973 resultados para CLINICAL PREDICTORS


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BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to describe educational achievements of childhood cancer survivors in Switzerland compared with the general population. In particular, the authors investigated educational problems during childhood, final educational achievement in adulthood, and its predictors. METHODS: Childhood cancer survivors who were aged <16 years at diagnosis from 1976 to 2003 who had survived for ≥5 years and were currently ages 20 to 40 years received a postal questionnaire during 2007 to 2009. Controls were respondents of the Swiss Health Survey ages 20 to 40 years. Educational achievement included compulsory schooling, vocational training, upper secondary schooling, and university degree. The analysis was weighted to optimize comparability of the populations. The authors analyzed the association between demographic and clinical predictors and educational achievement using multivariable logistic regression. Subgroup analyses focused on survivors aged ≥27 years. RESULTS: One-third of survivors encountered educational problems during schooling (30% repeated 1 year, and 35% received supportive tutoring). In the total sample, more survivors than controls achieved compulsory schooling only (8.7% vs 5.2%) and fewer acquired a university degree (7.3% vs 11%), but more survivors than controls achieved an upper secondary education (36.1 vs 24.1%). In those aged ≥27 years, differences in compulsory schooling and university education largely disappeared. In survivors and controls, sex, nationality, language region, and migration background were strong predictors of achievement. Survivors of central nervous system tumors or those who had a relapse had poorer outcomes (P < .05). CONCLUSIONS: Childhood cancer survivors encountered problems during schooling and completed professional education with some delay. However, with the exception of patients who had central nervous system tumors and those who experienced a relapse, the final educational achievement in survivors of child cancer was comparable to that of the general population.


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To evaluate the in-hospital outcome of STEMI (ST elevation myocardial infarction) patients admitted to Swiss hospitals between 2000 and December 2007, and to identify the predictors of in-hospital mortality and major cardiac events. Data from the Swiss national registry AMIS Plus (Acute Myocardial Infarction and Unstable Angina in Switzerland) were used. All patients admitted between January 2000 and December 2007 with STEMI or a new LBBB (left bundle branch block) were included in the registry. We studied 12 026 STEMI patients admitted to 68 hospitals. The mean age was 64 +/- 13 years and 73% of the patients were male. Incidence of in-hospital death was 7.6% in 2000 and 6% in 2007. Reinfarction fell from 3.7% in 2000 to 0.9% in 2007. Thrombolysis decreased from 40.2% in 2000 to 2% in 2007. Clinical predictors of mortality were: age >65 years, Killips class III or IV, diabetes, Q wave myocardial infarction (at presentation). Patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) had lower mortality and reinfarction rates (3.9% versus 11.2% and 1.1% versus 3.1% respectively, p <0.001) over time, although their numbers increased from 43% in 2000 to 85% in 2007. Patients admitted to hospitals with PCI facilities had lower mortality than patients hospitalised in hospitals without it, but the demographic characteristics differ widely between the two groups. Both in-hospital mortality and reinfarction decreased significantly over the time, parallel to an increased number of PCI. PCI was also the strongest predictor of survival. In-hospital mortality and reinfarction rate have decreased significantly in Swiss STEMI patients in the last seven years, parallel to a significant increase in the number of percutaneous coronary interventions in addition to medical therapy. Outcome is not related to the site of admission but to PCI access.


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OBJECTIVE: To review the available knowledge on epidemiology and diagnoses of acute infections in children aged 2 to 59 months in primary care setting and develop an electronic algorithm for the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness to reach optimal clinical outcome and rational use of medicines. METHODS: A structured literature review in Medline, Embase and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Review (CDRS) looked for available estimations of diseases prevalence in outpatients aged 2-59 months, and for available evidence on i) accuracy of clinical predictors, and ii) performance of point-of-care tests for targeted diseases. A new algorithm for the management of childhood illness (ALMANACH) was designed based on evidence retrieved and results of a study on etiologies of fever in Tanzanian children outpatients. FINDINGS: The major changes in ALMANACH compared to IMCI (2008 version) are the following: i) assessment of 10 danger signs, ii) classification of non-severe children into febrile and non-febrile illness, the latter receiving no antibiotics, iii) classification of pneumonia based on a respiratory rate threshold of 50 assessed twice for febrile children 12-59 months; iv) malaria rapid diagnostic test performed for all febrile children. In the absence of identified source of fever at the end of the assessment, v) urine dipstick performed for febrile children <2 years to consider urinary tract infection, vi) classification of 'possible typhoid' for febrile children >2 years with abdominal tenderness; and lastly vii) classification of 'likely viral infection' in case of negative results. CONCLUSION: This smartphone-run algorithm based on new evidence and two point-of-care tests should improve the quality of care of <5 year children and lead to more rational use of antimicrobials.


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Background: Community-acquired pneumonia is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in children worldwide. New, rapid methods are needed to improve the microbiologic diagnosis of pneumonia in clinical practice. The increasing incidence of parapneumonic empyema in children accentuates the importance of the identification of the causative agent and clinical predictors of empyema. Aims and methods: Two prospective studies were conducted to find feasible diagnostic methods for the detection of causative agents of pneumonia. The usefulness of pneumolysin-targeted real-time PCR in the diagnosis of pneumococcal disease was studied in children with pneumonia and empyema, and the clinical utility of induced sputum analysis in the microbiologic diagnosis of pneumonia was investigated in children with pneumonia. In addition, two retrospective clinical studies were performed to describe the frequency and clinical profile of influenza pneumonia in children and the frequency, clinical profile and clinical predictors of empyema in children. Results: Pneumolysin-PCR in pleural fluid significantly improved the microbiologic diagnosis of empyema by increasing the detection rate of pneumococcus almost tenfold to that of pleural fluid culture (75 % vs. 8 %). In whole blood samples, PCR detected pneumococcus in only one child with pneumonia and one child with pneumococcal empyema. Sputum induction provided good-quality sputum specimens with high microbiologic yield. Streptococcus pneumoniae (46 %) and rhinovirus (29 %) were the most common microbes detected. The quantification results of the paired sputum and nasopharyngeal aspirate specimens provided support that the majority of the bacteria (79 %) and viruses (55 %) found in sputum originated from the lower airways. Pneumonia was detected in 14 % of children with influenza infection. A history of prolonged duration of fever, tachypnea, and pain on abdominal palpation were found to be independently significant predictors of empyema. Conclusions: Pneumolysin-targeted real-time PCR is a useful and rapid method for the diagnosis of pneumococcal empyema in children. Induced sputum analysis with paired nasopharyngeal aspirate analysis can be of clinical value in the microbiologic diagnosis of pneumonia. Influenza pneumonia is an infrequent and generally benign disease in children with rare fatalities. Repeat chest radiograph and ultrasound imaging are recommended in children with pneumonia presenting with clinical predictors of empyema and in children with persistent fever and high CRP levels during hospitalization.


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Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a marker that is commonly used in estimating prostate cancer risk. Prostate cancer is usually a slowly progressing disease, which might not cause any symptoms whatsoever. Nevertheless, some cases of cancer are aggressive and need to be treated before they become life-threatening. However, the blood PSA concentration may rise also in benign prostate diseases and using a single total PSA (tPSA) measurement to guide the decision on further examinations leads to many unnecessary biopsies, over-detection, and overtreatment of indolent cancers which would not require treatment. Therefore, there is a need for markers that would better separate cancer from benign disorders, and would also predict cancer aggressiveness. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether intact and nicked forms of free PSA (fPSA-I and fPSA-N) or human kallikrein-related peptidase 2 (hK2) could serve as new tools in estimating prostate cancer risk. First, the immunoassays for fPSA-I and free and total hK2 were optimized so that they would be less prone to assay interference caused by interfering factors present in some blood samples. The optimized assays were shown to work well and were used to study the marker concentrations in the clinical sample panels. The marker levels were measured from preoperative blood samples of prostate cancer patients scheduled for radical prostatectomy. The association of the markers with the cancer stage and grade was studied. It was found that among all tested markers and their combinations especially the ratio of fPSA-N to tPSA and ratio of free PSA (fPSA) to tPSA were associated with both cancer stage and grade. They might be useful in predicting the cancer aggressiveness, but further follow-up studies are necessary to fully evaluate the significance of the markers in this clinical setting. The markers tPSA, fPSA, fPSA-I and hK2 were combined in a statistical model which was previously shown to be able to reduce unnecessary biopsies when applied to large screening cohorts of men with elevated tPSA. The discriminative accuracy of this model was compared to models based on established clinical predictors in reference to biopsy outcome. The kallikrein model and the calculated fPSA-N concentrations (fPSA minus fPSA-I) correlated with the prostate volume and the model, when compared to the clinical models, predicted prostate cancer in biopsy equally well. Hence, the measurement of kallikreins in a blood sample could be used to replace the volume measurement which is time-consuming, needs instrumentation and skilled personnel and is an uncomfortable procedure. Overall, the model could simplify the estimation of prostate cancer risk. Finally, as the fPSA-N seems to be an interesting new marker, a direct immunoassay for measuring fPSA-N concentrations was developed. The analytical performance was acceptable, but the rather complicated assay protocol needs to be improved until it can be used for measuring large sample panels.


