975 resultados para Delaware Indians


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Using new biomarker data from the 2010 pilot round of the Longitudinal Aging Study in India (LASI), we investigate education, gender, and state-level disparities in health. We find that hemoglobin level, a marker for anemia, is lower for respondents with no schooling (0.7 g/dL less in the adjusted model) compared to those with some formal education and is also lower for females than for males (2.0 g/dL less in the adjusted model). In addition, we find that about one third of respondents in our sample aged 45 or older have high C-reaction protein (CRP) levels (>3 mg/L), an indicator of inflammation and a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. We find no evidence of educational or gender differences in CRP, but there are significant state-level disparities, with Kerala residents exhibiting the lowest CRP levels (a mean of 1.96 mg/L compared to 3.28 mg/L in Rajasthan, the state with the highest CRP). We use the Blinder–Oaxaca decomposition approach to explain group-level differences, and find that state-level disparities in CRP are mainly due to heterogeneity in the association of the observed characteristics of respondents with CRP, rather than differences in the distribution of endowments across the sampled state populations.


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Reprint of the 1810 ed. printed by Samuel Wood, New York,


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This was a weekly paper that was published every Saturday. The motto of the Merrimack was: "Not too rash--Yet not fearful--We aim to be just." It was published from 1808-1817. Topics of interest include: Page 1: State of New York Republicans published a statement arguing against the war and the policies of John Adams and James Madison; account of the capture of York by the Americans, 27 April 1813; Page 2: account of the capture of York by the Americans, 27 April 1813; letter from American Brig. Gen. Henry Miller to Sir John B. Warren warning the British not to execute captured U.S. citizen O'Neal; response from Sir John B. Warren to Brig. Gen. Henry Miller stating that O'Neal had been released; account of Stephen Girard buying back his ransomed ship from the British; Page 3: account of Stephen Girard buying back his ransomed ship from the British; U.S. General Harrison repels British and Indian forces that attack Fort Meigs; account of British forces capturing U.S. privateer ship Alexander; report of British forces near Newport, New York, the Delaware river, and the Potomac River; report of Indian attacks in Kaskaskia, Randolph County; report of a boat load of provisions attacked by Indians near Fort Harrison; Commodore Isaac Chauncey arrived at Sacket's Harbor to unload stores taken from York before leaving for Niagara to commence attack against Fort George; U.S. Army announcement recruiting men 18 to 45 years of age to enlist in the army;


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A weekly paper that was published from 1805 to 1814. War related news includes: Page 99 - Weekly Retrospect: American report on British naval movements near Louisiana; General William Harrison reports on: a victory at Moravian Town (Moraviantown) on October 5; Ottawas, Chippewas, Wyandots Miamies and Delaware First Nations (Indians) leaving the British side; Tecumseh remaining with the British; American army and navy attempt for a reduction of Mackinac and St. Joseph's; Colonel Chapin attacking a British picket guard near Fort George on October 6; Report that the British have abandoned the Fort George area for Kingston and is being pursued by General McClure; Forces in Sackett's Harbour ready for an attach on Canada; General Provost believed to have left Kingston for Montreal with 1000 men; Report from Burlington (Lake Champlain) of an attack on St. Armands against Colonel Clark on October 15; Report of the American's taking of the Packet Morgiana by the Schooner Saratoga under Captain Adderton by Newport; Announcement by the New York City Common Council for a celebration of Perry and Harrison's victories on the evening of October 23. The rest of the newspaper contains literary works (poems and translations), marriages, deaths and other anecdotes. The motto on the front page states: "Visiting Every Flower with Labour Meet, and Gathering all its Treasures, Sweet by Sweet."


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Reprint of the 1810 ed. printed by Samuel Wood, New York, Reprinted by Ipswich By J. Bush, Tavern-Street


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A plan of part of the lands of the Six Nations Indians, dated January 26, 1833. A note on the plan reads “Part of the lands of the Six Nations Indians as surveyed by order of their Superintendent, John Brant, Esq. Dated at the Mohawk Village, the 29th day of April, 1831. Part of which was returned to the office of the Honourable, the Commissior of Crown Lands, on the 31st Oct. 1831, and now rendered more complete by a continuation of the survey under the same order in 1832, and by information obtained from private practice not connected with my official instructions all of which is most respectfully submitted to the inspection and for the information of His Majesty’s Government by Lewis Burwell, Surveyor”. The map shows the early loyalist land holdings in the Brantford area.


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Explanation of the Land Surrendered to the Crown by the Six Nations Indians for Mr. Dickson: 1 handwritten page explaining the Six Nations surrender of land to the Crown in order to allow the Crown to transfer the land to Mr. Dickson to compensate him for legal fees. [This is not an older document. It was possibly written by the Niagara Historical Society], n.d.


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Durante los siglos XVII y XVIII se presentaron varias querellas ante el Tribunal de Justicia Criminal del Nuevo Reino de Granada, en las que se denunciaba que había personas que ejercían los oficios médicos sin tener títulos que los acreditaran como facultativos en las artes curativas. Por ese entonces, se creía que quienes utilizaban yerbas y conjuros como métodos terapéuticos, por lo general mujeres, debían ser juzgadas como yerbateras-envenenadoras, porque no pretendían curar sino matar a quien consumiera sus preparados. El texto establece que los procesos criminales por envenenamiento constituyen un prisma en el que convergen diferentes problemáticas del periodo colonial neogranadino, relacionadas con la salud, los oficios médicos, las enfermedades, las creencias mágico-religiosas, el ideal de mujer en la época, la delincuencia, y las dinámicas de las instituciones españolas, entre otras. De esta manera, se estudió cómo fue la relación entre los aspectos jurídicos, las leyes criminales (dictadas por la Corona) y las conductas “desviadas” (relacionadas con el crimen por envenenamiento) de los habitantes del Nuevo Reino de Granada, entre los siglos XVII y XVIII. Para ello se revistaron desde diferentes perspectivas, varios temas del mundo colonial neogranadino, relacionados con los rumores, la comidilla, los chismes y la importancia de la comunicación hablada en el virreinato; el problema de la honra, como una de las virtudes más sobresalientes de la época y las creencias de la cultura popular con relación al envenenamiento y los diferentes métodos curativos.


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Este estudio nace con el propósito de analizar la influencia que tiene la economía americana en nuestro país; para entender por qué Estados Unidos es el socio comercial más importante para Colombia en términos de exportaciones y evaluar el impacto que ha tenido en el Tratado de Libre Comercio en la economía de estos países. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, se decidió hacer un análisis enfocado entre Colombia y Estados Unidos, específicamente en los estados de Connecticut, Colorado, Delaware, Dakota del Sur, Florida. Se presentan aspectos del territorio, la población, la política, la economía, entre otros. Por otra parte, se presentan cifras de la balanza comercial de Colombia con Estados Unidos entre los años del 2010 al 2014, las cuales permiten analizar la interacción económica entre ambos países, su evolución en el tiempo y su comportamiento después de la entrada en vigor del Tratado de Libre Comercio. Lo cual permite evidenciar que para el 2014 se presentó una balanza comercial deficitaria de 4.807 millones de USD. Con base a esto, dentro de las oportunidades comerciales de exportación para Colombia, se encuentra la industria textil, con un porcentaje del 30,9%; asientos de madera, muebles y acabados, con un incremento del 24,73%. De lo anterior podemos referir que estos sectores de industrias colombianas, reflejan un alto potencial de competitividad con los Estados Americanos, ya que estos sectores, también reflejan un alza en el incremento de las importaciones.


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n