460 resultados para CCSD


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Carbonyl sulfide is the most abundant sulfur gas in the atmosphere. We have used MP2 and CCSD(T) theory to study the structures and thermochemistries of carbonyl sulfide interacting with one to four water molecules. We have completed an extensive search for clusters of OCS(H2O)n, where n = 1−4. We located three dimers, two trimers, five tetramers, and four pentamers with the MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ method. In each of the complexes with two or more waters, OCS preferentially interacts with low-energy water clusters. Our results match current theoretical and experimental literature, showing correlation with available geometries and frequencies for the OCS(H2O) species. The CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ thermochemical values combined with the average amount of OCS and the saturated concentration of H2O in the troposphere, lead to the prediction of 106 OCS(H2O) clusters·cm−3 and 102 OCS(H2O)2 clusters·cm−3 at 298 K. We predict the structures of OCS(H2O)n, n = 1−4 that should predominate in a low-temperature molecular beam and identify specific infrared vibrations that can be used to identify these different clusters.


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For (H2O)n where n = 1–10, we used a scheme combining molecular dynamics sampling with high level ab initio calculations to locate the global and many low lying local minima for each cluster. For each isomer, we extrapolated the RI-MP2 energies to their complete basis set limit, included a CCSD(T) correction using a smaller basis set and added finite temperature corrections within the rigid-rotor-harmonic-oscillator (RRHO) model using scaled and unscaled harmonic vibrational frequencies. The vibrational scaling factors were determined specifically for water clusters by comparing harmonic frequencies with VPT2 fundamental frequencies. We find the CCSD(T) correction to the RI-MP2 binding energy to be small (


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Using molecular dynamics configurational sampling combined with ab initio energy calculations, we determined the low energy isomers of the bisulfate hydrates. We calculated the CCSD(T) complete basis set (CBS) binding electronic and Gibbs free energies for 53 low energy isomers of HSO4–(H2O)n=1–6 and derived the thermodynamics of adding waters sequentially to the bisulfate ion and its hydrates. Comparing the HSO4–/H2O system to the neutral H2SO4/H2O cluster, water binds more strongly to the anion than it does to the neutral molecules. The difference in the binding thermodynamics of HSO4–/H2O and H2SO4/H2O systems decreases with increasing number of waters. The thermodynamics for the formation of HSO4–(H2O)n=1–5 is favorable at 298.15 K, and that of HSO4–(H2O)n=1–6 is favorable for T < 273.15 K. The HSO4– ion is almost always hydrated at temperatures and relative humidity values encountered in the troposphere. Because the bisulfate ion binds more strongly to sulfuric acid than it does to water, it is expected to play a role in ion-induced nucleation by forming a strong complex with sulfuric acid and water, thus facilitating the formation of a critical nucleus.


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We combine the technique of femtosecond degenerate four-wave mixing (fs-DFWM) with a high repetition-rate pulsed supersonic jet source to obtain the rotational coherence spectrum (RCS) of cold cyclohexane (C(6)H(12)) with high signal/noise ratio. In the jet expansion, the near-parallel flow pattern combined with rapid translational cooling effectively eliminate dephasing collisions, giving near-constant RCS signal intensities over time delays up to 5 ns. The vibrational cooling in the jet eliminates the thermally populated vibrations that complicate the RCS coherences of cyclohexane at room temperature [Bragger, G.; et al. J. Phys. Chem. A 2011, 115, 9567]. The rotational cooling reduces the high-J rotational-state population, yielding the most accurate ground-state rotational constant to date, B(0) = 4305.859(9) MHz. Based on this B(0), a reanalysis of previous room-temperature gas-cell RCS measurements of cydohexane gives improved vibration rotation interaction constants for the v(32), v(6), v(16), and v(24) vibrational states. Combining the experimental B(0)(C(6)H(12)) with CCSD(T) calculations yields a very accurate semiexperimental equilibrium structure of the chair isomer of cyclohexane


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The gas-phase rotational motion of hexafluorobenzene has been measured in real time using femtosecond (fs) time-resolved rotational Raman coherence spectroscopy (RR-RCS) at T = 100 and 295 K. This four-wave mixing method allows to probe the rotation of non-polar gas-phase molecules with fs time resolution over times up to ∼5 ns. The ground state rotational constant of hexafluorobenzene is determined as B 0 = 1029.740(28) MHz (2σ uncertainty) from RR-RCS transients measured in a pulsed seeded supersonic jet, where essentially only the v = 0 state is populated. Using this B 0 value, RR-RCS measurements in a room temperature gas cell give the rotational constants B v of the five lowest-lying thermally populated vibrationally excited states ν7/8, ν9, ν11/12, ν13, and ν14/15. Their B v constants differ from B 0 by between −1.02 MHz and +2.23 MHz. Combining the B 0 with the results of all-electron coupled-cluster CCSD(T) calculations of Demaison et al. [Mol. Phys.111, 1539 (2013)] and of our own allow to determine the C-C and C-F semi-experimental equilibrium bond lengths r e(C-C) = 1.3866(3) Å and r e(C-F) = 1.3244(4) Å. These agree with the CCSD(T)/wCVQZ r e bond lengths calculated by Demaison et al. within ±0.0005 Å. We also calculate the semi-experimental thermally averaged bond lengths r g(C-C)=1.3907(3) Å and r g(C-F)=1.3250(4) Å. These are at least ten times more accurate than two sets of experimental gas-phase electron diffraction r g bond lengths measured in the 1960s.


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Highly correlated ab initio calculations (CCSD(T)) are used to compute gas phase spectroscopic parameters of three isotopologues of the methyl acetate (CH3COOCH3, CD3COOCH3, and CH3COOCD3), searching to help experimental assignments and astrophysical detections. The molecule shows two conformers cis and trans separated by a barrier of 4457 cm−1. The potential energy surface presents 18 minima that intertransform through three internal rotation motions. To analyze the far infrared spectrum at low temperatures, a three-dimensional Hamiltonian is solved variationally. The two methyl torsion barriers are calculated to be 99.2 cm−1 (C–CH3) and 413.1 cm−1 (O–CH3), for the cis-conformer. The three fundamental torsional band centers of CH3COOCH3 are predicted to lie at 63.7 cm−1 (C–CH3), 136.1 cm−1 (O–CH3), and 175.8 cm−1 (C–O torsion) providing torsional state separations. For the 27 vibrational modes, anharmonic fundamentals and rovibrational parameters are provided. Computed parameters are compared with those fitted using experimental data.


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Do polyacenes, circumacenes, periacenes, nanographenes, and graphene nanoribbons show a spin polarized ground state? In this work, we present monodeterminantal (Hartree–Fock (HF) and density functional theory (DFT) types), and multideterminantal calculations (Møller–Plesset and Coupled Cluster), for several families of unsaturated organic molecules (n-Acenes, n-Periacenes and n-Circumacenes). All HF calculations and many DFT show a spin-polarized (antiferromagnetic) ground state, in agreement with previous calculations. Nevertheless, the multideterminantal calculations, carried out with perturbative and variational wavefunctions, show that the more stable state is obtained starting from the unpolarized HF wavefunction. The trend of the stabilization of wavefunctions (polarized or unpolarized) with respect to exchange and correlation potentials, and to the number of benzene rings, has been analyzed. A study of the spin (〈Ŝ2〉) and the spin density on the carbon atoms has also been carried out.