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La inducción del trabajo de parto ha demostrado aumentar simultáneamente las tasas de cesárea, especialmente en nulíparas con cérvix clínicamente desfavorables. Ya que la valoración clínica del cérvix es un método subjetivo, aunque ampliamente utilizado, el objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la utilidad de la medición ecográfica de la longitud cervical comparándola con el puntaje de Bishop, en la predicción del éxito de la inducción del parto en las pacientes nulíparas en el servicio de Obstetricia del Hospital Universitario Clínica San Rafael, Bogotá. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, evaluando una cohorte prospectiva de 80 gestantes a quienes se les realizó valoración ultrasonográfica y clínica del cérvix antes de iniciar la inducción del trabajo de parto. Resultados: El análisis bivariado demostró que las pacientes con longitud cervical >20mm tienen 1.57 veces la probabilidad de tener parto por cesárea (RR 1.57 IC95% 1.03-2.39 p <0.05). De manera similar las pacientes con puntaje de Bishop 0 a 3 tienen 2.33 veces la probabilidad de tener parto por cesárea (RR 2.33 IC95% 1.28-4.23 p <0.05). La regresión logística binaria demostró que la edad materna y la longitud cervical fueron los únicos parámetros independientes con significancia estadística para predecir el éxito de la inducción. Conclusiones: La medición ecográfica de la longitud cervical tiene mayor utilidad que la valoración clínica del cérvix en la predicción del éxito de la inducción del parto en nulíparas.


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Introducción: el Trastorno Límite de la Personalidad afecta del 2% al 6% de los adultos en Estados Unidos. Es una condición de alta relevancia dentro de las patologías psiquiátricas debido a características como impulsividad, inestabilidad en las relaciones interpersonales, disregulación en el estado de ánimo y comportamiento agresivo. Esto determina un impacto negativo en la funcionalidad del individuo siendo la agresividad contra sí mismo o contra otras personas uno de sus componentes claves. Métodos: Revisión sistemática de la literatura de artículos de bases de datos y búsqueda manual de revistas relacionadas que aportaran la mejor evidencia con el fin de encontrar estudios que evaluaran, con instrumentos objetivos, los tratamientos farmacológicos disponibles para el manejo de la agresividad en el TLP .Se evaluó calidad metodológica y los estudios se organizaron en tablas de evidencia. Resultados: La búsqueda arrojo 1081 artículos de los cuales se seleccionaron 52 como potenciales y cinco fueron incluidos en esta revisión. Se clasificaron como nivel de evidencia Ib. El topiramato, el aripiprazol, el divalproato y la fluoxetina mostraron mejores resultados que el placebo especialmente en agresividad e impulsividad. El topiramato fue asociado con pérdida de peso. Los medicamentos fueron seguros y bien tolerados. Discusión: Los medicamentos evaluados mostraron ser mejores que placebo. La diversidad en las escalas utilizadas genera complejidad en la interpretación de resultados. Conclusión: La evidencia sugiere que el tratamiento farmacológico es efectivo en síntomas como agresividad e impulsividad comparado con placebo. Deben considerarse estudios que evalúen combinaciones de fármacos y psicoterapia.


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Introducción: El síncope es un motivo frecuente de consulta en Urgencias, definir el estudio y el destino de estos pacientes es motivo de controversia. Se han diseñado varias escalas para estratificación del riesgo en pacientes con esta entidad. En este estudio se comparan las características operativas de 4 escalas para la decisión de hospitalizar pacientes con síncope que consultan a un servicio de urgencias de una institución de III y IV Nivel Métodos. Estudio analítico transversal, en el que se aplicaron las 4 escalas de riesgo a pacientes que consultaron por síncope al servicio de Urgencias durante un período de 6 meses y que fueron hospitalizados en la institución donde se realizó. Se evaluaron los resultados aplicando el programa Epidat 3.1 para sensibilidad y especificidad, índice de Youden. Resultados. Se incluyeron en total 91 pacientes. La sensibilidad de las escalas San Francisco, OESIL, EGSYS y la institucional para el requerimiento de hospitalización fue de 79%, 87%. 63% y 95% respectivamente y la especificidad fue de 52%, 40%, 64% y 14%. EL riesgo de mortalidad no fue adecuadamente detectado por la escala de San Francisco.. Conclusiones. Ninguna de las escalas aplicadas a los pacientes hospitalizados que consultaron por síncope a urgencias superó el juicio clínico para definir la hospitalización. Sin embargo, la escala OESIL y la institucional pueden ayudar a corroborar la decisión clínica de hospitalizar en esta población.


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La mediastinitis post cirugía cardiovascular es una complicación severa de mal pronóstico, con incidencia mundial de 0.4 al 5% y mortalidad de 8.6-42%. En Bogotá 2 trabajos de investigación reportan una incidencia de 1.7% en 1999. Se pretende establecer factores de riesgo de la enfermedad y características propias de la Fundación Abood Shaio. este estudio retrospectivo de caso y control, de Enero-2000 a Diciembre-2006, buscó identificar factores de riesgo asociados con aparición de mediastinitis postcirugía cardiovascular en la Fundación Abood Shaio. Se revisaron base de datos y registros existentes sobre 6113 cirugías cardiovasculares, encontrando 48 pacientes adultos que desarrollaron mediastinitis posquirúrgica.


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INTRODUCCIÓN. La mediastinitis posterior a cirugía de revascularización miocárdica es una infección infrecuente, pero potencialmente fatal. En la Fundación Cardioinfantil se ha observado una tendencia al incremento de la misma en los últimos años, obligando a un cambio en las medidas de profilaxis antimicrobiana, pasando de cefalosporinas a vancomicina – gentamicina, sin embargo no se conoce aún el impacto de estas medidas. OBJETIVO: Determinar si el cambio de la profilaxis antibiótica en pacientes sometidos a revascularización miocárdica influye en una disminución de la incidencia de mediastinitis durante los años 2012 – 2013. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio de cohortes retrospectivo, evaluando la incidencia de mediastinitis post revascularización miocárdica, en pacientes expuestos a 2 diferentes tipos de profilaxis antimicrobiana (cefalosporinas vs vancomicina-gentamicina). Se describieron los patrones de susceptibilidad y resistencia de los patógenos encontrados en mediastinitis y la mortalidad de esta patología. RESULTADOS: Los patógenos más frecuentemente aislados en la mediastinitis fueron Staphylococcus aureus y Klebsiella pneumoniae, en la mayoría monomicrobiano. Se encontraron patógenos con perfiles de resistencia como betalactamasas de espectro extendido en Gram negativos y resistencia a la meticilina en cocos Gram positivos. El RR de mediastinitis del grupo expuesto a vancomicina-gentamicina respecto al grupo de cefalosporinas fue de 0,9 con IC 95% 0,28 – 3,28. CONCLUSIÓN: la epidemiologia microbiana de la mediastinitis no difiere de la reportada en otras series. La profilaxis antimicrobiana con vancomicina - gentamicina en pacientes sometidos a revascularización miocárdica, no redujo la incidencia de mediastinitis. Se propone regresar a la terapia de profilaxis con cefalosporinas.


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Objetivo: definir os preditores clínicos e histopatológicos mais eficientes da evolução da mola hidatiforme completa (MHC) para tumor trofoblástico gestacional (TTG). Métodos: estudo prospectivo clínico e histopatológico de todas as portadoras de MHC, atendidas entre 1990 e 1998 no Hospital das Clínicas de Botucatu -- UNESP. A avaliação clínica pré-esvaziamento molar classificou a gravidez molar em: MHC de alto risco e MHC de baixo risco. Foram analisados os preditores clínicos para TTG, estabelecidos por Goldstein et al.¹ e por outros autores2--10. A avaliação histopatológica incluiu a determinação do diagnóstico de MHC, segundo os critérios de Szulman e Surti11, e o reconhecimento dos fatores de risco para TTG, de Ayhan et al.8. Os preditores clínicos e histopatológicos foram correlacionados com o desenvolvimento de TTG pós-molar. Resultados: em 65 portadoras de MHC, cistos do ovário maiores que 6 cm e tamanho uterino maior que 16 cm foram os preditores clínicos mais eficientes de TTG. A proliferação trofoblástica, a atipia nuclear, a necrose/hemorragia, a maturação trofoblástica e a relação cito/sinciciotrofoblasto não foram preditores significativos para TTG. A correlação entre preditor clínico e histopatológico para o desenvolvimento de TTG não foi possível porque nenhum parâmetro histopatológico foi significativo. Conclusões: mais estudos são necessários para avaliar possíveis preditores de persistência (TTG) e sua aplicação no contexto clínico das MHC. Enquanto isso, a determinação seriada de hCG sérico permanece o único indicador prognóstico seguro para TTG pós-MHC.


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Aims: This study aimed to classify alcohol-dependent outpatients on the basis of clinical factors and to verify if the resulting types show different treatment retention. Methods: The sample comprised 332 alcoholics that were enrolled in three different pharmacological trials carried out at Sao Paulo University, Brazil. Based on four clinical factors problem drinking onset age, familial alcoholism, alcohol dependence severity, and depression - K-means cluster analysis was performed by using the average silhouette width to determine the number of clusters. A direct logistic regression was performed to analyze the influence of clusters, medication groups, and Alcoholics Anonymous ( AA) attendance in treatment retention. Results: Two clusters were delineated. The cluster characterized by earlier onset age, more familial alcoholism, higher alcoholism severity, and less depression symptoms showed a higher chance of discontinuing the treatment, independently of medications used and AA attendance. Participation in AA was significantly related to treatment retention. Discussion: Health services should broaden the scope of services offered to meet heterogeneous needs of clients, and identify treatment practices and therapists which improve retention. Information about patients' characteristics linked to dropout should be used to make treatment programs more responsive and attractive, combining pharmacological agents with more intensive and diversified psychosocial interventions. Copyright (C) 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel


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Assessing the efficacy of implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICD) in patients with Chagas' heart disease (ChHD) and identifying the clinical predictors of mortality and ICD shock during long-term follow-up. ChHD is associated with ventricular tachyarrhythmias and an increased risk of sudden cardiac death. Although ChHD is a common form of cardiomyopathy in Latin American ICD users, little is known about its efficacy in the treatment of this population. The study cohort included 116 consecutive patients with ChHD and an ICD implanted for secondary prevention. Of the 116 patients, 83 (72%) were men; the mean age was 54 +/- 10.7 years. Several clinical variables were tested in a multivariate Cox model for predicting long-term mortality. The average follow-up was 45 +/- 32 months. New York Heart Association class I-II developed in 83% of patients. The mean left ventricular ejection fraction was 42 +/- 16% at implantation. Of the 116 patients, 58 (50%) had appropriate shocks and 13 (11%) had inappropriate therapy. A total of 31 patients died (7.1% annual mortality rate). New York Heart Association class III (hazard ratio [HR] 3.09, 95% confidence interval 1.37 to 6.96, p = 0.0064) was a predictor of a worse prognosis. The left ventricular ejection fraction (HR 0.972, 95% confidence interval 0.94 to 0.99, p = 0.0442) and low cumulative right ventricular pacing (HR 0.23, 95% confidence interval 0.11 to 0.49, p = 0.0001) were predictors of better survival. The left ventricular diastolic diameter was an independent predictor of appropriate shock (I-ER 1.032, 95% confidence interval 1.004 to 1.060, p = 0.025). In conclusion, in a long-term follow-up, ICD efficacy for secondary sudden cardiac death prevention in patients with ChHD was marked by a favorable annual rate of all-cause mortality (7.1%); 50% of the cohort received appropriate shock therapy. New York Heart Association class III and left ventricular ejection fraction were independent predictors of worse prognosis, and low cumulative right ventricular pacing defined better survival. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. (Am J Cardiol 2012;110:1040-1045)


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Purpose: Oral squamous cell carcinoma and its treatment are associated with facial disfigurement and functional inabilities that may lead to malnutrition or under nourishment. This study assessed the incidence of food restrictions in patients undergoing treatment for oral and oropharyngeal cancer. Method: We interviewed 120 patients in two hospitals in Sao Paulo, Brazil, using a structured food frequency questionnaire comprising the most commonly consumed foods in Brazil. This questionnaire was applied twice; the first time to inform dietary patterns prior to the diagnosis of cancer and the second time to assess recent modifications of diet that were associated with the disease and its treatment. Hospital files provided information on clinical status. Multivariate Poisson regression models assessed covariates with prognostic value. Results: One third of patients suffered major food restrictions (i.e., they reduced substantially the intake of more than 50% of the most commonly consumed food items before the diagnosis); 39% suffered a less severe condition (they could not eat less than 50% of the most commonly consumed food items before the diagnosis, and they needed changes in food preparation). Larger tumour size (adjusted incidence ratio IR = 1.45), posterior location (IR = 1.33), radiotherapy (IR = 1.84), loss of tongue mobility (IR = 1.36) and loss of teeth (IR = 1.25) in the surgery were associated significantly with the study outcome. Conclusion: This study identified clinical predictors of food restrictions in patients undergoing treatment for oral and oropharyngeal cancer. This knowledge may contribute to improve patient care and management, and to develop interventions aimed at preventing nutritional depletion of these patients. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.