995 resultados para Cinnamic acid
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas - FCFAR
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The seasonal variations in the chemical composition of Brazilian propolis, collected by two bee subspecies, Africanized Apis mellifera and European Apis mellifera ligustica, have been investigated by GC and GC-MS. The main components of the samples were phenolic compounds, especially cinnamic acid derivatives, the only exception being the autumn sample from Apis mellifera ligustica, where diterpenes predominated. In propolis from both subspecies, diterpenes appeared in summer and reached maximum percentage in autumn, but were absent during the other seasons. The results obtained indicated that both bee subspecies collect propolis from among the same group of plants, and that there are at least two important plant sources, but these remain unidentified.
The effect of different natural antimicrobials on the microbiological and sensorial quality of fresh-cut Cantaloupe melons stored up to 10 days at 5°C was examined. Pieces of melon were washed for 1 min at 5ºC in water (control), vanillin (1000 mg/L and 2000 mg/L) or cinnamic acid (148.16 mg/L and 296.32 mg/L). Other antimicrobial treatments consisted of packaging the pieces of melon with an antimicrobial pad which contained cinnamic acid (148.16 mg/L and 296.32 mg/L). After 10 days of storage, significant differences among antimicrobials treatments and water treatment were found. In water treatment, the psychrotroph load was 3.63 ± 0.09 log cfu g-1 meanwhile on all antimicrobial treatments the values ranged from 3.04 ±0.13 log cfu g-1 to 3.28±0.1 log cfu g-1. Mesophilic growth in the control treatment averaged 6.79±0.06 log cfu g-1 meanwhile on antimicrobial treatments the counts were from 5.15±0.01 log cfu g-1 to 5.30±0.03 log cfu g-1. Total coliform levels were 7.8±0.1 log cfu g-1 when melon was washed in water, followed by washing with cinnamon (296.32 mg/L) at 6.5 log cfu g-1 and for the rest of the treatments were around 5.5 log cfu g-1. The treatments did not display differences among mould and yeast growth after 10 days of storage. The sensorial quality decreased throughout storage. However, at the end of storage, the scores ranged between 6.5 and 7, above the minimum level for marketability (level 5). Sensorial panelist noted a ‘sweet’ taste when vanillin was used as sanitizer. In all antimicrobial treatments, no relation was found between a higher dose and a higher microbial reduction. So, vanillin at 1000 mg/L in water or cinnamic acid at 148.16 mg/L provided in water dip or as a pad inside the trays could be optimal natural sanitizers to substitute the use of chlorine in fresh-cut products as Cantaloupe melon.
Baccharin is one of the major chemical compounds isolated from the aerial parts of Baccharis dracunculifolia DC (Asteraceae), a native plant of South America and the most important botanical source of the Brazilian green propolis that has been used in alternative medicine to treat inflammation, liver disorders, and stomach ulcers. The present study was carried out in V79 cells to determine the possible genotoxic and antigenotoxic activities of baccharin utilizing comet and micronucleus assays, where 2 known mutagenic agents with different mechanisms of DNA damage were used as positive controls. The V79 cells were treated with concentrations of baccharin (0.25, 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 mu g/mL) and for to investigate the antigenotoxicity these concentrations were associated with methyl methanesulfonate (MMS; 200 mu M-comet assay and 400 mu M-micronucleus assay) or hydrogen peroxide (H2O2; 50 mu M-comet assay and 100 mu M-micronucleus assay). Statistically significant differences in the rate of DNA damage were observed in cultures treated with the highest concentration of baccharin when compared to the control group, but this difference was not found in the micronucleus assay. The results also showed that the frequencies of DNA damage and micronuclei induced by MMS and H2O2 were significantly reduced after treatment with baccharin. The baccharin showed a chemoprevention effect and can be the chemical compound responsible for the antigenotoxicity also demonstrated by the B. dracunculifolia. The antioxidant potential of baccharin may be related to its chemoprevention activity induced against both genomic and chromosomal damages.
Etablierung von Expressionsystemen für Gene der Indolalkaloid-Biosynthese unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Cytochrom P450-Enzymen In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Enzyme aus der Arzneipflanze Rauvolfia serpentina bearbeitet. Es wurde versucht, das an der Biosynthese des Alkaloids Ajmalin beteiligte Cytochrom P450-Enzym Vinorin-Hydroxylase heterolog und funktionell zu exprimieren. Ein zunächst unvollständiger, unbekannter Cytochrom P450-Klon konnte komplettiert und eindeutig mittels heterologer Expression in sf9-Insektenzellen als Cinnamoyl-Hydroxylase identifiziert werden. Die Tauglichkeit des Insektenzellsystems für die Untersuchung der Vinorin-Hydroxylase ist auf Grund der deacetylierenden Wirkung der Insektenzellen auf das Substrat Vinorin nicht gegeben. Im Rahmen des Homology Cloning Projektes konnten mehrere Volllängenklone und diverse Teilsequenzen von neuen Cytochrom P450-Klonen ermittelt werden. Ausserdem wurde durch das unspezifische Binden eines degenerierten Primers ein zusätzlicher Klon gefunden, der der Gruppe der löslichen Reduktasen zugeordnet werden konnte. Diese putative Reduktase wurde auf die Aktivität von mehreren Schlüsselenzymen der Ajmalin-Biosynthese durch heterologe Expression in E.coli und anschliessende HPLC-gestützte Aktivitätstests ohne Erfolg geprüft. Bedingt durch die Untauglichkeit des Insektenzellsystems für die Identifizierung der Vinorin-Hydroxylase, wurde ein neuartiges Modul-gestütztes, pflanzliches Expressionsystem etabliert, um vorhandene P450-Volllängenklone auf Vinorin- Hydroxylaseaktivität testen zu können. Die Funktionalität des Systems konnte durch die heterologe Expression der Polyneuridinaldehyd Esterase bestätigt werden. Trotzdem war es bis jetzt nicht möglich, die Cinnamoyl-Hydroxylase als Kontrollenzym für das pflanzliche System oder aber die gesuchte Vinorin- Hydroxylase in aktiver Form zu exprimieren.
El presente trabajo de Tesis describe la posibilidad de modular la fermentación alcohólica utilizando bloqueadores metabólicos como furfural, o-vainillina, ácido cinámico, glicolaldehído, p-benzoquinona y cobre; para controlar la producción de etanol. El redireccionamiento de la ruta glicolítica en Saccharomyces cerevisiae favorece el descenso del grado alcohólico gracias al aumento de la producción de metabolitos secundarios de interés enológico. La primera parte de la Tesis presenta una revisión bibliográfica sobre estudios previos en los que se ha evaluado el efecto de los diferentes bloqueadores metabólicos en la producción de etanol durante la fermentación alcohólica. La segunda parte muestra los resultados experimentales de producción de etanol obtenidos con los bloqueadores metabólicos, observándose una amplia variabilidad en su efecto en función de la naturaleza química de cada bloqueador y de la naturaleza del medio fermentativo utilizado. Finalmente, la tercera parte del trabajo muestra el efecto de los bloqueadores metabólicos sobre los parámetros colorimétricos y la producción de metabolitos secundarios, observándose un importante efecto en la producción de glicerina y en algunos de los compuestos volátiles fermentativos. La principal aplicación de esta tecnología basada en la utilización de bloqueadores metabólicos sería la elaboración de vinos con una menor graduación alcohólica a partir de uva procedente de zonas cálidas. ABSTRACT This thesis describes the possibility of modulating the alcoholic fermentation using metabolic blockers such as furfural, o-vanillin, cinnamic acid, glycolaldehyde, p-benzoquinone and copper. The controlled production of ethanol by redirecting of the glycolytic pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is achieved through diverting some of the carbohydrates away from alcohol production into the formation of glycolytic intermediates of interest to the winemaking industry. The first part of this work shows a literature review on previous studies about the effect of different metabolic blockers in order to reduce the ethanol production during alcoholic fermentation. The second part deals about the experimental results of ethanol production obtained with the metabolic blockers, showing a wide variation in the inhibitory effect depending on the chemical nature of each blocker and the nature of the fermentation medium used. Finally, the third part discussed about the effect of the metabolic blockers on colorimetric parameters and production of secondary metabolites, showing a significant effect on the production of glycerol and in some of the volatile fermentative compounds. The main application of this technology based on the use of metabolic blockers could lie in the preparation of reduced-alcohol wines from grapes grown in hot climate regions.
