973 resultados para Clinic - Psychoanalytical treatment
The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of chlorhexidine gluconate, sodium fluoride and sodium iodine on mutans streptococci counts in saliva of irradiated patients. Forty-five patients were separated into three experimental groups and received chlorhexidine (0.12%), sodium fluoride (0.5%) or sodium iodine (2%), which were used daily during radiotherapy and for 6 months after the conclusion of the treatment. In addition, a fourth group, composed by 15 additional oncologic patients, who did not receive the mouthwash or initial dental treatment, constituted the control group. Clinical evaluations were performed in the first visit to dental clinic, after initial dental treatment, immediately before radiotherapy, after radiotherapy and 30, 60, 90 days and 6 months after the conclusion of radiotherapy. After clinical examinations, samples of saliva were inoculated on SB20 selective agar and incubated under anaerobiosis, at 37oC for 48 h. Total mutans streptococci counts were also evaluated by using real-time PCR, through TaqMan system, with specific primers and probes for S. mutans and S. sobrinus. All preventive protocols were able to reduce significantly mutans streptococci counts, but chlorhexidine gluconate was the most effective, and induced a significant amelioration of radiotherapy side effects, such as mucositis and candidosis. These results highlights the importance of the initial dental treatment for patients who will be subjected to radiotherapy for head and neck cancer treatment.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the flexural resistance of three types of restorative materials: compomer (Freedom), resin-modified glass-ionomer (Vitremer) and composite resin (Esthet-X), observing whether the application of bleaching agent can cause alterations of their flexural properties. Sixty samples were made using a 10 x 1 x 1 mm brass mold, and divided into three groups: G1- Freedom (SDI); G2- Vitremer (3M ESPE); G3- Esthet-X (Dentsply). On half of the samples of each group (10 samples) the bleaching treatment was applied and the other half used as control, was stored in distilled water at a temperature of 37 degrees C. Whiteness HP Maxx bleaching system was applied on the sample surface following the manufacturer's recommendations, simulating the bleaching treatment at the clinic. After this period, a flexural strength (three-point bending) test was conducted using (EMIC DL 1000) machine until the samples fractured. The data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey tests. Of the restorative materials studied, G3-(87.24 +/- 31.40 MPa) presented the highest flexural strength, followed by G1-(61.67 +/- 21.32 MPa) and G2-(61.67 +/- 21.32 MPa). There was a statistical difference in flexural strength after the bleaching treatment. It was concluded that the use of a beaching agent can promote significant alteration of the flexural strength of these restorative materials.
The aim of this paper is to present a complex rehabilitation, of fractured tooth, with implants in anterior region considering the orthodontics extrusion to clinical success. At 7 years old, the patient fractured the maxillary left central incisor and the dentist did a crown with the fragment. Twenty years later, the patient was referred to a dental clinic for orthodontic treatment, with the chief complaint related to an accentuated deep bite, and a professional started an orthodontic treatment. After sixteen months of orthodontic treatment, tooth 21 fractured. The treatment plan included an orthodontic extrusion of tooth 21 and implant placement. This case has been followed up and the clinical and radiographic examinations show excellence esthetic results and satisfaction of patient. The forced extrusion can be a viable treatment option in the management of crown root fracture of an anterior tooth to gain bone in a vertical direction. This case emphasizes that to achieve the esthetic result a multidisciplinary approach is necessary.
To improve mental health services, the World Health Organization proposes an “epidemiological approach” based on the constant screening of existing research, and aimed at continuous improvement of psychological treatment rather than strict application of prescribed techniques. This study provides an epidemiological survey conducted at the psychology ward of the municipal Ambulatório de Saúde Mental in Birigui, São Paulo, Brazil. Data from 180 patients in psychotherapeutic care were collected, and subsequent descriptive analysis showed that the population consisted predominantly of adults (82.8% of total) and females (81.0%). Depressive disorder was the most common symptom (61.1%), and the majority of the participants (72.2%) received psychological treatment for the first time. The data presented in this paper can assist mental health professionals in selecting appropriate treatment by creating a profile of patients.
This study aimed to investigate the frequency of symptoms of depression in patients with cancer of the head and neck undergoing radiotherapy treatment, in the initial, middle and final stages of the treatment. This is a prospective exploratory quantitative study of 41 patients with head and neck cancer, undergoing radiotherapy treatment in the Oncology Outpatient Clinic of the Beneficencia Portuguese Hospital of Ribeirao Preto. Data were collected through the Beck Depression Inventory instrument, and analyzed quantitatively by means of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Symptoms of dysphoria were found to increase throughout the treatment, as well as the number of patients with depression. The results show the importance for the healthcare professionals to detect the prevalence and the levels of the symptoms of depression, since these symptoms tend to increase and may lead to consequences such as a lack of adherence to treatment and a decrease in the quality of life of these patients.
Objective The ketogenic diet is used as a therapeutic alternative for the treatment of epilepsy in patients with refractory epilepsy. It simulates biochemical changes typical of fasting. The present study verified the nutritional impact of the ketogenic diet on children with refractory epilepsy. Methods Nutritional status data (dietary, biochemical and anthropometric measurements), seizure frequency, and adverse events were collected from the medical records and during outpatient clinic visits of children over a period of 36 months. Results Of the 29 children who initiated the ketogenic diet, 75.8% presented fewer seizures after one month of treatment. After six months, 48.3% of the patients had at least a 90.0% decrease in seizure frequency, and 50.0% of these patients presented total seizure remission. At 12 months, eight patients continued to show positive results, and seven of these children remained on the ketogenic diet for 24 months. There was an improvement of the nutritional status at 24 months, especially in terms of weight, which culminated with the recovery of proper weight-for-height. There were no significant changes in biochemical indices (total cholesterol and components, triglycerides, albumin, total protein, creatinine, glycemia, serum aspartate transaminase and serum alanine transaminase). Serum cholesterol levels increased significantly in the first month, fell in the following six months, and remained within the normal limits thereafter. Conclusion In conclusion, patients on the classic ketogenic diet for at least 24 months gained weight. Moreover, approximately one third of the patients achieved significant reduction in seizure frequency, and some patients achieved total remission.
Pentaerithrityltetranitrat (PETN) ist ein organisches Nitrat und wird in der Klinik zur Behandlung der Angina Pectoris eingesetzt. PETN hat, wenn direkt verabreicht, kaum Wirkung auf den Blutdruck. Diese Arbeit wurde konzipiert, um einen potentiellen „perinatalen Programmierung“-Effekt von PETN in spontan-hypertensiven Ratten (SHR), einem Rattenmodel der genetischen Hypertonie, zu testen. Die F0-Elterntiere wurden mit PETN (50 mg/kg/Tag) während der Schwangerschaft und der Laktation behandelt; die F1-Nachkommen bekamen nach der Ablaktation normales Haltungsfutter. Der Blutdruck wurde an den Nachkommen vom 3. Monat bis zum 8. Monat nach der Geburt gemessen. Maternale PETN-Behandlung hatte kaum Wirkung auf den Blutdruck in den männlichen SHR-Nachkommen. Dagegen zeigten die weiblichen Nachkommen der PETN-Behandlungsgruppe eine persistente Reduktion des Blutdrucks. Der systolische Blutdruck war in den weiblichen Nachkommen in der PETN-Gruppe etwa 13 mmHg niedriger im 4. Monat und etwa 10 mmHg niedriger im 8. Monat als in den Kontrolltieren. Dieser lang-anhaltende Effekt ging mit einer substanziellen Änderung der Genexpression einher, die auch beim 8. Monat noch nachzuweisen war. In den Aorten der weiblichen F1-Nachkommen wurde Veränderungen an Genexpression der α-adrenergen Rezeptoren sowie Endothelin-Rezeptoren festgestellt, die aber funktionell von minimaler Bedeutung für die PETN-Wirkung waren. Hingegen war eine klare Rolle des StickstoffmoNOXid (NO) zu sehen. Maternale PETN-Behandlung führte zur Heraufregulation der endothelialen NO-Synthase (eNOS) und der GTP-Cyclohydrolase I (GCH-1). GCH-1 ist für die Biosynthese des Tetrahydrobiopterins, eines essentiellen eNOS-Kofaktors, entscheidend, und dadurch auch für die eNOS-Funktionalität. Zusätzlich wurden auch anti-oxidative Enzyme wie die mitochondriale Superoxid-Dismutase (SOD2), die Glutathion-Peroxidase 1 (GPx1) und die Hem-Oxygenase 1 (HO-1) heraufreguliert, und die Superoxid-produzierende NADPH-Oxidase NOX1 herunterreguliert. Dies kann zur Verminderung vom oxidativen Stress und Erhöhung der NO-Bioverfügbarkeit führen. Letztlich wurde auch ~ 74 ~ die Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) durch maternale PETN-Behandlung heraufreguliert, die auch zur Heraufregulation der SOD2, GPx1 und eNOS beitragen kann. Im Organbad-Experiment wurde die Acetylcholin-induzierte, Endothel-abhängige Vasodilatation in der Aorta der weiblichen Nachkommen der PETN-Gruppe verstärkt. Diese verbesserte Endothelfunktion, was vermutlich aus der Genexpressionsänderung resultiert, stellt sehr wahrscheinlich einen Schlüsselmechanismus der Blutdrucksenkung in den Nachkommen der PETN-behandelten F0-Tiere dar.
