341 resultados para Cham


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Many diseases and related degenerative processes including heart, câncer and Parkinson diseases are associated with rcactive oxygen species (ROS). In an effort Io preveni diseases, search for com-pounds with antioxidant activity hás been a major interestof dif-ferent research groups in natural products research. The objective of this research was to investigatethe antioxidant activity of EtOH leaf extract ofjacarando decurrrens and its fractions using the 2,2-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl hydrate (DPPH) assay [lJ, that uses s pé ciro me t ric method to determine radical scavenging activity, Rutinattheconcçntrationof l.Omg-L was used as the standard. Our results ha vê shown lhat crude extract and fractions had anti-oxidant activities mainly if tested at concentrations of 5.0 to 10.0mg-L. such activities, however. were lesser or equal to the standard (Table 1). The triterpenes, ursolic and oleanohc acids, were detected in the crude extract, Jd-1 and Jd-2, Possibly, these triterpenes are the active constituents responsible for the antioxi-dant activity |2j. At lower concentrations (0,6mg-L than the standard. Jd-3 fraction was the most active. The presenceof flavo-noids and glycosilated compounds were detected in jcl-3 fraction (2], This is the first attempt to demonstrate antioxidant activities found i n Já cara n (ia decurrens leaf extracts. Acknowledgements. Re-search funded by FAPESP. The State of São Paulo Research Founda-tion. Brazil, Referentes: 11) Koleva I. et ai. (2002). Phytochem Anal. 13: 8-17, (2! Oh CJ, et ai. (2007)- Free Radie Rés. 41(6): 638-44.


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First Asia Pacific Conference, AP-BPM 2013, Beijing, China, August 29-30, 2013. Selected Papers


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This book is about understanding the nature and application of reflection in higher education. It provides a theoretical model to guide the implementation of reflective learning and reflective practice across multiple disciplines and international contexts in higher education. The book presents research into the ways in which reflection is both considered and implemented in different ways across different professional disciplines, while maintaining a common purpose to transform and improve learning and/or practice. Chapter 13 'Refining a Teaching Pattern: Reflection Around Artefacts' explores reflective practices of an artefact, in this case fashion design garment samples.


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Introduction to Youth Services is a second year Social Work and Human Services unit. In this unit a reflective writing task was introduced to assess students’ reflections on an ongoing tutorial discussion to which they contributed. The discussion was based on a fictional young person each tutorial group ‘worked with’ across eight weeks of a semester. In developing the process and the criteria for the reflective journal, the ideas raised by the Teaching and Assessing Reflective Learning (TARL) in Higher Education project (see Chap. 2) were utilised, scaffolding the work with resources and submission of a draft. The students were also invited to choose the form of reflective process they used, it could be a written journal but did not need to be. The evidence exemplified that a reflective journal is an effective tool for students to record their developing understanding regarding the concept that issues people experience are complex and compounding. Importantly, it was also a useful vehicle for students to begin to consider the impacts of their own and others’ values and beliefs on their response to the issues raised within the case discussion. The reflective journal also helped participants to consider how this learning contributes to the ongoing development of their professional practice framework.


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The current research began from the starting point that what we are grappling with when we are dealing with violent extremists by and large is essentially ‘normal people’. What follows in this third major section of this research paper is the theoretical and conceptual search for making researchable the following question: ‘How do you assess someone who is normal?’


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Sustainable energy technologies rely heavily on advanced materials and modern engineering controls. These promising new technologies cannot be reliably deployed without ensuring that there is a sufficient “capacity,” i.e., trained technical personnel with the expertise to implement, monitor, and maintain the energy infrastructure. This same capacity is critical to the local development of new technologies, especially those that respond directly to regional priorities, strengths, and needs. One way to build capacity is through targeted programs that integrate the training and development of locals at an advanced technical level. In practical terms, these programs usually produce a small number of highly educated individuals with skills in science and engineering. The goal of Part VI of this book is to highlight contributing factors in successfully operating capacity building programs.


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In this chapter we focus on the importance of partnerships in arts-based service learning with Australian First Peoples and community arts organizations. Drawing on six years of our own partnership and a wide body of literature, this chapter aims to act as a trigger for further reflection on ways to engage in meaningful partnerships with First Peoples and arts organizations. In particular, the continuum between transactional and transformational types of relationships provides a useful means for understanding our work and for positioning the various benefits and challenges associated with university-community partnerships more broadly.


