980 resultados para Complex reflection coefficient


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We present a novel antenna matching technique that uses the Imaginary Smith Chart to permit wideband matching of an evanescent open-ended waveguide antenna using a dielectric sheet air-spaced from the aperture. The fabricated antenna design is demonstrated to have a measured bandwidth of 24%, from 2.13–2.7 GHz, for reflection coefficient $qquad{<} -!!10~{rm dB}$ , with 2.725 GHz waveguide cutoff. The antenna's maximum aperture dimension is ${< 0.5}lambda_{0}$ at the upper frequency in the bandwidth and so it is suitable for use in a wide angle scanning phased array


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Two models that can predict the voltage-dependent scattering from liquid crystal (LC)-based reflectarray cells are presented. The validity of both numerical techniques is demonstrated using measured results in the frequency range 94-110 GHz. The most rigorous approach models, for each voltage, the inhomogeneous and anisotropic permittivity of the LC as a stratified media in the direction of the biasing field. This accounts for the different tilt angles of the LC molecules inside the cell calculated from the solution of the elastic problem. The other model is based on an effective homogeneous permittivity tensor that corresponds to the average tilt angle along the longitudinal direction for each biasing voltage. In this model, convergence problems associated with the longitudinal inhomogeneity are avoided, and the computation efficiency is improved. Both models provide a correspondence between the reflection coefficient (losses and phase-shift) of the LC-based reflectarray cell and the value of biasing voltage, which can be used to design beam scanning reflectarrays. The accuracy and the efficiency of both models are also analyzed and discussed.


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Nowadays, vector sensors which measure both acoustic pressure and particle velocity begin to be available in underwater acoustic systems, normally configured as vector sensor arrays (VSA). The spatial filtering capabilities of a VSA can be used, with advantage over traditional pressure only hydrophone arrays, for estimating acoustic field directionality as well as arrival times and spectral content, which could open up the possibility for its use in bottom properties' estimation. An additional motivation for this work is to test the possibility of using high frequency probe signals (say above 2 kHz) for reducing size and cost of actual sub bottom profilers and current geoacoustic inversion methods. This work studies the bottom related structure of the VSA acquired signals, regarding the emitted signal waveform, frequency band and source-receiver geometry in order to estimate bottom properties, specially bottom reflection coefficient characteristics. Such a system was used during the Makai 2005 experiment, off Kauai I., Hawai (USA) to receive precoded signals in a broad frequency band from 8 up to 14 kHz. The agreement between the observed and the modelled acoustic data is discussed and preliminary results on the bottom reflection estimation are presented.


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A new electrochemical methodology to study labile trace metal/natural organic matter complexation at low concentration levels in natural waters is presented. This methodology consists of three steps: (i) an estimation of the complex diffusion coefficient (DML), (ii) determination at low pH of the total metal concentration initially present in the sample, (iii) a metal titration at the desired pH. The free and bound metal concentrations are determined for each point of the titration and modeled with the non-ideal competitive adsorption (NICA-Donnan) model in order to obtain the binding parameters. In this methodology, it is recommended to determine the hydrodynamic transport parameter, α, for each set of hydrodynamic conditions used in the voltammetric measurements. The methodology was tested using two fractions of natural organic matter (NOM) isolated from the Loire river, namely the hydrophobic organic matter (HPO) and the transphilic organic matter (TPI), and a well characterized fulvic acid (Laurentian fulvic acid, LFA). The complex diffusion coefficients obtained at pH 5 were 0.4 ± 0.2 for Pb and Cu/HPO, 1.8 ± 0.2 for Pb/TPI and (0.612 ± 0.009) × 10−10 m2 s−1 for Pb/LFA. NICA-Donnan parameters for lead binding were obtained for the HPO and TPI fractions. The new lead/LFA results were successfully predicted using parameters derived in our previous work.


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Trabalho de projecto de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Formação de Adultos), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2011


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Les modèles de réflexion complexes, avec leurs nombreux paramètres dont certains restent non intuitifs, sont difficiles à contrôler pour obtenir une apparence désirée. De plus, même si un artiste peut plus aisément comprendre la forme de la micro-géométrie d'une surface, sa modélisation en 3D et sa simulation en 4D demeurent extrêmement fastidieuses et coûteuses en mémoire. Nous proposons une solution intermédiaire, où l'artiste représente en 2D une coupe dans un matériau, en dessinant une micro-géométrie de surface en multi-couches. Une simulation efficace par lancer de rayons en seulement 2D capture les distributions de lumière affectées par les micro-géométries. La déviation hors-plan est calculée automatiquement de façon probabiliste en fonction de la normale au point d'intersection et de la direction du rayon incident. Il en résulte des BRDFs isotropes complètes et complexes, simulées à des vitesses interactives, et permettant ainsi une édition interactive de l'apparence de réflectances riches et variées.


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Cette thèse en électronique moléculaire porte essentiellement sur le développement d’une méthode pour le calcul de la transmission de dispositifs électroniques moléculaires (DEMs), c’est-à-dire des molécules branchées à des contacts qui forment un dispositif électronique de taille moléculaire. D’une part, la méthode développée vise à apporter un point de vue différent de celui provenant des méthodes déjà existantes pour ce type de calculs. D’autre part, elle permet d’intégrer de manière rigoureuse des outils théoriques déjà développés dans le but d’augmenter la qualité des calculs. Les exemples simples présentés dans ce travail permettent de mettre en lumière certains phénomènes, tel que l’interférence destructive dans les dispositifs électroniques moléculaires. Les chapitres proviennent d’articles publiés dans la littérature. Au chapitre 2, nous étudions à l’aide d’un modèle fini avec la méthode de la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité de Kohn-Sham un point quantique moléculaire. De plus, nous calculons la conductance du point quantique moléculaire avec une implémentation de la formule de Landauer. Nous trouvons que la structure électronique et la conductance moléculaire dépendent fortement de la fonctionnelle d’échange et de corrélation employée. Au chapitre 3, nous discutons de l’effet de l’ajout d’une chaîne ramifiée à des molécules conductrices sur la probabilité de transmission de dispositifs électroniques moléculaires. Nous trouvons que des interférences destructives apparaissent aux valeurs propres de l’énergie des chaînes ramifiées isolées, si ces valeurs ne correspondent pas à des états localisés éloignés du conducteur moléculaire. Au chapitre 4, nous montrons que les dispositifs électroniques moléculaires contenant une molécule aromatique présentent généralement des courants circulaires qui sont associés aux phénomènes d’interférence destructive dans ces systèmes. Au chapitre 5, nous employons l’approche « source-sink potential » (SSP) pour étudier la transmission de dispositifs électroniques moléculaires. Au lieu de considérer les potentiels de sources et de drains exactement, nous utilisons la théorie des perturbations pour trouver une expression de la probabilité de transmission, T(E) = 1 − |r(E)|2, où r(E) est le coefficient de réflexion qui dépend de l’énergie. Cette expression dépend des propriétés de la molécule isolée, en effet nous montrons que c’est la densité orbitalaire sur les atomes de la molécule qui sont connectés aux contacts qui détermine principalement la transmission du dispositif à une énergie de l’électron incident donnée. Au chapitre 6, nous présentons une extension de l’approche SSP à un canal pour des dispositifs électroniques moléculaires à plusieurs canaux. La méthode à multiples canaux proposée repose sur une description des canaux propres des états conducteurs du dispositif électronique moléculaire (DEM) qui sont obtenus par un algorithme auto-cohérent. Finalement, nous utilisons le modèle développé afin d’étudier la transmission du 1-phényl-1,3-butadiène branché à deux rangées d’atomes couplées agissant comme contacts à gauche et à la droite.


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Bei der Bestimmung der irreduziblen Charaktere einer Gruppe vom Lie-Typ entwickelte Lusztig eine Theorie, in der eine sogenannte Fourier-Transformation auftaucht. Dies ist eine Matrix, die nur von der Weylgruppe der Gruppe vom Lie-Typ abhängt. Anhand der Eigenschaften, die eine solche Fourier- Matrix erfüllen muß, haben Geck und Malle ein Axiomensystem aufgestellt. Dieses ermöglichte es Broue, Malle und Michel füur die Spetses, über die noch vieles unbekannt ist, Fourier-Matrizen zu bestimmen. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist eine Untersuchung und neue Interpretation dieser Fourier-Matrizen, die hoffentlich weitere Informationen zu den Spetses liefert. Die Werkzeuge, die dabei entstehen, sind sehr vielseitig verwendbar, denn diese Matrizen entsprechen gewissen Z-Algebren, die im Wesentlichen die Eigenschaften von Tafelalgebren besitzen. Diese spielen in der Darstellungstheorie eine wichtige Rolle, weil z.B. Darstellungsringe Tafelalgebren sind. In der Theorie der Kac-Moody-Algebren gibt es die sogenannte Kac-Peterson-Matrix, die auch die Eigenschaften unserer Fourier-Matrizen besitzt. Ein wichtiges Resultat dieser Arbeit ist, daß die Fourier-Matrizen, die G. Malle zu den imprimitiven komplexen Spiegelungsgruppen definiert, die Eigenschaft besitzen, daß die Strukturkonstanten der zugehörigen Algebren ganze Zahlen sind. Dazu müssen äußere Produkte von Gruppenringen von zyklischen Gruppen untersucht werden. Außerdem gibt es einen Zusammenhang zu den Kac-Peterson-Matrizen: Wir beweisen, daß wir durch Bildung äußerer Produkte von den Matrizen vom Typ A(1)1 zu denen vom Typ C(1) l gelangen. Lusztig erkannte, daß manche seiner Fourier-Matrizen zum Darstellungsring des Quantendoppels einer endlichen Gruppe gehören. Deswegen ist es naheliegend zu versuchen, die noch ungeklärten Matrizen als solche zu identifizieren. Coste, Gannon und Ruelle untersuchen diesen Darstellungsring. Sie stellen eine Reihe von wichtigen Fragen. Eine dieser Fragen beantworten wir, nämlich inwieweit rekonstruiert werden kann, zu welcher endlichen Gruppe gegebene Matrizen gehören. Den Darstellungsring des getwisteten Quantendoppels berechnen wir für viele Beispiele am Computer. Dazu müssen unter anderem Elemente aus der dritten Kohomologie-Gruppe H3(G,C×) explizit berechnet werden, was bisher anscheinend in noch keinem Computeralgebra-System implementiert wurde. Leider ergibt sich hierbei kein Zusammenhang zu den von Spetses herrührenden Matrizen. Die Werkzeuge, die in der Arbeit entwickelt werden, ermöglichen eine strukturelle Zerlegung der Z-Ringe mit Basis in bekannte Anteile. So können wir für die meisten Matrizen der Spetses Konstruktionen angeben: Die zugehörigen Z-Algebren sind Faktorringe von Tensorprodukten von affinen Ringe Charakterringen und von Darstellungsringen von Quantendoppeln.


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High-drag states produced in stratified flow over a 2D ridge and an axisymmetric mountain are investigated using a linear, hydrostatic, analytical model. A wind profile is assumed where the background velocity is constant up to a height z1 and then decreases linearly, and the internal gravity-wave solutions are calculated exactly. In flow over a 2D ridge, the normalized surface drag is given by a closed-form analytical expression, while in flow over an axisymmetric mountain it is given by an expression involving a simple 1D integral. The drag is found to depend on two dimensionless parameters: a dimensionless height formed with z_1, and the Richardson number, Ri, in the shear layer. The drag oscillates as z_1 increases, with a period of half the hydrostatic vertical wavelength of the gravity waves. The amplitude of this modulation increases as Ri decreases. This behaviour is due to wave reflection at z_1. Drag maxima correspond to constructive interference of the upward- and downward-propagating waves in the region z < z_1, while drag minima correspond to destructive interference. The reflection coefficient at the interface z = z_1 increases as Ri decreases. The critical level, z_c, plays no role in the drag amplification. A preliminary numerical treatment of nonlinear effects is presented, where z_c appears to become more relevant, and flow over a 2D ridge qualitatively changes its character. But these effects, and their connection with linear theory, still need to be better understood.


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A circular planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA) is designed and simulated at the industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) band of 915 MHz for energy harvesting in a head-mountable deep brain stimulation device. Moreover, a rectifier is designed, and also the interaction of the PIFA with a rat head model is investigated. In the proposed PIFA, the top radiating layer is meandered, and a substrate of FR-4 is used. The radius and the height of the antenna are 10 mm and 1.8 mm, respectively. The bottom conductive layer works as a ground plate, and a superstrate of polyethylene reduces the electromagnetic penetration into the rat head. The resonance frequency of the designed antenna is 915 MHz with a bandwidth of 18 MHz at the return loss of -10 dB in free space. The antenna parameters (e.g. reflection coefficient, gain, radiation efficiency), electric field distribution, and SAR value are evaluated within a seven-layer rat head model by using the finite difference time domain EM simulation software XFdtd. The interactions of the antenna and the rat head model are studied in both functional and biological aspects.


