75 resultados para Colchicine


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Introducción: Lucilia sericata es una especie de importancia médica y forense, utilizada en terapialarval para curar heridas crónicas y en estudios médico-legales empleada en la estimacióndel intervalo post mórtem y el traslado de cadáveres. No existen registros de las característicascitogenéticas de esta mosca en el neotrópico. El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue identificarlas características morfométricas cromosómicas y las estructuras primarias del cariotipo, a partirde especímenes de L. sericata de la cepa Bogotá, Colombia. Materiales y métodos: Se tomaronhuevos embrionados, que fueron previamente esterilizados en su superficie, se maceraron y luegofueron sembrados en el medio de cultivo L-15, suplementado con 20% de sfb, e incubados auna temperatura de 28 ºC, sin atmosfera de C02. La preparación de los cromosomas se obtuvo demonocapas celulares semiconfluentes, empleando diversas soluciones: antimitótica (Colchicina),hipotónica (KCl 0,075 M) y fijadora (Carnoy: metanol y ácido acético; 3:1). Se llevó a cabo la técnicade bandeo C para la identificación de regiones cromosómicas de heterocromatina constitutiva.Resultados: Se obtuvieron parámetros morfométricos de cada par cromosómico. El número diploidedel cariotipo obtenido de los cultivos celulares fue 2n = 12; éstos se clasificaron morfológicamente,de acuerdo con patrones previamente establecidos, así: los pares I, II, IV y V fueronmetacéntricos, y el par III fue submetacéntrico. A su vez, el par sexual fue heteromórfico, siendoel cromosoma X metacéntrico y el cromosoma Y submetacéntrico. El bandeo C fue positivo paratodos los pares cromosómicos. Conclusiones: Se establecieron las características citogenéticas deL. sericata, cepa Bogotá, Colombia, relacionadas con número, forma, tamaño, posición del centrómeroy regiones heterocromáticas de los cromosomas.


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Background: Oil palm is the world’s most productive oil-food crop despite yielding well below its theoretical maximum. This maximum could be approached with the introduction of elite F1 varieties. The development of such elite lines has thus far been prevented by difficulties in generating homozygous parental types for F1 generation. Results: Here we present the first high-throughput screen to identify spontaneously-formed haploid (H) and doubled haploid (DH) palms. We secured over 1,000 Hs and one DH from genetically diverse material and derived further DH/mixoploid palms from Hs using colchicine. We demonstrated viability of pollen from H plants and expect to generate 100% homogeneous F1 seed from intercrosses between DH/mixoploids once they develop female inflorescences. Conclusions: This study has generated genetically diverse H/DH palms from which parental clones can be selected in sufficient numbers to enable the commercial-scale breeding of F1 varieties. The anticipated step increase in productivity may help to relieve pressure to extend palm cultivation, and limit further expansion into biodiverse rainforest.


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The basolateral amygdala complex (BLA) is involved in acquisition of contextual and auditory fear conditioning. However, the BLA is not a single structure but comprises a group of nuclei, including the lateral (LA), basal (BA) and accessory basal (AB) nuclei. While it is consensual that the LA is critical for auditory fear conditioning, there is controversy on the participation of the BA in fear conditioning. Hodological and neurophysiological findings suggest that each of these nuclei processes distinct information in parallel; the BA would deal with polymodal or contextual representations, and the LA would process unimodal or elemental representations. Thus, it seems plausible to hypothesize that the BA is required for contextual, but not auditory, fear conditioning. This hypothesis was evaluated in Wistar rats submitted to multiple-site ibotenate-induced damage restricted to the BA and then exposed to a concurrent contextual and auditory fear conditioning training followed by separated contextual and auditory conditioning testing. Differing from electrolytic lesion and lidocaine inactivation, this surgical approach does not disturb fibers of passage originating in other brain areas, restricting damage to the aimed nucleus. Relative to the sham-operated controls, rats with selective damage to the BA exhibited disruption of performance in the contextual, but not the auditory, component of the task. Thus, while the BA seems required for contextual fear conditioning, it is not critical for both an auditory-US association, nor for the expression of the freezing response. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Pb) yeast cells can enter mammalian cells and probably manipulate the host cell environment to favor their own growth and survival. We studied the uptake of strain Pb 18 into A549 lung and Vero epithelial cells, with an emphasis on the repercussions in the cytoskeleton and the apoptosis of host cells. Cytoskeleton components of the host cells, such as actin and tubulin, were involved in the P. brasiliensis invasion process. Cytochalasin D and colchicine treatment substantially reduced invasion, indicating the functional participation of microfilaments (MFs) and microtubules (MTs) in this mechanism. Cytokeratin could also play a role in the P. brasiliensis interaction with the host. Gp43 was recognized by anti-actin and anti-cytokeratin antibodies, but not by anti-tubulin. The apoptosis induced by this fungus in infected epithelial cells was demonstrated by various techniques: TUNEL, DNA fragmentation and Bak and Bcl-2 immunocytochemical expression. DNA fragmentation was observed in infected cells but not in uninfected ones, by both TUNEL and gel electrophoresis methods. Moreover, Bcl-2 and Bak did not show any differences until 24 h after infection of cells, suggesting a competitive mechanism that allows persistence of infection. Overexpression of Bak was observed after 48 h, indicating the loss of competition between death and survival signals. In conclusion, the mechanisms of invasion of host cells, persistence within them, and the subsequent induction of apoptosis of such cells may explain the efficient dissemination of P. brasiliensis. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier SAS.


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The karyotypes of 328 specimens of Zonotrichia capensis from four regions, three in the state of Parana and one in the state of São Paulo (Brazil), were studied. This species presents a chromosomal polymorphism due to pericentric inversion, involving the 3rd and 5th chromosome pairs. Chromosome 3 exists in the 3st and 3sm conditions and chromosome 5, in 5st and 5m conditions. Mitotic metaphase spreads were obtained from bone-marrow material of colchicine-treated animals.At all collection sites the frequency of chromosome 5m was considerably lower than that of the inverted chromosome 3sm.The present work tried to establish a correlation between the frequencies of the 3rd and 5th chromosome pairs with the climatical and geographical parameters at the collecting regions.Data show that the frequency of chromosome 5m is higher in regions with low temperature and high altitude.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We developed and optimized a simple, efficient and inexpensive method for in vitro culture of peripheral blood lymphocytes from the Brazilian tortoise Chelonoidis carbonaria (Testudinidae), testing various parameters, including culture medium, mitogen concentration, mitotic index, culture volume, incubation time, and mitotic arrest. Peripheral blood samples were obtained from the costal vein of four couples. The conditions that gave a good mitotic index were lymphocytes cultured at 37°C in minimum essential medium (7.5 mL), with phytohemagglutinin as a mitogen (0.375 mL), plus streptomycin/penicillin (0.1 mL), and an incubation period of 72 h. Mitotic arrest was induced by 2-h exposure to colchicine (0.1 mL), 70 h after establishing the culture. After mitotic arrest, the cells were hypotonized with 0.075 M KCl for 2 h and fixed with methanol/acetic acid (3:1). The non-banded mitotic chromosomes were visualized by Giemsa staining. The diploid chromosome number of C. carbonaria was found to be 52 in females and males, and sex chromosomes were not observed. We were able to culture peripheral blood lymphocytes of a Brazilian tortoise in vitro, for the preparation of mitotic chromosomes.


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Pós-graduação em Genética - IBILCE


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Different cell cycle synchronization methods were used to increase the mitotic index and accuracy of sex determination in murine and bovine embryos. For sexing purposes, colchicine treatment for 2, 4, 6 and 8 h and the FdU-thymidine-colchicine combination were tested in murine embryos. The best results were obtained with colchicine treatment for 8 h (96.88% accuracy) and with FdU-thymidine-colchicine (97.22% accuracy). Mitotic indexes differed significantly between the 2 treatments (21.71% for colchicine and 32.95% for FdU-thymidine-colchicine). For sex identification of murine and bovine demi-embryos, both treatments were demonstrated to be equally effective (nearly 90%). The mitotic index for the FdU-treated murine demi-embryos (19.04%) was higher than the one obtained for the 8-h colchicine treatment (15.62%).


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To establish guidelines based on scientific evidence for the management of familial Mediterranean fever. The Guideline was prepared from 5 clinical questions that were structured through PICO (Patient, Intervention or indicator, Comparison and Outcome), to search in key primary scientific information databases. After defining the potential studies to support the recommendations, these were graduated considering their strength of evidence and grade of recommendation. 10,341 articles were retrieved and evaluated by title and abstract; from these, 46 articles were selected to support the recommendations. 1. The diagnosis of FMF is based on clinical manifestations, characterized by recurrent febrile episodes associated with abdominal pain, chest or arthritis of large joints; 2. FMF is a genetic disease presenting an autosomal recessive trait, caused by mutation in the MEFV gene; 3. Laboratory tests are not specific, demonstrating high serum levels of inflammatory proteins in the acute phase of the disease, but also often showing high levels even between attacks. SAA serum levels may be especially useful in monitoring the effectiveness of treatment; 4. The therapy of choice is colchicine; this drug has proven effectiveness in preventing acute inflammatory episodes and progression towards amyloidosis in adults; 5. Based on the available information, the use of biological drugs appears to be an alternative for patients with FMF who do not respond or are intolerant to therapy with colchicine.


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Tempol (4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl) and other cyclic nitroxides have been shown to inhibit the chlorinating activity of myeloperoxidase (MPO) in vitro and in cells. To examine whether nitroxides inhibit MPO activity in vivo we selected acute carrageenan-induced inflammation on the rat paw as a model. Tempol and three more hydrophobic 4-substituted derivatives (4-azido, 4-benzene-Sulfonyl, and 4-(4-phenyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-1-yl)) were synthesized, and their ability to inhibit the in vitro chlorinating activity of MPO and carrageenan-induced inflammation in rat paws was evaluated. All of the tested nitroxides inhibited the chlorinating activity of MPO in vitro with similar IC50 values (between 1.5 and 1.8 mu M). In vivo, the attenuation of carrageenan-induced inflammation showed some correlation with the lipophilicity of the nitroxide at early time points but the differences in the effects were small (< 2-fold) compared with the differences in lipophilicity (> 200-fold). No inhibition of MPO activity in vivo was evident because the levels of MPO activity in rat paws correlated with the levels of MPO protein'. Likewise, paw edema, levels of nitrated and oxidized proteins, and levels of plasma exudation correlated with the levels of MPO protein in the paws of the animals that were untreated or treated with the nitroxides. The effects of the nitroxides in vivo were compared with those of 4-aminobenzoic hydrazide and of colchicine. Taken together, the results indicate that nitroxides attenuate carrageenan-induced inflammation mainly by reducing neutrophil migration and the resulting MPO-mediated damage. Accordingly, tempol was shown to inhibit rat neutrophil migration in vitro. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The effect of angiotensin II (ANG II) or arginine vasopressin (AVP) alone or plus atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) on H+-ATPase subcellular vesicle trafficking was investigated in MDCK cells following intracellular pH (pHi) acidification by exposure to20 mMNH4Cl for 2 min in a Na+-free solution containing Schering 28080, conditions under which H+-AT-Pase is the only cell mechanism for pHi recovery. Using the acridine orange fluorescent probe (5mM) and confocal microscopy, the vesicle movement was quantified by determining, for each experimental group, the mean slope of the line indicating the changes in apical/basolateral fluorescence density ratio over time during the first 5.30 min of the pHi recovery period. Under the control conditions, the mean slope was 0.079 ± 0.0033 min-1 (14) and it increased significantly with ANG II [10-12 and 10-7 M, respectively to 0.322 ± 0.038 min-1 (13) and 0.578 ± 0.061 min-1 (12)] or AVP [10-12 and 10-6 M, respectively to 0.301 ± 0.018 min-1 (12) and 0.687 ± 0.049 min-1 (11)]. However, in presence of ANP (10-6 M, decreases cytosolic free calcium), dimethyl-BAPTA/AM (5 × 10-5 M, chelates intracellular calcium) or colchicine (10-5 M, 2-h preincubation; inhibits microtubule-dependent vesicular trafficking) alone or plus ANG II or AVP the mean slopes were similar to the control values, indicating that such agents blocked the stimulatory effect of ANG II or AVP on vesicle trafficking. The results suggest that the pathway responsible for the increase in cytosolic free calcium and the microtu-bule-dependent vesicular trafficking are involved in this hormonal stimulating effect. Whether cytosolic free calcium reduction represents an important direct mechanism for ANP impairs the dose-dependent stimulatory effect of ANG II or AVP on H+-ATPase subcellular vesicle trafficking, or is a side effect of other signaling pathways which will require additional studies.


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In chick embryo fibroblasts, the mRNA for extracellular matrix protein tenascin-C is induced 2-fold by cyclic strain (10%, 0.3 Hz, 6 h). This response is attenuated by inhibiting Rho-dependent kinase (ROCK). The RhoA/ROCK signaling pathway is primarily involved in actin dynamics. Here, we demonstrate its crucial importance in regulating tenascin-C expression. Cyclic strain stimulated RhoA activation and induced fibroblast contraction. Chemical activators of RhoA synergistically enhanced the effects of cyclic strain on cell contractility. Interestingly, tenascin-C mRNA levels perfectly matched the extent of RhoA/ROCK-mediated actin contraction. First, RhoA activation by thrombin, lysophosphatidic acid, or colchicine induced tenascin-C mRNA to a similar extent as strain. Second, RhoA activating drugs in combination with cyclic strain caused a super-induction (4- to 5-fold) of tenascin-C mRNA, which was again suppressed by ROCK inhibition. Third, disruption of the actin cytoskeleton with latrunculin A abolished induction of tenascin-C mRNA by chemical RhoA activators in combination with cyclic strain. Lastly, we found that myosin II activity is required for tenascin-C induction by cyclic strain. We conclude that RhoA/ROCK-controlled actin contractility has a mechanosensory function in fibroblasts that correlates directly with tenascin-C gene expression. Previous RhoA/ROCK activation, either by chemical or mechanical signals, might render fibroblasts more sensitive to external tensile stress, e.g., during wound healing.