998 resultados para Ceriotto, Carlos L.


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El objeto de esta investigaci??n es, por un lado, el estudio del dibujo infantil, analizando los procesos que llevan al ni??o desde el garabateo hasta el realismo, y, por otro, el dise??o de un instrumento de trabajo para el docente, que el autor de la tesis denomina ???Escala de Desarrollo Gr??fico???, y que consiste en una metodolog??a de an??lisis y valoraci??n formal del dibujo infantil basada en la alfabetizaci??n visual. Tras una fundamentaci??n te??rica del trabajo se realiza la propuesta metodol??gica. Se parte de la hip??tesis de que la percepci??n visual constituye un proceso cognitivo sujeto a una evoluci??n propia, caracter??stica, educable e interdependiente de otros procesos cognitivos, en un medio natural concreto y en un medio cultural determinado y determinante. Una segunda hip??tesis de trabajo, consiste en que la realizaci??n de dibujos y composiciones pl??sticas se basa en una adecuada percepci??n de los objetos a representar y que las representaciones concretas de lo percibido son analizables con criterios objetivos y explicitables, mostrando diversos grados de habilidad o evoluci??n, por lo que esos aspectos concretos pueden constituir un proceso objetivo de ense??anza ??? aprendizaje ??? evaluaci??n similar al que caracteriza a otras ??reas de conocimiento. Por alfabetizaci??n visual se entiende un concepto amplio, que abarca no s??lo el dibujo y la pl??stica en general, sino que se refiere a todo lo que es imagen, porque se trata de capacitar al alumno para que utilice la imagen como un instrumento cultural m??s. El desarrollo gr??fico es parte integrante del concepto de alfabetizaci??n o educaci??n visual y esta tesis pretende contribuir a centrar la ense??anza de la Expresi??n Pl??stica precisamente en ese ???desarrollo gr??fico??? revisando la validez de este planteamiento. Sin pretender que el ???desarrollo gr??fico??? sea el ??nico referente en la evaluaci??n de la Expresi??n Pl??stica, se sostiene que s?? debe ser el referente principal y que es posible medir ese desarrollo con criterios objetivos y expl??citos. Para ello se dise??a una escala de desarrollo gr??fico, que ser?? el fundamento de la tercera parte del estudio, donde se realiza la investigaci??n emp??rica. Sobre unos ochocientos dibujos realizados por alumnos de Infantil y Primaria de diversos centros del Principado de Asturias con edades comprendidas entre los tres y los siete a??os se selecciona al azar una muestra de doscientos cincuenta dibujos que se somete al an??lisis del instrumento dise??ado. Finalmente, se analizan y comentan los resultados obtenidos por edades.


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New lanthanide complexes of 3-hydroxypicolinic acid (HpicOH) were prepared: [Ln(H2O)(picOH)(2)(mu-HpicO)].3H(2)O (Ln = Eu, Tb, Er). The complexes were characterized using photoluminescence, infrared, Raman, and H-1 NMR spectroscopy, and elemental analysis. The crystal structure of [Eu(H2O)(picOH)(2)(mu-HpicO)] . 3H(2)O 1 was determined by X-ray diffraction. Compound 1 crystallizes in a monoclinic system with space group P2(1)/c and cell parameters a = 9.105(13) Angstrom, b = 18.796(25) Angstrom, and c = 13.531(17) Angstrom, and beta = 104.86(1) deg. The 3-hydroxypicolinate ligands coordinate through both N,O- or O,O- chelation to the lanthanide ions, as shown by X-ray and spectroscopic results. Photoluminescence measurements were performed for the Eu(III) and Tb(III) complexes; the Eu(III) complex was investigated in more detail. The Eu(III) compound is highly luminescent and acts as a photoactive center in nanocomposite materials whose host matrixes are silica nanoparticles.


