981 resultados para D. Afonso Henriques, 1109-1185
The benefits of protection of a small (4.3 km(2)) marine protected area (MPA) for Senegalese sole, Solea senegalensis, were investigated through experimental fishing trials and long-term (up to 293days) passive acoustic telemetry. A total of 106 trammel net sets were carried out between 2007 and 2011. Significant differences in abundance and biomass of sole between bottom types/depths (sandy bottoms between 12 and 20m deep vs muddy bottoms between 35 and 45m deep) were found, but no significant differences were attributable to the implementation of the no-take area. Passive acoustic telemetry revealed that most Senegalese sole spent a large part of their time between first and last detections (average residency index=69%) inside a relatively small area (average 95%=1.2km(2)), during which they preferred sandy bottoms, the most common habitat inside the MPA. Results also demonstrated that Senegalese sole do regular excursions beyond reserve boundaries, eventually emigrating from the MPA. The results suggest that small coastal MPAs providing adequate habitat may protect individuals of this species while allowing for moderate levels of adult spillover to neighbouring areas.
It has been hypothesized, based on anecdotal information and reports, that adult white seabream migrate and aggregate during spawning. Because most of the past telemetric studies on this ecologically and commercially important species were short in duration and did not cover the reproductive season, we set out to use longer-term passive acoustic telemetry to test this hypothesis. We found that white seabream expands its home range and increases the frequency of forays during the reproductive season, but found no obvious signs of spawning aggregations. Our results thus provide evidence for short-range behavioral shifts in fish space use related to reproductive activity, and support the notion that small MPAs may be effective in managing reef fish populations by effectively protecting their spawning biomass. (c) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Marine protected areas (MPAs) are today's most important tools for the spatial management and conservation of marine species. Yet, the true protection that they provide to individual fish is unknown, leading to uncertainty associated with MPA effectiveness. In this study, conducted in a recently established coastal MPA in Portugal, we combined the results of individual home range estimation and population distribution models for 3 species of commercial importance and contrasting life histories to infer (1) the size of suitable areas where they would be fully protected and (2) the vulnerability to fishing mortality of each species. Results show that the relationship between MPA size and effective protection is strongly modulated by both the species' home range and the distribution of suitable habitat inside and outside the MPA. This approach provides a better insight into the true potential of MPAs in effectively protecting marine species, since it can reveal the size and location of the areas where protection is most effective and a clear, quantitative estimation of the vulnerability to fishing throughout an entire MPA.
Marine reserves have been widely implemented as tools for biodiversity conservation and fisheries management, amongst other goals. A large number of empirical studies have focused on their effects on reef fish populations. Yet, few studies have looked at their effectiveness on semelparous species such as cephalopods, in spite of their commercial importance in many coastal regions across the globe. In this study we combine behavioural (biotelemetry) and demographic (experimental fishing) data to understand the effects of the Luiz Saldanha Marine Park (LSMP) on local populations of cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis. We used a beyond-BACI design to analyze the possible effect of the implementation of a no-take area on the abundance and biomass of this species and acoustic telemetry data to assess its site fidelity and movements within the study area. Results indicate that there was no detectable effect of the implementation of the no-take area on the abundance or biomass of cuttlefish. We found evidence that acoustically tagged adult cuttlefish leave the reserve a few days or weeks after tagging. The fact that cuttlefish have low site fidelity inside the reserve and large movements across and beyond the study area explains why there is no increase in the population inside the MPA. These results suggest that small coastal marine reserves such as the LSMP are not effective in providing long term protection to cuttlefish populations and, probably, those of other short-lived, highly mobile cephalopods. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
There is still much discussion on the most appropriate location, size and shape of marine protected areas (MPAs). These three factors were analyzed for a small coastal MPA, the Luiz Saldanha Marine Park (LSMP), for which a very limited amount of local ecological information was available when implemented in 1998. Marxan was used to provide a number of near-optimal solutions considering different levels of protection for the various conservation features and different costs. These solutions were compared with the existing no-take area of the LSMP. Information on 11 habitat types and distribution models for 3 of the most important species for the local artisanal fisheries was considered. The human activities with the highest economic and ecological impact in the study area (commercial and recreational fishing and scuba diving) were used as costs. The results show that the existing no-take area is actually located in the best area. However, the no-take area offers limited protection to vagile fish and covers a very small proportion of some of the available habitats. An increase in the conservation targets led to an increase in the number of no-take areas. The comparative framework used in this study can be applied elsewhere, providing relevant information to local stakeholders and managers in order to proceed with adaptive management. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Resumo: A cidade de Évora, de origem muito remota no tempo, localiza-se no território de Portugal continental integrado na Península Ibérica com as coordenadas 38º 34’ de latitude norte e 7º54’ longitude este. Encontram-se nesta cidade três conjuntos amuralhados que resultaram da ocupação humana e sua necessidade defensiva ao longo dos séculos. A pontuar esta muralhas encontram-se torres que foram e continuam a ser elementos muito marcantes na leitura da cidade. Podemos considerar no conjunto das torres dos diversos circuitos amuralhados, tipologias diferentes, tais como a religiosa, a civil e a militar. O objetivo é realizar uma análise da carto-iconografia existente sobre a cidade de Évora, para compreender a evolução da cidade. O circuito romano que remonta provavelmente ao início da Era Cristã, aquando do domínio romano na Península Ibérica, tinha cerca de 1080 metros de perímetro envolvendo o núcleo mais elevado da cidade, o que melhores características defensivas apresentava, visível ainda hoje em muitos troços, e popularmente designado como a “Cerca Velha”. O segundo circuito começou a ser construído no reinado de D. Afonso IV cerca de 1350. A sua construção terminou algumas dcadas depois no reinado de D. Afonso V. Conhecida como a “Cerca Nova” ou Muralhas Fernandinas tinha um perímetro de aproximadamente 3500 metros de comprimento. Em meados do século XIV teve início a utilização da pólvora como força propulsora, dando lugar a uma nova “tecnologia de guerra” a pirobalística. A alteração do paradigma da guerra e a passagem da neurobalística à pirobalística determinam alterações na arte da guerra e que tem consequências nos sistemas defensivos e definem alterações na arquitetura militar. O último recinto amuralhado deveu-se à defesa empreendida pelos portugueses contra Felipe IV, para a obtenção e manutenção da Independncia, num período alargado entre 1640 e 1668. Nos projetos de edificação deste recinto estiveram envolvidos alguns engenheiros militares de renome, como Charles Lassart, Jean Gillot no período de 1642, e Nicolau de Langres entre 1648-1660, entre outros. Passaram-se muitos séculos sobre a edificação das torres mais antigas. Sem utilização efetiva, muitas delas caíram no esquecimento. Contudo, dado o seu posicionamento no tecido urbano, de modo generalizado continuam a permitir uma visão magnífica da cidade. Simultaneamente, o seu legado arquitetónico é de inegável valor histórico, donde o interesse em as dar a conhecer e preservar. A definição da malha urbana através dos primeiros recintos amuralhados, que foram sendo gradualmente preenchidos e substituídos por outros de maiores dimensões que iam abrangendo novas áreas de expansão, são muito evidentes na leitura da cidade. Pontuada por torres das várias naturezas, podem observar-se as sucessivas épocas de construção. Estas evoluções surgem nos documentos cartográficos e iconográficos analisados, e neles se observam as sucessivas construções e configurações diferenciadas ao longo do tempo. Do ponto de vista cronológico é possível também ter essa leitura, o que demonstra a importância dos documentos analisados.
A relação entre Literatura e História permite a ambas um contínuo trocar de informações, estabelecendo entre tais realidades diversas, profundos pontos de ligação. A criação literária, dentre toda a sua gama de possibilidades, pode buscar no produto histórico a fonte, o princípio para sua criação artística; encarando este produto pois, como um dos condutores da verossimilhança que constitui o fazer Literário. Tal fenômeno pode ocorrer por meio da retratação da época (como pano de fundo por exemplo) e da alegoria. Entretanto, a construção de um discurso literário hábil de se relacionar com a História no que diz respeito a evocar o passado e trabalhar com este material que narra uma época mais afastada, constitui uma especificidade que é melhor observada nos Romances Históricos, na Metaficção Historiográfica e na Historiografia. Deste modo, partindo da análise das obras Eurico, O Presbítero de Alexandre Herculano, Memorial do Convento, de José Saramago, e das crônicas “Desavenças entre D. Afonso Heriques e sua mãe” e “D. Afonso I e o cardial de Roma”, provindas das Crônicas breves de Santa Cruz, e calcando-se na exemplificação comentada de obras referentes, serão colocados em análise estes três modos de a Literatura trabalhar o material histórico, de modo que surjam a vista a mescla entre a história do homem e a literatura que ele produz.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the critic bibliography concerning the writer Lima Barreto, from the time of publication, still in feuilleton, of his debut novel: Recordações do escrivão Isaías Caminha’s first pages. In this way, we’ll make an inventory of the official criticism about the writer's work as well to bring out the image of this criticism, at the 20th century beginning, created about Lima Barreto. Think about the reading of Lima Barreto’s work made by official literary criticism of 20th century is a productive way to redeem the literary criticism’s manner of performing, but also interesting way to show the creation of Lima Barreto’s stereotypes at that time.
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
... sous la direction de J. Vita Israel ...
Mode of access: Internet.
A new algorithm for extracting features from images for object recognition is described. The algorithm uses higher order spectra to provide desirable invariance properties, to provide noise immunity, and to incorporate nonlinearity into the feature extraction procedure thereby allowing the use of simple classifiers. An image can be reduced to a set of 1D functions via the Radon transform, or alternatively, the Fourier transform of each 1D projection can be obtained from a radial slice of the 2D Fourier transform of the image according to the Fourier slice theorem. A triple product of Fourier coefficients, referred to as the deterministic bispectrum, is computed for each 1D function and is integrated along radial lines in bifrequency space. Phases of the integrated bispectra are shown to be translation- and scale-invariant. Rotation invariance is achieved by a regrouping of these invariants at a constant radius followed by a second stage of invariant extraction. Rotation invariance is thus converted to translation invariance in the second step. Results using synthetic and actual images show that isolated, compact clusters are formed in feature space. These clusters are linearly separable, indicating that the nonlinearity required in the mapping from the input space to the classification space is incorporated well into the feature extraction stage. The use of higher order spectra results in good noise immunity, as verified with synthetic and real images. Classification of images using the higher order spectra-based algorithm compares favorably to classification using the method of moment invariants
A new approach for recognizing the iris of the human eye is presented. Zero-crossings of the wavelet transform at various resolution levels are calculated over concentric circles on the iris, and the resulting one-dimensional (1-D) signals are compared with model features using different dissimilarity functions.
We address the problem of sampling and reconstruction of two-dimensional (2-D) finite-rate-of-innovation (FRI) signals. We propose a three-channel sampling method for efficiently solving the problem. We consider the sampling of a stream of 2-D Dirac impulses and a sum of 2-D unit-step functions. We propose a 2-D causal exponential function as the sampling kernel. By causality in 2-D, we mean that the function has its support restricted to the first quadrant. The advantage of using a multichannel sampling method with causal exponential sampling kernel is that standard annihilating filter or root-finding algorithms are not required. Further, the proposed method has inexpensive hardware implementation and is numerically stable as the number of Dirac impulses increases.