929 resultados para Cultural Influences


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Skin to skin contact facilitates the initiation of breast feeding, neonatal thermoregulation and the promotion of maternal-infant attachment. However, there are cultural influences in society and in the labour ward that may make implemention of skin to skin contact difficult.


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Constipation is one of the most common digestive complaints. It is a symptom, not a disease. The subjectivity that this involves means that assessments of clinical epidemiology, socioeconomic costs and pharmacotherapy are difficult, since there is no definition of 'normal' bowel habit. Although constipation can affect all ages, the problem increases with age, and is of particular concern for those who are frail and in long term care. Cultural influences may affect the prevalence in older people. Drug therapy of constipation cannot be considered in isolation, since there are issues in the prevention of constipation and the principles of good management that also apply. Furthermore, some consideration of the pathophysiology and diagnosis is important. This is because a number of remediable causes can be identified, and the diagnostic process involves patient education, which in turn may be effective in reducing costs. It is the complaint of constipation which leads either to self-medication or to consultation with the medical profession. Both of these courses of action have a significant influence on utilisation of laxatives (cathartics), obtained both over-the-counter and by prescription. Although there are a large number of laxative preparations available, therapy has changed little in half a century. Costs may vary considerably, and with such a significant problem there is a need for comparative studies. However, study methodologies are difficult, and a significant placebo response may be found. Education and preventive measures have been shown to reduce laxative use and costs in institutions. Unfortunately, there are few comparative studies of individual laxatives and even fewer cost-effectiveness studies. Those that there are have been based in institutions, and so extrapolation to other situations may be difficult. In general, little attention is given to constipation. It is, however, an area with significant resource implications in which education and preventive measures have been shown to be beneficial. Even so, there is still a need for good comparative studies, particularly where cost effectiveness is concerned.


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Introduction.– Sibling relationships have been described as intimate,
congenial, loyal, apathetic or hostile but little is known about
sibling relationships in very old age.Weasked nonagenarian brothers
and sisters from the EU-funded Genetics of Healthy Ageing
(GeHA) project whether they had felt supported by having a living
sibling to have better coping abilities.
Methods and results.– Nonagenarian siblings were a convenience
sample from four countries from the GeHA study–Italy, Poland,
N Ireland, Finland. All were consented willing participants. Most
male/female dyads demonstrated healthy respect for each other’s
opinion and their sibling relationship fits the “loyal” type, though
with a clear sense of independence.Noneof the eight female/female
nor the one male/male dyad seemed to fit the “intimate” description;
two might be described as “apathetic”, while the other two
seemed to show aspects of family “loyalty”, alongside other traits
perhaps best described as “congenial”. There were apparent different
cultural influences across Europe with siblings in Italy and
Poland more likely to report supportive siblinghood, compared to
sibling pairs/trios in Finland or N Ireland where self-resilience and
independence seemed more common. Polish and Italian nonagenarians
often felt supported by their religious faith and church.
Conclusions.– In general, nonagenarian siblings most often demonstrated
loyal family relationships, which may have helped each
other’s coping and survival mechanisms. However, there was
widespread evidence of tolerance for individual decision-making.
Perhaps rather, these 90-year-olds survive because they are
resilient and independent and don’t need to depend on each other!


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Work and family roles have changed considerably in the past number of decades. Fathers are now expected to fulfil the role of 'new father' that involves actively caring and sharing in child rearing and, at the same time, maintain commitment to their occupational role. As a consequence, men are subject to the same pressure that women were when they initially entered the workplace decades ago and indeed still are today. This study aims to explore the meanings fathers attach to their life roles, how these meanings influence behaviour within these roles and how they negotiate the demands of these roles. In-depth interviews were carried out with 15 fathers, and the results were analysed adhering to the principles of grounded theory. The findings show the variability among fathers in both their commitment to fathering and the meanings they attach to that role. A significant tension between new fatherhood ideals and actual fathering practices is also apparent. These findings are discussed drawing upon traditional definitions of masculinity and wider occupational and cultural influences.


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Para além das variáveis clínicas e sociodemográficas existem concerteza importantes componentes individuais que desempenham um contributo importante no nível de insight apresentado por cada pessoa doente, por exemplo, o nível de inteligência, personalidade, cultura, experiências passadas, memória, etc. A natureza clínica, emocional e/ou intelectual do termo ajuda-nos a compreender a complexidade da dificuldade que existe na sua tradução e, inclusive, na sua compreensão. Daí que as definições atribuídas ao conceito sejam muito distintas e variem consoante a formação teórica do autor/investigador. Pretende-se, a partir dessa identificação/compreensão, promover a qualidade de vida destas pessoas através do desenvolvimento de novas aprendizagens que possibilitem uma cooperação activa. É igualmente fundamental ir ao encontro das capacidade intactas de maneira a possibilitar a aquisição de novos(s) comportamento(s) que tenham um impacte positivo nas queixas, sinais, sintomas, incapacidade e disfuncionalidade apresentados pelo/a utente. Uma vez que a própria conceptualização do termo traduzirá aquilo que se pretende avaliar,será efectuada uma reflexão detalhada acerca dos instrumentos e definições que têm sido mais utilizadas para explorar o insight nas psicoses.Procurei, no meu trabalho de investigação, realçar e promover a importância que cada sujeito, alvo de intervenção, desempenha ao longo do seu processo de recuperação e na prevenção de recaídas. No seguimento dos objectivos acima descritos, para além da revisão teórica efectuada ao fenómeno em termos de conceptualização e estudos desenvolvidos na área de investigação, foi,neste estudo, realizada a contribuição para a validação do instrumento “Assessment of Insight in Psychosis: a re-standartization of a New Scale” de Marková & Berrios (2003).O fenómeno de insight escolhido pela Insight Scale, relata menos as mudanças vividas em relação à doença mental, e mais a actual consciência e articulação de tais mudanças. Tendo como base uma abordagem psicopedagógica, o fenómeno do insight aqui explorado assentou numa perspectiva reabilitativa, actual e multidimensional, que fosse para além das dimensões clínicas tradicionais. Neste sentido é apresentada uma escala original, intitulada “Escala de Avaliação do Insight e Identificação das Necessidades em Pessoas com Psicose”, bem como um modelo de intervenção psicopedagógico breve, assente nos pressupostos descritos ao longo do trabalho.-----------------------------------------ABSTRACT: The importance of insight in people with mental illnesses was first studied in psychiatry, in the first decades of the 20th century, by people as important as Lewis (1934) and Jaspers (1959). However, this field of investigation was left unexplored for many years. Only in the last decade has this phenomenon become the object of numerous scientific investigations, having been given special attention by its investigators. For this reason a significant number of instruments for evalauting insight in psychotic disorders were developed. Since then many papers have been published, which has allowed for a more in depth knowledge on the subject. Therefore, in recent years, the concept of insight has been developed in an attempt to clarify its compexity. A once dichotomic phenomenon, described in terms of presence or absence, became considered multidimensional, which made the identification of different levels of insight and different dimensions possible. Current concepts categorize insight into five dimensions: the awareness of the patient in relation to his/her mental illness, the awareness of the patient in relation to the social consequences of his/her illness, the awareness of the need for treatment, the awareness of the symptoms and the explanation of those symptoms in relation to the illness. The lack of insight in psychiatry, in general terms, and as this phenomenon has been described, the lack of awareness of having a mental illness, represents one of the most common symptoms of schizophrenia and affects a big part of the population that suffer from this illness. It is estimated that bewteen 50 and 80 per cent of patients with schizophrenia do not believe that they are ill, which, consequently has a big impact in the process of adherence to treatment. It is still not possible, however, to identify all the factors that determine the lack of insight in schizophrenics. There are psychological, social and cultural influences that almost certainly play their role in the lack of insight registered in this pathology.Since the impact of scizophrenia is felt in many aspects of the individual’s life, its effective treatment should be directed at various levels, including the improvement of insight. One of the objectives of this study is to explore the relationship between the level of insight in psychosis and the clinical and sociodemographic variables, the psychopathology and its global functioning. As well as the clinical and sociodemographic variables, there are of course important individual components that contribute to the level of insight seen in each patient, for example, their level of inteligence, personality, culture, past experiences, memory, etc. The clinical, emotional and/or intelectual nature of the term helps us understand the difficulty that lies in its interpretation as well as in its comprehension. Therefore, the definitions attributed to the term are very different and vary according to the theoretical training of the investigator. It is intended, from this identification/understanding, to promote the quality of life of these people through the development of new findings that might enable an active cooperation. It is equally fundamental to observe their unimpaired capacities in order to enable the acquisition of new behaviour(s) that have a positive impact on the complaints, signs, symptoms, incapacity and disfunctioning seen in the patient.As the actual comprehension of the term explains what we intend to evaluate, a detailed reflection is made on the instruments and definitions that have been used the most to explore insight in psychosis.In this investigation I tried to underline and promote the importance that each subject, undergoing medical intervention, plays during his/her process of recovery and prevention of relapses. Considering the above mentioned objectives, as well as a theoretical review of the phenomenon in terms of conceptualization and investigative studies developed, this study contributed to the validation of the instrument.The insight phenomenon chosen by the “Insight Scale”, records less changes experienced in relation to the mental illness and more actual awareness and articulation of these changes. Based on a psychopedagogical approach, the insight phenomenon explored here settled on a rehabilitation, current and multidimensional perspective that would go beyond the traditional clinical dimensions. For this reason an original scale entitled “Insight Evaluation Scale and Need Identification in Psychosis Patients” is presented, as well as a psychopedagogical intervention model soon to be used with admitted patients based on the presuppositions described in this study.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.


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S’inscrivant dans le paradigme de la recherche qualitative, cette étude fait état d’une investigation des ressources mobilisées par cinq enseignantes québécoises et cinq enseignantes roumaines pour le développement de la résilience éducationnelle devant la violence scolaire, évaluée comme facteur de risque. L’analyse des données révèle le rôle des compétences professionnelles dans le développement de la résilience éducationnelle, en tant que ressources, chez les enseignantes rencontrées. En tant que recherche exploratoire comparative, cette étude s’intéresse à l’influence des différences culturelles sur la perception et l’impact des expériences de violence vécues, à la mise en pratique des compétences professionnelles, aux sentiments d’efficacité et de satisfaction professionnelle, au développement et au fonctionnement du processus de résilience éducationnelle chez les enseignantes de deux groupes nationaux. L’approche écosystémique met en lumière le caractère de processus dynamique de la résilience éducationnelle qui exige des ressources et repose sur des facteurs dont l’interaction assure son fonctionnement.


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Baseada na perspectiva teórica do campo dos Estudos Culturais e sócio-históricos sobre o corpo, esta dissertação analisou os significados culturais que os indivíduos atribuíam aos seus corpos e suas vidas cotidianas após terem sido submetidos a amputação e se tornarem usuários de prótese. O material empírico foi coletado através da observação participante, do diário de campo e da entrevista semi-estruturada, realizada numa clínica ortopédica privada, situada em Porto Alegre, especializada na reabilitação e protetização de indivíduos que foram submetidos a amputação. O grupo participante do estudo foi: o fisioterapeuta e o protesista, e por nove pacientes da clínica, homens e mulheres, todos amputados de um membro inferior, com idades variando entre 18 e 82 anos, sendo que apresentavam em comum o fato de terem se tornado amputados após um acidente ou em decorrência da diabete. A pesquisa de campo foi desenvolvida no período de Fevereiro de 2003 a Setembro de 2003, através da participação de sessões de fisioterapia, das reuniões mensais dos grupos de apoio aos amputados, onde foi acompanhado o processo de adaptação à prótese. O estudo consistiu em problematizar os efeitos provocados na vida cotidiana destes indivíduos pelas transformações ocorridas em seus corpos secundários à amputação, bem como aqueles produzidos pelo "acoplamento" com a prótese, buscando tornar visível o processo vivenciado por eles, ou seja, o estranhamento e a naturalização do seu "novo" corpo fabricado pelas tecnologias. A dissertação representa, portanto, as reflexões construídas a partir da investigação desenvolvida especificamente neste grupo, onde o corpo amputado e protetizado foi vislumbrado como algo produzido e ressignificado na cultura, sendo assim moldável, provisório e reinventado continuamente.


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The fear related to dental procedures can be acquired through disturbing experiences and/or negative cultural influences related in experiences of previous generations. Such influences may be present in diverse forms of cultural expression: in the cinema, plastic arts, music, literature, and diverse vehicles of printed and visual media. This research aimed investigates the images of fear related to the dental service and dentist in motion pictures. The study has qualitative approach, which used the documentary analysis of movies. The data collection was accomplished through research in the Internet by means of the Google tool (http://www.google.com.br), using the describing words filme and dentista . A total of 44 films were found. Of these, after selective criterion for films with scenes showing interaction between dentist and patient in the execution of clinical procedure, only 24 films were enclosed. Then, these were registered in data base created for this research. After second selective criterion of inclusion (scenes with suggestion of dental anxiety), 15 films remained. As regards cinematographic gender, the films with scenes showing "dental anxiety" varied between comedy (8), horror (3), drama (2), thriller (1) and childish (1). Of these films, scenes with images of situations that suggest fear of the dentist and his job were selected and described. The images were categorized by the identification of negative characteristics that incite "dental anxiety". Then, the classification of the categories was proceeded detaching the most recurrent characteristics in the scenes: situation of fear in the waiting-room; pain; instrument coarse/rudimentary; coarseness of the dentist; torture; and low qualification technique. The waiting-room was observed as a place of great tension, due to the noises coming from the dental attendance. The pain related to the Dentistry was the predominant subject in the majority of films (14), associated to others negative characteristics. The rudimentary aspects of procedures and instruments, and the coarse attitudes of the professional could be observed too. The dentist was characterized as confused, sadist, violent, insensitive, incompetent person and disturbed. Such results suggest that, despite the technological advances of the profession, the image of the dentist and his job is still transmitted in a negative way aspect and reinforces the dental anxiety


