70 resultados para Defecation


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Activity and behavior patterns are important components of a given species ecological strategy, as they have profound implications for its survival and reproduction. Here, we studied the activities, movements and secretive behavior of the thin-spined porcupine Chaetomys subspinosus (Rodentia: Erethizontidae), a threatened arboreal folivore in the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest. We aimed to ascertain the behavioral strategies used by this species as well as its responses to seasonal and daily climatic changes. Four radio-collared individuals were followed continuously for 72-h in the summer and winter, as well as during 146 half-night sessions conducted from April 2005 to September 2006 in forest remnants in southern Bahia. The thin-spined porcupines were nocturnally active (17:30-05:40 h), with peaks in activity and movement from 19:00 to 20:00 h and 03:00 to 04:00 h. Animals followed a circadian rhythm of activity during both the summer and winter. During the diel cycle, porcupines spent 74% of their time resting, 14% feeding, 11% traveling and 2% performing other activities. Distance traveled during the diel cycle averaged 277.5 +/- 117.9 m sd. The mean movement rate during the night was 21.6 +/- 30.1 m/h sd. No significant changes in activity budget or daily distance traveled were observed between seasons, most likely in response to the low fluctuations in climatic conditions and food availability throughout the year in the study region. However, rainfall reduced the time that the animals spent on feeding activities and explained day-to-day differences in activity budgets. We also provide details about intraspecific interactions and defecation behavior. Our observations confirmed that thin-spined porcupines, similar to other folivorous species, present low activity levels and short daily movements, and have adopted various cryptic habits, such as nocturnality, a solitary lifestyle, the tendency to leave offspring alone most of the time and defecation in concealed latrines.


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Objective: To evaluate serum concentrations of CA-125 and soluble CD-23 and to correlate them with clinical symptoms, localization and stage of pelvic endometriosis and histological classification of the disease. Methods: Blood samples were collected from 44 women with endometriosis and 58 without endometriosis, during the first three days (1st sample) and during the 7th, 8th and 9th day (2nd sample) of the menstrual cycle. Measurements of CA-125 and soluble CD-23 were performed by ELISA. Mann-Whitney U test was used for age, pain evaluations (visual analog scale) and biomarkers concentrations. Results: Serum levels Of CA-125 were higher in endometriosis patients when compared to the control group during both periods of the menstrual cycle evaluated in the study. This marker was also elevated in women with chronic pelvic pain, deep dyspareunia (2nd sample), dysmenorrhea (both samples) and painful defecation during the menstrual flow (2nd sample). CA-125 concentration was higher in advanced stages of the disease in both samples and also in women with ovarian endometrioma. Concerning CD-23, no statistically significant differences were observed between groups. Conclusion: The concentrations of CA-125 were higher in patients with endometriosis than in patients without the disease. No significantly differences were observed for soluble CD-23 levels between groups.


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[EN] Migrant biota transports carbon to the mesopelagic zone due to their feeding at the shallower layers and their defecation, respiration, excretion and mortality at depth. The so-called active flux has been considered a small number compared to gravitational sinking. Recent assessments in subtropical waters show an important effect due to predation by interzonal diel vertical migrants (DVMs). The consumption and subsequent transport of epipelagic zooplankton by DVMs (mainly micronekton) to the mesopelagic zone seemed similar to the mean gravitational export. However, the consequences of this active transport to the bathypelagic zone are almost unknown. Here, we show the effect of the Atlantic and Pacific equatorial upwelling systems on the vertical distribution of acoustic backscatter from the surface to bathypelagic depths. The enhancement of the acoustic signal below the upwelling zone was observed to reach 4000 m depth, coinciding with high abundances and activity of bacteria at those depths. The results suggest an active carbon transport from the epipelagic driven by zooplankton and micronekton, enhancing the efficiency of the biological pump and giving an insight about the fate of an increased productivity at the shallower layers of the ocean