Objective Malnutrition is common in HIV-infected children in Africa and an indication for antiretroviral treatment (ART). We examined anthropometric status and response to ART in children treated at a large public-sector clinic in Malawi. Methods All children aged <15 years who started ART between January 2001 and December 2006 were included and followed until March 2008. Weight and height were measured at regular intervals from 1 year before to 2 years after the start of ART. Sex- and age-standardized z-scores were calculated for weight-for-age (WAZ) and height-for-age (HAZ). Predictors of growth were identified in multivariable mixed-effect models. Results A total of 497 children started ART and were followed for 972 person-years. Median age (interquartile range; IQR) was 8 years (4–11 years). Most children were underweight (52% of children), stunted (69%), in advanced clinical stages (94% in WHO stages 3 or 4) and had severe immunodeficiency (77%). After starting ART, median (IQR) WAZ and HAZ increased from −2.1 (−2.7 to −1.3) and −2.6 (−3.6 to −1.8) to −1.4 (−2.1 to −0.8) and −1.8 (−2.4 to −1.1) at 24 months, respectively (P < 0.001). In multivariable models, baseline WAZ and HAZ scores were the most important determinants of growth trajectories on ART. Conclusions Despite a sustained growth response to ART among children remaining on therapy, normal values were not reached. Interventions leading to earlier HIV diagnosis and initiation of treatment could improve growth response.
Patients with penetrating eye injuries are a very heterogeneous group both medically and economically. Since 2009, treatment involving sutures for open eye injuries and cases requiring amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT) were allocated to DRG C01B of the German diagnosis-related group system. However, given the significant clinical differences between these treatments, an inhomogeneity of costs to performance is postulated. This analysis describes case allocation problems within the G-DRG C01B category and presents solutions.
The intermediate stage of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) comprises a highly heterogeneous patient population and therefore poses unique challenges for therapeutic management, different from the early and advanced stages. Patients classified as having intermediate HCC by the Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) staging system present with varying tumor burden and liver function. Transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) is currently recommended as the standard of care in this setting, but there is considerable variation in the clinical benefit patients derive from this treatment.In April 2012, a panel of experts convened to discuss unresolved issues surrounding the application of current guidelines when managing patients with intermediate HCC. The meeting explored the applicability of a subclassification system for intermediate HCC patients to tailor therapeutic interventions based on the evidence available to date and expert opinion. The present report summarizes the proposal of the expert panel: four substages of intermediate HCC patients, B1 to B4.
Bullous pemphigoid (BP) constitutes the most frequent autoimmune subepidermal blistering disease. It is associated with autoantibodies directed against the BP antigens 180 (BP180, BPAG2) and BP230 (BPAG1-e). The pathogenicity of anti-BP180 antibodies has been convincingly demonstrated in animal models. The clinical features of BP are extremely polymorphous. The diagnosis of BP critically relies on immunopathologic findings. The recent development of novel enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays has allowed the detection of circulating autoantibodies with relatively high sensitivity and specificity. Although potent topical steroids have emerged in the past decade as first-line treatment of BP, management of the disease may be challenging.
Because of the frequency of multiple antibiotic resistance, Staphylococcus species often represent a challenge in incisional infections of horses undergoing colic surgery. To investigate the evolution of antibiotic resistance patterns before and after preventative peri- and postoperative penicillin treatment, staphylococci were isolated from skin and wound samples at different times during hospitalization. Most staphylococci were normal skin commensals and belonged to the common coagulase-negative group. In some cases they turned out to be opportunistic pathogens present in wound infections. MICs were determined for 12 antibiotics, and antibiotic resistance genes were detected by microarray. At hospital admission, horses harbored staphylococci that were susceptible to antibiotics or resistant to one group of drugs, mainly due to the presence of new variants of the methicillin and macrolide resistance genes mecA and mph(C), respectively. After 3 days, the percentage of Staphylococcus isolates displaying antibiotic resistance, as well as the number of resistance genes per isolate, increased moderately in hospitalized horses without surgery or penicillin treatment but dramatically in hospitalized horses after colic surgery as well as penicillin treatment. Staphylococcus species displaying multiple resistance were found to harbor mainly genes conferring resistance to beta-lactams (mecA and blaZ), aminoglycosides [str and aac(6')-Ie-aph(2')-Ia], and trimethoprim [dfr(A) and dfr(D)]. Additional genes conferring resistance to macrolides [mph(C), erm(C), and erm(B)], tetracycline [tet(K) and tet(M)], chloramphenicol [cat(pC221) and cat(pC223)], and streptothricin (sat4) appeared in several strains. Hospitalization and preventive penicillin use were shown to act as selection agents for multidrug-resistant commensal staphylococcal flora.