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There has been much debate over recent years about whether Australian copyright law should adopt a fair use doctrine. In this chapter we argue by pointing to the historical record that the incorporation of the term 'copyrights' in the Australian Constitution embeds a notion of balance and fair use in Australian law and that this should be taken into account when interpreting the Australian Copyright Act 1968. English case law in the 18th and 19th centuries developed a principle that copyright infringement did not occur where a person had made a fair use of a work. Fair use was generally established where the defendant had made a productive use that did more than alter the original work for the purpose of evading liability, and where the defendant had made an original contribution to the resulting work. Additionally, fairness was shown by a use that did not supersede or prejudice the market for the original work. At the time of including the copyright power in the Constitution, the UK Parliament’s understanding of “copyrights” included the notion of fair use as it had been developed in U.K. precedent. In this chapter we argue that the work “copyrights” in the Australia Constitution takes its definition from copyright in 1900 and as it has evolved since. Importantly, the word “copyrights” is infused with a particular meaning that incorporates the principle of copyright balance. The constitutional notion of copyright, therefore, is not that of an unlimited power to prevent all copying. Rather, copyright distinguishes between infringing copying and non-infringing copying and grants to the copyright owner only the power to control the former. Non-infringing copying includes well-accepted limitations on the copyright owner’s rights, including the copying of ideas, the copying of public domain works and the copying of insubstantial parts of copyrighted works. In this chapter we argue that non-infringing copying also includes copying to make a fair use of a work. The sections that distinguish infringing copying from non-infringing copying in the Copyright Act 1968 are sections 36(1) and 101(1), which define infringement as the doing, without licence, of an “act comprised in the copyright”. An infringing copy is an act comprised the copyright, whereas a non-infringing copy is not. We argue that space for fair uses of copyrighted works is built into the Copyright Act 1968 through these sections, because a fair use will not produce an infringing copy and so is not an act comprised in the copyright.


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Historically, determining the country of origin of a published work presented few challenges, because works were generally published physically – whether in print or otherwise – in a distinct location or few locations. However, publishing opportunities presented by new technologies mean that we now live in a world of simultaneous publication – works that are first published online are published simultaneously to every country in world in which there is Internet connectivity. While this is certainly advantageous for the dissemination and impact of information and creative works, it creates potential complications under the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (“Berne Convention”), an international intellectual property agreement to which most countries in the world now subscribe. Under the Berne Convention’s national treatment provisions, rights accorded to foreign copyright works may not be subject to any formality, such as registration requirements (although member countries are free to impose formalities in relation to domestic copyright works). In Kernel Records Oy v. Timothy Mosley p/k/a Timbaland, et al. however, the Florida Southern District Court of the United States ruled that first publication of a work on the Internet via an Australian website constituted “simultaneous publication all over the world,” and therefore rendered the work a “United States work” under the definition in section 101 of the U.S. Copyright Act, subjecting the work to registration formality under section 411. This ruling is in sharp contrast with an earlier decision delivered by the Delaware District Court in Håkan Moberg v. 33T LLC, et al. which arrived at an opposite conclusion. The conflicting rulings of the U.S. courts reveal the problems posed by new forms of publishing online and demonstrate a compelling need for further harmonization between the Berne Convention, domestic laws and the practical realities of digital publishing. In this chapter, we argue that even if a work first published online can be considered to be simultaneously published all over the world it does not follow that any country can assert itself as the “country of origin” of the work for the purpose of imposing domestic copyright formalities. More specifically, we argue that the meaning of “United States work” under the U.S. Copyright Act should be interpreted in line with the presumption against extraterritorial application of domestic law to limit its application to only those works with a real and substantial connection to the United States. There are gaps in the Berne Convention’s articulation of “country of origin” which provide scope for judicial interpretation, at a national level, of the most pragmatic way forward in reconciling the goals of the Berne Convention with the practical requirements of domestic law. We believe that the uncertainties arising under the Berne Convention created by new forms of online publishing can be resolved at a national level by the sensible application of principles of statutory interpretation by the courts. While at the international level we may need a clearer consensus on what amounts to “simultaneous publication” in the digital age, state practice may mean that we do not yet need to explore textual changes to the Berne Convention.


