979 resultados para Creation (Literary, artistic, etc.)


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The subject of this work is the poetics of «The Wax Effigy», a short novel or novella by Jurii Tynianov, Russian writer, literary critic, historian of literature and prominent literary theoretician. The plot structure of the novel is based upon a real event, the creation by Bartolomeo Carlo Rastrelli in 1725 of a wax sculpture of the first Russian emperor, Peter the Great. «Construction of the Sham» consists of three chapters, an introduction and a conclusion. Due to the fact that Tynianov was at the same time a prose writer and theoretician of literature it seemed important to consider the reception of his prose and his works on literary theory in relationship to each other. The introduction is devoted to this task. The first chapter is about the history of the creation of the novel and its reception. Tynianov stopped writing one short story in order to write the novel; these two works have some common traits. It seems almost obvious that his work on the first text was a real step toward the creation of the second. In the first story there is an opposition of dead/alive which is semantic prefiguring of a central motif in «The Wax Effigy». An analysis of the reception of the novel demonstrated that almost every critic writing about the novel has described it as nonsense. Critics considered Tynianov's work in terms of «devices» and «content» and could not understand how devices are related to the content of the novel: the novel was thought as a signifier without any signified. Implicitly, critics thought the signified of the novel as a traditional one of the historical novel, as the historiosophical «idea», embodied in the system of literary devices. In this case literature becomes something instrumental, a kind of expression of extraliterary content. In contradistinction to that Tynianov considered literary semantics as an effect of the literary structure. From his point of view the literary sense is immanent to the process of signification accomplished inside the literary text. The second chapter is devoted to a rhetorical analysis of the opposition dead/alive. Tynianov systematically compares both terms of the opposition. As a result of this strategy the wax effigy of the dead emperor becomes «as if» alive and the world of living people «as if» dead. The qualifier «as if» refers to the fact that Tynianov creates an ambiguous semantic system. This rhetoric is related to European Romanticism and his «fantastic literature» (Merimé, Hoffmann, Maupassant etc.). But Tynianov demonstrates a linguistic origin of the strange fantoms created by romantics; he demystifies these idols by parodying the fantastic literature, that is, showing «how it was done». At the same time, the opposition mentioned above refers to his idea of «incongruity» which plays a prominent role in Tynianov s theory but has never been conceptualised. The incongruity is a inner collision of the literary text; from Tynianov's point of view the meaning of the work of literature is always a dynamic collision of semantically heterogeneous elements struggling with each other. In «The Wax Effigy» Tynianov creates a metalevel of the work demonstrating the process of creation of the literary sense. The third chapter is a reconstruction of Tynianov's conception of the historical prose, specifically of the mechanisms by which historical facts are transformed into literary events. Tynianov thought that the task of the historical novelist is to depict his hero as an actor, to demonstrate that as a wearer of many masks he is a creator of appearances, ambiguities. Here, in the «figure of fiction» (Andrei Belyi), the very idea of the historical prose and rhetoric employed in «The Wax Effigy», history and literature meet each other. In his last theoretical work, «On parody» Tynianov writes about the so-called sham structure of parody. In his opinion every parody is a text about other texts and «serious» work which could be read at the same time as a text about «reality». This twofold structure of parody is that of «The Wax Effigy»: that text speaks about ambiguities of the history and about ambiguities of the literary sense, about social reality of the past and - about the working of the literature itself. «The Wax Effigy» is written as a autoreflective text, as an experiment in literary semantics, as a system of literary ambiguities - of hero, rhetoric and the text itself. The meaning of the novel is created not by the embodiment extraliterary idea, but by the process of signification accomplished inside the work of literature. In this sense Tynianov's novel is parody, a break with the tradition of the historical novel preceding «The Wax Effigy».


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This report provides an analysis of the cultural, policy and legal implications of ‘mash-ups’. This study provides a short history of mash-ups, explaining how the current ‘remix culture’ builds upon a range of creative antecedents and cultural traditions, which valorised appropriation, quotation, and transformation. It provides modern examples of mash-ups, such as sound recordings, musical works, film and artistic works, focusing on works seen on You Tube and other online applications. In particular, it considers - * Literary mash-ups of canonical texts, including Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, The Wind Done Gone, After the Rain, and 60 Years Later; * Artistic mash-ups, highlighting the Obama Hope poster, the ‘Column’ case, and the competition for extending famous album covers; * Geographical mash-ups, most notably, the Google Australia bushfires map; * Musical mash-ups, such as The Grey Album and the work of Girl Talk; * Cinematic mash-ups, including remixes of There Will Be Blood and The Downfall; and This survey provides an analysis of why mash-up culture is valuable. It highlights the range of aesthetic, political, comic, and commercial impulses behind the creation and the dissemination of mash-ups. This report highlights the tensions between copyright law and mash-ups in particular cultural sectors. Second, this report emphasizes the importance of civil society institutions in promoting and defending mash-ups in both copyright litigation and policy debates. It provides a study of key organisations – including: * The Fair Use Project; * The Organization for Transformative Works; * Public Knowledge; * The Electronic Frontier Foundation; and * The Chilling Effects Clearinghouse This report suggests that much can be learnt from this network of organisations in the United States. There is a dearth of comparable legal clinics, advocacy groups, and creative institutions in Australia. As a result, the public interest values of copyright law have only received weak, incidental support from defendant companies – such as Network Ten and IceTV – with other copyright agendas. Third, this report canvasses a succinct model for legislative reform in respect of copyright law and mash-ups. It highlights: * The extent to which mash-ups are ‘tolerated uses’; * The conflicting judicial precedents on substantiality in Australia and the United States; * The debate over copyright exceptions relating to mash-ups and remixes; * The use of the take-down and notice system under the safe harbours regime by copyright owners in respect of mash-ups; * The impact of technological protection measures on mash-ups and remixes; * The possibility of statutory licensing in respect of mash-ups; * The use of Creative Commons licences; * The impact of moral rights protection upon mash-ups; * The interaction between economic and moral rights under copyright law; and * Questions of copyright law, freedom of expression, and political mash-ups.


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A pesquisa surgiu a partir de investigações e experiências próprias com a escuta, a produção de sonoridades, a criação de ambientes e a realização de derivas intersensoriais. A articulação se dá segundo uma perspectiva transdisciplinar e em relação a alguns trabalhos artísticos e textuais especialmente significativos. A construção do sensorial e das subjetividades e suas possibilidades de transformação e emancipação, através de uma arte vinculada à vida, são questões centrais. Os conceitos de fabulação, linhas, cartografias e desterritorializações desenvolvidos por Deleuze, a ecosofia de Félix Guattari e a noção de corpos vibráteis em Suely Rolnik são fundamentais, assim como as observações de Lygia Clark e Hélio Oiticica a respeito de suas próprias experiências. Estudos históricos e culturais dos sentidos, como os de Constance Classen e David Howes, além de observações de teóricos distintos como Karl Marx, Walter Benjamin, Michel Serres e Jacques Ranciére auxiliam a traçar um panorama inicial do constructo sensorial no Ocidente moderno e contemporâneo. Questões relativas a som, silêncio e ruído levaram à utilização de conceitos como escuta e ressonância em um sentido ampliado, que não se restringe a fenômenos sonoros ou físicos. A articulação entre escuta, intersensorialidade, imaginação e memória contribuiu para o desenvolvimento inicial do conceito de terceiro som aqui presente. A percepção do texto como ativador de sensações e devaneios, as relações entre conceito e concreto e o relato não-realista de acontecimentos levaram às ficções experimentadas. O ato da deriva relaciona-se ao desregramento de todos sentidos e implica a vivência de margens, desvios e extremos, fronteiras em dissolução, diásporas nos interstícios. Poéticas e políticas da alteridade, da diferença e do estranhamento fazem-se presentes em experiências de um ambiente-vivo, paisagem-corpo-outro. Tais questões atravessam meus trabalhos, que são realizados de diferentes maneiras, em cartografias e rituais que podem incluir sons, textos, desenhos, objetos, fotografia, vídeos, vestimentas, ações, situações, etc. A abordagem das questões presentes se dá através de algumas passagens por escritores como Rimbaud, Borges e Italo Calvino; teóricos de diferentes áreas, como Guy Brett, Douglas Kahn, De Certeau, Michel Onfray, James J.Gibson e Donna Haraway; e trabalhos e textos de diversos artistas fundamentais, como Marcel Duchamp, John Cage, Allan Kaprow, George Maciunas e o Fluxus, Yoko Ono, Laurie Anderson, Gordon-Matta-Clark, Robert Smithson, Bill Viola, Cildo Meireles e Lygia Pape, entre outros


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Analisar a ficção Água Viva, de Clarice Lispector, é o desafio desta dissertação, que integra autor, texto e leitor em uma discussão acerca de experiência estética e estrutura textual. Partindo de conceitos desenvolvidos pela Teoria do Efeito Estético, de Wolfgang Iser, o objetivo a ser atingido é o de identificar as ferramentas utilizadas pela autora Clarice Lispector que fazem de seu texto potência estética a ser desencadeada pelo leitor no ato da leitura. Ao investigar a estrutura desta obra, encontram-se elementos que tornam vulneráveis concepções pré-estabelecidas acerca da literatura, abrindo-se em vazios constitutivos que convidam o leitor a participar da criação de significações e da experimentação dos sentidos. A aproximação entre texto e artes plásticas, principalmente à pintura, tem forte presença nesta obra, que provoca a formação de imagens no momento do contato com o texto, acontecimento em que se fundem tempo e espaço para a irrupção do instante-já. Procurou-se, ainda, identificar tendências comuns entre a produção deste texto de Clarice Lispector e os questionamentos presentes em outras manifestações artísticas da época, notadamente quanto ao caráter transitório que a arte dos anos 70 assume, fazendo com que o próprio movimento, a própria transformação, tornem-se estrutura da arte de então


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A presente dissertação é fruto da pesquisa de mestrado realizada sobre o poema Ode marítima, de Álvaro de Campos, heterônimo do poeta português Fernando Pessoa. O poema foi estudado à luz de considerações teóricas que pudessem sustentar o teor artístico do citado poema, para além de um posicionamento estritamente analítico. Em outras palavras, as contribuições teóricas de Walter Benjamin, Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, Theodor W. Adorno, entre outros, visa propocionar um discurso de pesquisa que seja poético, respeitando a manifestação literária em questão o poema. Nesse sentido, Ode marítima apresentou, ao longo da pesquisa, diferentes temas. Tais temas foram estudados, com o embasamento teórico referido, separadamente. São eles: Imaginação, Cais Absoluto, Sonho, Força e Infância. Para cada tema, um capítulo foi elaborado. Todos os temas pesquisados confluem para a apreensão da poética de Álvaro de Campos uma vez que Ode marítima é um poema singular e fundamental da obra poética do citado heterônimo. Desse modo, a pesquisa realizada não se limita à abordagem do citado poema, mas alcança demais poemas de Álvaro de Campos, de modo que se torna possível conjeturar acerca da poesia deste heterônimo. Partindo, portanto, de um poema, a pesquisa pretende poder dimensionar a obra de Álvaro de Campos, pontuando suas particularidades trazidas pela Ode marítima, mas tendo ciência de que trata-se de uma proposta entre tantas outras válidas e enriquecedoras.


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A presente tese problematiza a ideia defendida por Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) da perda da aura dos objetos artísticos na modernidade técnica, em sua reprodutibilidade, e defende que os cancionistas são neo-sereias modernas que carregam na performance vocal a gaia ciência nutrida pelo instinto caraíba de nossa cultura brasileira. Para tanto, numa metodologia majoritariamente interpretativa de canções populares, aliada ao método comparatista confrontando W. Benjamin, T. Adorno e Oswald de Andrade, entre outros pensadores , investiga: (1) a aplicação prática do conceito de mitopoética na re-criação e permanência do mito sirênico do mito como fonte de saber, a partir do arquétipo da sereia-mãe Iemanjá e suas derivações; (2) o conceito de metacanção, da canção como produto da neo-sereia e como subjetivação da linguagem; e (3) a distinção entre sujeito cancional e sujeito da canção, como artifícios artísticos neo-sirênicos assentados no Brasil


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Somente poderiam advir novas formas de existência, outros modos de ser e estar no mundo, se diferentes sensibilidades também acompanhassem o desdobrar de um determinado acontecimento. Esta pesquisa tem como objeto privilegiado os acontecimentos de criação da escola na sua relação com as visibilidades de mundo, fazendo-se ela mesma em preparação e ressurgência de um acontecimento de criação. Inicialmente seria fundamental à pesquisa envolver-se nos cotidianos do colégio estudado para melhor pensar a via de preparação do acontecimento. Tal feita somente poderia adquirir sentido se o dispositivo investigativo mantivesse seus investimentos ao nível do contato com estudantes, esforçando-se por garantir a maior participação deles em diferentes aspectos da preparação, acentuando a partir de nossos encontros à potência de criação evenemencial. Ceder aos indícios durante a preparação significaria aprofundar os vínculos que mantive com a comunidade escolar. E, tendo como principal convite a fotografia, os estudantes realizaram um número significativo de imagens do colégio que, ao final de um extenso período, nos conduziu à ocupação imagética do espaço escolar. Num segundo momento a pesquisa se voltou para o modo de apreensão do acontecimento por parte de toda a comunidade em meio à ocupação do espaço escolar a partir de suas imagens. Composta por oitenta e uma fotografias do espaço escolar, a ocupação concentrou parte destas imagens em uma instalação confeccionada por fios vermelhos no centro do primeiro pavimento, distribuindo o restante delas por entre paredes, banheiros e corredores. Esta apreensão se fez compreendida pelo dispositivo sob os termos de um profundo engajamento com o campo problemático do acontecimento, tendo como índice o destino investido pelas imagens, prolongando senão os efeitos evenemenciais em franca atualização dos gestos, superfícies e visibilidades. Procurei pensar a multiplicidade de relações estabelecidas entre a comunidade escolar e as imagens fotográficas em meio à ocupação imagética realizada no colégio, tomando a sua aparição momentânea como acontecimento de criação, assim como a ressurgência de outras visibilidades presididas em seus contextos. Para tanto, pesquisa precisou se tornar esta íntima criação de uma obra de aprendizagem.


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The author analyses the theoretical and historical work of the Czech literary theoretician entitled “Citlivé město (eseje z mytopoetiky”), Praha 2006, ss. 416. Hodrova’s work is focused on the topic of the city as an architectural creation and a complicated social and cultural phenomenon. In the post-modern anthropological thought the city is the subject of interest as an area that defines the identity of the human being through urban notions. The historical model of Hodrova’s reflection is the Czech Prague seen through the eyes of writers, artists, architects but also through the European tradition of presenting the city. Ipso facto, the monograph that reconstructs the artistic means of presenting Prague transforms into a dispute in the area of social psychology, mythical studies and anthropology.


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The appearance of the open code paradigm and the demands of social movements have permeated the ways in which today’s cultural institutions are organized. This article analyzes the birth of a new critical and cooperative spatiality and how it is transforming current modes of cultural research and production. It centers on the potential for establishing the new means of cooperation that are being tested in what are defined as collaborative artistic laboratories. These are hybrid spaces of research and creation based on networked and cooperative structures producing a new societal-technical body that forces us to reconsider the traditional organic conditions of the productive scenarios of knowledge and artistic practice.


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ANPO (A Non-predefined Outcome) is an an art-making methodology that employs structuralist theory of language (Saussure, Lacan, Foucault) combined with Hegel’s dialectic and the theory of creation of space by Lefebvre to generate spaces of dialogue and conversation between community members and different stakeholders. These theories of language are used to find artistic ways of representing a topic that community members have previously chosen. The topic is approached in a way that allows a visual, aural, performative and gustative form. To achieve this, the methodology is split in four main steps: step 1 ‘This is not a chair’, Step 2 ‘The topic’, Step 3 ‘ Vis-á-vis-á-vis’ and step 4. ‘Dialectical representation’ where the defined topic is used to generate artistic representations.The step 1 is a warm up exercise informed by the Rene Magritte painting ‘This is not a Pipe’. This exercise aims to help the participants to see an object as something else than an object but as a consequence of social implications. Step 2, participants choose a random topic and vote for it. The artist/facilitator does not predetermine the topic, participants are the one who propose it and choose it. Step 3, will be analysed in this publication and finally step 4, the broken down topic is taken to be represented and analysed in different ways. 


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This article documents the creation of a work by the authors based on a score written by the composer John Cage entitled 'Owenvarragh: A Belfast Circus on The Star Factory.' The article is part of a documentary portfolio in the journal which also includes a volume of the poetry created by Dowling in accordance with the instructions of the Cage score, and a series of documentary videos on the creation of the work and its first performance. Cage's score is based on his work 'Roaratorio: An Irish Circus on Finnegan's Wake' (1979) and it provides a set of detailed instructions for the musical realisation of a literary work. The article documents this first fully realised version of the score since Cage first produced 'Roaratorio' in 1979. The work, which was motivated by the Cage centenary year in 2012, musically realises Carson's book 'The Star Factory' (1998), a novelestic autobiography of Carson's Belfast childhood. The score required the creation of a fixed media piece based on over 300 field recordings of the sounds and places mentioned in the book, a volume of poetry created from the book which is recited to form the rhythmic spine of the work, and the arrangement of a performance including these two components along with live musical performance by the authors in collaboration with three other musicians under their direction, and a video installation created for the work. The piece has been performed three times: in association with the Sonorities 2012 Festival at Queen's University of Belfast (March 2012), at The Belfast Festival at Queen's (October 2012), and in the Rymer Auditoium of the University of York (June 2013).

Additional information:

The work which the article documents was conceived by Monaghan and Dowling, and the project was initiated by Monaghan after a she received a student prize to support its development and first performance. Elements of the project will be included in her PhD dissertation for which Dowling is a supervisor. Monaghan created the fixed media piece based on over 300 field recordings, the largest single aspect of realising Cage's score. Dowling was responsible for initiating the collaboration with Ciaran Carson, and for two other components: the creation of a volume of poetry derived from the literary work which is recited in the performance, and the creation of and supervision of the technical work on a video which accompanies the piece. The co-authors consulted closely during the work on these large components from May 2011 until March 2012 when the first performance took place. The co-authors also shared in numerous other artistic and organisational aspects of the production, including the arrangement and performnance of the music, musical direction to other performers, and marketing.


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Mixed Messages presents and interrogates ten distinct moments from the arts of nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first century America where visual and verbal forms blend and clash. Charting correspondences concerned with the expression and meaning of human experience, this volume moves beyond standard interdisciplinary theoretical approaches to consider the written and visual artwork in embodied, cognitive, and contextual terms.

Offering a genuinely interdisciplinary contribution to the intersecting fields of art history, avant-garde studies, word-image relations, and literary studies, Mixed Messages takes in architecture, notebooks, poetry, painting, conceptual art, contemporary art, comic books, photographs and installations, ending with a speculative conclusion on the role of the body in the experience of digital mixed media. Each of the ten case studies explores the juxtaposition of visual and verbal forms in a manner that moves away from treating verbal and visual symbols as operating in binary or oppositional systems, and towards a consideration of mixed media, multi-media and intermedia work as brought together in acts of creation, exhibition, reading, viewing, and immersion. The collection advances research into embodiment theory, affect, pragmatist aesthetics, as well as into the continuing legacy of romanticism and of dada, conceptual art and surrealism in an American context.


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The thesis provides an historical overview of the artist biopic that has emerged as a distinct sub-genre of the biopic as a whole, totalling some ninety films from Europe and America alone since the first talking artist biopic in 1934. Their making usually reflects a determination on the part of the director or star to see the artist as an alter-ego. Many of them were adaptations of successful literary works, which tempted financial backers by having a ready-made audience based on a pre-established reputation. The sub-genre’s development is explored via the grouping of films with associated themes and the use of case studies. These examples can then be used as models for exploring similar sets of data from other countries and time periods. The specific topics chosen for discussion include the representation of a single painter, for example, Vincent Van Gogh, to see how the treatment of an artist varies across several countries and over seventy years. British artist biopics are analysed as a case study in relation to the idea of them posing as a national stereotype. Topics within sex and gender studies are highlighted in analysis of the representation of the female artist and the queer artist as well as artists who have lived together as couples. A number of well-known gallery artists have become directors of artist biopics and their films are considered to see what particular insights a professional working artist can bring to the portrayal of artistic genius and creation. In the concluding part of the thesis it is argued that the artist biopic overall has survived the bad press which some individual productions have received and can even be said to have matured under the influence of directors producing a quality product for the art house, festival and avant-garde distribution circuits. As a genre it has proved extremely adaptable and has reflected the changing attitudes towards art and artists within the wider community. It has both encouraged renewed interest in the work of established national artists and also raised the profile of those relatively obscure such as Séraphine de Senlis and Pirosmani.