994 resultados para Covariantização do gauge do cone de luz


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The appearance of spin-1 resonances associated with the electroweak symmetry breaking sector is expected in many extensions of the standard model. We analyze the CERN Large Hadron Collider potential to probe the spin of possible new charged and neutral vector resonances through the purely leptonic processes pp -> Z' -> l(+) l'(-) E(T), and pp -> W' -> l'(+/-) l(+) l(-) E(T), with l, l' = e or mu. We perform a model-independent analysis and demonstrate that the spin of the new states can be determined with 99% C. L. in a large fraction of the parameter space where these resonances can be observed with 100 fb(-1). We show that the best sensitivity to the spin is obtained by directly studying correlations between the final state leptons, without the need of reconstructing the events in their center-of-mass frames.


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We consider a model of classical noncommutative particle in an external electromagnetic field. For this model, we prove the existence of generalized gauge transformations. Classical dynamics in Hamiltonian and Lagrangian form is discussed; in particular, the motion in the constant magnetic field is studied in detail. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3299296]


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The dynamical breaking of gauge symmetry in the supersymmetric quantum electrodynamics in three-dimensional spacetime is studied at two-loop approximation. At this level, the effective superpotential is evaluated in a supersymmetric phase. At one-loop order, we observe a generation of the Chern-Simons term due to a parity violating term present in the classical action. At two-loop order, the scalar background superfield acquires a nonvanishing vacuum expectation value, generating a mass term A(alpha)A(alpha) through the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism. It is observed that the mass of gauge superfield is predominantly an effect of the topological Chern-Simons term.


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Vertices are of central importance for constructing QCD bound states out of the individual constituents of the theory, i.e. quarks and gluons. In particular, the determination of three-point vertices is crucial in nonperturbative investigations of QCD. We use numerical simulations of lattice gauge theory to obtain results for the 3-point vertices in Landau-gauge SU(2) Yang-Mills theory in three and four space-time dimensions for various kinematic configurations. In all cases considered, the ghost-gluon vertex is found to be essentially tree-level-like, while the three-gluon vertex is suppressed at intermediate momenta. For the smallest physical momenta, reachable only in three dimensions, we find that some of the three-gluon-vertex tensor structures change sign.


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We derive a new implementation of linear covariant gauges on the lattice, based on a minimizing functional that can be interpreted as the Hamiltonian of a spin-glass model in a random external magnetic field. We show that our method solves most problems encountered in earlier implementations, mostly related to the no-go condition formulated by Giusti [Nucl. Phys. B498, 331 (1997)]. We carry out tests in the SU(2) case in four space-time dimensions. We also present preliminary results for the transverse gluon propagator at different values of the gauge parameter xi.


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Neste artigo, examina-se o funcionamento do Centro de Informações do Exterior (CIEX), órgão do Itamaraty e vinculado ao Serviço Nacional de Informações (SNI) que foi encarregado de espionar políticos e militantes contrários ao regime militar brasileiro que se exilaram nos países vizinhos. Trata-se de um estudo que visa a desvendar como agia um dos elos do sistema repressivo montado pela ditadura brasileira, que tinha um relativo grau de interação com as outras ditaduras militares da região do Cone Sul. O artigo demonstra que o Itamaraty colaborou intensamente com o regime militar brasileiro, inclusive com a repressão.


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O presente artigo pretende cotejar os efeitos da implantação da indústria de celulose no Cone Sul da América a partir dos casos envolvendo, de um lado, Argentina e Uruguai e, de outro, o Brasil, no que diz respeito à permeabilidade entre marcos regulatórios, à justaposição de âmbitos de solução de conflitos e ao papel dos movimentos sociais. A partir da análise dos referidos processos, são apontados os impactos da globalização econômica em termos de flexibilização e desregulamentação da legislação nacional, limitação dos instrumentos regulatórios regionais, inadequação das instituições político-jurídicas para a resolução dos conflitos e ineficácia da sociedade civil perante estes. Sustenta-se, nesta base, a necessidade de internacionalização dos movimentos sociais no sentido de fazer face à permeabilidade entre pulsões regulatórias transnacionais orientadas por e para o mercado.


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Load cells are used extensively in engineering fields. This paper describes a novel structural optimization method for single- and multi-axis load cell structures. First, we briefly explain the topology optimization method that uses the solid isotropic material with penalization (SIMP) method. Next, we clarify the mechanical requirements and design specifications of the single- and multi-axis load cell structures, which are formulated as an objective function. In the case of multi-axis load cell structures, a methodology based on singular value decomposition is used. The sensitivities of the objective function with respect to the design variables are then formulated. On the basis of these formulations, an optimization algorithm is constructed using finite element methods and the method of moving asymptotes (MMA). Finally, we examine the characteristics of the optimization formulations and the resultant optimal configurations. We confirm the usefulness of our proposed methodology for the optimization of single- and multi-axis load cell structures.


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P-representation techniques, which have been very successful in quantum optics and in other fields, are also useful for general bosonic quantum-dynamical many-body calculations such as Bose-Einstein condensation. We introduce a representation called the gauge P representation, which greatly widens the range of tractable problems. Our treatment results in an infinite set of possible time evolution equations, depending on arbitrary gauge functions that can be optimized for a given quantum system. In some cases, previous methods can give erroneous results, due to the usual assumption of vanishing boundary conditions being invalid for those particular systems. Solutions are given to this boundary-term problem for all the cases where it is known to occur: two-photon absorption and the single-mode laser. We also provide some brief guidelines on how to apply the stochastic gauge method to other systems in general, quantify the freedom of choice in the resulting equations, and make a comparison to related recent developments.


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Quantum adiabatic pumping of charge and spin between two reservoirs (leads) has recently been demonstrated in nanoscale electronic devices. Pumping occurs when system parameters are varied in a cyclic manner and sufficiently slowly that the quantum system always remains in its ground state. We show that quantum pumping has a natural geometric representation in terms of gauge fields (both Abelian and non-Abelian) defined on the space of system parameters. Tunneling from a scanning tunneling microscope tip through a magnetic atom could be used to demonstrate the non-Abelian character of the gauge field.


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Gauging data are available from numerous streams throughout Australia, and these data provide a basis for historical analysis of geomorphic change in stream channels in response to both natural phenomena and human activities. We present a simple method for analysis of these data, and a briefcase study of an application to channel change in the Tully River, in the humid tropics of north Queensland. The analysis suggests that this channel has narrowed and deepened, rather than aggraded: channel aggradation was expected, given the intensification of land use in the catchment, upstream of the gauging station. Limitations of the method relate to the time periods over which stream gauging occurred; the spatial patterns of stream gauging sites; the quality and consistency of data collection; and the availability of concurrent land-use histories on which to base the interpretation of the channel changes.


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Purpose: To evaluate the use of orbital polyacrylamide gel injection for the correction of anophthalmic enophthalmos. Methods: Noncontrolled clinical trial of 21 patients (14 with ocular implants, 5 with phthisis bulbi, and 2 with dermis-fat graft). Orbital CT was performed to estimate the volume of polyacrylamide gel needed to restore orbital volume. Polyacrylamide gel was injected using a 22-gauge (30 x 0.7 min) needle transcutaneously inserted in the lateral third of the lower eyelid, directed to the orbital muscle cone. A second injection was administered 15 days later. if necessary. CT was repeated 30 days after the last procedure. Exophthalmometry was performed before Bind 90 days after file procedure. Results: The mean total volume injected per orbit was 2.4 +/- 0.7 ml (range 1-3.5 ml). The volume of the enophthalmic orbit increased front 26.9 +/- 5.0 ml to 29.3 +/- 4.9 ml (p < 0.001). The mean difference in exophthalmometry readings was 3.3 +/- 1.6 mm (range, 1.5-8.0 mm) before the procedure and 1.0 +/- 0.9 mm (range, 0.0-3.0 mm) after 3 months (p < 0.001). Adjustment of the ocular prosthesis or fabrication of a new one was necessary in 11 patients (52.4%), and the mean volume of the ocular prosthesis was reduced front 2.0 +/- 0.6 ml to 1.6 +/- 0.6 ml (p = 0.003). All patients were satisfied with the aesthetic results. No serious adverse events were observed. The initial results were maintained 1 year after the procedure. Conclusions: Polyacrylamide gel injection in the orbital space effectively reduces enophthalmos in ocular prosthesis wearers.


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Objective: To evaluate the percutaneous Achilles tendon sectioning technique using a large gauge needle for the correction of residual equinus of congenital clubfoot treated with the Ponseti method. Methods: Fifty-seven Achilles tendon sections were prospectively evaluated in thirty-nine patients with clubfoot, treated with the Ponseti method between July 2005 and December 2008. The tenotomy was performed percutaneously with a large gauge needle. Ultrasound scan was performed immediately after the section, to ascertain whether the tenotomy was complete, as well as stump separation. Results: There was complete tendon section in all cases, but the need to perform the section maneuver more than once was common, due to the persistence of the residual strands between tendon stumps. The Thompson test and dynamic ultrasound evaluation were able to detect incomplete tenotomies. The mean ultrasound measurement of the tendon gap was 5.70 +/- 2.23 mm. Two patients had abnormal bleeding, which was controlled by digital pressure and did not compromise foot perfusion. Conclusion: Percutaneous Achilles tendon sectioning with a needle proved to be efficient and safe to correct residual equinus of clubfoot treated with the Ponseti technique.