131 resultados para Connectors
Glued-in rods (GiR) have been successfully used for both constructing new and strengthening existing timber structures. The research and development of connecting and strengthening timber structural elements with GiR has been going on since the 1980s. However, agreement regarding design criteria for these applications has not been reached. Today, some few technical approvals for specific adhesives suitable to GiR exist, but an approach for the design of connections or reinforcement with GiR has not been included in the European design code EN 1995 so far. Therefore, it is desired to gather the current state of knowledge to enable application in practice of the existing and documented knowledge and experience. This state-of-the-art review (STAR) summarises results from research done regarding connections and reinforcement with GiR. The review considers manufacturing methods, mechanisms and parameters governing the performance and strength of GiR, theoretical approaches and existing design recommendations. For GiR applied as reinforcement similar rules and requirements apply as for GiR being used as connectors.
Inter-component communication has always been of great importance in the design of software architectures and connectors have been considered as first-class entities in many approaches [1][2][3]. We present a novel architectural style that is derived from the well-established domain of computer networks. The style adopts the inter-component communication protocol in a novel way that allows large scale software reuse. It mainly targets real-time, distributed, concurrent, and heterogeneous systems.
Este trabalho focou-se no estudo do impacte das condições ambientais, de instalação e de utilização na degradação da fibra ótica, que frequentemente resultam na redução do desempenho das fibras óticas. Entre este fatores, foram estudados os efeitos de ambientes agressivos para o revestimento da fibra, nomeadamente no tempo de vida e resistência. Foi também estudado o efeito da propagação de sinais óticos de elevadas potências em curvaturas apertadas e a sua influência na degradação do desempenho da fibra ótica. Ainda neste âmbito, foi também estudado o desempenho de fibras óticas insensíveis a curvtura e fibras dopadas com Érbio, sendo analisada a dinâmica do efeito rastilho nestas fibras. Como parte integrante das redes óticas, os conetores óticos são de extrema importância na sua estrutura. O seu desempenho será refletido na qualidade do serviço da rede, e por isso é determinante estudar os fatores que contribuem para a sua degradação e mau funcionamento. Assim, este trabalho apresenta um estudo do comportamento de conetores óticos perante situações de mau manuseamento (como são limpeza insuficiente e degradação física da face final). Em adição foi também dado ênfase à reutilização de fibra danificada pelo efeito rastilho no desenvolvimento de sensores, passíveis de serem utilizados na monitorização de índice de refração, pressão hidrostática, tensão ou alta temperatura. Este procedimento surge como uma solução de baixo custo para o desenvolvimento de sensores em fibra ótica a partir de fibra danificada e inutilizável para as suas habituais aplicações em transmissão e/ou reflexão de sinais óticos.
Dissertação de mestrado, Engenharia Informática, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
This document presents particular description of work done during student’s internship in PR Metal company realized as ERASMUS PROJECT at ISEP. All information including company’s description and its structure, overview of the problems and analyzed cases, all stages of projects from concept to conclusion can be found here. Description of work done during the internship is divided here into two pieces. First part concerns one activities of the company which is robotic chefs (kitchen robot) production line. Work, that was done for development of this line involved several tasks, among them: creating a single-worker montage station for screwing robots housing’s parts, improve security system for laser welding chamber, what particularly consists in designing automatically closing door system with special surface, that protects against destructive action of laser beam, test station for examination of durability of heating connectors, solving problem with rotors vibrations. Second part tells about main task, realized in second half of internship and stands a complete description of machine development and design. The machine is a part of car handle latch cable production line and its tasks are: cutting cable to required length and hot-forming plastic cover for further assembly needs.
En un moment en que Catalunya i, sobretot, la regió metropolitana de Barcelona, experimenta un procés d'ocupació del territori sense precedents, es especialment important avançar en l'estudi dels possibles connectors existents, el seu reconeixement i la seva delimitació en el planejament territorial, El 13 de juliol de 2004 es va signar i fer públic el Manifest de Sant Celoni pel reconeixement de les vies verdes del Vallès. En aquest manifest es demana, entre altres mesures, el reconeixement i la delimitació en el planejament territorial de 7 grans vies verdes: Obac-Olorda, Sant Llorenç-Collserola, Farell-Marina, Gallifa-Gallecs, Tagamanent-Cellecs, Calma-Corredor, Montseny-Montnegre. Totes aquestes vies exerceixen funcions de connexió ecològica i paisatgística entre les serralades Litoral i Prelitoral i, juntament amb altres espais menys urbanitzats que hi ha al peu de la serralada Prelitoral, integren el sistema d'espais oberts del Vallès. Aquesta ponència presenta, en primer lloc, el marc conceptual on s'inscriu el concepte via verda. En segon lloc, explica els principals antecedents en relació amb les vies verdes del Vallès que apareixen en el Manifest de Sant Celoni, i, finalment l’encaix de les vies verdes del Vallès en el planejament territorial de la regió metropolitana de Barcelona, així com les principals línies estratègiques que es podrien seguir per convertir-les en una realitat
En esta comunicación vamos a examinar los patrones que sigue la codificación sintáctica en los conectores causales resultantes de procesos de gramaticalización. Tal como observó Givón (1979:107), la dirección de los procesos de codificación puede producirse desde el discurso a la sintaxis. Esta idea se ha retomado en teorías más recientes como, por ejemplo, la Teoría de la Relevancia, desarrollada en distintos trabajos de Sperber y Wilson, entre otros. La aplicación de esta teoría en el ámbito de los conectores discursivos ha sido llevada a cabo por distintos autores, entre los cuales destaca Blakemore. El propósito de nuestro trabajo residirá en integrar las ventajas de un análisis pragmático discursivo como la citada Teoría de la Relevancia con una teoría sintáctica formal de la gramaticalización, concretamente la que proponen dentro del marco de la gramática generativa Roberts y Roussou (2003). Esto permitirá profundizar, por un lado, en el tipo de codificación de las instruccions lingüísticas que aportan los conectores (información procedimental) y, por otro, en la relación lógico-discursiva entre las proposiciones y en la propia estructura del nexo
En este estudio se examinan las estructuras que expresan causa y finalidad en el Curial e Güelfa. El estudio cuantitativo de los nexos simples y compuestos evidencia que el autor sigue un modelo retórico acotado por la tradición de la scripta medieval catalana. A diferencia de los primeros textos, la lengua del Curial es una prosa trabada, alejada de la oralidad, en la que los nexos no suelen ser ambiguos y, por tanto, no se precisan inferencias pragmáticas para interpretar las relaciones lógicas existentes entre las proposiciones
En aquest article parlarem dels valors adverbials causal i final associats al nexe 'que' en català i també en altres llengües romàniques. Dedicarem la primera part del treball a l’estudi de l’evolució del sistema de nexes complexos del llatí clàssic i dels usos orals posteriors en/de les llengües romàniques preliteràries. La segona part de l’article se centrarà en l’estudi de les subordinades causals i finals de les llengües romàniques introduïdes pel nexe 'que'
Two polymeric azido bridged complexes [Ni2L2(N-3)(3)](n)(ClO4). (1) and [Cu(bpdS)(2)(N-3)],(ClO4),(H2O)(2.5n) (2) [L = Schiff base, obtained from the condensation of pyridine-2-aldehyde with N,N,2,2-tetramethyl-1,3-propanediamine; bpds = 4,4'-bipyridyl disulfide] have been synthesized and their crystal structures have been determined. Complex 1, C26H42ClN15Ni2O4, crystallizes in a triclinic system, space group P1 with a 8.089(13), b = 9.392(14), c = 12.267(18) angstrom, a = 107.28(l), b 95.95(1), gamma = 96.92(1)degrees and Z = 2; complex 2, C20H21ClCuN7O6.5S4, crystallizes in an orthorhombic system, space group Pnna with a = 10.839(14), b = 13.208(17), c = 19.75(2) angstrom and Z = 4. The crystal structure of I consists of 1D polymers of nickel(L) units, alternatively connected by single and double bridging mu-(1,3-N-3) ligand with isolated perchlorate anions. Variable temperature magnetic susceptibility data of the complex have been measured and the fitting,of magnetic data was carried out applying the Borris-Almenar formula for such types of alternating one-dimensional S = 1 systems, based on the Hamiltonian H = -J Sigma(S2iS2i-1 + aS(2i)S(2i+1)). The best-fit parameters obtained are J = -106.7 +/- 2 cm(-1); a = 0.82 +/- 0.02; g = 2.21 +/- 0.02. Complex 2 is a 2D network of 4,4 topology with the nodes occupied by the Cu-II ions, and the edges formed by single azide and double bpds connectors. The perchlorate anions are located between pairs of bpds. The magnetic data have been fitted considering the complex as a pseudo-one-dimensional system, with all copper((II)) atoms linked by [mu(1,3-azido) bridging ligands at axial positions (long Cu...N-3 distances) since the coupling through long bpds is almost nil. The best-fit parameters obtained with this model are J = -1.21 +/- 0.2 cm(-1), g 2.14 +/- 0.02. (c) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2005).
An all-in-one version of a capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detector is introduced. The absence of moving parts (potentiometers and connectors) makes it compact (6.5 cm(3)) and robust. A local oscillator, working at 1.1 MHz, was optimized to use capillaries of id from 20 to 100 lam. Low noise circuitry and a high-resolution analog-to-digital converter (ADC) (21 bits effective) grant good sensitivities for capillaries and background electrolytes currently used in capillary electrophoresis. The fixed frequency and amplitude of the signal generator is a drawback that is compensated by the steady calibration curves for conductivity. Another advantage is the possibility of determining the inner diameter of a capillary by reading the ADC when air and subsequently water flow through the capillary. The difference of ADC reading may be converted into the inner diameter by a calibration curve. This feature is granted by the 21-bit ADC, which eliminates the necessity of baseline compensation by hardware. In a typical application, the limits of detection based on the 3 sigma criterion (without baseline filtering) were 0.6, 0.4, 0.3, 0.5, 0.6, and 0.8 mu mol/L for K(+), Ba(2+), Ca(2+), Na(+), Mg(2+), and Li(+), respectively, which is comparable to other high-quality implementations of a capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detector.
All over the world, organizations are becoming more and more complex, and there’s a need to capture its complexity, so this is when the DEMO methodology (Design and Engineering Methodology for Organizations), created and developed by Jan L. G. Dietz, reaches its potential, which is to capture the structure of business processes in a coherent and consistent form of diagrams with their respective grammatical rules. The creation of WAMM (Wiki Aided Meta Modeling) platform was the main focus of this thesis, and had like principal precursor the idea to create a Meta-Editor that supports semantic data and uses MediaWiki. This prototype Meta-Editor uses MediaWiki as a receptor of data, and uses the ideas created in the Universal Enterprise Adaptive Object Model and the concept of Semantic Web, to create a platform that suits our needs, through Semantic MediaWiki, which helps the computer interconnect information and people in a more comprehensive, giving meaning to the content of the pages. The proposed Meta-Modeling platform allows the specification of the abstract syntax i.e., the grammar, and concrete syntax, e.g., symbols and connectors, of any language, as well as their model types and diagram types. We use the DEMO language as a proofof-concept and example. All such specifications are done in a coherent and formal way by the creation of semantic wiki pages and semantic properties connecting them.
This work analyzes the behavior of the adversative connectors in the speech of the user of Natal, with views to suggest implications for the grammar teaching in the high school Portuguese languages classes. It is an investigation that sits on the functionalist paradigm, specifically in the protected ideas for Givón. For so much, data of situations of speech from the corpus Discurso e gramática lingual falada e escrita da cidade do Natal (FURTADO DA CUNHA, 1998). The sample embraces a total of forty interviews, of which the occurrences are cut out whose registrations mark the existence of adversatives constructions in narratives of personal experience and in the opinion reports, modality of oral language, of the mentioned database. The work revisits authors of the grammar, Cunha (1986); Bechara (2006); Perini (2006), among others; authors that contemplate referring approaches to the use of opposition connectors as: Barreto (1999); Tavares (2003); Longhin (2003); Silva (2005); Rocha (2006); Neves (2000, 2006). The results of the panoramic analysis reveal as adversity connectors in use for the habitant of Natal, for recurrence order, the mas, e, aí, agora, só que, no entanto and já. Analyzed the results, the same ones are compared with the treatment presented by the traditional grammar, with application of functional iconicity principle, markdness principle and the prototype of the category is chosen. In the differentiated analysis of the item " agora ", structural profile of the constructions is analyzed that involve the item, semantic profile, times, manners and aspects of the verbs that they wrap up in the constructions in reference, trajectory of grammaticalization and comparison with the prototype of the category. Finally, they are suggested implications of whole the study for the teaching of Portuguese language, in the high school classes
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
In this dissertation, based on two theoretical frameworks, American functionalism and variationist sociolinguistics, I take as subject the sequence connectors E and AÍ, which has the grammatical function of indicating retroactive-propeller sequenciation of information. I analyze the variable use of these connectors in texts written by students from two public schools in the city of Natal, RN, attending at the time of data collection (the year 2012), two distinct levels of basic education: the sixth and the ninth year. The students who contributed to this research wrote, as part of their activities in the classroom, texts of two narrative genres: narrative of personal experience (non-fictional) and short story (fictional). In addition, these students and their Portuguese teachers answered a test of linguistic attitude in which they gave their opinions regarding the appropriateness of the use of connectors E and AÍ in contexts of speech and writing marked by distinct degrees of formality. The results obtained by means of quantitative analysis showed different tendencies of linguistic, social and stylistic distribution of connectors E and AÍ in the narrative texts written by the students. I related these results to the action of two principles: the principle of persistence, linked to the process of change by grammaticalization, and the principle of stylistic markedness. Besides, I took into account the answers provided by students and teachers to the test of linguistic attitude for refine the interpretation of the results