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The new erbium(III) complex of picolinic acid (Hpic), ["Bu4N][Er(pic)(4)].5.5H(2)O, was synthesized and the crystal structure determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The compound was further characterized using IR, Raman, H-1 NMR and elemental analysis. The picolinate ligands (pic(-)) are coordinated through N,O-chelation to the erbium cations, as shown by X-ray diffraction and spectroscopic results, leading to an eight coordinate complex. Photoluminescence measurements were performed for this compound which exhibits infrared emission. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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New lanthanide complexes of 2-hydroxynicotinic acid (H(2)nicO) [Ln(HnicO)(2)(mu-HnicO)(H2O)] (.) nH(2)O (Ln = Eu, Gd, Tb, Er, Tm) were prepared. The crystal structures of the [Tb(HnicO)(2)(g-HnicO)(H2O)] (.) 1.75H(2)O(1) and [Eu(HniCO)(2)(mu-HnicO)(H2O)] (.) 1.25H(2)O (2) complexes were determined by X-ray diffraction. The 2-hydroxynicotinate ligand coordinates through O,O-chelation to the lanthanide(III) ions as shown by X-ray diffraction and the infrared, Raman and NMR spectroscopy results. Photoluminescence measurements were performed for the Eu(III) and Tb(III) complexes. Lifetimes of 0.592 +/- 0.007 and 0.113 +/- 0.002 ms were determined for the Eu3+ and Tb3+ emitting states D-5(0) and D-5(4), respectively. A value around 30% was found for the D-5(0) quantum efficiency. The energy transfer mechanisms between the lanthanide ions and the ligands are discussed and compared with those observed in similar complexes involving the 3-hydroxypicolinate ligand based on the luminescence of the respective Gd3+-based complexes. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Rod bipolar cells in Cebus apella monkey retina were identified by an antibody against the alpha isoform of protein kinase C (PKC alpha). which has been shown to selectively identify rod bipolars in two other primates and various mammals. Vertical sections were used to confirm the identity of these cells by their characteristic morphology of dendrites and axons. Their topographic distribution was assessed in horizontal sections; counts taken along the dorsal, ventral, nasal, and temporal quadrants. The density of rod bipolar cells increased from 500 to 2900 cells/mm(2) at 1 mm from the fovea to reach a peak of 10,000-12,000 cellss/mm(2) at 4 mm, approximately 5 deg of eccentricity, and then gradually decreased toward retinal periphery to values of 5000 cells/mm(2) or less. Rod to rod bipolar density ratio remained between 10 and 20 across most of the retinal extension. The number of rod bipolar cells per retina was 6,360,000 +/- 387,433 (mean +/- S.D., n = 6). The anti-PKC alpha antibody has shown to be a good marker of rod bipolar cells of Cebus, and the cell distribution is similar to that described for other primates. In spite of the difference in the central retina, the density variation of rod bipolar cells in the Cebus and Macaca as well as the convergence from rod to rod bipolar cells are Generally similar, suggesting that both retinae stabilize similar sensitivity (as measured by rod density) and convergence.


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A uveíte peri e pós-operatória é o maior problema da cirurgia para extração de catarata no cão, sendo considerada o fator mais importante para o sucesso cirúrgico, imediato e tardio. Diversos protocolos pré e pós-operatórios utilizando agentes anti-inflamatórios esteroidais e não-esteroidais têm sido empregados na tentativa de controle da uveíte cirurgicamente induzida. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a reação inflamatória pós-operatória, clinicamente e por meio da pressão intraocular (PIO), após a cirurgia de facoemulsificação para extração de catarata em cães, com e sem implante de lente intraocular (LIO) em piggyback. Empregaram-se, 25 cães portadores de catarata, subdivididos em dois grupos: G1 (com implante de LIO), G2 (sem implante de LIO). A técnica cirúrgica adotada foi a facoemulsificação bimanual unilateral. Avaliações c­nicas e mensurações da PIO foram aferidas antes do procedimento cirúrgico (0) e nos tempos 3, 7, 14, 21, 28 e 60 dias após o ato cirúrgico. Cães do grupo G1 apresentaram sinais c­nicos de uveíte visivelmente mais intensos, relativamente aos do G2. Entretanto, a PIO não demonstrou diferença significativa entre os dois grupos analisados, nem entre os olhos operados e os contralaterais. A utilização de duas LIOs humanas em piggyback no cão é exequível, porém suscita mais inflamação e complicações no pós-operatório.


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Organic-inorganic hybrids were prepared using ureapropyltriethoxysilane, methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane and acrylic acid modified zirconium(IV) n-propoxide precursors and were characterized by small angle X-ray scattering, X-ray diffraction and photoluminescence spectroscopy. The results indicate an effective interaction between the zirconium-based nanoparticles and the siliceous nanodomains that induces changes in the hybrids' emission features. Planar waveguides were obtained by spin-coating of the prepared sols on sodalime and silica substrates. Refractive index, thickness, number of propagating modes, and attenuation coefficient were measured at 543.5, 632.8 and 1550 nm by the prism coupling technique. The synergism between the two hybrid precursors resulted in monomode planar waveguides with low losses in the infrared ( from 0.6-1.1 dB cm(-1)) which also support a number of propagating modes in the visible ( losses from 0.4-1.5 dB cm(-1)). Channel waveguides were also obtained by UV photopatterning using amplitude or phase masks and propagating modes were observed at 1550 nm.


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The modelling of the local structure of sol-gel derived Eu3+-based organic/inorganic hybrids is reported, based on Small-Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS), photoluminescence and mid-infrared spectroscopy. The hybrid matrix of these organically modified silicates, classed as di-ureasils and termed U(2000) and U(600), is formed by poly( oxyethylene) (POE) chains of variable length grafted to siloxane domains by means of urea cross-linkages. Europium triflate, Eu(CF3SO3)(3), was incorporated in the two di-ureasil matrices with compositions 400 greater than or equal ton greater than or equal to 10, n is the molar ratio of ether oxygens per Eu3+. The SAXS data for undoped hybrids (n=infinity) show the presence of a well-defined peak attributed to the existence of a liquid-like spatial correlation of siloxane rich domains embedded in the polymer matrix and located at the ends of the organic segments. The obtained siloxane particle gyration radius Rg(1) is around 5 Angstrom (error within 10%), whereas the interparticle distance d is 25 +/-2 Angstrom and 40 +/-2 Angstrom, for U(600) and U(2000), respectively. For the Eu3+-based nanocomposites the formation of a two-level hierarchical local structure is discerned. The primary level is constituted by strongly spatially correlated siloxane particles of gyration radius Rg(1) (4-6 and 3-8 Angstrom, errors within 5%, for U(600())n Eu(CF3SO3)(3), 200 greater than or equal ton greater than or equal to 40, and U(2000)(n)Eu(CF3SO3)(3), 400 greater than or equal ton greater than or equal to 40, respectively) forming large clusters of gyration radius Rg(2) (approximate to 75 +/- 10 Angstrom). The local coordination of Eu3+ in both di-ureasil series is described combining the SAXS, photoluminescence and mid-infrared results. In the di-ureasils containing long polymer chains, U(2000)(n)Eu(CF3SO3)(3), the cations interact exclusively with the carbonyl oxygens atoms of the urea bridges at the siloxane-POE interface. In the hybrids containing shorter chains, U(600)(n)Eu(CF3SO3)(3) with n ranging from 200 to 60, the Eu3+ ions interact solely with the ether-type oxygens of the polymer chains. Nevertheless, in this latter family of hybrids a distinct Eu3+ local site environment involving the urea cross-linkages is detected when the europium content is increased up to n=40.


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We report the energy-transfer mechanisms and emission quantum yield measurements of sol-gel-derived Eu3+-based nanohybrids. The matrix of these materials, classified as diureasils and termed U(2000) and U(600), includes urea cross-links between a siliceous backbone and polyether-based segments of two molecular weights, 2000 and 600, respectively. These materials are full-color emitters in which the Eu3+ (5)Do --> F-7(0-4) lines merge with the broad green-blue emission of the nanoscopic matrix's backbone. The excitation spectra show the presence of a large broad band (similar to 27000-29000 cm(-1)) undoubtedly assigned to a ligand-to-metal charge-transfer state. Emission quantum yields range from 2% to 13.0% depending on the polymer molecular weight and Eu3+ concentration. Energy transfer between the hybrid hosts and the cations arises from two different and independent processes: the charge-transfer band and energy transfer from the hybrid's emitting centers. The activation of the latter mechanisms induces a decrease in the emission quantum yields (relative to undoped nanohybrids) and permits a fine-tuning of the emission chromaticity across the Comission Internacionalle d'Eclairage diagram, e.g., (x, y) color coordinates from (0.21, 0.24) to (0.39, 0.36). Moreover, that activation depends noticeably on the ion local coordination. For the diureasils with longer polymer chains, energy transfer occurs as the Eu3+ coordination involves the carbonyl-type oxygen atoms of the urea bridges, which are located near the hybrid's host emitting centers. on the contrary, in the U(600)-based diureasils, the Eu3+ ions are coordinated to the polymer chains, and therefore, the distance between the hybrid's emitting centers and the metal ions is large enough to allow efficient energy-transfer mechanisms.


