963 resultados para DID
Mark 4:11-12 innehåller en av Jesu mest gåtfulla utsagor. När Jesus citerar Jes 6:9-10, ser det ut som om han skulle mena att han använder liknelserna för att hindra vissa människor att förstå vad han säger, ända därhän att de därigenom utesluts från möjligheten att göra bättring och att få förlåtelse av Gud. Men utryckte Jesus sig verkligen på detta sätt? Formulerades inte utsagan snarare av den tidiga kyrkan eller evangelisten? Eller gav utsagan - vare sig den härstammade från Jesus eller kyrkan - från början alls uttryck åt tanken att liknelserna hade en förstockande funktion? Under mera än ett århundrade har forskarna ställt frågor av detta slag. Denna forskning syftar till att undersöka om man kan finna en plausibel jesuansk mening hos utsagan. Den utgår från förutsättningen att den mening och funktion som man gav åt Jes 6:9-10 i den palestinska, judiska kontexten under andra Templets period är avgörande för att hitta en jesuansk mening hos utsagan.
Mergers are often used purposeful strategic tool. Previous research has mainly concentrated on actu-al M&A process and to elements leading to that decision. Purpose of this study is to approach de-merger of Cloetta Fazer and research what were the reasons that lead to demerger. Problem is ap-proached by first evaluating was the merger an success in the first place, as described in earlier stud-ies, media and academic research. From this information the motives for demerger are approached. Research material for study is collected from second hand sources. Research data-sample was di-vided into two categories: Timeline Sample & Additional Information Sample. Timeline sample was collected by systematically collecting news from Sanoma News database and Alma News database. This data was indexed and a timeline was constructed. From this timeline key dates, themes and elements were identified and further data gathering was concentrated based on those themes. Results of the study suggest that Merger was not as great success as it was described in earlier years. Explanations why merger ended up into demerger vary greatly. From material key factor, lack of, or error in, long term strategic planning was identified. This was due to death in family during strategy creation and mistakes made in pre-merger phase.
Resistance training increases muscle strength in older adults, decreasing the effort necessary for executing physical tasks, and reducing cardiovascular load during exercise. This hypothesis has been confirmed during strength-based activities, but not during aerobic-based activities. This study determined whether different resistance training regimens, strength training (ST, constant movement velocity) or power training (PT, concentric phase performed as fast as possible) can blunt the increase in cardiovascular load during an aerobic stimulus. Older adults (63.9 ± 0.7 years) were randomly allocated to: control (N = 11), ST (N = 13, twice a week, 70-90% 1-RM) and PT (N = 15, twice a week, 30-50% 1-RM) groups. Before and after 16 weeks, oxygen uptake (VO2), systolic blood pressure (SBP), heart rate (HR), and rate pressure product (RPP) were measured during a maximal treadmill test. Resting SBP and RPP were similarly reduced in all groups (combined data = -5.7 ± 1.2 and -5.0 ± 1.7%, respectively, P < 0.05). Maximal SBP, HR and RPP did not change. The increase in measured VO2, HR and RPP for the increment in estimated VO2 (absolute load) decreased similarly in all groups (combined data = -9.1 ± 2.6, -14.1 ± 3.9, -14.2 ± 3.0%, respectively, P < 0.05), while the increments in the cardiovascular variables for the increase in measured VO2 did not change. In elderly subjects, ST and PT did not blunt submaximal or maximal HR, SBP and RPP increases during the maximal exercise test, showing that they did not reduce cardiovascular stress during aerobic tasks.
This paper examines how exchange rate policies and IMF Stand-By Arrangements affect debt crises using econometrics and a comparison between Argentina and Brazil. It refines an existing diagram outlining crisis development to propose crisis prevention strategies. Flexible exchange rate policies reduce a country's probability of default by over 4%, but Stand-By Arrangements increase it by an inconsequential percentage. Unlike Argentina, Brazil avoided a default via a freely-floating exchange rate system, fiscal deficit reduction, and a cooperative and coordinated relationship with the IMF. The results provide policymakers from developing countries with lessons to manage their countries' default risks more effectively.
