990 resultados para De novo design


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Esta dissertação tem como título A natureza comunicativa da cultura: pesquisa exploratória sobre a Festividade de Carimbó de São Benedito de Santarém Novo – Pará. O objetivo da pesquisa é compreender a natureza comunicativa dessa festividade, observando as características que a constituem e nelas buscando elementos que são interpretados como processos comunicativos. A proposta parte das noções de natureza comunicativa da cultura em Martín-Barbero (2006) e França (2001), além da concepção de processo comunicativo desta pesquisadora. Delineamos, assim, os contextos nos quais a pesquisa está inserida, refletindo sobre a “invenção” da Amazônia (ARAGÓN, 2007; MAUÉS, 1999; DUTRA, 2009) e sua formação socio-histórica (BEZERRA NETO, 2001; BECKER, 2009) e cultural (SALLES, 2004; ALVES FILHO, 2001; LOUREIRO, 2000). No que se refere à Comunicação, buscamos sua “perspectiva antropológica” (WOLTON, 2006) aliada às relações entre mídia e modernidade (THOMPSON, 2011). Entendendo a Comunicação a partir da cultura, discutimos, observando a experiência cultural que a festividade representa (RODRIGUES, 1994), as relações entre a tradição e a modernidade (THOMPSON, 2011) em seus processos de hibridação (GARCÍA-CANCLINI, 2008). Além disso, refletimos sobre a “herança funcional” das pesquisas em Comunicação (WOLF, 2008; MARTÍN-BARBERO, 2004, 2006, 2009a; MARTINO, 2004, 2006) e nossa perspectiva de natureza comunicativa da cultura (MARTÍN-BARBERO, 2006; FRANÇA. 2001), relacionando-a aos conceitos de “mediações comunicativas da cultura” e de “midiatização” (BRAGA, 2012; SODRÉ, 2011). Para desenvolvermos a pesquisa de campo, além da pesquisa bibliográfica, utilizamos técnicas da etnografia para a coleta de dados, tais como: a observação participante, a entrevista em profundidade com os integrantes da festa e o diário de campo. Compreendemos, assim, a natureza comunicativa da festividade a partir dos elementos que a constituem destacando o seu caráter comunitário e de tradição, o que nos levou a evidenciar a comunicação em seu sentido de compartilhamento e de comunhão.


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The Center squares of the middle cities many times don’t have adapted forms to the uses, which change time-to-time, then they turn abased. Through the study case of the Squares Monsenhor Sarrion and Nove de Julho, public squares on Presidente Prudente downtown, where many types of uses occur in the same space with function of organization and reception of several fluxes generated because the centrality caused from downtown. In this context, is necessary re-project the squares, with new purpose of an urban and landscape project, which generates harmonic spaces of passage and permanence, which values the public edifications in the around areas and re-qualified the form of the squares, adapting to the new uses: To organize the public transportation traffic, the urban terminal; to organize the vehicles traffic, the lowering of the Avenue Coronel Marcondes and, mainly, to organize the traffic of pedestrian, the continuity and the physic integration of the squares, through new forms, urban furniture and design to the downtown public spaces


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This article is a reflection on the clothes used as a ideology vehicle, fashion used by groups, tribes, and available to all those who do not belong to those. Since stylists and designers began to get inspirations "on the street", leaving aside the arrogance and restrictions imposed by the major international trends, it’s visible they have been more open to non-Western cultures and cultures from past and present. This generates consumers seeking for more than clothes: they identify and perform a read of author’s (stylist) interpretations, choosing the "ideas" they will wear.


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The present work describes the development of a new body-counter system based on HPGe detectors and installed at IVM of KIT. The goal, achieved, was the improvement of the ability to detect internal contaminations in the human body, especially the ones concerning low-energy emitters and multiple nuclides. The development of the system started with the characterisation of detectors purchased for this specific task, with the optimisation of the different desired measurement configurations following and ending with the installation and check of the results. A new software has been developed to handle the new detectors.


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The first generation of the bioresorbable everolimus drug-eluting vascular scaffold showed signs of shrinkage at 6 months, which largely contributed to late luminal loss. Nevertheless, late luminal loss was less than that observed with bare metal stents. To maintain the mechanical integrity of the device up to 6 months, the scaffold design and manufacturing process of its polymer were modified.


