969 resultados para Diabetes mellitus experimental
Although low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol is often normal in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, there is evidence for a reduced fractional catabolic rate and consequently an increased mean residence time (MRT), which can increase atherogenic risk. The dyslipidemia and insulin resistance of type 2 diabetes mellitus can be improved by aerobic exercise, but effects on LDL kinetics are unknown. The effect of 6-month supervised exercise on LDL apolipoprotein B kinetics was studied in a group of 17 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (mean age, 56.8 years; range, 38-68 years). Patients were randomized into a supervised group, who had a weekly training session, and an unsupervised group. LDL kinetics were measured with an infusion of 1-(13)C leucine at baseline in all groups and after 6 months of exercise in the patients. Eight body mass index-matched nondiabetic controls (mean age, 50.3 years; range, 40-67 years) were also studied at baseline only. At baseline, LDL MRT was significantly longer in the diabetic patients, whereas LDL production rate and fractional clearance rates were significantly lower than in controls. Percentage of glycated hemoglobin A(1c), body mass index, insulin sensitivity measured by the homeostasis model assessment, and very low-density lipoprotein triglyceride decreased (P < .02) in the supervised group, with no change in the unsupervised group. After 6 months, LDL cholesterol did not change in either the supervised or unsupervised group; but there was a significant change in LDL MRT between groups (P < .05) that correlated positively with very low-density lipoprotein triglyceride (r = 0.51, P < .04) and negatively with maximal oxygen uptake, a measure of fitness (r = -0.51, P = .035), in all patients. The LDL production and clearance rates did not change in either group. This study suggests that a supervised exercise program can reduce deleterious changes in LDL MRT.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Diabetes mellitus is a complex and progressive metabolic disease which is associated with multiple complications. Chronic hyperglycaemia is the defining characteristic of diabetes mellitus. Hyperglycaemia leads to generation of free radicals and induces oxidative stress, which has become the chief factor that leads to diabetic complications. This review supports the use of antioxidant vitamins as therapeutic agents in the management of diabetes mellitus and its complications, and also provides an insight into the potential pharmacological effects of natural antioxidant vitamins in diabetic conditions. These antioxidant vitamins can be used as safe supplements to manage the occurrence and complications of the disease. Selected studies have reported on the beneficial effects of antioxidant vitamins in experimental models. The involvement of oxidative stress in diabetes and its complications has made the use of natural antioxidant vitamins (free radical scavengers) from plants inevitable as they may be very effective and safer in the management of diabetes.
A Diabetes Mellitus é uma patologia fortemente associada ao processo de envelhecimento, afectando cada vez mais pessoas em todo o mundo. Uma das maiores complicações observadas nesta população prende-se com a diminuição do controlo postural e da capacidade funcional relacionada com a locomoção. O exercício físico tem sido apontado como uma das formas de prevenção e tratamento deste problema, no entanto existe ainda uma lacuna no conhecimento sobre o modo mais indicado de exercício. O presente pretende avaliar os efeitos de um programa de exercício físico aeróbio sobre o controlo postural e a capacidade funcional de pacientes portadores de Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2. A amostra do estudo foi composta por 30 sujeitos de ambos os sexos, distribuídos por um grupo experimental (n=16) a quem foi aplicado o programa de exercício físico, e por um grupo de controlo (n=14), o qual não usufruiu de qualquer programa de exercício físico. O programa teve a duração de 12 semanas de treino, e uma frequência de 3 vezes por semana. Os participantes mantiveram-se em movimento constante durante as sessões tendo os exercícios realizados possuído uma forte componente dinâmica. Foi avaliado o controlo postural através de uma plataforma de forças e a capacidade funcional através de um conjunto de cinco testes funcionais. Os