907 resultados para China--Economic conditions--Maps
The consequences that arose from the ‘global economy’ have been significant in Portuguese children’s lives and we believe it is fundamental to reflect on the ongoing structuring of childhood through this global culture/ideology and the concrete implications that they have. It is also important to understand how childhood is constructed and experienced, as well as to consider the impacts of political economic conditions on children’s lives and in childhood in general, taking into account the effects brought on by public policies. The aim of this paper is to reflect on the ways through which the economic crisis affecting the general Portuguese population has impacted children in particular and promoted discrimination and a lack of opportunities in childhood. We will focus on two dimensions: first, on general data about the ongoing policies that have been reducing social rights, increasing poverty rates and threatening basic rights such as educational and health rights, to show their impact on children´s lives. Second, we will discuss some data collected with children throughout different research projects in order to characterize the meanings and impacts of the crisis in their lives from their points of view
This study analyses the determinants of dispersion of economic issue mentions in European party manifestos. We examined three main economic domains (governmental control of the economy, free market capitalism and support for the welfare state) as consequences of globalization forces, economic conditions, partisanship and electoral turnout. Employing aggregate-level Comparative Manifesto Project (CMP) data from legislative elections in 15 European countries from 1970 to 2010, we confirm that parties hold a common view of the salience of economic control of the state as a consequence of globalization pressure and economic growth levels. Partisanship of the cabinets (regardless of the political orientation) counteracted issue salience concentration in the welfare domain. Government size favoured dispersion in the free market realm. Our results do not indicate clear homogenization of parties’ economic messages in elections over the last 40 years.
Energy from waste (E/W) technologies in the form o f biogas plants, CHP plants and other municipal solid waste (MSW) conversion technologies, have been gaining steady ground in the provision o f energy throughout Europe and the UK. Urban Waste Water Treatment Plants (UWWTP) are utilising much o f the same biochemical processes common to these E/W plants. Previous studies on Centralised Anaerobic Digestion (CAD) within Ireland found that the legislative and economic conditions were not conducive to such an operation on the grounds o f low energy price for electric and heat energy, and due to the restrictive nature o f the allowable feedstocks. Recent changes to the Irish REFIT tariff on energy produced from Anaerobic digestion; alterations to the regulation o f the allowable use o f animal by products(ABP); the recent enactment o f the Renewable Energy D irective (09/28/EC) and a subsequent review o f the draft Biowaste Directive (2001) required that the issue o f decentralised energy production in Ireland be reassessed. In this instance the feasibility study is based on a extant rural community, centred around the village o f Woodford Co Galway. The review found that the prevailing conditions were now such that it was technically and economically feasible for this biochemical process to provide energy and waste treatment facilities at the above location. The review also outlines the last item which is preventing this process from becoming achievable, specifically the lack o f a digestate regulation on land spreading which deals specifically with biowaste. The study finds that the implementation o f the draft EU biowaste regulations, with amendments for Cr and Hg levels to match the proposed Irish regulation for compost, would ensure that Ireland has some o f the most restrictive regulations in Europe for this application. The delay in completing this piece o f legislation is preventing national energy and waste issues from being resolved in a planned and stepwise fashion. A proposed lay out for the new Integrated Waste from Energy Plant (IW/EP) is presented. Budget economic projections and alternative revenue streams are outlined. Finally a review o f the national policies regarding the Rural Development Plan (RDP), the Rural Planning Guidelines (RPG) and the National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP) are examined against the relevant EU directives.
This study engages with the debate over the mortality crises in the former Soviet Union and Central and Eastern Europe by 1) considering at length and as complementary to each other the two most prominent explanations for the post-communist mortality crisis, stress and alcohol consumption; 2) emphasizing the importance of context by exploiting systematic similarities and differences across the region. Differential mortality trajectories reveal three country groups that cluster both spatially and in terms of economic transition experiences. The first group are the countries furthest west in which mortality rates increased minimally after the transition began. The second group experienced a severe increase in mortality rates in the early 1990s, but recovered previous levels within a few years. These countries are located peripherally to Russia and its nearest neighbours. The final group consists of countries that experienced two mortality increases or in which mortality levels had not recovered to pre-transition levels well into the 21st century. Cross-sectional time-series data analyses of men’s and women’s age and cause-specific death rates reveal that the clustering of these countries and their mortality trajectories can be partially explained by the economic context, which is argued to be linked to stress and alcohol consumption. Above and beyond many basic differences in the country groups that are held constant—including geographically and historically shared cultural, lifestyle and social characteristics—poor economic conditions account for a remarkably consistent share of excess age-specific and cause-specific deaths.
Public opinion surveys have become progressively incorporated into systems of official statistics. Surveys of the economic climate are usually qualitative because they collect opinions of businesspeople and/or experts about the long-term indicators described by a number of variables. In such cases the responses are expressed in ordinal numbers, that is, the respondents verbally report, for example, whether during a given trimester the sales or the new orders have increased, decreased or remained the same as in the previous trimester. These data allow to calculate the percent of respondents in the total population (results are extrapolated), who select every one of the three options. Data are often presented in the form of an index calculated as the difference between the percent of those who claim that a given variable has improved in value and of those who claim that it has deteriorated.
China: stability and economic growth. China experienced an extraordinary economic growth since 1978, while keeping inflation low. Which are the main determinants for this performance and to what point has macroeconomic policy been responsible? Obviously, many factors have been important although none of them may be appointed as the sole determinant. The paper also argues whether China would be able to keep this pace of growth or will slow down, like many other Asian countries. It is argued that China will maintain her average rate of growth in the near future.
In This Article, It Is Argued That the Long International, Financial and Economic Cycle (50-60 Years) Is More Than a Statistical Aberration, and Is the Result of Institutional Political, Financial and Economic Conditions Which Are Recurrent. It Is Proposed As an Hypothesis That the Breakdown of International Monetary Systems Is At the Origin of Hte Financial and Economic Long Cycle. Such a Breakdown Starts a Process of Unexpected Inflation, of Balance of Payments Imbalances and of International Indebtedness in a Key-Currency. the Last Stage of This Process Is Characterized by Disinflation, a Speculative Stock Market Boom and a Period of Debt-Liquidation Which Negatively Affect the Real Side of the Economy. Without an International and Automatic Mechanism to Correct the Financial and Economic International Imbalances, the World Economy Runs the Risk of Getting More and More Unstable Until the Turning Point. International Monetary Cooperation Could Contribute in Alleviating the Negative Spillovers Accompanying Hte Adjustment of These Imbalances.
This thesis Entitled Dynamics of deforestation and Socio-Economic profile of tribal women flok in kerala -A study of Attappady. The study was based on both primary and secondary data. Primary data were collected through a sample survey conducted in three panchayaths .The thesis is organized in eight chapters. The first chapter provides the background to the study. Second chapter reviews the literature. Third chapter provides the profile of the study area and general conditions. Fourth chapter consists of the life cycle structure of the tribal woman. Fifth chapter covers the socio-economic conditions of the tribal women in the study area. Sixth chapter consists of relationship between tribal women and forest and the degradation of the forest. Seventh chapter provides the documentation of the development programmes implemented in Attappady and their importance to the tribals. Last chapter consists of summary and conclusions of the study, suggestions and recommendations of the study.
A partir de la aprobación del Acuerdo Nuclear con fines civiles entre Estados Unidos e India en 2008, se evidencia un viraje contundente de la política exterior norteamericana hacia ésta nación asiática. Este hecho sin precedentes, que implicó para Estados Unidos dejar atrás más de 3 décadas de políticas de no proliferación nuclear y un cambio en su legislación, hace cuestionar cuál es el interés estratégico de Estados Unidos en India. En ese orden de ideas, el objetivo de la presente investigación, ha sido demostrar que dicho interés estratégico busca una alianza con India como un actor de peso en el tablero asiático, para contener el avance del poderío de la República Popular de China en la región, mediante la aplicación de tres dinámicas a través de India: 1) El fortalecimiento de los vínculos en seguridad con India dada su proyección y relevancia geopolítica, 2) El estrechamiento de los lazos comerciales impulsados por Estados Unidos para mejorar las condiciones económicas de India, para así contrarrestar el poder económico de China y su influencia política en la región, y 3), encontrando en India un ancla de la democracia en Asia, en contraste del modelo político socialista de China.
El siguiente documento da a conocer el comportamiento de la Inversión Extranjera Directa (IED) de los países denominados BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, India y China) en Colombia. De acuerdo a lo anterior, en el presente trabajo, se realizó un análisis general de la IED entrante en el país suramericano que buscaba establecer los principales inversores; además de determinar los sectores más atractivos. Posteriormente, se observó la magnitud de la inversión que realizan los países BRIC en Colombia y en el mundo, con el fin de efectuar una comparación que permitiera determinar que tan significativa es la inversión que se realiza en el Estado Colombiano frente a la que es efectuada por estas naciones a nivel global. Igualmente, se consideró las industrias a las que la IED está dirigida, el grado de beneficio que representa para la población y si existe la posibilidad de enfocarla hacia otros sectores estratégicos o si se recomienda encauzarla hacia aquellos que hoy en día son el principal foco de inversión.
El interés de esta monografía es analizar las distintas estrategias políticas, económicas y militares que han implementado Irán, Turquía y Arabia Saudita en busca de la hegemonía de Medio Oriente. A lo largo del trabajo de investigación se analiza por medio del realismo ofensivo de John Mearsheimer las distintas estrategias de los tres Estados antes mencionados, con el fin de establecer la voluntad y las capacidades de cada uno para alcanzar la hegemonía regional. Finalmente, por medio de la medición de percepción de poder establecida por David Jablonsky se examinan las capacidades y la proyección de poder que poseen Irán, Turquía y Arabia Saudita para obtener la hegemonía de Medio Oriente.
Este trabajo estima el efecto en el nivel de las exportaciones realizadas por América Latina haciaEstados Unidos cuando se asumen los siguientes tres escenarios. Reducción del nivel de precios delos productos de origen chino, Apreciación del veinte por ciento del Renminbi.
Estados Unidos y China son dos países que participan en el escenario internacional como polos opuestos en los temas más importantes de la agenda internacional. En la participación de las negociaciones del Protocolo de Kioto entorpecen el destino de este acuerdo. Con diferentes posturas y sin ponerse de acuerdo, son el bloque frente a estas negociaciones que pretenden mejorar las condiciones ambientales en todo el mundo.
In the context of economic growth and recovering socio-economic conditions, many Latin American countries have implemented deep educational reforms since the beginning of the century. This paper aims to analyse whether these changes have promoted equality of educational opportunities in the region. Both the access and knowledge and skills dimensions are evaluated for six important countries, deepening the analysis for Argentina, Brazil and Colombia, in order to better understand the trends observed. Results point to reasonable progress in access, but reflect an unsatisfactory evolution of the level and distribution of knowledge and skills as reflected by PISA test scores.
This paper analyzes the People’s Republic of China economic and political ascendance in the 21st century, focusing on the evolution of its sui géneris economic development model and its significance for the relationship between China and the developing countries of the peripheral ‘Global South.’ The objective of this article is to analyze the relationship between China and Latin America in the 21st century, characterizing it as a new Center-periphery global power network based on trade and investment, which is often referred to as the ‘Asian Consensus’. The article will give special attention to the Brazilian case.