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We evaluated whether a probiotic supplementation in dogs with food responsive diarrhoea (FRD) has beneficial effects on intestinal cytokine patterns and on microbiota. Twenty-one client-owned dogs with FRD were presented for clinically needed duodeno- and colonoscopy and were enrolled in a prospective placebo (PL)-controlled probiotic trial. Intestinal tissue samples and faeces were collected during endoscopy. Intestinal mRNA abundance of interleukin (IL)-5, -10, -12p40 and -13, tumour necrosis factor-alpha, transforming growth factor-beta1 and interferon (IFN)-gamma were analysed and numbers of Lactobacillus spp., Bifidobacterium spp., Enterococcus spp. and Enterobacteriaceae and supplemented probiotic bacteria were determined in faeces. The Canine Inflammatory Bowel Disease Activity Index, a scoring system comprising general attitude, appetite, faecal consistency, defecation frequency, and vomitus, decreased in all dogs (p < 0.0001). Duodenal IL-10 mRNA levels decreased (p = 0.1) and colonic IFN-gamma mRNA levels increased (p = 0.08) after probiotic treatment. Numbers of Enterobacteriaceae decreased in FRD dogs receiving probiotic cocktail (FRD(PC)) and FRD dogs fed PL (FRD(PL)) during treatment (p < 0.05), numbers of Lactobacillus spp. increased in FRD(PC after) when compared with FRD(PC before) (p < 0.1). One strain of PC was detected in five of eight FRD(PC) dogs after probiotic supplementation. In conclusion, all dogs clinically improved after treatment, but cytokine patterns were not associated with the clinical features irrespective of the dietary supplementation.


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Endometriosis corresponds to ectopic endometrial glands and stroma outside the uterine cavity. Clinical symptoms include dysmenorrhoea, dyspareunia, infertility, painful defecation or cyclic urinary symptoms. Pelvic ultrasound is the primary imaging modality to identify and differentiate locations to the ovary (endometriomas) and the bladder wall. Characteristic sonographic features of endometriomas are diffuse low-level internal echos, multilocularity and hyperchoic foci in the wall. Differential diagnoses include corpus luteum, teratoma, cystadenoma, fibroma, tubo-ovarian abscess and carcinoma. Repeated ultrasound is highly recommended for unilocular cysts with low-level internal echoes to differentiate functional corpus luteum from endometriomas. Posterior locations of endometriosis include utero-sacral ligaments, torus uterinus, vagina and recto-sigmoid. Sonographic and MRI features are discussed for each location. Although ultrasound is able to diagnose most locations, its limited sensitivity for posterior lesions does not allow management decision in all patients. MRI has shown high accuracies for both anterior and posterior endometriosis and enables complete lesion mapping before surgery. Posterior locations demonstrate abnormal T2-hypointense, nodules with occasional T1-hyperintense spots and are easier to identify when peristaltic inhibitors and intravenous contrast media are used. Anterior locations benefit from the possibility of MRI urography sequences within the same examination. Rare locations and possible transformation into malignancy are discussed.


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Recent reports identified Tritrichomonas fetus, the causative agent of bovine trichomonosis, in cats with large-bowel diarrhea in the US. Between July 2007 and August 2008, a total of 105 Swiss cats were tested for T. fetus with the InPouchTM culture system and/or PCR, whereof 27 (26%) yielded positive results. All positive cats were pedigree cats, whereof 22 (81%) were less than 1 year of age (median 5 months). 25 (93%) of these cats lived in multi-cat households, and all but one were kept indoor. The clinical picture was dominated by large bowel diarrhea with increased frequency of defecation and fresh blood and mucus. Furthermore, inflamed anus and fecal incontinence was common. 52% of the T. fetus-positive cats were tested positive for Giardia before, but the treatment with fenbendazole or metronidazole only temporarily alleviated the clinical signs. The treatment with 30 mg/kg of ronidazole q12h p.o. was successful in all but 1 cat with only minor transient adverse effects in 3 cats. In conclusion, T. fetus has to be considered an important causative agent of large bowel diarrhea in cats in Switzerland, especially in young indoor pedigree cats.


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Two healthy dogs were anaesthetized to undergo elective orthopaedic procedures. After premedication with methadone and acepromazine, general anaesthesia was induced with midazolam and S-ketamine. Immediately after anaesthetic induction, seizures occurred in both dogs. In the first dog the syndrome was characterized by tonic and clonic motor activity, muscular hypertone, hypersalivation, urination, defecation and hyperthermia. In the second dog muscular twitches of the temporal and masseter regions were observed, followed by increased skeletal muscles tone, hypersalivation, spontaneous urination and increase in body temperature. Recoveries from anaesthesia were uneventful and no seizures were observed. Considering the temporal association between anaesthetic induction and occurrence of seizures, and the fact that other causative factors could not be identified, it is hypothesized that S-ketamine played a role in determining the convulsive phenomena observed in these patients. S-ketamine might carry the potential for inducing seizures in otherwise healthy dogs, despite the concomitant use of GABA-ergic drugs.


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BACKGROUND The optimal crystalloid solution to use perioperatively in patients undergoing open radical cystectomy remains unclear. Many of the fluids used for intravenous hydration contain supraphysiologic concentrations of chloride, which can induce hyperchloremia and metabolic acidosis, resulting in renal vasoconstriction and decreased renal function. In addition, patients receiving less fluid and less sodium show faster recovery of gastrointestinal (GI) function after colonic surgery. METHODS AND DESIGN This is an investigator-initiated, single-center, randomized, controlled, parallel group trial with assessor-blinded outcome assessment, in the Department of Urology, University Hospital Bern, Switzerland. The study will involve 44 patients with bladder cancer scheduled for radical cystectomy and urinary diversion. The primary outcome is the duration between the end of surgery and the return of the GI function (first defecation). Secondary outcomes are fluid balance (body weight difference postoperatively versus preoperatively) and the incidence of kidney function disorders according to the Risk-Injury-Failure-Loss-End Stage Renal Disease (RIFLE classification). An equal number of patients are allocated to receive Ringerfundin® solution or a glucose/potassium-based balanced crystalloid solution as baseline infusion during the entire time that intravenous administration of fluid is necessary during the perioperative period. The randomized crystalloid solution is infused at a rate of 1 ml/kg/h until the bladder has been removed, followed by 3 ml/kg/h until the end of surgery. Postoperative hydration is identical in both groups and consists of 1,500 ml of the randomized crystalloid solution per 24 hours. Postoperative patient care is identical in both groups; patients are allowed to drink clear fluids immediately after surgery, and liquid diet is started on postoperative day 1, as well as active mobilization and the use of chewing gum. Body weight is measured daily in the morning. Time of first flatus and first defecation are recorded. DISCUSSION This trial assesses the benefits and harms of two different balanced crystalloid solutions for perioperative fluid management in patients undergoing open radical cystectomy with urinary diversion, with regard to return of GI function and effects on postoperative renal function. TRIAL REGISTRATION Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN32976792 (registered on November 21 2013).


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Skunks are becoming increasingly popular as pets. As such, they often undergo a variety of surgical procedures. Two pet skunks undergoing a dermatological examination, including skin biopsy, were anaesthetised with a combination of dexmedetomidine (0.02 mg/kg), butorphanol (0.3 mg/kg), and alfaxalone (4 mg/kg), all administered intramuscularly. Anaesthesia was characterised by rapid onset, absence of detectable side effects and fast recovery after atipamezole administration. Biopsies and toe-pinch did not elicit cardiorespiratory responses, nor did it result in movements or lightening of the anaesthetic depth. Both skunks recovered uneventfully, and showed normal appetite and regular defecation within eight hours following surgery. However, both the animals experienced mild hypothermia at recovery. The dexmedetomidine-alfaxalone-butorphanol combination produced satisfactory anaesthesia in the two skunks, object of this report. This anaesthetic protocol may be used in this species to provide immobility, myorelaxation, unconsciousness and analgesia during skin biopsy or other minor surgical procedures.


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This report describes the clinical, laboratory and ultrasonographic findings in a Simmental heifer with a ceco-cecal intussusception. The general condition of the heifer was moderately reduced and it showed mild colic signs. Physical examination revealed a firm longish mass visible and palpable in the right flank. Findings upon rectal examination, fecal output und defecation were normal. Ultrasound examination of the mass revealed features typical for an intussusception. Based on the slow development of symptoms, normal fecal output and ultrasonography findings, a ceco-cecal intussusception was diagnosed. Right flank laparatomy was performed under general anaesthesia, and an end-to-side anastomosis between the jejunum and the spiral colon was made after resection of the intussuscepted intestines. Recovery was uneventful.


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Functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) are defined as ailments of the mid or lower gastrointestinal tract which are not attributable to any discernable anatomic or biochemical defects.1 FGIDs include functional bowel disorders, also known as persisting abdominal symptoms (PAS). Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of the most common illnesses classified under PAS.2,3 This is the first prospective study that looks at the etiology and pathogenesis of post-infectious PAS in the context of environmental exposure and genetic susceptibility in a cohort of US travelers to Mexico. Our objective was to identify infectious, genetic and environmental factors that predispose to post infectious PAS. ^ Methods. This is a secondary data analysis of a prospective study on a cohort of 704 healthy North American tourists to Cuernavaca, Morelos and Guadalajara, Jalisco in Mexico. The subjects at risk for Travelers' diarrhea were assessed for chronic abdominal symptoms on enrollment and six months after the return to the US. ^ Outcomes. PAS was defined as disturbances of mid and lower gastrointestinal system without any known pathological or radiological abnormalities, or infectious, or metabolic causes. It refers to functional bowel disease, category C of functional gastrointestinal diseases as defined by the Rome II criterion. PAS was sub classified into Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and functional abdominal disease (FAD). ^ IBS is defined as recurrent abdominal pain or discomfort present at least 25% and associated with improvement with defecation, change in frequency and form of stool. FAD encompasses other abdominal symptoms of chronic nature that do not meet the criteria for IBS. It includes functional diarrhea, functional constipation, functional bloating: and unspecified bowel symptoms. ^ Results. Among the 704 travelers studied, there were 202 cases of PAS. The PAS cases included 175 cases of FAD and 27 cases of IBS. PAS was more frequent among subjects who developed traveler's diarrhea in Mexico compared to travelers who remained healthy during the short term visit to Mexico (52 vs. 38; OR = 1.8; CI, 1.3–2.5, P < 0.001). A statistically significant difference was noted in the mean age of subjects with PAS compared to healthy controls (28 vs. 34 yrs; OR = 0.97, CI, 0.95–0.98; P < 0.001). Travelers who experienced multiple episodes, a later onset of diarrhea in Mexico and passed greater numbers of unformed stools were more likely to be identified in PAS group at six months. Participants who developed TD caused by enterotoxigenic E.coli in Mexico showed a 2.6 times higher risk of developing FAD (P = 0.003). Infection with Providencia ssp. also demonstrated a greater risk to developing PAS. Subjects who sought treatment for diarrhea while in Mexico also displayed a significantly lower frequency of IBS at six months follow up (OR = 0.30; CI, 0.10–0.80; P = 0.02). ^ Forty six SNPs belonging to 14 genes were studied. Seven SNPs were associated with PAS at 6 months. These included four SNPs from the Caspase Recruitment Domain-Containing Protein 15 gene (CARD15), two SNPs from Surfactant Pulmonary-Associated Protein D gene (SFTPD) and one from Decay-Accelerating Factor For Complement gene (CD55). A genetic risk score (GRS) was composed based on the 7 SNPs that showed significant association with PAS. A 20% greater risk for PAS was noted for every unit increase in GRS. The risk increased by 30% for IBS. The mean GRS was high for IBS (2.2) and PAS (1.1) compared to healthy controls (0.51). These data suggests a role for these genetic polymorphisms in defining the susceptibility to PAS. ^ Conclusions. The study allows us to identify individuals at risk for developing post infectious IBS (PI-IBS) and persisting abdominal symptoms after an episode of TD. The observations in this study will be of use in developing measures to prevent and treat post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome among travelers including pre-travel counseling, the use of vaccines, antibiotic prophylaxis or the initiation of early antimicrobial therapy. This study also provides insights into the pathogenesis of post infectious PAS and IBS. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)^


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Ocean acidification (OA) caused by excessive CO2 is a potential ecological threat to marine organisms. The impacts of OA on echinoderms are well-documented, but there has been a strong bias towards sea urchins, and limited information is available on sea cucumbers. This work examined the effect of medium-term (60 days) exposure to three pH levels (pH 8.06, 7.72, and 7.41, covering present and future pH variability) on the bioenergetic responses of the sea cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus, an ecologically and economically important holothurian in Asian coasts. Results showed that the measured specific growth rate linearly decreased with decreased pH, leading to a 0.42 %/day decrease at pH 7.41 compared with that at pH 8.06. The impacts of pH on physiological energetics were variable: measured energy consumption and defecation rates linearly decreased with decreased pH, whereas maintenance energy in calculated respiration and excretion were not significantly affected. No shift in energy allocation pattern was observed in A. japonicus upon exposure to pH 7.72 compared with pH 8.06. However, a significant shift in energy budget occurred upon exposure to pH 7.41, leading to decreased energy intake and increased percentage of energy that was lost in feces, thereby resulting in a significantly lowered allocation into somatic growth. These findings indicate that adult A. japonicus is resilient to the OA scenario at the end of the twenty-first century, but further acidification may negatively influence the grazing capability and growth, thereby influencing its ecological functioning as an "ecosystem engineer" and potentially harming its culture output.


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Two cannabinoid receptors have been identified: CB1, present in the central nervous system (CNS) and to a lesser extent in other tissues, and CB2, present outside the CNS, in peripheral organs. There is evidence for the presence of CB2-like receptors in peripheral nerve terminals. We report now that we have synthesized a CB2-specific agonist, code-named HU-308. This cannabinoid does not bind to CB1 (Ki > 10 μM), but does so efficiently to CB2 (Ki = 22.7 ± 3.9 nM); it inhibits forskolin-stimulated cyclic AMP production in CB2-transfected cells, but does so much less in CB1-transfected cells. HU-308 shows no activity in mice in a tetrad of behavioral tests, which together have been shown to be specific for tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)-type activity in the CNS mediated by CB1. However, HU-308 reduces blood pressure, blocks defecation, and elicits anti-inflammatory and peripheral analgesic activity. The hypotension, the inhibition of defecation, the anti-inflammatory and peripheral analgesic effects produced by HU-308 are blocked (or partially blocked) by the CB2 antagonist SR-144528, but not by the CB1 antagonist SR-141716A. These results demonstrate the feasibility of discovering novel nonpsychotropic cannabinoids that may lead to new therapies for hypertension, inflammation, and pain.


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Substantial progress has been made in understanding the genetic basis of temperature-compensated circadian clocks. Ultradian rhythms, with a period shorter than 24 h, are at least as widespread as circadian rhythms. We have initiated genetic analysis of defecation behavior, which is controlled by an ultradian clock in Caenorhabditis elegans. The defecation motor program is activated every 45 sec, and this rhythm is temperature compensated. We describe mutations in 12 genes that either shorten or lengthen the cycle period. We find that most of these mutations also disrupt temperature compensation, suggesting that this process is an integral part of the clock. These genes open the way for molecular genetic dissection of this ultradian clock.


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BACKGROUND Gastrointestinal (GI) complications often delay recovery after radical cystectomy with urinary diversion. The authors investigated if perioperative administration of a potassium-enriched, chloride-depleted 5% glucose solution (G5K) accelerates recovery of GI function. METHODS This randomized, parallel-group, single-center double-blind trial included 44 consecutive patients undergoing radical cystectomy and pelvic lymph node dissection with urinary diversion. Patients were randomized to receive either a G5K (G5K group) solution or a Ringer's maleate solution (control group). Fluid management aimed for a zero fluid balance. Primary endpoint was time to first defecation. Secondary endpoints were time to normal GI function, need for electrolyte substitution, and renal dysfunction. RESULTS Time to first defecation was not significantly different between groups (G5K group, 93 h [19 to 168 h] and control group, 120 h [43 to 241 h]); estimator of the group difference, -16 (95% CI, -38 to 6); P = 0.173. Return of normal GI function occurred faster in the G5K group than in the control group (median, 138 h [range, 54 to 262 h] vs. 169 h [108 to 318 h]); estimator of the group difference, -38 (95% CI, -74 to -12); P = 0.004. Potassium and magnesium were less frequently substituted in the G5K group (13.6 vs. 54.5% [P = 0.010] and 18.2 vs. 77.3% [P < 0.001]), respectively. The incidence of renal dysfunction (Risk, Injury, Failure, Loss and End-stage kidney disease stage "risk") at discharge was 9.1% in the G5K group and 4.5% in the control group; P = 1.000. CONCLUSIONS Perioperative administration of a G5K did not enhance first defecation, but may accelerate recovery of normal GI function, and reduces potassium and magnesium substitution after radical cystectomy and urinary diversion.