942 resultados para Depressão - Depression


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Fibromyalgia (FM) is a non-inflammatory rheumatic syndrome characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain with palpable tender points, muscle stiffness, fatigue, and sleep disturbances. Patients with FM have hormonal changes that are directly correlated with symptoms of the syndrome. The neuroendocrine regulation may be impaired, with abnormalities in the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis with various hormones showing changes in their levels. In women in fertile period, various gonadal hormones are associated with symptoms of the syndrome, but studies focusing only a population of women in post-menopausal period who do not use hormone replacement are rare. We developed an analytical cross sectional study to assess the plasma levels of cortisol and dehidroepiandrosterona sulfate (DHEA-S) with quimioluminescence method in a group of 17 women with FM and 19 healthy women in post-menopause who do not use hormone replacement and observe the correlation with the symptoms of pain through algometry, depression and physical functional capacity measured from the Beck Depression Index (BDI) and the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ). Three blood samples were collected in the morning (between 8:00 9:30) with an interval of 24 hours for the measurements of hormonal levels and biochemical profile. There were no immunological or lipid changes in patients with FM. Comparing the two groups, there is no difference in levels of cortisol and a tangential effect for DHEA-S (p=0,094) with the lowest levels in the FM. DHEA-S also correlated with pain threshold (r=0,7) and tolerance (r=0,65) in group FM. We found the presence of depressive state and low physical functional capacity in FM. It was also evident that women in post-menopausal period, DHEA-S should influence the symptoms of increased sensitivity to pain, but not the presence of depressive status and low physical functional


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Lithium (Li) is the first choice to treat bipolar disorder, a psychiatric illness characterized by mood oscillations between mania and depression. However, studies have demonstrated that this drug might influence mnemonic process due to its neuroprotector, antiapoptotic and neurogenic effects. The use of Li in the treatment of cognitive deficits caused by brain injury or neurodegenerative disorders have been widely studied, and this drug shows to be effective in preventing or even alleviating the memory impairment. The effects of Li on anxiety and depression are controversial and the relationship of the effects of lithium on memory, anxiety and depression remain unknown. In this context, this study aims to: evaluate the effects of acute and chronic administration of lithium carbonate in aversive memory and anxiety, simultaneously, using the plus maze discriminative avoidance task (PMDAT); test the antidepressant effect of the drug through the forced swimming test (FS) and analyze brainderived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression in structures related to memory and emotion. To evaluation of the acute effects, male Wistar rats were submitted to i.p. administration of lithium carbonate (50, 100 or 200 mg/kg) one hour before the training session (PMDAT) or lithium carbonate (50 or 100 mg/kg) one hour before the test session (FS). To evaluation of the chronic effects, the doses administered were 50 or 100 mg/kg or vehicle once a day for 21 days before the beginning of behavioral tasks (PMDAT and FS). Afterwards, the animals were euthanized and their brains removed and submitted to immunohistochemistry procedure to quantify BDNF. The animals that received acute treatment with 100 and 200 mg/kg of Li did not discriminated between the enclosed arms (aversive and non-aversive) in the training session of PMDAT, showing that these animal did not learned the task. This lack of discrimination was also observed in the test session, showing that the animals did not recall the aversive task. We also observed an increased exploration of the open arms of these same groups, indicating an anxiolytic effect. The same groups showed a reduction of locomotor activity, however, this effect does not seem to be related with the anxiolytic effect of the drug. Chronic treatment with Li did not promote alterations on learning or memory processes. Nevertheless, we observed a reduction of open arms exploration by animals treated with 50 mg/kg when compared to the other groups, showing an anxiogenic effect caused by this dose. This effect it is not related to locomotor alterations since there were no alterations in these parameters. Both acute and chronic treatment were ineffective in the FS. Chronic treatment with lithium was not able to modify BDNF expression in hippocampus, amygdala and pre-frontal cortex. These results suggest that acute administration of lithium promote impairments on learning in an aversive task, blocking the occurrence of memory consolidation and retrieval. The reduction of anxiety following acute treatment may have prevented the learning of the aversive task, as it has been found that optimum levels of anxiety are necessary for the occurrence of learning with emotional context. With continued, treatment the animals recover the ability to learn and recall the task. Indeed, they do not show differences in relation to control group, and the lack of alterations on BDNF expression corroborates this result. Possibly, the regimen of treatment used was not able to promote cognitive improvement. Li showed acute anxiolytic effect, however chronic administration 4 promoted the opposite effect. More studies are necessary to clarify the potential beneficial effect of Li on aversive memory


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The depression is one of the most common forms of getting ill nowaday. Due to the increase in incidence of depression cases registered worldwide, this theme has been the subject of important studies, especially regarding the symptomatological description and biological etiology of the disease. This research had the objective to understand the unique experience of depression experienced by people who recognize themselves in depression, under the focus of existential phenomenology of Martin Heidegger. To reach the proposed objective, individuals narratives interviews were conducted with four participants, starting from the triggering question, "from your experience, how is for you to being depressed?". The survey revealed that depression affects the whole person and is related to stressful life contexts. Depression was narrated as an experience of disempowerment and lack of self esteem and personal worth. The collaborators of the research referred to the depression from sad, angry, bored and pessimistic mood. The time is experienced as a restriction to the projective opening towards the possibilities of being in which the future is seen as catastrophic and the past lived as debt and guilt. The corporeality, in depression is experienced through the weight, fatigue and pains for no reason. The space is lived from the notion of fall and collapse. We also realized the desire for isolation and avoidance of social contact. Suicide is desired and represents the end of the suffering in life. The depression has proved, still, very stigmatized, because it is discredited and misunderstood. The stigma also addressed to the experience of hospitalization and the unsuitability to the socially imposed standards of beauty, which generates enough suffering to the depressed person. The medication was described based on its positive effects, as a balance and suffering reducer, but also as a producer of dependence. Were also identified according to the collaborators, traces of selfdemand, ordenality and being-for-others, characteristic of typus melancholicus. This study contributes to an understanding of the depression that goes beyond the merely biological perspective and symptomatology of the pathology. The investigation of the depressive experience, through the lens of Heidegger's phenomenology, showed us the phenomenon of the depression in their singularity, complexity and multiple meanings, showing the close relationship between the formation of the depression and the context of personal and social life of the participants


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Como parte do projeto GENACIS, este artigo visou estimar a prevalência de depressão em amostra urbana de São Paulo, Brasil, assim como a associação entre depressão e padrão de uso de álcool segundo gênero. Para tanto, foi realizado inquérito epidemiológico com amostra probabilística e por conglomerados, com um total de 2083 adultos. Utilizou-se o CIDI SF para identificação de depressão. A análise estatística utilizou o teste de Rao Scott e regressão logística multivariada. A taxa de resposta foi de 74,9%. Predominaram mulheres (58,8%), menores de 40 anos de idade (52%). A prevalência de depressão foi de 28,3% para as mulheres e 12,7% para os homens. Entre os homens, 61,1% são de bebedores no último ano e a depressão esteve associada ao padrão de consumo de álcool, à maior frequência de binge drinking e à presença de problemas decorrentes do álcool. Entre as mulheres, 69,5% são abstinentes e a depressão se associou à convivência com cônjuge com problemas devidos ao álcool. Os resultados ressaltam que a associação entre depressão e consumo de álcool é distinta entre os gêneros.


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OBJETIVO: Realizar uma revisão sistemática de artigos científicos que analisaram os efeitos da atividade física sistematizada nos sintomas de depressão de pacientes com demência de Alzheimer. MÃTODOS: Foi realizada uma busca nas seguintes bases de dados: Web of Science, PubMed, PsycINFO, MedLine e Biological Abstracts, utilizando-se as seguintes palavras-chave: Alzheimer dementia , Alzheimer disease , Alzheimer, physical activity, physical exercise, motor intervention , physical therapy , exercise , aerobic , strength , fitness , depression , dysphoria , depressive symptoms e depressive episodes. Além da busca nas bases de dados, foi realizada também uma busca manual nas listas de referências dos artigos selecionados. RESULTADOS: Foram encontrados quatro estudos que preencheram todos os critérios de inclusão adotados para o presente trabalho. Dois estudos apresentaram reduções dos sintomas depressivos, e outros dois não encontraram redução desses sintomas. CONCLUSÃO: Com a realização desta revisão sistemática, observou-se que não há consenso em relação aos benefícios da atividade física aos sintomas depressivos em pacientes com demência de Alzheimer.


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OBJETIVO: Descrever e comparar as fases do stress de primigestas no terceiro trimestre de gestação e no pós-parto e correlacioná-las à ocorrência de depressão pós-parto (DPP). MÃTODOS: A pesquisa foi constituída de duas etapas, caracterizando-se como pesquisa longitudinal. Na Etapa 1, participaram 98 primigestas e na Etapa 2, 64 delas. Na Etapa 1, a coleta de dados aconteceu no terceiro trimestre de gestação e, na Etapa 2, no mínimo 45 dias após o parto. Na Etapa 1 aplicou-se o Inventário de Sintomas de Stress de Lipp (ISSL) e uma Entrevista Inicial para caracterização da amostra. Na Etapa 2, aplicou-se novamente o ISSL e também a EPDS (Escala de Edimburgo). Os dados foram analisados usando o programa estatístico SPSS for Windows®, versão 17.0. As análises estatísticas efetuadas foram o Teste t de Student e p de Spearman. RESULTADOS: No terceiro trimestre, 78% das participantes apresentaram sinais significativos para stress e, no puerpério, 63% manifestaram, apresentando diferença significativa entre o stress manifestado no terceiro trimestre e no puerpério (t=2,20; p=0,03). Observou-se, também, correlação entre o stress apresentado tanto na gestação como no puerpério e a manifestação de DPP (p<0,001). CONCLUSÃO: Tanto na gestação como no puerpério mais da metade das mulheres apresentam sinais significativos para stress. Entretanto, a frequência da manifestação dos sintomas significativos de stress na gestação foi superior à frequência apresentada no puerpério. Tais resultados parecem guardar uma estreita relação com a manifestação de DPP, indicando relação entre stress e DPP.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar as condições emocionais de mães cujos filhos nascem com malformações visíveis, em dois momentos: após o nascimento e três meses após alta hospitalar. Para tanto, foram avaliados os sinais de ansiedade e depressão de 17 mães desses recém-nascidos pelo Inventário de Depressão de Beck e Inventário de Ansiedade Traço-Estado - IDATE. Confirmando a literatura, com outras crianças de risco, observaram-se altos índices de ansiedade e depressão no pós-parto imediato, uma redução significativa da ansiedade-estado, da depressão e dos sinais clínicos de ansiedade, três meses após a alta. Pode-se supor que estava ocorrendo uma adaptação gradual dessas mães, que contavam com suporte social e grupo de apoio, à medida que tinham um contato íntimo com a criança e percebiam suas habilidades como cuidadoras. Discutem-se as limitações do estudo e necessidade de investigações orientadas para aprofundar a identificação dos fatores que potencializam ou dificultam a adaptação materna.


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Este trabalho investigou a qualidade de sono de mulheres com câncer de mama e suas relações com qualidade de vida e depressão. Cinqüenta mulheres com câncer de mama (grupo clínico) e cinqüenta controles responderam um questionário médico-demográfico e ao instrumento Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. O grupo clínico também respondeu aos instrumentos Quality of Life Cancer-Survivor e Brief Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale. Verificou-se que mulheres com câncer tinham significativamente mais queixas de nictúria, calor e despertares noturnos. O grupo clínico com má qualidade do sono apresentou comprometimento na qualidade de vida e mais sintomas de depressão. em geral, a qualidade de sono em mulheres com câncer de mama pode predizer a qualidade de vida e o bem estar psicológico.


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Os objetivos principais desta pesquisa foram avaliar evidências de validade convergente entre a Escala Baptista de Depressão (Versão Adulto) - EBADEP-A e o Inventário de Depressão de Beck - BDI-II, além de avaliar a estabilidade temporal da EBADEP-A por intermédio do teste e reteste em um período de um mês. Fizeram parte da pesquisa 173 universitários de uma amostra de conveniência com média de idade de 24,45 (DP=8,45), a maioria mulheres (87,9%). Após um mês, 65 participantes, a maioria mulheres (90,8%), com média de 21 anos (DP=5,48) responderam novamente os instrumentos. Os resultados demonstraram, de acordo com critérios internacionais, excelentes índices de correlação entre ambas as escalas, bem como no teste e reteste, demonstrando adequadas qualidades psicométrica da EBADEP-A também nesses quesitos, comprovando outros estudos já realizados. Esses resultados e as limitações do estudo também são discutidos.


