1000 resultados para CGAR-EM (cromatografia gasosa de alta resolução - espectrometria de massas)
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Bioorgânica
Este trabalho objetivou investigar as principais unidades estruturais de ácidos húmicos obtidos do composto de resíduos sólidos urbano (AH-CRSU) e lodo de estação de tratamento de esgoto (AH-LETE) por meio da pirólise acoplada à cromatografia gasosa / espectrometria de massas. Os ácidos húmicos extraídos do lodo da estação de tratamento de esgotos apresentaram maior quantidade de mono e diaril ésteres de massa mais elevada. Os n-alcanos presentes nos AH-LETE revelaram-se de cadeia mais curta do que nos AH-CRSU. Foram incorporados na estrutura dos AH fragmentos de ftalatos, provavelmente em virtude da contaminação da matéria orgânica por plásticos. Os compostos aromáticos presentes nos AH-LETE originaram-se, principalmente, de derivados do naftaleno e derivados do benzeno com substituição por cadeias alifáticas maiores do que AH-CRSU. Os compostos nitrogenados presentes mostraram-se essencialmente heteroaromáticos e os oxigenados furanos substituídos originados da degradação de carboidratos. Os compostos oxiaromáticos predominantes foram fenóis substituídos.
This review presents an updated overview of the trace element speciation by gas chromatography coupled with atomic absorption spectrometry.
The violence derived from crimes involving firearms represents one of the main concerns of society. For this reason modern techniques have emerged in forensic science to identify suspects at crime scenes. This work describes a methodology to identify residues present in the hands of suspect by using a high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and collection procedure based on ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) solution as a complexing agent in moistened swabs. In order to distinguish real gunshot residues from others types of residues present in the hand of suspect, ternary ratio per cent diagrams were developed for antimony (Sb), barium (Ba) and lead (Pb) detected on the hands of volunteers, before and immediately after shooting tests, revealing a remarkable difference in both situations.
The aim of this work was to develop and validate a method of analysis of biodiesel:diesel blends using HRGC-MS in SIM mode. The proposed method is applicable to biodiesel from linoleic oils, such as soybean oil. The following results were obtained: linearity over the methyl linoleate concentration range of 250-2500 mg L-1 (R² > 0.999); limits of detection and quantification of 2 and 5 mg L-1, respectively; recovery from 82 to 96% of biodiesel in diesel and repeatability < 2% (RSD). Comparison between two operators showed that it is not necessary the same operator to do the analysis.
The use of analytical pyrolysis combined with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) to determine the syringyl/guaiacyl ratio (S/G) in lignins from Eucalyptus spp woods was investigated. Sample of E. grandis and "E. urograndis" wood, with and without extractives, were subjected to pyrolysis from 300 ºC to 600 ºC. The products that results from pyrolysis were identified by mass spectrometry and the S/G ratio was determined based on the areas of the peaks corresponding to the guaiacyl and syringyl derivatives. The best S/G estimation is achieved when pyrolysis is carried out at 550 ºC. Extractives and carbohydrate present in the woods do not interfere with the results.
An analytical method for the isolation based on matrix solid-phase dispersion technique and gas chromatographic determination of pesticides in cattle plasma is presented. It was fortified 0.25 g of plasma with pesticides and blended with 1 g each C18 and Na2SO4. The homogenized matter was transferred to a SPE cartridge, which contained 1 g of activated florisil with 5 mL acetonitrile. The analites were eluted under vaccum with 15 mL acetonitrile, the extract was analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The limit of quantification of the method was 0.04 mg L-1 for chlorphenvinfos and fipronil and 0.02 mg L-1 for cypermethrin..
In this work, the organic compounds of cigar samples from different brands were analyzed. The compound extraction was made using the matrix solid-phase dispersion (MSPD) technique, followed by gas chromatography and identification by mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and standards, when available. Thirty eight organic compounds were found in seven different brands. Finally, with the objective of characterizing and discriminating the cigar samples, multivariate statistical analyses were applied to data, e.g.; principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA). With such analyses, it was possible to discriminate three main groups of three quality levels.
