96 resultados para Cybele (Goddess)
Remedios Varo occupies a marginal position in the Surrealist canon, despite her direct involvement with Breton’s circle and in spite of the fact that her work is attributed a universal significance. It has been interpreted as representing a journey towards identity and freedom, a search for female empowerment, and as a spiritual quest. Moreover, critical focus on the mythic/exoteric ‘female’ quest has been to the detriment of the mystical/esoteric significance of the paintings. This article argues that it is in the combination of these strands that Varo’s radicalism might be found. It shows that by presenting a female, spiritual quest for enlightenment—which exists apart from a traditionally male-dominated, western religious schema—Varo circumvented her ordained role within the artistic, spiritual, and political communities of which she was a part.
O presente trabalho propõe-se apresentar uma versão portuguesa do Hino Homérico a Afrodite V, acompanhada das respectivas notas e de um estudo introdutório. Numa primeira parte, começa por se fazer um breve estudo sobre o género hínico, centrado sobretudo nos Hinos Homéricos. Segue-se uma apresentação sucinta da deusa Afrodite e dos Hinos Homéricos que lhe são dedicados, sendo dada uma especial relevância às principais características do Hino Homérico a Afrodite V e à sua análise. Numa segunda parte do trabalho, é apresentada uma versão portuguesa do Hino Homérico a Afrodite V e as respectivas notas, bem como a tradução dos Hinos VI e X, igualmente dedicados à deusa.
When the scribes of ancient Mesopotamia rewrote the Epic of Gilgamesh over a period of over two thousand years, the modifications made reflected the social transformations occurring during the same era. The dethroning of the goddess Inanna-Ishtar and the devaluation of other female characters in the evolving Epic of Gilgamesh coincided with the declining status of women in society. Since the 1960s, translations into modern languages have been readily available. The Mesopotamian myth has been reused in a wide variety of mythic and mythological texts by Quebecois, Canadian and American authors. Our analysis of the first group of mythic texts, written in the 1960s and 1970s, shows a reversal of the tendency of the Mesopotamian texts. Written at a time when the feminist movement was transforming North American society, these retellings feature a goddess with her high status restored and her ancient attributes re-established. Another group of writers, publishing in the 1980s and 1990s, makes a radical shift away from these feminist tendencies while still basically rewriting the Epic. In this group of mythic texts, the goddess and other female characters find their roles reduced while the male gods and characters have expanded and glorified roles. The third group of texts analysed does not rewrite the Epic. The Epic is reused here intertextually to give depth to mythological works set in the twentieth century or later. The dialogue created between the contemporary text and the Epic emphasises the role that the individual has in society. A large-scale comparative mythotextual study of texts that share a common hypotext can, especially when socio-historical factors are considered, provide a window onto the relationship between text and society. A comparative study of how the Epic of Gilgamesh is rewritten and referred to intertextually through time can help us relativize the understanding of our own time and culture.
Cette thèse défend l’idée que plusieurs auteurs modernistes ont utilisé des concepts centraux à la croyance religieuse traditionnelle afin de préconiser le changement social. Au lieu de soutenir l'hypothèse de la sécularisation, qui prétend que les modernistes ont rejeté la religion en faveur d'une laïcité non contestée, j'argumente en faveur de ce que j'appelle « la spiritualité moderniste, » qui décrie une continuité intégrale des concepts spirituels dans l'agitation de la période moderniste qui a déstabilisée les institutions qui avait auparavant jeté les bases de la société Occidentale. En me basant sur les écrit de Sigmund Freud, William James et Émile Durkheim concernant les fins poursuivis par la religion, je développe cinq concepts centraux de la croyance religieuse que les modernistes ont cherché à resignifier, à savoir la rédemption, la communauté, la sacralité, le spectre, et la liturgie, et, dans chaque cas, j'ai montré comment ces catégories ont été réinterprétées pour traiter des questions considérées comme essentielles au début du vingtième siècle, à savoir ce que l’on identifie aujourd’hui comme le féminisme, l'écologie, la biopolitique, les crises, et le rôle du poète. Le chapitre I se concentre sur la rédemption par le féminin telle qu’on la trouve dans le recueil de vers de H.D. portant sur la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Trilogy (1944-1946), qui projette un certain espoir grâce à un mélange synchrétique de Christianisme, de mythes anciens, d’astrologie, et de psychologie. Mon deuxième chapitre discute de The Grapes of Wrath (1939) de John Steinbeck, qui élargit le rôle de la communauté en avançant une écologie universelle qui concevoit tous les gens comme étant intimement liés entre eux et avec le monde. Le chapitre III traite de la notion du sacré dans The Light in August (1932) de Willam Faulkner et Nightwood (1936) de Djuna Barnes, qui préconisent une foi privatisée qui accentue l'illégitimité des concepts de sacralité et de pollution en élevant des individus qui sont marginalisés biopolitiquement. Le chapitre IV cherche à comprendre le retour des morts, et je soutiens que le topos a été utilisé par les modernistes comme un symbole de crises sociales; le chapitre enquête d'abord sur “The Jolly Corner” (1908) de Henry James, que j'ai lu comme la séquence rêvée d'un homme faisant face à son propre spectre, Ulysses (1922) de James Joyce, où Stephen Dedalus est hanté de façon répétée par le spectre de sa mère, et Mrs. Dalloway (1925) de Virginia Woolf, qui se concentre sur le motif caché de la Fête des Morts. Ma cinquième section traite de la liturgie, la langue poétique utilisée pour les rites religieux, dans la première poésie de Wallace Stevens, qui conçoit le rôle du poète comme une vocation de l'imagination.
L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és l'estudi de tot un seguit d'escultures votives trobades dins el santuari de Cibele de Ostia, descobert a finals del segle passat i excavat amb extensió just abans de la Segona Guerra Mundial. Tanmateix, el nostre objectiu no era el de presentar, únicament, un catàleg de l'estatuària sinó, especialment, la seva funció i relació dins el santuari com un element a considerar per a l'estudi del culte a Cibele i més concretament a Atis.
La autora reflexiona sobre el relato “Ella”, del uruguayo Juan Carlos Onetti, y sobre otras representaciones de la muerte de Eva Perón, escritas por Jorge Luis Borges, David Viñas y Néstor Perlongher. Afirma que en la Argentina de Perón ya confluían realidad y ficción, y que las múltiples biografías de Eva serían “un duelo de versiones narrativas entre la ficción y la historia o, si se prefiere, una metáfora de la historia”. Rosano plantea que, en los textos revisados, es la realidad la que adopta contornos fantasmagóricos, disparados por motivos diversos: la descomposición y el tópico del mal olor, la impostura del cuerpo embalsamado y del mandatario, el entrelazamiento entre lo político y lo sexual en la escena del velorio, la imagen de Eva, “una diosa que muestra sus encajes de novia de suburbio” pero también una siniestra y doliente “zombi escarlata”. Señala, finalmente, que los textos muestran a los fieles, esos “miles de necrófilos murmurantes y enlutados”, sometidos a la potencia del mito.
In order to investigate how the population diversity at major Romano-British urban centres compared to small towns and military outposts, we conducted multi-isotope (carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and strontium) analyses of bones (42 individuals) and teeth (26 individuals) of human skeletons from Cataractonium/ Roman Catterick in North Yorkshire (U.K.). The results suggest a markedly less diverse population at Catterick than at the larger towns. Significant differences are observed between burials from the town and fort area and the suburb of Bainesse to the south, and it is suggested that these reflect a shift to more localised recruitment for the Roman army in the Late Roman period. Isotope data for the ‘Bainesse Eunuch’, an unusual 4th century burial that has been interpreted as the remains of a ‘transvestite’ priest of Cybele, are not ultimately conclusive but consistent with origins in Southern Britain or areas with a similar climate abroad. This paper also presents strontium isotope data for modern vegetation samples from 17 sites in the Catterick/northern Vale of York area which contribute to a continuing effort to map the biosphere 87Sr/86Sr variation in Britain.
The word tyche (plural tychai) denotes an ancient Greek concept encompassing many aspects of fortune – chance, fate, luck, occurrence, even achievement, success, and wealth – both good and bad. As a personification of that concept, the goddess Tyche came to symbolize the fate and fortune of rulers and through them their cities; she thus emerged as the preeminent city goddess throughout the Hellenistic and Roman worlds. Her name is etymologically related to the verb tynchanein (“to hit, meet with, be favored with, happen accidentally”). The connection between the noun and verb is so close that it is difficult to distinguish in Greek literature between the deity and the abstraction.
Denna studie undersöker gudinnan Hathors funktion i forna Egypten med utgångspunkt från metallurgiverksamheten som Hathor var beskyddare över. Studien undersöker vad för behov som uppstår i metallurgikontexten och hur denna kan ha påverkat och speglats i förställningar kring gudinnan Hathors funktion i forna Egypten. Studien stödjer sig på William Padens teori om religiösa Världar för att därigenom belysa hur behov i en specifik kontext kan spelgas i den Religiösa Världen. Undersökningen baseras på tolkningar av en rad olika forskningsrapporter. Dels etnografiska dokumentationer om metallurgikontexter ifrån Afrika söder om Sahara, arkeologiska utgrävningar från gruvområdet i Timna i Sinai och forskares interpretationer kring gudinnan Hathors funktion i forna Egypten. Ifrån metallurgiverksamheten studerades dels hur den äldre teknologin fungerade och hur den inverkade på religiösa föreställningar och den auktoritära strukturen i Afrika. Därtill vad för sorts belägg som finns för metallurgiverksamhet i Timna i Sinai och hur gudinnan Hathors kults närvaro i gruvområdet kom till uttryck. Dessutom studeras forskares interpretationer som rör gudinnan Hathors kults funktion, auktoritära struktur och kultens förhållande till konungen i forna Egypten. Dessa uppgifter analyserades därefter och studien visar starka indikationer på att gudinnan Hathor skapades och användes i syfte att gagna en begränsad grupps intresse i forna Egypten. Att gudinnan Hathors funktion och de offentliga festivalerna var till för att upprätthålla en auktoritär struktur och vidmakthålla smidessläktets och prästerskapets makt.
Brazil has been undergoing major demographic change.According to IBGE, the next 20 years the country's elderly population may reach over 30 million people. This tariff provides specifics regarding the process of health / disease. It is essential that higher education institutions are committed to this demand in view of the integrated training of health needs of society. The aim of this study is to analyze the Pedagogical Political Projects (PPP) of courses in dentistry in Rio Grande do Norte (RN), according to the national curriculum guidelines (DCNS) and training from the perspective of health care for the elderly. This is an exploratory study with a qualitative approach: with records and interviews. The study subjects were an Assistant Professor in the development of PPPs for each institution. The scenario in this study were dental training institutions in the newborns. Initially, the analysis of the PPP was by using the Alceste 4.9 software. The interpretation of the contents of interviews with teachers was done through content analysis of Bardin (2010). The PPPs are based on the DCNS, meet the characteristics of regional and seek a generalist, but still strongly directed to technical and scientific aspects of professional practice. Efforts and institutional approaches, involving teachers and students of the courses are being mobilized for training with more articulated network of health services. However, the emphasis on content pertaining to the health care of the elderly, is still limited when compared to those targeted content inherent in children and adolescents in all three curricular structures. It is reasonable to conclude that the historical, political, scientific, cultural and social, present in society, influence the formation of the dental professional RN. The greater participation of society in the process of vocational training in dentistry is needed. This can be done from the involvement of universities with health councils, bodies representing the dental profession and other segments of civil society in order to induce changes that generate ideas and educational practices integrative and interdisciplinary, with emphasis on continuing education for teachers, servants, employees and students. Containing conduct this process inherent flexibility of curriculum, teaching-service integration and coordination abilities and professional skills that are essential to understanding the human being and its complexities
The tree-frog Phyllomedusa ayeaye is a rare species. With its distribution mostly unknown in the southeastern region of Brazil, it is considered one of the most threatened anurans in the country. Here we use ecological niche modelling from only three known occurrence points to produce predictive maps of the distribution of this species, which should help target new field surveys in areas of occurrence predicted by the model. This is the first study in Brazil that uses ecological niche modelling as a tool for predicting the distribution of rare and threatened amphibian anuran species.