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The undergraduates in Nursing have been subject of studies on psychic problems, as alterations in behavior interfere in their learning. The aim of this research was to identify and measure the most frequent depression symptoms among the students using Beck's Depression Inventory. Socio-demographic information about the interviewees was also collected. Ninety-nine (99) students (81.82%) participated. The socio-demographic data show women's predominance (96.97%) in average with 20 years of age; 95.96% not originally from Botucatu and family monthly income of 5 to 10 minimum wages. In the total of the sampling, 41.41% presented a certain degree of depression varying from mild to severe. The most frequent symptoms were self-accusation, irritability and fatigue. The investigation shows the need of programs that follow the students during their academic formation.


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Introduction: To evaluate the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of sertraline for the treatment of Brazilian patients with mild to moderate major depression. Patients and methods: Patients were 18 years old or older treated on an out-patient basis. Previous medications were stopped for a 2-week washout period. Afterwards, patients received sertraline, initial dose of 50 mg/day up to the 4 th week. The dose could then be increased up to 200 mg/day according to the efficacy and tolerability. Therapeutic efficacy was evaluated with the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS), Hamilton scale for depression (HAM-D), and Clinical Global Impression (CGI). Results: 51 patients (42 women) were evaluated regarding efficacy and safety. Treatment with sertraline significantly decreased scores of MADRS, HAM-D e ICGfrom 15.7 ± 6.1; 12.2 ± 3.9 e 3.5 ± 0.6 to 6.2 ± 6.5; 5.4 ± 4.7 e 2.3 ± 1.0 (P < 0.0001), respectively. Sertraline was well tolerated. Gastro-intestinal upset (N=14; 24.6%), headache (N=7; 12.3%), sleep alterations (H-7; 12.3%), dizziness (N-4; 7.0%), and anorexia (N=4; 7.0%) were the most common adverse events. Six patients discontinued the treatment due to adverse events. Conclusion: Sertraline is efficient and presents a favorable safety and tolerability profile for the treatment of Brazilian patients with mild to moderate major depression. © Copyright Moreira Jr. Editora.


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The aim of this field study was to verify if there is a relation between obesity and symptoms of depression, anxiety and hopelessness in 40 women aged 30,35 on average (± 8,60), divided into two groups: non-sedentary ones, characterized for doing a physical activity at least three times a week for three weeks in a row and sedentary ones, characterized by not practicing any type of regular physical activity when recruited. The method consisted of: objective evaluations of humor, through Beck Inventories of Anxiety (BAI), Depression (BDI) and Hopelessness (BHS) and Physical Evaluation, including total body mass, height, waist and hip circumferences and skin folds thickness. Calculations of the body mass index (BMI), of the waist/hip index (WHI) and of the percentage of corporal fat (%F) were performed in order to evaluate the presence and level of obesity. Results of the analysis of regression to square minimum supported the initial hypothesis concerning the existence of a relation between obesity and psychic symptoms only in sedentary women (BDI/WHI, p=0,035, BDI/BMI, p=0,009, BDI/%G, p=0,019, BAI/BMI, p=0,009, BAI/%G, p=0,037, BHS/WHI, p=0,025, BHS/BMI, p=0,041), once the relation of dependency could not be confirmed in non-sedentary women BDI/WHI, p=0,750, BDI/BMI, p=0,141, BDI/%G, p=0,064, BAI/WHI, p=0,729, BAI/BMI, p=0,384, BAI/%G, p=0,246, BHS/WHI, p=0,491, BHS/BMI, p=0,986, BHS/%G, p=0,322) and the greater the level of obesity, the greater the level of psychic symptoms in both groups. These observations seem to point out that the practice of physical activities was a factor of minimization of presence and intensity of psychic symptoms in non-sedentary women.


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)