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Este estudo trata da relação entre gênero e orientação sexual a partir da perspectiva interacionista da Psicologia Evolucionista e da análise de diferentes elementos da sexualidade humana. Procurou-se discutir a literatura existente sobre os conceitos de gênero e de orientação sexual, com base nos quatro porquês da Etologia. Propõe-se a existência de múltiplas origens para a orientação sexual, sendo uma delas relacionada aos padrões típicos de gênero e à identidade de gênero. Isso levaria à identificação com indivíduos do mesmo sexo ou do sexo oposto e, consequentemente, à atração pelo grupo diferente daquele com o qual se desenvolveu a identificação. Essa perspectiva integra pré-disposições biológicas à análise de influências culturais, compreendendo, como complementares, vertentes teóricas usualmente tidas como contraditórias.


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Para a Psicologia Evolucionista as diferenças de gênero existentes nas brincadeiras resultam de influências culturais que interagem com uma pré-disposição selecionada na espécie. Objetivou-se investigar se tais diferenças seriam compatíveis com dimorfismo sexual descrito na literatura da área. Setenta e três alunos entre seis e sete anos de uma escola particular foram filmados em quatro sessões de 30 minutos de recreio. Contabilizou-se a freqüência dos comportamentos e os pares com que ocorriam. Posteriormente, 21 crianças foram entrevistadas sobre suas brincadeiras prediletas e suas classificações de brincadeiras segundo o gênero. Pôde-se observar que ambos os sexos participam de atividades similares, mas em interações intra-sexuais. Além disso, observaram-se diferenças topográficas na forma de brincar, de acordo com o sexo. Nas entrevistas, como previa a literatura, foram registradas diferenças entre o relatado e o observado, indicando maior influência cultural sobre o conteúdo relatado.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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[EN]This dissertation analyses the Eastern cultural influences present in the aesthetic of Buck’s best seller The Good Earth. The objective is to study the characteristics of Buck’s aesthetic as a product of a creative process of self-translation between Mandarin and English. The methodology of analysis has focused on the characters of the novel, the strategies used to refer to them, the characters’ idiolect and their social interaction (facework). Finally, these cultural aspects have been compared with one of the Spanish translations available of the novel. The results obtained show a novel highly influenced by the Eastern tradition, where the idiolect of the characters show an influence from both East and West possible thanks to the mechanism of self-translation.


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The Ph.D. dissertation analyses the reasons for which political actors (governments, legislatures and political parties) decide consciously to give away a source of power by increasing the political significance of the courts. It focuses on a single case of particular significance: the passage of the Constitutional Reform Act 2005 in the United Kingdom. This Act has deeply changed the governance and the organization of the English judicial system, has provided a much clearer separation of powers and a stronger independence of the judiciary from the executive and the legislative. What’s more, this strengthening of the judicial independence has been decided in a period in which the political role of the English judges was evidently increasing. I argue that the reform can be interpreted as a «paradigm shift» (Hall 1993), that has changed the way in which the judicial power is considered. The most diffused conceptions in the sub-system of the English judicial policies are shifted, and a new paradigm has become dominant. The new paradigm includes: (i) stronger separation of powers, (ii) collective (as well as individual) conception of the independence of the judiciary, (iii) reduction of the political accountability of the judges, (iv) formalization of the guarantees of judicial independence, (v) principle-driven (instead of pragmatic) approach to the reforms, and (vi) transformation of a non-codified constitution in a codified one. Judicialization through political decisions represent an important, but not fully explored, field of research. The literature, in particular, has focused on factors unable to explain the English case: the competitiveness of the party system (Ramseyer 1994), the political uncertainty at the time of constitutional design (Ginsburg 2003), the cultural divisions within the polity (Hirschl 2004), federal institutions and division of powers (Shapiro 2002). All these contributes link the decision to enhance the political relevance of the judges to some kind of diffusion of political power. In the contemporary England, characterized by a relative high concentration of power in the government, the reasons for such a reform should be located elsewhere. I argue that the Constitutional Reform Act 2005 can be interpreted as a result of three different kinds of reasons: (i) the social and demographical transformations of the English judiciary, which have made inefficient most of the precedent mechanism of governance, (ii) the role played by the judges in the policy process and (iii) the cognitive and normative influences originated from the European context, as a consequence of the membership of the United Kingdom to the European Union and the Council of Europe. My thesis is that only a full analysis of all these three aspects can explain the decision to reform the judicial system and the content of the Constitutional Reform Act 2005. Only the cultural influences come from the European legal complex, above all, can explain the paradigm shift previously described.