983 resultados para Communicative action


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Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC


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Esta tese é o de informar a seu leitor a situação atual da mineração e às interações de comunicação pelos diferentes atores sociais relacionada com mineração da Amazônia tanto equatoriana como brasileira. Dá uma compreensão de sua funcionalidade dentro do "sistema" assim como de sua normalização e regulamentação do "mundo da vida", onde a racionalidade seria insuficiente para chegar a compreender os diferentes contextos das situações dadas e, mas bem é necessário usar os imperativos do "mundo da vida", a fim de ter uma melhor compreensão da dinâmica da mineração. A principal técnica metodológica abordada é caracterizada pela análise de discurso com base em entrevistas semi-estruturadas aplicadas á diversidade de atores sociais em três níveis institucionais, semi-institucionais e extra-institucional correspondente a cada uma de suas estruturas funcionais sejam as mesmas no político, social, econômico, ecológico e cultural, e sua relação coma "Teoria da Ação Comunicativa" de Jürgen Habermas; Na qual trabalhou-se as estruturas funcionais do Estado (Governo) e Políticas Públicas (constituição, Lei de mineração) capaz de fazer frente ás reduções cognitivo-instrumental da racionalidade; em segundo lugar, de um conceito de sociedade (ação coletiva e "mundo da vida") articulado em dois níveis, que associa os paradigmas "mundo da vida" e "sistema", e que a seu vez explica o tipo de patologias sociais que se esta tornando cada vez mais visíveis na sociedade de hoje. Entre os principais resultados se tem a mudança de mentalidade do povo equatoriano sobre o apoderamento dos recursos naturais, com base nas novas redefinições sociopolíticas do governo atual; como o direito da natureza, o direito do bom viver, direitos das comunidades, povos e nacionalidades, direito de participação, etc. Além disso, em termos de Brasil deixa claro que suas políticas de mineração passam por importantes alterações que visam, principalmente, as relações estabelecidas entre o Estado Federal e da esfera econômica considerando-se no possível alcançar um melhor controle e uso dos recursos naturais; Algumas dessas estratégias estão voltadas para a infraestrutura vial, portoaria, e hidrelétrica, permitindo o desenvolvimento industrial, crescimento econômico e social do país.


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Existe uma trajetória de ação coletiva na Amazônia Brasileira que tem na busca pela compreensão e reconhecimento de seu discurso a afirmação de seus modos de vida e racionalidade. Essa ação coletiva, representada pelo Movimento Xingu Vivo para Sempre (MXVPS), coalizão de organizações que personificam na hidrelétrica de Belo Monte seu símbolo máximo de oposição, busca a compreensão e reconhecimento de seu discurso por meio da apropriação sobre ferramentas de comunicação, particularmente a internet e seus aparatos tecnológicos, e da cultura da mídia (KELLNER, 200l), com todos seus ícones de poder e formatação de culturas e identidades na contemporaneidade. O processo de apropriação empreendido pelo MXVPS não se dá de maneira fortuita, mas apresenta um modus operandi, uma ação de reconhecer os “adversários”, apropriar-se deles estrategicamente e fazê-los, a partir da mediação, da cultura e da identidade, transformarem-se em outra coisa, em outros sentidos, agora úteis à luta contra-hegemônica por reconhecimento. O MXVPS engendra sua ação a partir: 1) da própria história dos grupos que integram o coletivo, uma história de violações de direitos e silenciamento diante do quadro geral de influência societária; 2) das representações e significações de suas identidades, sobretudo no cenário nacional e internacional, e 3) a percepção destes grupos de seu entorno político para obter resultados da ação. As conclusões de pesquisa apontam para a existência de uma trajetória de comunicação paradigmática na Amazônia em reação a um grande projeto de desenvolvimento, com metodologias específicas pautadas em atos discursivos e identidade. São estratégias que pretendem, por meio de Ação Comunicativa (HABERMAS, 1987) voltada ao entendimento mútuo, tornar válidas pretensões e discursos, levando ao reconhecimento e, potencialmente, ao atendimento de suas reivindicações. Essa ação, empreendida por meio de atos comunicativos, tem ainda o potencial de estruturação do espaço público, na perspectiva de uma luta (protagônica) para se inserir (não mais como grupo historicamente marginal, mas como ator emancipado de seus desejos e pretensões) no conflituoso espaço de decisão política, incidindo sobre mudanças sociais e políticas (e, em potencial, normativas) que afetem seus territórios, identidades e modos de reprodução material e simbólica.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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This study aimed at both identifying possibilities of communicative action that occur in the formative trajectory of Science teachers, and therefore collaborate in the discussion on the rationality approach that supports teacher education. Therefore, we hope to contribute for the construction of a formative model that encourages human emancipation. For this purpose, we draw concepts from Communicative Action Theory proposed by Jürgen Habermas. Data were obtained by half-structuralized interviews. Although strategic actions predominate among those used by teachers during their education period, we observed some tension focus could be identified, better recognized and built up in order to enlarge possibilities of increasing communicative actions in teacher education. We identified political and epistemological factors as obstacles for these possibilities to materialize.


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In this paper, we aim to understand the discourses of public school teachers who were former students of an Undergraduate Physics Education course, when they are perceived as actors speakers a public sphere concerned about teacher eduaction. So, we focused virtual dialogues occurred between these former students and a professor of the same course during the organization of the First Meeting of Ex-students inserted in an annual event called Meeting of the Teaching Practice in Physics of Ilha Solteira (ENPEFIS). Thus, we analyze these dialogues according to concepts of public sphere, communicative action and teachers as intellectuals according to elements of the content analysis of these virtual dialogues. Therefore, we envision in this work an important discussion for science teaching , since it reflects briefly on Physics Education committed to discussing science teaching in order to overcome the dogmatic and instrumental science education.


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Taking into consideration various argumentation perspectives, the introduction of Modern and Contemporary Physics at High School level has been defended by various researchers. In the present qualitative nature research, we heard and interpreted ten High School physics teachers’ discourses, aiming to analyze how their initial education, regarding to Modern and Contemporary Physics, was based in a rationality which matches with the communicative and the dialogical actions. Teachers of our sample were individually interviewed and, at that time, they had finished their initial undergraduate program at least five years before. Teachers’ discourses interpretation was supported by some French school discourse analysis’ concepts, Jürgen Habermas’ communicative action, Freire’s dialogical action, as well as teachers’ education research critical referential. The discourses interpretations evidenced that these teachers’ education, with respect to Modern and Contemporary Physics, was mainly based in technical-instrumental rationality basis. This perspective did not help teachers’ autonomy construction in order to work these subjects in their classes, mainly in a perspective coherent with the teachers’ emancipation, producing reflexes in classroom physics teaching. The study evidenciates the necessity of future teachers’ professors revise theirs teaching practice, as well studying other curricular structures, regarding to Modern and Contemporary Physics teaching.


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The objective of this paper is to present a theoretical proposal for the training of teachers of mathematics and science at the interface of communicative action and socio-scientific issues. In this paper we argue for the need for a continuous training of teachers if we are to be interested in developing the scientific training of students from the public school system. To form communicatively competent students, by the end of schooling, becomes necessary the training of argumentatively competent teachers. Therefore, we believe that the theory of communicative action by Jurgen Habermas, will cooperate to this end.


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The Riot Grrrl movement started in mid-90s and it consists of girls who use rock as a tool of feminist political struggle. Besides using music as a central element of political identity, this movement is also characterized by the formation of an alternative public sphere (formed by fanzines, blogs and e-zines) that functions both as a way to spread their music and as identification trigger mechanism in relation to their political causes. The aim of this article is to study the instruments that these feminists bands - that deviate from the traditional feminist political movements - use to create identification with their audience, especially from an empirical research of e-zines published by these bands and from the communicative action of their leaders in social networks. It is possible to note that, despite other identification mechanisms, testimonies works as a socialization link which marks the alternative public sphere composed by publications made by Riot Grrrls. The testimony serves as a powerful arranger of collective identities, since it is presupposed in the recognition of a world in common, allocating identity as performative action.


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We present in this paper parts of the results of a research that had the intention to promote a space of communicative interaction among teachers of an undergraduate Course of Physics Teaching so they could plan their courses together. From the theoretical recommendations of the Theory of Communicative Action , by Jürgen Habermas , it was possible to draw a way of rationality crisis in training degree in physics in Brazil and then propose the creation of a Joint Planning Group (JPG) with teachers of specific nature disciplines of physics and disciplines about physics teaching. They start a joint discussion about the relationship among the disciplines in delivering of a project for future high school teachers' training. All meetings developed over a school year in the GPC were recorded, transcribed and analyzed with a part of a methodological analysis feature of the intersubjective interactions. This methodology was developed specifically for the research. The conclusions are related to the joint constructions developed by the JPG, its local contexts and the possibility of extension of this group. The joint constructions undertaken in the group point to the defense of the formation of JPG in the formation of the professors who teach these courses.


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Given the objective of the Educational Observatory Program of putting in conjunction the efforts of graduation and basic school in order to improve the quality of the latter, are sought possibilities offered by such an arrangement for teacher education. The assumed action research methodology is designed as a collective rethinking about the social practice in which participants were immersed. It is identified strong correlation among the school/graduation interaction and the nature of the underlying teacher education design. The constitution of research questions accomplished inside the school and the centrality of Small Research Groups in a broad network of interactions were determinants.


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Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC