975 resultados para Cartographic autonomy


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There has been an increasing body of research on autonomy- or need-support specific to a coaching context that warrants some review of what we know and don't know, and what might be generative for future research. The previous studies reviewed within this article have shown consistent support for Self-determination theory with autonomy-supportive environments linked with adaptive outcomes, such as superior performance, enhanced self-worth, increased effort, and self-determined motivation; while controlling environments have been linked with increased attrition and extrinsic motivation or amotivation. In this way, much of the research in autonomy-supportive coaching has focused on the impact of coaching behaviours on athlete outcomes. While this is an important focus of inquiry, there has been a dearth of research examining those causal factors that impact coaches' pedagogical behaviours in the first case. This review underscores the need for future research to examine the antecedents to coaching behaviours, which is central to understanding the complexity and challenges in promoting an autonomy-supportive approach to sport coaching.


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Interest in the area of collaborative Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in a Multi-Agent System is growing to compliment the strengths and weaknesses of the human-machine relationship. To achieve effective management of multiple heterogeneous UAVs, the status model of the agents must be communicated to each other. This paper presents the effects on operator Cognitive Workload (CW), Situation Awareness (SA), trust and performance by increasing the autonomy capability transparency through text-based communication of the UAVs to the human agents. The results revealed a reduction in CW, increase in SA, increase in the Competence, Predictability and Reliability dimensions of trust, and the operator performance.


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Daytime sleep is a significant part of the daily routine for children attending early childhood education and care (ECEC) services in Australia and many other countries. The practice of sleep-time can account for a substantial portion of the day in ECEC and often involves a mandated sleep/rest period for all children, including older preschool-aged children. Yet, there is evidence that children have a reduced need for daytime sleep as they approach school entry age and that continuation of mandated sleep-time in ECEC for preschool-aged children may have a negative impact on their health, development, learning and well-being. Mandated sleep-time practices also go against current quality expectations for services to support children’s agency and autonomy in ECEC. This study documents children’s reports of their experiences of sleep-time in ECEC. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 54 preschool-aged children (44–63 months) across four long day ECEC services that employed a range of sleep-time practices. Findings provide a snapshot of children’s views and experiences of sleep-time and perceptions of autonomy-supportive practices. These provide a unique platform to support critical reflection on sleep-time policies and practices, with a view to continuous quality improvement in ECEC. This study forms part of a programme of work from the Sleep in Early Childhood research group. Our work examines sleep practices in ECEC, the subsequent staff, parent and child experiences and impacts on family and child learning and development outcomes.


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Ship seakeeping operability refers to the quantification of motion performance in waves relative to mission requirements. This is used to make decisions about preferred vessel designs, but it can also be used as comprehensive assessment of the benefits of ship-motion-control systems. Traditionally, operability computation aggregates statistics of motion computed over over the envelope of likely environmental conditions in order to determine a coefficient in the range from 0 to 1 called operability. When used for assessment of motion-control systems, the increase of operability is taken as the key performance indicator. The operability coefficient is often given the interpretation of the percentage of time operable. This paper considers an alternative probabilistic approach to this traditional computation of operability. It characterises operability not as a number to which a frequency interpretation is attached, but as a hypothesis that a vessel will attain the desired performance in one mission considering the envelope of likely operational conditions. This enables the use of Bayesian theory to compute the probability of that this hypothesis is true conditional on data from simulations. Thus, the metric considered is the probability of operability. This formulation not only adheres to recent developments in reliability and risk analysis, but also allows incorporating into the analysis more accurate descriptions of ship-motion-control systems since the analysis is not limited to linear ship responses in the frequency domain. The paper also discusses an extension of the approach to the case of assessment of increased levels of autonomy for unmanned marine craft.