A method based on headspace - solid phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography - mass spectrometry was validated for the quantitative determination of 18 organochlorine pesticides in water. For the extraction conditioning some parameters as the best type of coating fiber, time and temperature of extraction, pH and ionic strength were evaluated. The method HS-SPME/GC-MS/MS showed linear coefficient above 0.9948. The repeatability of the measurements were lower than 7.6%. Relative recoveries were between 88 and 110%. Limits of detection from 0.5 x 10-3 to 1.0 mg L-1 were obtained. A total of 31 samples were analyzed and 16 presented from 1 to 5 pesticides.
This study investigated the levels of plasticizer endocrine disruptors (diethyl phthalate, dibutyl phthalate, and bisphenol A) in drinking water at Paraíba do Sul River region and release of these compounds from bottled water. An analytical method employing solid phase extraction and GC/MS was optimized and validated. The results showed that the method is selective, linear (r² > 0.99), precise (RSD <12%), accurate (recoveries between 62 and 105%), sensitive and robust. Applying the method, the presence of all studied pollutants in drinking water was observed for the three sampled plasticizers. These plasticizers were not found in mineral bottled water, before or after storage.
This paper describes selective molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction of ttMA from urine samples followed by derivatization and analysis by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The analytical calibration curve ranged from 0.3 to 7.0 mg L-1 (r = 0.999) and the limit of quantitation (LOQ) was 0.3 mg L-1. The method was applied for the determination of ttMA in urine samples from smokers and concentrations detected ranged from < LOQ to 1.64 mg L-1. Thus, the proposed method proved adequate for the determination of urinary ttMA in the biomonitoring of occupational exposure to low levels of benzene.
This work reports a practical case based on the use of microwave-assisted derivatization and GC-MS for the analysis of glucose. Using two different methods for derivatization, one reference compound and the calculated dipole moment, all the isomers of glucose were identified. Identification was corroborated for the assignment of structures using the mass spectra. With this work, students are expected to associate different types of information to solve the complex problem of the analysis of glucose.
Os compostos voláteis da aguardente de cana foram extraídos por meio da concentração dinâmica do "headspace" em armadilhas contendo Tenax-TA e analisados por cromatografia gasosa-espectrometria de massas. Cerca de 100 compostos voláteis, com número de carbonos que variavam de 5 a 18, foram detectados. Destes, 22 foram selecionados, sendo 18 ésteres, com base nas suas quantidades no extrato ou nas suas características sensoriais obtidas na literatura. Os compostos presentes em maiores quantidades foram o 3-metil-1-butanol (álcool isoamílico), 1,1-dietoxi-etano (acetaldeído dietil acetal) e os ésteres acetato de 3-metilbutila, hexanoato de etila, octanoato de etila, decanoato de etila e dodecanoato de etila. Dentre os compostos identificados em menor quantidade, destacou-se, devido a sua natureza química, o composto sulfurado 4,5-de-hidro-2-metil-3(2H)-tiofenona. Esta é a primeira vez que este e outros compostos voláteis são reportados em aguardente de cana. Conclui-se que a metodologia empregada neste trabalho permitiu a identificação de compostos voláteis da fração C5-C18, que potencialmente contribuem para o aroma da aguardente de cana.
A degradação do antimicrobiano digluconato de clorhexidina (DGCH) durante armazenamento ou processamento térmico pode formar a 4-cloroanilina (CA), um composto potencialmente carcinogênico. Conseqüentemente, o uso deste sanitizante para descontaminação de carcaças de frangos representa uma fonte de risco para o consumidor, devendo ser avaliada a presença da CA no produto tratado. Um método foi desenvolvido para determinação de resíduos de CA em tecidos de frangos. Após a extração com diclorometano, foi feita a limpeza do extrato em cartucho C18 e quantificação por cromatografia gasosa-espectrometria de massas (CG-EM), sem derivação. A recuperação média (89,2% - CV 9,9%.) e o limite de detecção (1,8ng/g) foram considerados satisfatórios para os propósitos do estudo. Em amostras tratadas com DGCH e não submetidas a processamento térmico, a quantidade de CA detectada foi relativamente baixa, e provavelmente se originou da solução de tratamento. A fritura e a cocção em forno convencional resultaram em níveis elevados de CA, enquanto que a cocção em panela de pressão não alterou os níveis de CA presentes na amostra crua. Em vista destes resultados e, considerando-se o potencial tóxico da CA, recomenda-se que estes dados sejam levados em consideração quando avaliada a utilização de DGCH como sanitizante de carcaças em abatedouros de aves.