resultados obtidos revelam não terem existido diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p>0,05) na interacção entre grupos e momentos de avaliação nas variáveis analisadas, com excepção para a performance no Timed Get Up & Go Test, a qual melhorou significativamente (p<0,05) no grupo experimental. Estes dados sugerem que a especificidade tanto estática como dinâmica dos exercícios e a intensidade a que são realizados são factores fundamentais a ter em consideração no planeamento de programas de exercício físico, com vista à melhoria quer do controlo postural quer da capacidade funcional em portadores de Diabetes Mellius Tipo 2. ABSTRACT: Diabetes Mellitus is a disease associated with aging, affecting a growing number of people all over the world. One of the major concerns in this population relates to the decline of postural control and functional capacity. Exercise has been suggested as one way of preventing and treating this problem, however little is known about the most appropriate mode of exercise. This study evaluates the effect of an aerobic exercise program on postural control and functional capacity of patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. The sample consisted of 30 subjects, over an experimental group (n = 16) applied to an exercise program, and a control group (n = 14), that received no treatment. The program lasted 12 weeks, three times a week. Participants remained in constant motion during the sessions and the exercises performed had a strong dynamic component. Postural control was assessed using a force platform and functional capacity through a set of five functional tests. The results show that there were no statistically significant differences (p>O, O5) in group/moment interaction in the variables analyzed, except for the Timed Get Up & Go Test, which improved significantly (p <0,05) in the experimental group. These data suggest that both static and dynamic specificity and intensity of exercises are key factors in exercises programs planning, targeted to improve both postural control and functional capacity in patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellius.
Mesangial cells subject to high extracellular glucose concentrations, as occur in hyperglycaemic states, are unable to down regulate glucose influx, resulting in intracellular activation of deleterious biochemical pathways. A high expression of GLUT1 participates in the development of diabetic glomerulopathy. Variants in the gene encoding GLUT1 (SLC2A1) have been associated to this diabetic complication. The aim of this study was to test whether polymorphisms in SLC2A1 confer susceptibility to diabetic nephropathy (DN) in Brazilian type 1 diabetes patients. Four polymorphisms (rs3820589, rs1385129, rs841847 and rs841848) were genotyped in a Brazilian cohort comprised of 452 patients. A prospective analysis was performed in 155 patients. Mean duration of follow-up was 5.6±2.4years and the incidence of renal events was 18.0%. The rs3820589 presented an inverse association with the prevalence of incipient DN (OR: 0.36, 95% CI: 0.16 - 0.80, p=0.01) and with progression to renal events (HR: 0.20; 95% CI: 0.03 - 0.70; p=0.009). AGGT and AGAC haplotypes were associated with the prevalence of incipient DN and the AGAC haplotype was also associated with the prevalence of established/advanced DN. In conclusion, rs3820589 in the SLC2A1 gene modulates the risk to DN in Brazilian patients with inadequate type 1 diabetes control.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Milk intake is widely recommended for a healthy diet. Recent evidences suggest that milk/dairy products are associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes and hypertension. On the other hand, high calcium intake has been associated with a higher risk of prostate cancer. The calcium and vitamin D content in dairy foods could have beneficial effects on glucose metabolism and renin/angiotensin system as well regulates body weight. The association between high dairy/calcium consumption and prostate cancer risk are related to the presence of estrogens and insulin like growth factor (IGF-I) in milk. Based on the current evidence, it is possible that milk/dairy products, when consumed in adequate amounts and mainly with reduced fat content, has a beneficial effect on the prevention of hypertension and diabetes. Its potential role in the pathogenesis of prostate cancer is not well supported and requires additional study.
Background: To determine the prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) and impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) in a rural community (Bengo) of Angola. Methods: A random sample of 421 subjects aged 30 to 69 years (30% men and 70% women) was selected from three villages of Bengo province. This cross-sectional home survey was conducted using a sampling design of stage conglomerates. First, clinical and anthropometric data were obtained and fasting capillary glucose level was determined. Subjects who screened positive (fasting capillary glucose >= 100 mg/dl and < 200 mg/dl) and each sixth consecutive subject who screened negative (fasting capillary glucose < 100 mg/dl) were submitted to the second phase of survey, consisting of the 75 g oral glucose tolerance test. Data was analyzed by the use of SAS statistical software. Results: The prevalence rates of diabetes mellitus and IGT were 2.8% and 8.1%, respectively. The age group with the highest prevalence of diabetes was 60 to 69 years (42%). Impaired glucose tolerance prevalence was 38% in the 40 to 49 year age group and it increased with age, considering that the 50 to 59 and 60 to 69 year age groups as a whole represent 50% of all subjects with impaired glucose tolerance. The prevalence of diabetes mellitus did not differ significantly between men (3.2%) and women (2.7%) (p = 0.47). On the other hand, the prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance among women showed almost twice that found in men (9.1% vs. 5.6%, respectively). Overweight was present in 66.7% of the individuals with diabetes mellitus and 26.5% of individuals with impaired glucose tolerance showed overweight or obesity. Conclusions: Although the prevalence of diabetes mellitus was low, the prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance is considered to be within an intermediary range, suggesting a future increase in the frequency of diabetes in this population.
This paper presents a study of families of children with type 1 diabetes mellitus, emphasizing the identification of social supports and networks to strengthen interventions aimed at health promotion. The approach selected was a qualitative research, using a case study design. Four families of children with diabetes type 1 were studied, totalling seven participants. Data were collected between April and June 2007, through in-depth interviews and the construction of a genogram and an ecomap. The results presented the families` characterization and testimonies grouped in the following categories: social support, social networks and family roles. To promote care in practice, there is a need to identify the characteristics of each family and resources available that provide better living conditions. We concluded that identifying supports and social networks allows for more personalized care delivery to each family with a view to health promotion.
Objectives: To evaluate biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress in glucose intolerance (GI) compared to overt diabetes (DM2). Design and methods: 140 volunteers including 96 with DM2, 32 with GI and 12 controls (C) were Studied. NO metabolites, NO synthase inhibitors. thiols and N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase (NAGase) activity were analyzed by chemiluminescence, capillary electrophoresis, ELISA and colorimetric assay, respectively. Results: (center dot)NO metabolites were higher in GI (NOx: P=0.03 S-nitrosothiols: p=0.001) and DM2 (p=0.006; p=0.0006) groups in relation to group C, while nitrotyrosine was higher only in the DM2 group in comparison 10 the other groups. NAGase activity was elevated in GI (p=0.003) and DM2 (p=0.0004) groups in relation to group C, as well as, ADMA (p=0.01: p=0.003) and GSSG (p=0.01 p=0.002). Conclusions: (center dot)NO metabolites. (center dot)NO synthase inhibitors. thiols and NAGase are biomarkers Suitable to indicate endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress in the early stages of impaired response to insulin. (c) 2008 The Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Purpose This study investigated the influence of gestational diabetes mellitus on the kinetic disposition and stereoselective metabolism of labetalol administered intravenously or orally. Methods Thirty hypertensive women during the last trimester of pregnancy were divided into four groups: non-diabetic and diabetic women treated with intravenous or oral labetalol. Results The pharmacokinetics of labetalol was not stereoselective in diabetic or non-diabetic pregnant women receiving the drug intravenously. However, oral administration of labetalol resulted in lower values of the area under the plasma concentration versus time curve (AUC) for the beta-blocker (RR) than for the other enantiomers in both diabetic and non-diabetic women. Gestational diabetes mellitus caused changes in the kinetic disposition of the labetalol stereoisomers when administered orally. The AUC values for the less potent adrenoceptor antagonist (SS) and for the alpha-blocking (SR) isomers were higher in diabetic than in non-diabetic pregnant women. Conclusions The approximately 100% higher AUC values obtained for the (SR) isomer in diabetic pregnant women treated with oral labetalol may be of clinical relevance in terms of the alpha-blocking activity of this isomer.