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The local environment of Er3+ ions in microporous titanosilicate ETS-10 and in synthetic narsarsukite and glassy materials obtained by calcination of ETS-10 has been investigated by EXAFS, Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopies. Er L-III-edge EXAFS studies of Er3+-doped ETS-10 support the view that the exchanged Er3+ ions reside close to the (negatively charged) TiO6 octahedra. In ETS-10, Er3+ is partially bonded to framework oxygen atoms and hydration water molecules. The Er...Ti distance (3.3 Angstrom) is similar to the Na...Ti distances (3.15-3.20 Angstrom) reported previously for Na-ETS-10. Although the exact location of the ErO6 units within the host structure of Er3+-doped synthetic narsarsukite is still an open question, it is most likely that Er3+ substitutes Ti4+ rather than Na+ ions. EXAFS spectroscopy indicates that no significant clustering of erbium atoms occurs in the titanosilicate samples studied. Evidence for the insertion of Er3+ ions in the framework of narsarsukite has been obtained by Raman spectroscopy. This is indicated by the increasing full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of the 775 cm(-1) peak and the increasing intensity of the anatase peaks as the erbium content increases. In addition, as the narsarsukite Er3+ content increases a band at ca. 515 cm(-1) firstly broadens and subsequently a new peak appears at ca. 507 cm(-1).Er3+-doped narsarsukite exhibits a characteristic local vibrational frequency, (h) over bar omega ca. 330 cm(-1), with an electron-phonon coupling, g ca. 0.2, which constitutes additional evidence for framework Er3+ insertion. The number of lines in the infrared emission spectrum of synthetic narsarsukite indicates the presence of two optically-active erbium centres with very similar local environments and an average I-4(13/2) lifetime of 7.8 +/- 0.2 ms.


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The aggregation, gelation, and aging of urea-cross-linked siloxane-poly(oxyethylene) nanohybrids [(U600)-n] containing two different amounts of europium triflate initially dissolved in an ethanol-water mixture were investigated by in situ small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). For both low (n = [O]/[Eu] = 80) and high (n = 25) europium contents, the SAXS intensity was attributed to the formation of siloxane clusters of about 8-11 Angstrom in size. Siloxane cluster formation and growth is a rapid process in hybrids with low Eu contents and slow in Eu-rich hybrids. An additional contribution to the scattering intensity at very low angles was attributed to the formation of a coarse structure level. At this secondary level, the structure can be described as a set of dense domains containing siloxane clusters embedded in a depleted matrix composed of unfolded polymer chains and solvent. By fitting a theoretical function for this model to the experimental SAXS curves, relevant structural parameters were determined as functions of time during the sol-gel transition and gel aging. For hybrids with low europium contents (n = 80), the size of the siloxane clusters remains essentially invariant, whereas the dense segregation domains progressively grow. In hybrids with high doping contents (n = 25), the preponderant structure variation during the first stages of the sol-gel transformation is the slow growth of siloxane clusters. For these hybrids, the segregation of siloxane clusters forming dense domains occurs only during advanced stages of the process.


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Hybrid organic - inorganic nanocomposites doped with Fe-II and Fe-III ions and exhibiting interesting magnetic properties have been obtained by the sol - gel process. The hybrid matrix of these ormosils ( organically modified silicates), classed as di-ureasils and termed U( 2000), is composed of poly( oxyethylene) chains of variable length grafted to siloxane groups by means of urea crosslinkages. Iron perchlorate and iron nitrate were incorporated in the diureasil matrices, leading to compositions within the range 80 greater than or equal to n greater than or equal to 10, n being the molar ratio of ether-type O atoms per cation. The structure of the doped diureasils was investigated by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). For Fe-II-doped samples, SAXS results suggest the existence of a two-level hierarchical structure. The primary level is composed of spatially correlated siloxane clusters embedded in the polymeric matrix and the secondary, coarser level consists of domains where the siloxane clusters are segregated. The structure of Fe-III-doped hybrids is different, revealing the existence of iron oxide based nanoclusters, identified as ferrihydrite by wide-angle X-ray diffraction, dispersed in the hybrid matrix. The magnetic susceptibility of these materials was determined by zero-field-cooling and field-cooling procedures as functions of both temperature and field. The different magnetic features between Fe-II- and Fe-III-doped samples are consistent with the structural differences revealed by SAXS. While Fe-II-doped composites exhibit a paramagnetic Curie-type behaviour, hybrids containing Fe-III ions show thermal and field irreversibilities.