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CONTEXT: Compared with bare metal stents, sirolimus-eluting and paclitaxel-eluting stents have been shown to markedly improve angiographic and clinical outcomes after percutaneous coronary revascularization, but their performance in the treatment of de novo coronary lesions has not been compared in a prospective multicenter study. OBJECTIVE: To compare the safety and efficacy of sirolimus-eluting vs paclitaxel-eluting coronary stents. DESIGN: Prospective, randomized comparative trial (the REALITY trial) conducted between August 2003 and February 2004, with angiographic follow-up at 8 months and clinical follow-up at 12 months. SETTING: Ninety hospitals in Europe, Latin America, and Asia. PATIENTS: A total of 1386 patients (mean age, 62.6 years; 73.1% men; 28.0% with diabetes) with angina pectoris and 1 or 2 de novo lesions (2.25-3.00 mm in diameter) in native coronary arteries. INTERVENTION: Patients were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to receive a sirolimus-eluting stent (n = 701) or a paclitaxel-eluting stent (n = 685). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The primary end point was in-lesion binary restenosis (presence of a more than 50% luminal-diameter stenosis) at 8 months. Secondary end points included 1-year rates of target lesion and vessel revascularization and a composite end point of cardiac death, Q-wave or non-Q-wave myocardial infarction, coronary artery bypass graft surgery, or repeat target lesion revascularization. RESULTS: In-lesion binary restenosis at 8 months occurred in 86 patients (9.6%) with a sirolimus-eluting stent vs 95 (11.1%) with a paclitaxel-eluting stent (relative risk [RR], 0.84; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.61-1.17; P = .31). For sirolimus- vs paclitaxel-eluting stents, respectively, the mean (SD) in-stent late loss was 0.09 (0.43) mm vs 0.31 (0.44) mm (difference, -0.22 mm; 95% CI, -0.26 to -0.18 mm; P<.001), mean (SD) in-stent diameter stenosis was 23.1% (16.6%) vs 26.7% (15.8%) (difference, -3.60%; 95% CI, -5.12% to -2.08%; P<.001), and the number of major adverse cardiac events at 1 year was 73 (10.7%) vs 76 (11.4%) (RR, 0.94; 95% CI, 0.69-1.27; P = .73). CONCLUSION: In this trial comparing sirolimus- and paclitaxel-eluting coronary stents, there were no differences in the rates of binary restenosis or major adverse cardiac events. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT00235092.


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Diferentemente de muitas cidades europeias, a urbanização da cidade de São Paulo ocorreu na medida de seu crescimento econômico e populacional, formando um desenho urbano heterogêneo, sem padrões. A falta de um planejamento eficaz somada à priorização do transporte individual geraram problemas urbanos tais como congestionamentos, degradação ambiental, transporte público incipiente, etc. O novo plano diretor estratégico de São Paulo surge com uma proposta para reorganização da cidade, adensando regiões providas de maior infraestrutura e limitando a densidade populacional das outras regiões. Responsável pelo desenvolvimento imobiliário, o setor de real estate é afetado diretamente pelas novas diretrizes do plano diretor. Neste trabalho, são discutidos os impactos do novo plano diretor no planejamento de produtos residenciais, identificando os efeitos na formação de preços e das tipologias que passarão a ser ofertadas de acordo com as novas diretrizes de uso do solo, bem como as possíveis respostas do mercado, ou seja, empreendedores e a população. A metodologia de pesquisa contou com estudos bibliográficos, coleta de dados em uma incorporadora tradicional da cidade de São Paulo, e estudos de qualidade de investimento. Uma base de dados de terrenos foi submetida ao modelo de modo a comparar os resultados de empreender considerando a legislação anterior e a atual imposta pelo plano. Como resultado, verificou-se que a consequência indireta do plano será o aumento de preço de venda de apartamentos. Para minimizar esse efeito, será necessário: reduzir as taxas de retorno do empreendedor, reduzir as áreas privativas, custos de obra e os custos de terreno. Para os empreendedores, o planejamento de produtos se tornará ainda mais importante, diante das novas limitações e da provável redução de seus resultados financeiros. Ainda, a tendência é que terrenos localizados próximos dos eixos de transporte tenham seus preços de comercialização elevados, e a oferta de apartamentos nessas regiões será de produtos de até 80 metros quadrados. Já os terrenos localizados em regiões de baixo aproveitamento poderão ter a atividade de incorporação inviabilizada, a não ser que haja reduções consideráveis dos custos de terreno.


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While taking paths from the archive to the new, this dissertation reflects on the resulting impacts of the introduction, massification and dissemination of digital technology, in the way we store and deal with information, inside the complex that we understand as culture. To this end, a theoretical investigation is performed in order to build a conceptual body from which concepts are drawn in order to effectuate a practical research. The theoretical research starts with an exordium in which the concept of the archive is deconstructed in order to identify it as a device of power and to analyse its transition from a technical analog object into a digital technology. Following this, a historical context is established, drawing on the evolution of power exercises and apparatuses, and a reading of the impacts of the present technological mediation on experience, knowledge cons¬truction and forms of control is developed. Finally, some hypotheses on the evolution of technology are formulated. The practical research materializes in the form of a digital platform which takes place in two moments: one of archive, the other of program. The first moment, of archive, con¬sists of a repository of projects dealing with the dissertation’s subject. The second moment, of program, is configured as a cultural program implemented through computer programs. These, in their execution, result in performances which, taking from the information col¬lected on the archive generate a new experience of that same information. To this effect, a framework was structured in order to have computational processes systematized in a way that the performances result in experiences with a potential for novelty, expression and reflection. Both theoretical and practical components of the research seek to address digital technology not as an end in itself, but as a factor that affects human experience and behaviour


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz