1000 resultados para Controllo pressione cilindro
This PhD thesis presents the results, achieved at the Aerospace Engineering Department Laboratories of the University of Bologna, concerning the development of a small scale Rotary wing UAVs (RUAVs). In the first part of the work, a mission simulation environment for rotary wing UAVs was developed, as main outcome of the University of Bologna partnership in the CAPECON program (an EU funded research program aimed at studying the UAVs civil applications and economic effectiveness of the potential configuration solutions). The results achieved in cooperation with DLR (German Aerospace Centre) and with an helicopter industrial partners will be described. In the second part of the work, the set-up of a real small scale rotary wing platform was performed. The work was carried out following a series of subsequent logical steps from hardware selection and set-up to final autonomous flight tests. This thesis will focus mainly on the RUAV avionics package set-up, on the onboard software development and final experimental tests. The setup of the electronic package allowed recording of helicopter responses to pilot commands and provided deep insight into the small scale rotorcraft dynamics, facilitating the development of helicopter models and control systems in a Hardware In the Loop (HIL) simulator. A neested PI velocity controller1 was implemented on the onboard computer and autonomous flight tests were performed. Comparison between HIL simulation and experimental results showed good agreement.
Máster Universitario en Sistemas Inteligentes y Aplicaciones Numéricas en Ingeniería (SIANI)
Il lavoro sperimentale condotto nell’ambito della presente tesi è stato svolto su un impianto pilota a flusso continuo con schema predenitro/nitro in scala di laboratorio, alimentato con refluo sintetico ed installato presso i laboratori della Sezione ACS PROT IDR - Gestione Risorse Idriche dell’ENEA (sede di Bologna). Le finalità della sperimentazione erano mirate ad una verifica preliminare sull’utilizzo di segnali indiretti, quali pH, ORP, DO, nel monitoraggio in tempo reale dei processi biologici, mirata alla possibilità di implementare un sistema di controllo automatico di un impianto di depurazione, capace di minimizzare i costi di gestione e in grado di garantire, in ogni caso, elevate efficienze depurative. Nel presente studio sono stati esaminati gli aspetti metodologici e tecnologici alla base dell’automazione di un impianto di trattamento di acque reflue, avendo il duplice obiettivo di garantire una buona qualità dell’effluente e un contestuale risparmio energetico. In particolare si è studiato un problema molto diffuso: il controllo della rimozione dell’azoto in un sistema a fanghi attivi con predenitrificazione per l’ossidazione congiunta di carbonio ed azoto, ponendolo in relazione con la variazione dei tempi di commutazione in un processo SBR. L’obiettivo primario della sperimentazione effettuata è stato quello di portare il sistema in un regime di equilibrio stazionario, in modo da poter definire delle condizioni di regime per le quali, ad un ingresso costante e noto, corrispondesse un’uscita altrettanto costante che mantenesse tali condizioni fino a quando non fosse cambiato l’ingresso e/o le condizioni al contorno. A questo scopo si è provveduto, in primo luogo, allo studio di un influente sintetico con cui alimentare l’impianto, di composizione tale da simulare in tutte le sue caratteristiche un refluo civile reale e, successivamente, alla valutazione di una configurazione impiantistica idonea per il raggiungimento dell’equilibrio dei processi. La prima parte della sperimentazione è stata dedicata all’avviamento dell’impianto, effettuando un monitoraggio continuo dell’intero sistema allo scopo di impostare i parametri operativi e in modo da ottenere condizioni stabili per effettuare le successive sperimentazioni.
Recent statistics have demonstrated that two of the most important causes of failures of the UAVs (Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle) missions are related to the low level of decisional autonomy of vehicles and to the man machine interface. Therefore, a relevant issue is to design a display/controls architecture which allows the efficient interaction between the operator and the remote vehicle and to develop a level of automation which allows the vehicle the decision about change in mission. The research presented in this paper focuses on a modular man-machine interface simulator for the UAV control, which simulates UAV missions, developed to experiment solution to this problem. The main components of the simulator are an advanced interface and a block defined automation, which comprehend an algorithm that implements the level of automation of the system. The simulator has been designed and developed following a user-centred design approach in order to take into account the operator’s needs in the communication with the vehicle. The level of automation has been developed following the supervisory control theory which says that the human became a supervisor who sends high level commands, such as part of mission, target, constraints, in then-rule, while the vehicle receives, comprehends and translates such commands into detailed action such as routes or action on the control system. In order to allow the vehicle to calculate and recalculate the safe and efficient route, in term of distance, time and fuel a 3D planning algorithm has been developed. It is based on considering UASs representative of real world systems as objects moving in a virtual environment (terrain, obstacles, and no fly zones) which replicates the airspace. Original obstacle avoidance strategies have been conceived in order to generate mission planes which are consistent with flight rules and with the vehicle performance constraints. The interface is based on a touch screen, used to send high level commands to the vehicle, and a 3D Virtual Display which provides a stereoscopic and augmented visualization of the complex scenario in which the vehicle operates. Furthermore, it is provided with an audio feedback message generator. Simulation tests have been conducted with pilot trainers to evaluate the reliability of the algorithm and the effectiveness and efficiency of the interface in supporting the operator in the supervision of an UAV mission. Results have revealed that the planning algorithm calculate very efficient routes in few seconds, an adequate level of workload is required to command the vehicle and that the 3D based interface provides the operator with a good sense of presence and enhances his awareness of the mission scenario and of the vehicle under his control.