status. Cytometry analysis, viability tests, micronucleus assay, and histological analysis were performed. Results: Cytometry analysis and viability tests revealed MAN promotes only slight and temporary alterations in the frequency of both leukocyte populations and viable peritoneal cells, respectively. Micronucleus assay showed absolutely no genotoxicity or cytotoxicity effects and histological analysis showed no alterations or even nanoparticle clusters in several investigated organs but, interestingly, revealed the presence of MAN clusters in the central nervous system (CNS). Conclusion: The results showed that MAN has desirable in vivo biocompatibility, presenting potential for use as a MDDS, especially in CNS disease therapy.
The aim of the present work is the presentation of a quantification methodology for the control of the amount of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) administered in biological materials by means of the ferromagnetic resonance technique (FMR) applied to studies both in vivo and in vitro. The in vivo study consisted in the analysis of the elimination and biodistribution kinetics of SPIONs after intravenous administration in Wistar rats. The results were corroborated by X-ray fluorescence. For the in vitro study, a quantitative analysis of the concentration of SPIONs bound to the specific AC133 monoclonal antibodies was carried out in order to detect the expression of the antigenic epitopes (CD133) in stem cells from human umbilical cord blood. In both studies FMR has proven to be an efficient technique for the SPIONs quantification per volume unit (in vivo) or per labeled cell (in vitro).
The solvent effects on the low-lying absorption spectrum and on the (15)N chemical shielding of pyrimidine in water are calculated using the combined and sequential Monte Carlo simulation and quantum mechanical calculations. Special attention is devoted to the solute polarization. This is included by an iterative procedure previously developed where the solute is electrostatically equilibrated with the solvent. In addition, we verify the simple yet unexplored alternative of combining the polarizable continuum model (PCM) and the hybrid QM/MM method. We use PCM to obtain the average solute polarization and include this in the MM part of the sequential QM/MM methodology, PCM-MM/QM. These procedures are compared and further used in the discrete and the explicit solvent models. The use of the PCM polarization implemented in the MM part seems to generate a very good description of the average solute polarization leading to very good results for the n-pi* excitation energy and the (15)N nuclear chemical shield of pyrimidine in aqueous environment. The best results obtained here using the solute pyrimidine surrounded by 28 explicit water molecules embedded in the electrostatic field of the remaining 472 molecules give the statistically converged values for the low lying n-pi* absorption transition in water of 36 900 +/- 100 (PCM polarization) and 36 950 +/- 100 cm(-1) (iterative polarization), in excellent agreement among one another and with the experimental value observed with a band maximum at 36 900 cm(-1). For the nuclear shielding (15)N the corresponding gas-water chemical shift obtained using the solute pyrimidine surrounded by 9 explicit water molecules embedded in the electrostatic field of the remaining 491 molecules give the statistically converged values of 24.4 +/- 0.8 and 28.5 +/- 0.8 ppm, compared with the inferred experimental value of 19 +/- 2 ppm. Considering the simplicity of the PCM over the iterative polarization this is an important aspect and the computational savings point to the possibility of dealing with larger solute molecules. This PCM-MM/QM approach reconciles the simplicity of the PCM model with the reliability of the combined QM/MM approaches.
This work describes an easy synthesis (one pot) of MFe(2)O(4) (M = Co, Fe, Mn, and Ni) magnetic nanoparticles MNPs by the thermal decomposition of Fe(Acac)(3)/M(Acac)(2) by using BMI center dot NTf(2) (1-n-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide) or BMI center dot PF(6) (1-n-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate) ionic liquids (ILs) as recycling solvents and oleylamine as the reducing and surface modifier agent. The effects of reaction temperature and reaction time on the features of the magnetic nanomaterials (size and magnetic properties) were investigated. The growth of the MNPs is easily controlled in the IL by adjusting the reaction temperature and time, as inferred from Fe(3)O(4) MNPs obtained at 150 degrees C, 200 degrees C and 250 degrees C with mean diameters of 8, 10 and 15 nm, respectively. However, the thermal decomposition of Fe(Acac)(3) performed in a conventional high boiling point solvent (diphenyl ether, bp 259 degrees C), under a similar Fe to oleylamine molar ratio used in the IL synthesis, does not follow the same growth mechanism and rendered only smaller NPs of 5 nm mean diameter. All MNPs are covered by at least one monolayer of oleylamine making them readily dispersible in non-polar solvents. Besides the influence on the nanoparticles growth, which is important for the preparation of highly crystalline MNPs, the IL was easily recycled and has been used in at least 20 successive syntheses.
The elementary surface excitations are studied by spin-polarized electron energy loss spectroscopy on a prototype oxide surface [an oxygen passivated Fe(001)-p(1 x 1) surface], where the various excitations coexist. For the first time, the surface phonons and magnons are measured simultaneously and are distinguished based on their different spin nature. The dispersion relation of all excitations is probed over the entire Brillouin zone. The different phonon modes observed in our experiment are described by means of ab initio calculations.