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Spin-projected spin polarized Møller–Plesset and spin polarized coupled clusters calculations have been made to estimate the cyclobutadiene automerization, the ethylene torsion barriers in their ground state, and the gap between the singlet and triplet states of ethylene. The results have been obtained optimizing the geometries at MP4 and/or CCSD levels, by an extensive Gaussian basis set. A comparative analysis with more complex calculations, up to MP5 and CCSDTQP, together with others from the literature, have also been made, showing the efficacy of using spin-polarized wave functions as a reference wave function for Møller–Plesset and coupled clusters calculations, in such problems.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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The potential energy surfaces for the reactions of atomic oxygen in its ground electronic state, O(P-3), with the olefins: CF2=CCl2 and CF2=CF - CF3, have been characterized using ab initio molecular orbital calculations. Geometry optimization and vibrational frequency calculations were performed for reactants, transition states and products at the MP2 and QCISD levels of theory using the 6-31G(d) basis set. This database was then used to calculate the rate constants by means of Transition-State-Theory. To obtain a better reference and to test the reliability of the activation barriers we have also carried out computations using the CCSD(T)(fc)/6-311Gdagger, MP4(SDQ)(fc)/CBSB4 and MP2(fc)/CBSB3 single point energy calculations at both of the above levels of theory, as well as with the composite CBS-RAD procedure ( P. M. Mayer, C. J. Parkinson, D. M. Smith and L. Radom, J. Chem. Phys., 1998, 108, 604) and a modi. cation of this approach, called: CBS-RAD( MP2, MP2). It was found that the kinetic parameters obtained in this work particularly with the CBS-RAD ( MP2, MP2) procedure are in reasonable agreement with the experimental values. For both reactions it is found that the channels leading to the olefin double-bond addition predominates with respect to any other reaction pathway. However, on account of the different substituents in the alkenes we have located, at all levels of theory, two transition states for each reaction. Moreover, we have found that, for the reactions studied, a correlation exists between the activation energies and the electronic structure of the transition states which can explain the influence of the substituent effect on the reactivity of the halo-olefins.


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An Ab Initio/RRKM study of the reaction mechanism and product branching ratios of neutral-radical ethynyl (C2H) and cyano (CN) radical species with unsaturated hydrocarbons is performed. The reactions studied apply to cold conditions such as planetary atmospheres including Titan, the Interstellar Medium (ISM), icy bodies and molecular clouds. The reactions of C2H and CN additions to gaseous unsaturated hydrocarbons are an active area of study. NASA's Cassini/Huygens mission found a high concentration of C2H and CN from photolysis of ethyne (C2H2) and hydrogen cyanide (HCN), respectively, in the organic haze layers of the atmosphere of Titan. The reactions involved in the atmospheric chemistry of Titan lead to a vast array of larger, more complex intermediates and products and may also serve as a chemical model of Earth's primordial atmospheric conditions. The C2H and CN additions are rapid and exothermic, and often occur barrierlessly to various carbon sites of unsaturated hydrocarbons. The reaction mechanism is proposed on the basis of the resulting potential energy surface (PES) that includes all the possible intermediates and transition states that can occur, and all the products that lie on the surface. The B3LYP/6-311g(d,p) level of theory is employed to determine optimized electronic structures, moments of inertia, vibrational frequencies, and zero-point energy. They are followed by single point higher-level CCSD(T)/cc-vtz calculations, including extrapolations to complete basis sets (CBS) of the reactants and products. A microcanonical RRKM study predicts single-collision (zero-pressure limit) rate constants of all reaction paths on the potential energy surface, which is then used to compute the branching ratios of the products that result. These theoretical calculations are conducted either jointly or in parallel to experimental work to elucidate the chemical composition of Titan's atmosphere, the ISM, and cold celestial bodies.<.


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Information extraction is a frequent and relevant problem in digital signal processing. In the past few years, different methods have been utilized for the parameterization of signals and the achievement of efficient descriptors. When the signals possess statistical cyclostationary properties, the Cyclic Autocorrelation Function (CAF) and the Spectral Cyclic Density (SCD) can be used to extract second-order cyclostationary information. However, second-order cyclostationary information is poor in nongaussian signals, as the cyclostationary analysis in this case should comprise higher-order statistical information. This paper proposes a new mathematical tool for the higher-order cyclostationary analysis based on the correntropy function. Specifically, the cyclostationary analysis is revisited focusing on the information theory, while the Cyclic Correntropy Function (CCF) and Cyclic Correntropy Spectral Density (CCSD) are also defined. Besides, it is analytically proven that the CCF contains information regarding second- and higher-order cyclostationary moments, being a generalization of the CAF. The performance of the aforementioned new functions in the extraction of higher-order cyclostationary characteristics is analyzed in a wireless communication system where nongaussian noise exists.


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