BACKGROUND: Thirty-eight of the 73 consecutive acute ruptures of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) proven by a magnetic resonance imaging scan (MRI) in skeletally mature patients (16-55 years old) were classified as suitable for primarily conservative treatment. Patient selection was performed using a preoperative screening protocol based on the structural damage, clinical symptoms, compliance, sportive activity, and the consent of a well-informed patient. METHODS: In 12 of the 38 treated patients, the conservative protocol showed a good to very good outcome, 2 patients had persistent giving-way and were considering ACL reconstruction, 14 patients had a secondary ACL reconstruction in our clinic (average 5.3 months after injury), 9 patients were operated on in other hospitals (average 13.3 months after injury), and 1 patient was lost to follow-up. RESULTS: All patients with successful conservative treatment were able to perform low-risk pivoting sports and two patients are practicing high-risk pivoting sports. The average International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) score was 92.5 (82.8-98.9); the subjective overall knee function was 93% (60% to 100%). Of the 12 patients with good and very good results, 6 continued playing the same sports at an unreduced intensity, 4 patients reduced their activities slightly, and 1 patient played more sports than before. CONCLUSIONS: Although the authors performed a preoperative screening to select patients suitable for conservative treatment, almost two-thirds of the primarily conservatively treated ACL ruptures needed an operative reconstruction in the long term. In one-third of the patients, conservative treatment led to a good or very good result. At the endpoint of the study only 12 (16%) of a total of 73 patients with acute injuries of the ACL had successful conservative treatment. Therefore, patients must be comprehensively instructed about the treatment program and the chances of success of conservative ACL treatment.
Purpose: This retrospective study analyzed the pool of patients referred for treatment with dental implants over a 3-year period in a referral specialty clinic. Materials and Methods: All patients receiving dental implants between 2002 and 2004 in the Department of Oral Surgery and Stomatology, University of Bern, were included in this retrospective study. Patients were analyzed according to age, gender, indications for implant therapy, location of implants, and type and length of implants placed. A cumulative logistic regression analysis was performed to identify and analyze potential risk factors for complications or failures. Results: A total of 1,206 patients received 1,817 dental implants. The group comprised 573 men and 633 women with a mean age of 55.2 years. Almost 60% of patients were age 50 or older. The most frequent indication for implant therapy was single-tooth replacement in the maxilla (522 implants or 28.7%). A total of 726 implants (40%) were inserted in the esthetically demanding region of the anterior maxilla. For 939 implants (51.7%), additional bone-augmentation procedures were required. Of these, ridge augmentation with guided bone regeneration was performed more frequently than sinus grafting. Thirteen complications leading to early failures were recorded, resulting in an early failure rate of 0.7%. The regression analysis failed to identify statistically significant failure etiologies for the variables assessed. Conclusions: From this study it can be concluded that patients referred to a specialty clinic for implant placement were more likely to be partially edentulous and over 50 years old. Single-tooth replacement was the most frequent indication (> 50%). Similarly, additional bone augmentation was indicated in more than 50% of cases. Adhering to strict patient selection criteria and a standardized surgical protocol, an early failure rate of 0.7% was experienced in this study population
BACKGROUND: The retention of patients in antiretroviral therapy (ART) programmes is an important issue in resource-limited settings. Loss to follow up can be substantial, but it is unclear what the outcomes are in patients who are lost to programmes. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We searched the PubMed, EMBASE, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS), Indian Medlars Centre (IndMed) and African Index Medicus (AIM) databases and the abstracts of three conferences for studies that traced patients lost to follow up to ascertain their vital status. Main outcomes were the proportion of patients traced, the proportion found to be alive and the proportion that had died. Where available, we also examined the reasons why some patients could not be traced, why patients found to be alive did not return to the clinic, and the causes of death. We combined mortality data from several studies using random-effects meta-analysis. Seventeen studies were eligible. All were from sub-Saharan Africa, except one study from India, and none were conducted in children. A total of 6420 patients (range 44 to 1343 patients) were included. Patients were traced using telephone calls, home visits and through social networks. Overall the vital status of 4021 patients could be ascertained (63%, range across studies: 45% to 86%); 1602 patients had died. The combined mortality was 40% (95% confidence interval 33%-48%), with substantial heterogeneity between studies (P<0.0001). Mortality in African programmes ranged from 12% to 87% of patients lost to follow-up. Mortality was inversely associated with the rate of loss to follow up in the programme: it declined from around 60% to 20% as the percentage of patients lost to the programme increased from 5% to 50%. Among patients not found, telephone numbers and addresses were frequently incorrect or missing. Common reasons for not returning to the clinic were transfer to another programme, financial problems and improving or deteriorating health. Causes of death were available for 47 deaths: 29 (62%) died of an AIDS defining illness. CONCLUSIONS: In ART programmes in resource-limited settings a substantial minority of adults lost to follow up cannot be traced, and among those traced 20% to 60% had died. Our findings have implications both for patient care and the monitoring and evaluation of programmes.