Phenylketonuria (PKU), with its associated hyperphenylalaninemia (HPA) and mental retardation, is a classic genetic disease and the first to have an identified chemical cause of impaired cognitive development. Treatment from birth with a low phenylalanine diet largely prevents the deviant cognitive phenotype by ameliorating HPA and is recognized as one of the first effective treatments of a genetic disease. However, compliance with dietary treatment is difficult and when it is for life, as now recommended by an internationally used set of guidelines, is probably unrealistic. Herein we describe experiments on a mouse model using another modality for treatment of PKU compatible with better compliance using ancillary phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL, EC to degrade phenylalanine, the harmful nutrient in PKU; in this treatment, PAL acts as a substitute for the enzyme phenylalanine monooxygenase (EC, which is deficient in PKU. PAL, a robust enzyme without need for a cofactor, converts phenylalanine to trans-cinnamic acid, a harmless metabolite. We describe (i) an efficient recombinant approach to produce PAL enzyme, (ii) testing of PAL in orthologous N-ethyl-N′-nitrosourea (ENU) mutant mouse strains with HPA, and (iii) proofs of principle (PAL reduces HPA)—both pharmacologic (with a clear dose–response effect vs. HPA after PAL injection) and physiologic (protected enteral PAL is significantly effective vs. HPA). These findings open another way to facilitate treatment of this classic genetic disease.
The metabolism of xenobiotics has mainly been investigated in higher plant species. We studied them in various marine macroalgae of the phyla Chlorophyta, Chromophyta, and Rhodophyta. Microsomes contained high oxidative activities for known cytochrome (Cyt) P450 substrates (fatty acids, cinnamic acid, 3- and 4-chlorobiphenyl, 2,3-dichlorobiphenyl, and isoproturon; up to 54 pkat/mg protein). The presence of Cyt P450 (approximately 50 pmol/mg protein) in microsomes of the three algal families was demonstrated by CO-difference absorption spectra. Intact algal tissue converted 3-chlorobiphenyl to the same monohydroxy-metabolite formed in vitro. This conversion was 5-fold stimulated upon addition of phenobarbital, and was abolished by the known P450 inhibitor, 1-aminobenzotriazole. It is concluded that marine macroalgae contain active species of Cyt P450 and could act as a metabolic sink for marine pollutants.
The enzyme 4-coumarate:coenzyme A ligase (4CL) is important in providing activated thioester substrates for phenylpropanoid natural product biosynthesis. We tested different hybrid poplar (Populus trichocarpa × Populus deltoides) tissues for the presence of 4CL isoforms by fast-protein liquid chromatography and detected a minimum of three 4CL isoforms. These isoforms shared similar hydroxycinnamic acid substrate-utilization profiles and were all inactive against sinapic acid, but instability of the native forms precluded extensive further analysis. 4CL cDNA clones were isolated and grouped into two major classes, the predicted amino acid sequences of which were 86% identical. Genomic Southern blots showed that the cDNA classes represent two poplar 4CL genes, and northern blots provided evidence for their differential expression. Recombinant enzymes corresponding to the two genes were expressed using a baculovirus system. The two recombinant proteins had substrate utilization profiles similar to each other and to the native poplar 4CL isoforms (4-coumaric acid > ferulic acid > caffeic acid; there was no conversion of sinapic acid), except that both had relatively high activity toward cinnamic acid. These results are discussed with respect to the role of 4CL in the partitioning of carbon in phenylpropanoid metabolism.