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In this study, different combinations of feed stream such as 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 M of CaCl2 were, respectively, added with 1.0, 0.9 and 0.8 M of NaCl while maintaining the draw solution concentration at either 2.0 M of NaCl or CaCl2 in order to compare likely changes to the flux generated when the feed stream contained NaCl only. The results obtained showed that more constituents in feed stream generated lesser flux. Increase in CaCl2 concentration in feed stream resulted in more severe dilutive internal concentration polarisation (DICP) and hence, reduction in the performance ratio. The temperature and distribution of aggregated particle size also played a significant role in the overall performance of forward osmosis process. Further analysis showed that there is a relationship between the normalised driving force and flux behaviour which is governed by the effect of DICP. Additionally, the reflection coefficient was not unity as less than 2% traces of salt was found to permeate alongside with water towards the draw solution side. © 2014 © 2014 Balaban Desalination Publications. All rights reserved.


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The present work deals with the ana1ysis of microstrip patch antennas printed on tapered dielectric substrates. We investigate the influence ofthe substrate height variations on the properties of configurations such as microstrip patch antennas, microstrip patch antennas with overlay and suspendeô microstrip patch antennas. The dielectric substrates can be isotropic or anisotropic ones. This accurate analysis is based on the full-wave formulation. It is carried out initially for the determination of the impedance matrix, through the use of the spectral¬domain immitance approach. We use a model based on a segmentation of the considered line into uniform microstrip line subsections. Normalized phase constants and characteristic impedances are obtained by means of the Galerkin numerical technique. Then, the cascaded combination of the uniform microstrip subsections are analyzed through an interactive procedure. Numerical results are presented for the input reflection coefficient, voltage standing wave ratio, resonant frequency, and radiation pattems ofthe E_plane and H-plane diagrams. It is found that the variations in the substrate height profile produce a great influence on the bandwidth of microstrip antennas. This procedure gives bandwidth improvements without altering considerably the resonant frequency. Furthermore, the tapered microstrip antenna can be used as a lightweight altemative for bandwidth control and to eXtend the use of microstiip antenna technology to a wider variety of applications. Finally, suggestions for the continuity of this work are presented


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Recently, an amazing development has been observed in telecommunication systems. Two good examples of this development are observed in mobile communication and aerospace systems. This impressive development is related to the increasing need for receiving and transmitting communication signals. Particularly, this development has required the study of new antennas and filters. This work presents a fullwave analysis of reflectarrays. The considered structures are composed by arrays of rectangular conducting patches printed on multilayer dieletric substrates, that are mounted on a ground plane. The analysis is developed in the spectral domain, using an equivalent transmission line method in combination with Galerkin method. Results for the reflection coefficient of these structures are presented and compared to those available in the literature. A good agreement was observed. Particularly, the developed analysis uses the transmission lines theory in combination with the incident potentials and the field continuity equations, at the structures interfaces, for obtaining the scattered field components expressions as function of the patch surface currents and of the incident field. Galerkin method is used to determine the unknown coefficients in the boundary value problem. Curves for the reflection coefficient of several reflectarray geometries are presented as function of frequency and of the structural parameters


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Recently, an amazing development has been observed in telecommunication systems. Two good examples of this development are observed in mobile communication and aerospace systems. This impressive development is related to the increasing need for receiving and transmitting communication signals. Particularly, this development has required the study of new antennas and filters. This work presents a fullwave analysis of reflectarrays. The considered structures are composed by arrays of rectangular conducting patches printed on multilayer dieletric substrates, that are mounted on a ground plane. The analysis is developed in the spectral domain, using an equivalent transmission line method in combination with Galerkin method. Results for the reflection coefficient of these structures are presented and compared to those available in the literature. A good agreement was observed. Particularly, the developed analysis uses the transmission lines theory in combination with the incident potentials and the field continuity equations, at the structures interfaces, for obtaining the scattered field components expressions as function of the patch surface currents and of the incident field. Galerkin method is used to determine the unknown coefficients in the boundary value problem. Curves for the reflection coefficient of several reflectarray geometries are presented as function of frequency and of the structural parameters


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)