977 resultados para Carne - Qualidade


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Bovine meat exerts an important contribution to the human diet, mainly by its high biological value. For this reason the productivity and the quality of beef are so discussed. Productivity is defined as the ratio between production and the factors of production used and quality defined as an adjective given to the product that suits the consumer implicit and explicit. Brazil is the world leader in tonnage exported bovine meat, however the country has a relatively low income, since no exports to the markets of greater added value. Quantify the degree of importance of these two factors in a capitalist market is not easy, so knowing the science that involves this product is vital for both factors. We must know that there is a wide variability in the markets importers and Brazil should seek to be the leader everywhere, whether carcass with better conformation and degree of finish, is lean beef, organic meat is even


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The meat quality is evaluated by consumers according to their physical characteristics, such as color, texture, juiciness, tenderness and odor. The stress during the life of the animal and at the moment before the slaughter may be responsible for changes in the transformation of muscle into meat. Such changes may lead to the appearance of DFD (Dark, Firm and Dry) and PSE (Pale, Soft and Exudative) meats, which are poorly accepted in the market – because of their unusual aspect – and inadequate to industrial processing. Factors related to the handling, loading, transport, unloading, resting period and stunning are singled out as critical, since that, in these phases the animals are subjected to adverse situations to which they are accustomed. The aim of this study is to identify the process of ante-mortem and the slaughter itself in which the animals are subjected to stressful situations, as well as the consequences of stress on meat quality


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In the pre-slaughter management of pigs there are stressors, which depending on the duration or severity, are able to alter the quality of meat. One of the factors considered critical to the welfare is the fasting period in the farm. This practice is fundamental and proven relevance in the production chain. Besides the effects on meat quality and welfare of pigs, fasting is among the main factors responsible for the incidence of skin lesions, can significantly influence the incidence of esophagogastric ulcers and is also important to avoid any contamination of carcasses by gastrointestinal contents. When fasting is done right, it has a positive impact on welfare, meat quality and conditions of welfare during the pre-slaughter management of pigs


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV


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Brazil is the third largest producer and exporter of turkey meat, especially in Paraná state, with the largest production volume. In worldwide the animal welfare is a prerequisite for food quality of animal origin, especially in Europe. The Regulation of European Community No 1099/2009 provides requirements for poultry stunning that associate with animal welfare as a means to minimize the pain and suffering from the slaughter. Improper application of callousness should produce low-quality meat, and significant industry losses. This Research aimed to evaluate the impacts on the quality of meat from turkeys, applying electrical stunning parameters established in the Regulation No 1099/2009 of the Council of 24 September 2009. Was applied an outline with 8 tests set equidistantly to frequency, and set parameters for current and voltage, and a control test. Were conducted qualitative assessments of hematoms and bruises / fractures in carcasses, hematoms, blood splashed and bleeding in turkey breast, and quantitative pH, color (L *), water holding capacity and shear force in turkey breast. The individual assessments showed no significant difference (p>0,05). In multivariate cluster analysis was the formation of two distinct groups: group 1 - 50 Hz to 200 Hz (low frequency) and group 2 - 633 Hz to 1500 Hz (high frequency), which showed significant difference (p= 0,016). In principal component analysis multivariate, the group 1 tend to have a higher incidence of bruising, blood splashed, bleeding and water holding capacity in breast turkeys, and bruises / fractures and hematoms on carcasses. The Group 2 tends to have a lower incidence of these parameters, and higher pH values, shear force and color (L *). Positive correlation was obtained for the parameters pH and shear force (r= 0.7506, p=0.0198); bleeding and splashed blood (r= 0.8811, p= 0.0017), and negative correlation to color (L*) and splashed blood on breast (r= -0.7889; p= 0.0115); breast hematoms and shear force (r= -0.7844; p= 0.0123). It has been observed that at lower frequencies stunning tends to have higher incidence of defects in the carcasses and turkey breast. The use of high frequencies in stunning, create smaller quantity of trimming, and an increase in turkey breast volume produced, with a financial gain of approximately R$250,000.00 / year. Moreover, there is no need increase the workers to do the trimming tasks and, therefore, higher financial results for companies. Therefore, we recommend the use of high frequencies in the stunning of turkeys.


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Cordeiros criados em regime de pasto, provenientes de ovelhas Romney acasaladas com três raças paternas (Romney, East Friesian x (Finn x Texel) e Finn x Poll Dorset), foram avaliados quanto às características de qualidade da carne. Os cordeiros foram abatidos aos 150 e 300 dias de idade, cada lote com 15 animais de cada raça paterna, totalizando 90 animais. A carne dos cordeiros Romney foi mais macia que a dos demais genótipos. O pH final do músculo Semimembranosus dos cordeiros abatidos mais precocemente foi superior (5,61) ao dos abatidos mais tardiamente (5,58), entretanto estes últimos apresentaram carne com menor maciez (11,16 kg) que os abatidos aos 150 dias de idade (7,45 kg). Com relação à cor, a luminosidade da carne de cordeiros abatidos aos 150 dias foi maior (38,20) que a dos abatidos mais tardiamente (36,80), mas não foi afetada pelo genótipo. Concluiu-se que o genótipo e a idade de abate influíram na produção e qualidade da carne ovina.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)