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In the internet age, copyright owners are increasingly looking to online intermediaries to take steps to prevent copyright infringement. Sometimes these intermediaries are closely tied to the acts of infringement; sometimes – as in the case of ISPs – they are not. In 2012, the Australian High Court decided the Roadshow Films v iiNet case, in which it held that an Australian ISP was not liable under copyright’s authorization doctrine, which asks whether the intermediary has sanctioned, approved or countenanced the infringement. The Australian Copyright Act 1968 directs a court to consider, in these situations, whether the intermediary had the power to prevent the infringement and whether it took any reasonable steps to prevent or avoid the infringement. It is generally not difficult for a court to find the power to prevent infringement – power to prevent can include an unrefined technical ability to disconnect users from the copyright source, such as an ISP terminating users’ internet accounts. In the iiNet case, the High Court eschewed this broad approach in favor of focusing on a notion of control that was influenced by principles of tort law. In tort, when a plaintiff asserts that a defendant should be liable for failing to act to prevent harm caused to the plaintiff by a third party, there is a heavy burden on the plaintiff to show that the defendant had a duty to act. The duty must be clear and specific, and will often hinge on the degree of control that the defendant was able to exercise over the third party. Control in these circumstances relates directly to control over the third party’s actions in inflicting the harm. Thus, in iiNet’s case, the control would need to be directed to the third party’s infringing use of BitTorrent; control over a person’s ability to access the internet is too imprecise. Further, when considering omissions to act, tort law differentiates between the ability to control and the ability to hinder. The ability to control may establish a duty to act, and the court will then look to small measures taken to prevent the harm to determine whether these satisfy the duty. But the ability to hinder will not suffice to establish liability in the absence of control. This chapter argues that an inquiry grounded in control as defined in tort law would provide a more principled framework for assessing the liability of passive intermediaries in copyright. In particular, it would set a higher, more stable benchmark for determining the copyright liability of passive intermediaries, based on the degree of actual, direct control that the intermediary can exercise over the infringing actions of its users. This approach would provide greater clarity and consistency than has existed to date in this area of copyright law in Australia.


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People can be motivated to carryout behaviours which contribute to improvement of quality of life for reasons driven by cultural norms. There is a common perception that people within a cultural cluster, particularly one with a common language such as English, will exhibit similar consumer behaviours. However there is an emerging field of research investigating intra-cultural differences in marketing that challenges this perception. In particular, the role of peers and norms as drivers of altruistic behaviours that benefit society may differ between these countries. Altruism is an important motivation for pro-social behaviours such as blood donation, water conservation and peer counselling for health problems. Understanding the social influences for these behaviours assists marketers to develop programs that meet the needs of donors and potential donors. An ongoing foundation of altruistic consumers is essential for delivering services that improve quality of life for people. Without blood donors, there would be no blood products for cancer sufferers or accident victims, without a sufficient water supply the quality of life for residents would be compromised and without breastfeeding peer counselling, new mothers and their babies would have reduced quality of life. This chapter reports the findings of two online surveys with Scottish and Australian blood donors and demonstrates differences in the way social norms influence donation behaviour, and importantly different impacts of cultural factors in the two populations.


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The ways in which Internet traffic is managed have direct consequences on Internet users’ rights as well as on their capability to compete on a level playing field. Network neutrality mandates to treat Internet traffic in a non-discriminatory fashion in order to maximise end users’ freedom and safeguard an open Internet.


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The drying of fruit and vegetables is a subject of great importance. Dried fruit and vegetables have gained commercial importance, and their growth on a commercial scale has become an important sector of the agricultural industry. However, food drying is one of the most energy intensive processes of the major industrial process and accounts for up to 15 % of all industrial energy usage. Due to increasingly high electricity prices and environmental concern, a dryer using traditional energy sources is not a feasible option anymore. Therefore, an alternative/renewable energy source is needed. In this regard, an integrated solar drying system that includes highly efficient double-pass counter flow v-groove solar collector, conical-shaped rock-bed thermal storage, auxiliary heater, the centrifugal fan and the drying chamber has been designed and constructed. Mathematical model for all the individual components as well as an integrated model combining all components of the drying system has been developed. Mathematical equations were solved using MATLAB program. This paper presents the analytical model and key finding of the simulation.


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An important application of solar thermal storage is for power generation or process heating. Low-temperature thermal storage in a packed rock bed is considered the best option for thermal storage for solar drying applications. In this chapter, mathematical formulations for conical have been developed. The model equations are solved numerically for charging/discharging cycles utilizing MATLAB. Results were compared with rock-bed storage with standard straight tank. From the simulated results, the temperature distribution was found to be more uniform in the truncated conical rock-bed storage. Also, the pressure drop over a long period of time in the conical thermal storage was as low as 25 Pa. Hence, the amount of power required from a centrifugal fan would be significantly lower. The flow of air inside the tank is simulated in SolidWorks software. From flow simulation, 3D modelling of flow is obtained to capture the actual scenario inside the tank.