The second phase of Import Substituting Industrialization, commonly known as ISI2, involved the move in Latin America to "heavy" industrialization, from around 1950-80. This period of economic history has been reviled on both the Left and the Right as being one of either heightened dependency or one demonstrating the clear failure of state intervention in the economy. In this research note, a basic statistical analysis is used to back up other descriptive claims that the ISI2 period was rather one of mixed success, with macroeconomic volatility accompanying great progress in GDP and manufacturing growth. In a sense, the ISI2 period succeeded in industrializing the large economies of the period, and contrasts favorably with the record of the succeeding paradigm of neoliberalism. This research note seeks to raise questions about the way we look at the historical period of ISI2, and suggests that a more open-minded perspective could lead to a more effective and sustainable political economy paradigm for the region in the future.
The central hypothesis to be tested is the relevance of gold in the determination of the value of the US dollar as an international reserve currency after 1971. In the first section the market value of the US dollar is analysed by looking at new forms of value (financial derivative products), the dollar as a safe haven, the choice of a standard of value and the role of SDRs in reforming the international monetary system. Based on dimensional analysis, the second section analyses the definition and meaning of a numéraire for international currency and the justification for a variable standard of value based on a commodity (gold). The second section is the theoretical foundation for the empirical and econometric analysis in the third and fourth sections. The third section is devoted to the specification of an econometric model and a graphical analysis of the data. It is clear that an inverse relation exists between the value of the US dollar and the price of gold. The fourth section shows the estimations of the different specifications of the model including linear regression and cointegration analysis. The most important econometric result is that the null hypothesis is rejected in favour of a significant link between the price of gold and the value of the US dollar. There is also a positive relationship between gold price and inflation. An inverse statistically significant relation between gold price and monetary policy is shown by applying a dynamic model of cointegration with lags.
Se presenta experiencia educativa que propone la realizaci??n de fichas de trabajo para atender a la diversidad entre el alumnado. Se realiza en el IES Alfaguara en Loja, Granada. Los objetivos son: dar respuesta a las necesidades que se plantean en el aula teniendo en cuenta la diversidad del alumnado; adaptar los contenidos a los distintos niveles de competencia curricular; incluir a todos los discentes en el proceso de ense??anza-aprendizaje; crear materiales did??cticos que se adapten a diversos contextos y metodolog??as de trabajo; aumentar la autoestima del alumnado; desarrollar la capacidad de aprender a aprender.
El objetivo principal favorecer el desarrollo e incorporaci??n de la dimensi??n europea como parte esencial del quehacer educativo del profesorado de la regi??n de Murcia, tomando muy en cuenta las vivencias, experiencias y expectativas de los j??venes. Esta propuesta de formaci??n europeista surge de la colaboraci??n a lo largo de m??s de dos cursos acad??micos del CEP de Murcia con la Universidad y con profesores de ciencias sociales del segundo ciclo de EGB, de BUP y de FP. Como consecuencia de la realizaci??n durante el a??o acad??mico 1991-92 de un curso sobre formaci??n europeista destinado a profesores de Ense??anza Secundaria Obligatoria, se ha elaborado una unidad did??ctica centrada en la formaci??n europea. En esta unidad did??ctica se plantean los siguientes objetivos: facilitar la comprensi??n sobre los elementos del proceso europeo m??s directamente relacionados con los propios alumnos, convirtiendo la experiencia de la adolescencia en cauce para la adquisici??n de conceptos fundamentados cient??ficamente. Las hip??tesis que gu??an el desarrollo de la unidad did??ctica han sido entre otras, las siguientes: existe entre los adolescentes una gran infravaloraci??n hacia los elementos culturales europeos y tambi??n desconocimiento del proyecto pol??tico de unidad europea.
El cuaderno despierta la curiosidad sobre las norias como patrimonio natural, cultural e hist??rico, aparte de ser un bien social y una m??quina ecol??gica. En la regi??n de Murcia se encuentra el conjunto m??s importante de norias funcionales de todo el territorio nacional, formado por siete aparatos, cuatro de ellos en el municipio de Abar??n. Con ellas siguen regando los agricultores como hace cientos de a??os y se han convertido en elementos indiscutibles de nuestro patrimonio hist??rico-cultural.