845 resultados para Design Technology


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The epidemiological methods have become useful tools for the assessment of the effectiveness and safety of health care technologies. The experimental methods, namely the randomized controlled trials (RCT), give the best evidence of the effect of a technology. However, the ethical issues and the very nature of the intervention under study sometimes make it difficult to carry out an RCT. Therefore, quasi-experimental and non-experimental study designs are also applied. The critical issues concerning these designs are discussed. The results of evaluative studies are of importance for decision-makers in health policy. The measurements of the impact of a medical technology should go beyond a statement of its effectiveness, because the essential outcome of an intervention or programme is the health status and quality of life of the individuals and populations concerned.


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Abstract In this thesis we present the design of a systematic integrated computer-based approach for detecting potential disruptions from an industry perspective. Following the design science paradigm, we iteratively develop several multi-actor multi-criteria artifacts dedicated to environment scanning. The contributions of this thesis are both theoretical and practical. We demonstrate the successful use of multi-criteria decision-making methods for technology foresight. Furthermore, we illustrate the design of our artifacts using build and-evaluate loops supported with a field study of the Swiss mobile payment industry. To increase the relevance of this study, we systematically interview key Swiss experts for each design iteration. As a result, our research provides a realistic picture of the current situation in the Swiss mobile payment market and reveals previously undiscovered weak signals for future trends. Finally, we suggest a generic design process for environment scanning.


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Trenchless technologies are methods used for the construction and rehabilitation of underground utility pipes. These methods are growing increasingly popular due to their versatility and their potential to lower project costs. However, the use of trenchless technologies in Iowa and their effects on surrounding soil and nearby structures has not been adequately documented. Surveys of and interviews with professionals working in trenchless-related industries in Iowa were conducted, and the results were analyzed and compared to survey results from the United States as a whole. The surveys focused on method familiarity, pavement distress observed, reliability of trenchless methods, and future improvements. Results indicate that the frequency of pavement distress or other trenchless-related issues are an ongoing problem in the industry. Inadequate soil information and quality control/quality assurance (QC/QA) are partially to blame. Fieldwork involving the observation of trenchless construction projects was undertaken with the purpose of documenting current practices and applications of trenchless technology in the United States and Iowa. Field tests were performed in which push-in pressure cells were used to measure the soil stresses induced by trenchless construction methods. A program of laboratory soil testing was carried out in conjunction with the field testing. Soil testing showed that the installations were made in sandy clay or well-graded sand with silt and gravel. Pipes were installed primarily using horizontal directional drilling with pipe diameters from 3 to 12 inches. Pressure cell monitoring was conducted during the following construction phases: pilot bore, pre-reaming, and combined pipe pulling and reaming. The greatest increase in lateral earth pressure was 5.6 psi and was detected 2.1 feet from the centerline of the bore during a pilot hole operation in sandy lean clay. Measurements from 1.0 to 2.5 psi were common. Comparisons were made between field measurements and analytical and finite element calculation methods.


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This paper aims to better understand the development of students’ learning processes when participating actively in a specific Computer Supported Collaborative Learning system called KnowCat. To this end, a longitudinal case study was designed, in which eighteen university students took part in a 12-month (two semesters) learning project. During this time period, the students followed an instructional process, using some elements of KnowCat (KnowCat key features) design to support and improve their interaction processes, especially peer learning processes. Our research involved both supervising the students’ collaborative learning processes throughout the learning project and focusing our analysis on the qualitative evolution of the students’ interaction processes and on the development of metacognitive learning processes. The results of the current research reveal that the instructional application of the CSCL-KnowCat system may favour and improve the development of the students’ metacognitive learning processes. Additionally, the implications of the design of computer supported collaborative learning networks and pedagogical issues are discussed in this paper.


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The layout design process of the packaging laboratory at Lappeenranta University of Technology is documented in this thesis. Layout planning methods are discussed in general. The systematic layout planning procedure is presented in more detail as it is utilised in the case of layout planning of the packaging laboratory. General demands for research laboratory are discussed both from the machine and product perspectives. The possibilities for commercial food processing in the laboratory are discussed from the point of view of foodstuff processing regulations and hygiene demands. The layout planning process is documented and different layout possibilities are presented. Different layout drafts are evaluated and one layout draft is developed to be the final layout of the packaging laboratory. Guideline for technical planning and implementation based on the final layout is given


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The age-old adage goes that nothing in this world lasts but change, and this generation has indeed seen changes that are unprecedented. Business managers do not have the luxury of going with the flow: they have to plan ahead, to think strategies that will meet the changing conditions, however stormy the weather seems to be. This demand raises the question of whether there is something a manager or planner can do to circumvent the eye of the storm in the future? Intuitively, one can either run on the risk of something happening without preparing, or one can try to prepare oneself. Preparing by planning for each eventuality and contingency would be impractical and prohibitively expensive, so one needs to develop foreknowledge, or foresight past the horizon of the present and the immediate future. The research mission in this study is to support strategic technology management by designing an effective and efficient scenario method to induce foresight to practicing managers. The design science framework guides this study in developing and evaluating the IDEAS method. The IDEAS method is an electronically mediated scenario method that is specifically designed to be an effective and accessible. The design is based on the state-of-the-art in scenario planning, and the product is a technology-based artifact to solve the foresight problem. This study demonstrates the utility, quality and efficacy of the artifact through a multi-method empirical evaluation study, first by experimental testing and secondly through two case studies. The construction of the artifact is rigorously documented as justification knowledge as well as the principles of form and function on the general level, and later through the description and evaluation of instantiations. This design contributes both to practice and foundation of the design. The IDEAS method contributes to the state-of-the-art in scenario planning by offering a light-weight and intuitive scenario method for resource constrained applications. Additionally, the study contributes to the foundations and methods of design by forging a clear design science framework which is followed rigorously. To summarize, the IDEAS method is offered for strategic technology management, with a confident belief that it will enable gaining foresight and aid the users to choose trajectories past the gales of creative destruction and off to a brighter future.


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Commercially available haptic interfaces are usable for many purposes. However, as generic devices they are not the most suitable for the control of heavy duty mobile working machines like mining machines, container handling equipment and excavators. Alternative mechanical constructions for a haptic controller are presented and analysed. A virtual reality environment (VRE) was built to test the proposed haptic controller mechanisms. Verification of an electric motor emulating a hydraulic pump in the electro-hydraulic system of a mobile working machine is carried out. A real-time simulator using multi-body-dynamics based software with hardware-in-loop (HIL) setup was used for the tests. Recommendations for further development of a haptic controller and emulator electric motor are given.


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The objective of the thesis is to study the role of design in adding value for wearable technology (WT) items in B2C markets by applying previous value creation literature to the subject. The thesis investigates value creation through types of value perceived by the customer being functional/instrumental, experiential/hedonic, symbolic/expressive and cost/sacrifice. The data was collected in face-to-face interviews with both consumers and industry experts. The results suggest that value perceived by both experts and consumers in every end-user category was elementarily functional, however, design was considered to bring most added value to WT in the categories of health and medicine, infotainment, and fashion. Also, WT ought to have same characteristics as regular clothing in order to attract mass markets. The results of the study suggest that companies should invest in design in order to gain long-term user engagement.


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Forma parte de una serie que aporta ideas para la enseñanza, el aprendizaje y la evaluación de distintas materias en las escuelas secundarias. Este texto se centra en el Diseño y la Tecnología y se divide en ocho secciones que abarcan: los motivos para su inclusión en el curriculo nacional del Reino Unido y el lugar que ocupa en él y en el marco de una educación global, la utilización del diseño y la tecnología, la estructuración de su aprendizaje y de la enseñanza según los tipos de estudiantes y alumnos, así como, ideas para las evaluaciónes. La última sección analiza los estilos de aprendizaje, la participación de los padres y el fomento de la autoestima.


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Este manual presenta un resumen de algunas de las investigaciones más importantes en diseño y tecnología de la última década. Los resultados están relacionados con la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la tecnología y el diseño en el aula. La investigación es relevante desde el nivel de la enseñanza primaria, secundaria y formación profesional. Abarca la enseñanza de estas materias como un tema separado o como integrado con otras áreas del currículo. Discute el desarrollo de libros de texto, el desarrollo curricular, la organización departamental, el aprendizaje de los niños, y el criterio de evaluación.


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Totalmente actualizado este recurso tiene en cuenta los cambios en el currículo nacional en Inglaterra. Pretende ayudar a los profesores a desarrollar: la competencia en la enseñanza del diseño y la tecnología; la conciencia de cómo desarrollar su conocimiento de la materia; la capacidad de reflexionar críticamente sobre lo que está haciendo. Hay nuevos capítulos sobre: la enseñanza de los gráficos, cualificaciones profesionales y los enlaces curriculares a la alfabetización, la aritmética, la ciudadanía y la sostenibilidad. Cada capítulo tiene bibliografía y sitios web.


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Proporciona a los alumnos del último ciclo de secundaria, es decir, de la etapa 4 (key stage 4)los conocimientos requeridos en esta asignatura: diseño, comunicación y proyectos de diseño, materiales y sistemas electrónicos, sistemas mecánicos, ordenadores, microprocesadores y sistemas neumáticos. También, introduce a los alumnos en programas de diseño asistido por ordenador y en las técnicas de representación gráfica.


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Libro de texto de diseño y tecnología para estudiantes entre catorce y dieciséis años. En el primer capítulo se describen las etapas en el proceso del diseño, los materiales y los sistemas utilizados para los diferentes productos. Cómo reconocer las necesidades y preferencias de los usuarios de los posibles productos, investigar el diseño y la fabricación de productos conocidos para ayudar a desarrollar diseños apropiados para satisfacer las necesidades del consumidor. Incluye proyectos prácticos diseñados y realizados por los alumnos en los talleres de la escuela.


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Es un recurso para los profesores de secundaria que trata cada una de las principales áreas de especialización, es decir, tecnología electrónica y de comunicaciones, tecnología de los alimentos, tecnología de los materiales y tecnología textil. También, incluye temas como el diseño y la tecnología en el plan de estudios, el uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) en su enseñanza, la importancia de la salud y la seguridad, y la integración de la alfabetización, la aritmética, la ciudadanía y la sostenibilidad en el diseño y tecnología. Además abarca otras cuestiones: planificación de las clases, evaluación del aprendizaje, gestión del aula y desarrollo profesional.


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Educational reforms in many countries currently call for the development of knowledge-based societies. In particular, emphasis is placed on the promotion of creativity, especially in the areas of science education and of design and technology education. In this paper, perceptions of the nature of creativity and of the conditions for its realization are discussed. The notion of modelling as a creative act is outlined and the scope for using modelling as a bridge between science education and design and technology education explored. A model for the creative act of modelling is proposed and its major aspects elaborated upon. Finally, strategies for forging links between the two subjects are outlined.