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The emphasis on collegiality and collaboration in the literature on teachers' work and school reform has tended to underplay the significance of teacher autonomy. This thesis explores the dynamics of teachers' understandings and experiences of individual teacher autonomy (as contrasted with collective autonomy) in an independent school in Queensland which promoted itself as a 'teachers' school' with a strong commitment to individual teacher autonomy. The research was a case study which drew on methodological signposts from critical, feminist and traditional ethnography. Intensive fieldwork in the school over five months incorporated the ethnographic techniques of observation, interviews and document analysis. Teachers at Thornton College understood their experience of individual autonomy at three interrelated levels--in terms of their work in the classroom, their working life in the school, and their voice in the decision-making processes of the school. They felt that they experienced a great deal of individual autonomy at each of these three levels. These understandings and experiences of autonomy were encumbered or enabled by a range of internal and external stakeholder groups. There were also a number of structural influences (community perceptions, market forces, school size, time and bureaucracy) emerging from the economic, social and political structures in Australian society which influenced the experience of autonomy by teachers. The experience of individual teacher autonomy was constantly shifting, but there were some emergent patterns. Consensus on educational goals and vision, and strong expressions of trust and respect between teachers and stakeholders in the school, characterised the contexts in which teachers felt they experienced high levels of autonomy in their work. The demand for accountability and desire for relatedness motivated stakeholders and structural forces to influence teacher autonomy. Some significant gaps emerged between the rhetoric of a commitment to individual teacher autonomy and decision-making practices in the school, that gave ultimate power to the co-principals. Despite the rhetoric and promotion of non-hierarchical structures and collaborative decision-making processes, many teachers perceived that their experience of individual autonomy remained subject to the exercise of 'partial democracy' by school leaders.


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A presente dissertação teve como objetivo cartografar o campo de intervenção do Programa Família Acolhedora (PFA) do Rio de Janeiro, com o intuito de perceber máquinas da gestão das menoridades operadas por políticas públicas neste recorte, pelo PFA. Para tal, foram realizados grupos com as famílias de origem, famílias acolhedoras e crianças e adolescentes acolhidos, além de entrevistas com duas famílias de origem e diversos encontros e discussões com uma equipe técnica. A partir do referencial teórico da Análise Institucional francesa e do método cartográfico, a defesa da convivência familiar preconizada nos discursos que sustentam programas de acolhimento familiar foi posta em análise, evidenciando práticas-discursivas que naturalizam modelos de família e cuidado, operando certa gestão da infância que, em última análise, visa à neutralização de uma parcela da população tida como potencialmente perigosa através da inserção ou manutenção em unidades domésticas. A análise das tensões postas nas negociações travadas no cotidiano do Programa explicita o tensionamento da proteção que tutela, inerente à intervenção. A emergência de dinâmicas, como a gestão da solidariedade e da retórica da gratidão, permitiu analisar um campo de relações enunciativas e agenciamentos de posições que produzem os sujeitos em relação e agenciam possibilidades de negociação. Através da discussão do trabalho com grupos e da desmontagem de dois casos, discutimos experiências de famílias de origem e acolhedoras no Programa. Foi possível perceber como as famílias e as equipes técnicas se apropriam do Programa, apesar do caráter impositivo como prática disciplinar de governo, criando linhas de fuga e mantendo algum grau de autonomia, não se confirmando nem rebeldes, nem coitadas.


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A história dos Censos no Brasil mostra que a preocupação com a componente territorial em levantamentos estatísticos, surgiu no recenseamento de 1940, quando, pela primeira vez, o IBGE procurou retratar aspectos da realidade geográfica, de interesse para a operação de coleta, em bases cartográficas, uma tarefa complexa devido à grande extensão do território brasileiro e principalmente no que se refere à qualidade do material cartográfico disponível à época. Atualmente crescem as demandas em nosso país, por informações cada vez mais detalhadas e geograficamente posicionadas. Governadores e prefeitos, órgãos de planejamento municipais e estaduais, investidos de maior autonomia e de novas responsabilidades após a Constituição de 1988, dependem hoje como nunca dos censos para definirem suas políticas públicas, com base em informações atualizadas sobre a população sob suas jurisdições. Entretanto, as demandas por informações agregadas à posição também vêm de outras esferas, que vão do setor não-governamental e privado ao governo federal, fazendo com que muito aumentasse a relevância dos censos e por conseqüência os resultados das pesquisas. Para atender a grande demanda, o IBGE vem continuamente aperfeiçoando o que denominamos de Base Territorial, que é um sistema integrado de informações de natureza geográfica e alfanumérica e se constitui no principal requisito para a garantia da adequada cobertura das operações de levantamento censitário. Face a este novo cenário, o IBGE iniciou a elaboração de mapas da base territorial em meio digital, durante as ações preparatórias para o Censo 2000, se deparando com as dificuldades de integração das áreas urbanas e rurais e a baixa qualidade dos insumos de mapeamento em escala cadastral, disponível nas áreas menos desenvolvidas, pois a Instituição não é produtora de mapeamento em escala cadastral. A metodologia proposta visa melhorar a qualidade dos Mapas de Setores Urbanos MSU, com a utilização de imagens Google Earth, a partir software MicroStation 95, periféricos e aplicativos de conversão disponíveis no IBGE, com o estabelecimento de uma nova rotina de trabalho para produção e substituição dos mapas de setores urbanos, de forma a garantir uma maior representatividade territorial dos dados estatísticos para divulgação.


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Wydział Neofilologii: Instytut Filologii Angielskiej


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This paper provides a review of a selection of the literature in the field of English foreign language teaching related to teacher autonomy. The focus is on the core themes recurring in the literature, which comprise: rationale for teacher autonomy, definitions of the concept, descriptions of an autonomous teacher, recognition of the constraints on autonomy and suggestions for teacher education promoting teacher autonomy.


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Aim: To investigate clinical autonomy and Nurse/Physician collaboration among emergency nurses and the relationship between these concepts, personal characteristics and organisational influences. Background: Nurses have been identified as having a significant role in addressing the challenges of providing modern healthcare. Emergency nurses have reported competence in a wide range of emergency care skills. However, there is evidence that Emergency Department (ED) nurses may have lower levels of clinical autonomy than other areas of practice. Levels of clinical autonomy appear to be influenced by levels of collaboration with physicians and the organisations in which nurses work Methods: A descriptive correlational study using a survey design with a purposive convenience sample of 141 ED staff nurses (response 70.9%) from 3 EDs in Ireland. Data were collected using the Dempster Practice Behaviours Scale (DPBS) the Nurse/Physician Collaboration Scale (NPCS) and the newly developed Organisational Influences on Nursing Scale. Demographic information was also sought from participants. Results: Participants were largely female (87%), relatively young (mean age 35.57, SD=7.83) and educated to degree level (48%) or higher (31%) with 40% posessing specialist emergency nursing qualifications. Participants reported moderate levels of clinical autonomy and Nurse/Physician collaboration. No relationships were found between sample characteristics and clinical autonomy and Nurse/Physician collaboration among emergency nurses. Relationships were found between levels of clinical autonomy and Nurse/Physician collaboration (r=-0.395, n=100, p<0.001), and organisational influence on nursing (r=0.455, p<0.001) and also between Nurse/Physician collaboration and organisational influence on nursing (r=-0.413, p<0.001). Discussion: Clinical autonomy of nurses has been linked with quality outcomes in healthcare. The quest for quality in modern healthcare in a challenging environment should acknowledge that strategies need to focus beyond education and skills provision and include essential elements such as Nurse/Physician collaboration and the organisational influence on nursing to ensure the greater involvement of nurses in patient care.


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Popular medieval English romances were composed and received within the social consciousness of a distinctly patriarchal culture. This study examines the way in which the dynamic of these texts is significantly influenced by the consequences of female endeavour, in the context of an autonomous feminine presence in both the real and imagined worlds of medieval England, and the authority with which this is presented in various narratives, with a particular focus on Sir Thomas Malory’s Morte Darthur. Chapter One of this study establishes the social and economic positioning of the female in fifteenth-century England, and her capacity for literary engagement; I will then apply this model of female autonomy and authority to a wider discussion of texts contemporary with Malory in Chapters Two and Three, in anticipation of a more detailed study of Le Morte Darthur in Chapters Four and Five. My research explores the female presence and influence in these texts according to certain types: namely the lover, the victim, the ruler, and the temptress. In the case of Malory, the crux of my observations centres on the paradox of the capacity for power in perceived vulnerability, incorporating the presentation of women in this patriarchal culture as being vulnerable and in need of protection, while simultaneously acting as a significant threat to chivalric society by manipulating this apparent fragility, to the detriment of the chivalric knight. In this sense, women can be perceived as being an architect of the romance world, while simultaneously acting as its saboteur. In essence, this study offers an innovative interpretation of female autonomy and authority in medieval romance, presenting an exploration of the physical, intellectual, and emotional placement of women in both the historical and literary worlds of fifteenth-century England, while examining the implications of female conduct on Malory’s Arthurian society.