Apesar do grande número de estudos realizados com a herpetofauna do Estado de São Paulo, que a caracteriza como a mais conhecida no país, ainda existem vazios amostrais dentro de biomas considerados mundialmente como prioritários para a conservação pelo elevado grau de endemismo e pressão antrópica, como é o caso da Mata Atlântica. Como resultado de pressões políticas e históricas, o bioma foi reduzido a menos de 12% de sua extensão original e apesar de sua importância para a conservação da biodiversidade mundial, apenas uma porcentagem mínima de sua cobertura vegetal original (1%) encontra-se protegida sob alguma forma legal de proteção. Este é o caso do Parque Estadual Turístico do Alto Ribeira (PETAR) que juntamente com o Parque Estadual de Intervales, Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho e Mosaico de Unidades de Conservação de Jacupiranga formam um extenso contínuo ecológico de 360 mil ha de floresta ombrófila no sul do estado. O presente estudo apresenta a lista de anfíbios e répteis do PETAR, com informações sobre a distribuição local e uso de hábitat destas espécies. O inventário foi realizado de outubro a dezembro 2009, totalizando 15 dias de amostragens que foram realizadas por meio de quatro métodos complementares de amostragem ativa: procura visual, procura auditiva, procura de carro e encontro ocasional. Foram registradas no total 91 espécies pertencentes a 53 gêneros e 24 famílias. Esta alta diversidade pode ser atribuída à existência de uma grande variedade de hábitats e microhábitats nesta localidade, como os diversos sítios aquáticos utilizados por várias das espécies de anfíbios anuros amostradas. Além disso, o PETAR apresenta um amplo gradiente altitudinal (80 - 1.160 m) que confere uma grande heterogeneidade climática, geológica e hidrológica a área. Neste sentido, este inventário é uma importante contribuição para a ampliação do conhecimento destas taxocenoses de floresta ombrófila presentes na porção mais ao sul da Serra de Paranapiacaba, fornecendo subsídios para a adoção de medidas visando à conservação dessas taxocenoses no Estado de São Paulo.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS
Ananse, a metamorfose em aranha da deusa Aranã, procedente da cultura fanthi-ashanti, da região do Benin na África ocidental, configura-se, neste trabalho na metáfora símbolo das ações de resistência empreendidas pelos africanos seus descendentes no continente americano, particularmente no, Brasil. Dessa maneira, apresenta um relato etnográfico da saga dos herdeiros da deusa Aranã em luta contra o racismo. A estrutura desta narrativa é a de um Auto Teatral em que o personagem antagonista é o Racismo e o protagonista são os herdeiros de Ananse. A composição dessa narrativa parte da premissa de que as diversas culturas trazidas pelo protagonista exerceram importância fundamental, para alimentar a luta dos africanos e seus herdeiros, frente à astúcia de um antagonista capaz de se travestir, no tempo e no espaço, de várias personas (máscaras) para desorientar e enfraquecer os discursos do protagonista. Entretanto, o protagonista também é astucioso na elaboração de suas teias. No tecido desta narrativa recupero as teias elaboradas por este personagem para inserir na agenda do estado brasileiro o reconhecimento da existência do racismo e da discriminação racial, na sociedade. e as políticas públicas de ação afirmativa, em especial, o emprego do sistema de cotas para negros na universidade. O embate é uma narrativa com características épicas que privilegia o papel do fio/ação movimento negro.