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Environmental changes and their consequences on the global level have challenged the different fields of study to integrate towards effective solutions to minimize and /or equate the negative impacts of these changes in different types of environments. In this context, the Environmental Perception has been a widely used and relevant in studies that consider the relationship between the environment and human actions, by allowing analysis of perceptions, attitudes and values, key influencers of topophilia that resonates in conservation tool. Allied to Environmental Perception, Integrated Analysis of the Landscape is relevant because it allows to analyze in a systematic way the geographical space where all its elements are interrelated in a way that supports needed to understand the complex physical and human environment of a given environment. In this perspective, we have studied the João do Vale Serrano Complex, located in semiarid of Rio Grande do Norte state, which features a set of landscapes with different faces, which are being replaced by various economic activities and disordered population growth, with consequent exploitation the potential of natural resources. This thesis main goal was to combine the Environmental Perception of rural communities to the of Serrano Complex Landscape Analysis as additional criteria for the definition of Priority Areas for Conservation. The perception data were collected through direct observation, questioning, interviews and application forms to 240 people (100 % of occupied households in the mountain community) during the months of february and august 2011, with theoretical and methodological basis Environmental Perception. Integrated Landscape Analysis was performed by GTP (Geosystem - Territory - Landscape) method, using the Geographic Information System (GIS), using the technique of GIS for mapping the landscape. The results showed that respondents have a sense of topophilia by where they live, hold a vast knowledge of the natural resources in this Serrano Complex, and responded positively regarding the choice of an exclusive area for conservation. The Integrated Analysis of Landscape possible to identify the different forms of existing uses and occupations in Serrano Complex, have caused significant changes in space, especially on the plateau where vegetation was virtually replaced by human dwellings and cashew plantations. Through the maps of slope and environmental vulnerability was identified that areas with high slopes (gullies) are limiting factor for occupation by communities and therefore relevant and amenable to conservation, including by being Permanent Preservation Areas. These results, together, made possible to define a map of Priority Areas for Conservation in Serrano Complex, with three priority categories: low, medium and high. Therefore, the use of these additional criteria are relevant for the definition /designation of Priority Areas for Conservation
Monitoring the survival of nematophagous fungi is needed to establish periods of reapplication of formulations of nematophagous fungi to control the citrus nematode in the field. We monitored the survival of fungi: Arthrobotrys robusta, A. oligospora, A. musiformis Dactylella leptospora and Monacrosporium eudermatum in plots treated with 1, 2, 4, 6 liters of the formulation of fungi/plant or witness without the application, during the period of nine months with the first assessment six months after application and the other with intervals of three months after the first evaluation. The fungus D. leptospora was found only in the evaluation of 6 months after treatment application, indicated a short survival time in the soil. However, the isolated A. robusta, A. musiformis and A. oligospora were recovered in all evaluations and especially in plots treated with higher doses of the formulation and witness. Monacrosporium eudermatum was recovered in all experimental periods and even in assessing the witness portion of nine months after application. The fact of the presence of species of Arthrobotrys and M. eudermatum in control plots indicates that native species that were already orchard.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC
Experiments using factorial arrangement of treatments are rather common and useful in agricultural research. The main advantage is the possibility of testing many hypotheses, allowing broader conclusions over different factors, studied simultaneously. Factorial arrangements are used to compare levels of each factor (main effects), and also to verify if the differences among levels of a given factor are dependent on the levels of the other factors (interacions). In the analysis of data from factorial experiments, difficulty is increased when additional treatments are included. Inclusion of one or more additional treatments is a quite common practice, since such treatments are usually taken as reference or standard for evaluation and comparasion of the remaimng treatments, or aiming complementary information. This increase of difficulty is however low, compared to the advantages. As in literature there are few references about the statistical analysis of factorial experiments with additonal treatments, and given straightforward use in experimentation, the objective of this work was the presentation of approach for the use of factorial experiments with additonal treatments trough the analysis of some examples using the SAS® software, with the corresponding theoretical development, obtaining the system of normal equations, estimators of the parameters and variance of contrasts among two treatment means. It is suggested that additional treatments should be used with caution. The analysis of variance of such kind of experiment was presented using matrix notation.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV
As partes aéreas de Indigofera suffruticosa Mill. (família Leg. Papilionoideae), planta incriminada pelos criadores de diversas áreas do Nordeste por doença caracterizada por hemoglobinúria em bovinos, foram administradas por via oral a seis bovinos, em doses diárias repetidas de 10 a 40 g/kg, Todos os animais experimentais apresentaram hemoglobinúria, porém passageira, apesar continuidade da administração da planta. Dois desses bovinos não apresentaram manifestações adicionais, um terceiro animal evidenciou manifestações leves, e os três outros, sintomas adicionais de intensidade moderada: apatia, mucosas visíveis de coloração esbranquiçada, pêlos arrepiados, anorexia, diminuição da freqüência e intensidade dos movimentos ruminais, taquicardia, pulso venoso positivo e dispnéia. Antes da crise hemolítica a urina apresentava coloração verde azulada. Nenhum animal experimental morreu, porém um foi sacrificado durante a fase hemoglobinúrica. À necropsia observaram-se anemia, bexiga contendo urina cor de vinho tinto, rins aumentados de volume com coloração marrom-escura, fígado, na superfície e ao corte, de coloração azulada com lobulação perceptível. As principais alterações histológicas foram verificadas no fígado, sob forma de necrose coagulativa e tumefação e/ou microvacuolização citoplasmática dos hepatócitos, e no rim representadas por acentuada nefrose, associada a grande quantidade de filtrado e/ou hemoglobina nos espaços de Bowman dentro de túbulos e do citoplasma das células epiteliais.
Pensando na importância do contato com o livro e com a leitura, bem como da difusão deste contato, o estudo propõe como objetivo geral, buscar compreender e apontar alguns elementos de como se dão os processos de leitura e como esses podem contribuir para o conhecimento de si e do mundo em que se vive, entre pessoas leitoras e/ou pouco escolarizadas. Para criar esse espaço de leitura, a obra de Lewis Carrol, Alice no País das Maravilhas foi escolhida como material por oferecer amplas possibilidades de leitura, desafiando ao entendimento e proporcionando a busca do leitor pela identificação com as (des)venturas vivenciadas pela protagonista. O compartilhar da leitura foi proposto e desenvolvido junto a alunos e alunas de uma sala de Educação de Jovens e Adultos em uma escola do município de Rio Claro/SP. O estudo é organizado em três momentos de leituras: o primeiro momento apresenta as primeiras leituras realizadas, onde busco entender o lugar e o papel da leitura na formação, situandome como leitora de Alice no País das Maravilhas, e entrelaçando os caminhos de Alice por esse mundo com os caminhos que percorremos como leitores. O segundo configura-se como uma pesquisa documental que objetiva conhecer mais profundamente o livro em pauta e as versões a que, como leitores, temos acesso, propondo levantar diferentes edições disponibilizadas no Brasil. O terceiro momento encaminha-se para as (re)leituras, onde apresento os registros referentes à pesquisa de campo, dos meus caminhos para compartilhar a leitura de Alice..., e das leituras compartilhadas. A proposta de estudo apoia-se, conceitualmente, nas noções de leitura e escrita como práticas culturais, sendo o livro assumido como um objeto cultural; a questão da leitura e escrita posta para pessoas pouco ou nada escolarizadas situa-se em uma perspectiva de interlocução com a cultura escolar e com a cultura cotidiana; e o que concerne às (des)venturas com Alice...
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS