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Insulin determination in blood sampled during post-mortem investigation has been repeatedly asserted as being of little diagnostic value due to the rapid occurrence of decompositional changes and blood haemolysis. In this study, we assessed the feasibility of insulin determination in post-mortem serum, vitreous humour, bile, and cerebrospinal and pericardial fluids in one case of fatal insulin self-administration and a series of 40 control cases (diabetics and non-diabetics) using a chemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay. In the case of suicide by insulin self-administration, insulin concentrations in pericardial fluid and bile were higher than blood clinical reference values, though lower than post-mortem serum concentration. Insulin concentrations in vitreous (11.50 mU/L) and cerebrospinal fluid (17.30 mU/L) were lower than blood clinical reference values. Vitreous insulin concentrations in non-diabetic control cases were lower than the estimated detection limit of the method. These preliminary results tend to confirm the usefulness of insulin determination in vitreous humour in situations of suspected fatal insulin administration. Additional findings pertaining to insulin determination in bile, pericardial, and cerebrospinal fluid would suggest that analysis performed in post-mortem serum and injection sites could be complemented, in individual cases, by investigations carried out in alternative biological fluids. Lastly, these results would indicate that analysis with chemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay may provide suitable data, similar to analysis with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and immunoradiometric assay, to support the hypothesis of insulin overdose. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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An unprecedented NH2-directed Pd(II)-catalytic carbonylation of quaternary aromatic α -amino esters to yield 6-membered 10 benzolactams has been developed. The reaction shows a strong bias to 6-membered lactams over 5-membered ones. The steric hindrance around the amino group seems to be pivotal for the success of the process.


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In this review article, we give a general introduction on the mechanisms involved in organic chemiluminescence, where three basic models for excited state formation are presented. The chemiluminescence properties of 1,2-dioxetanes - four membered ring peroxides - are briefly outlined in the second part. In the main part, the mechanisms involved in the decomposition of 1,2-dioxetanes and analogous peroxides are discussed: (i) the unimolecular decomposition of 1,2-dioxetanes; (ii) the electron transfer catalyzed decomposition of peroxides by an intermolecular CIEEL (Chemically Initiated Electron Exchange Luminescence) mechanism; (iii) 1,2-dioxetane decomposition catalyzed by an intramolecular electron transfer mechanism (intramolecular CIEEL). Special emphasis is given to the latter subject, where recent examples with potential analytical applications are presented.


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This paper reports an HPLC-ESI-MS/MS investigation on the oxidation of 3,5- and 4,5- dicaffeoylquinic acid using iron(III) tetraphenylporphyrin chloride as catalyst. Two major mono-oxidised products of the quinic acid moiety have been identified for both compounds. However, only the 4,5-derivative afforded two different tri-oxo products. Thus, it seems that the oxidation pattern depends on the number and positions of the caffeic acid moieties present in caffeoylquinic acid molecules.


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OH LIF-thermometry was applied to premixed ethanol flames at atmospheric pressure in a burner for three flame conditions. Flame temperatures were simulated from energy equation with PREMIX code of CHEMKIN software package for comparison. A kinetic modeling based on a model validated through chemiluminescence measurements and on a set of reactions for nitrogen chemistry was evaluated. Marinov's mechanism was also tested. Sensitivity analysis was performed for fuel-rich flame condition with Φ = 1.34. Simulated temperatures from both reaction mechanisms evaluated were higher than experimental values. However, the proposed kinetic modeling resulted in temperature profiles qualitatively very close to the experimental.


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The production of visible light by chemical reactions constitutes interesting and fascinating phenomena and several reaction mechanisms are discussed to rationalize excited state formation. Most efficient chemiluminescence reactions are thought to involve one or more electron transfer steps and chemiexcitation is believed to occur by radical annihilation. A brief introduction to the general principles of light production and the main known chemiexcitation mechanisms will be given here. Subsequently, recent results on the mechanistic elucidation of efficient chemiluminescence systems, as the peroxyoxalate reaction, the induced decomposition of phenoxy-substituted 1,2-dioxetanes and the catalyzed decomposition of new a-peroxylactones will be discussed.


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In this work we report the synthesis of sulfonamide derivatives using a conventional procedure and with solid supports, such as silica gel, florisil, alumina, 4Å molecular sieves, montmorillonite KSF, and montmorillonite K10 using solvent-free and microwave-assisted methods. Our results show that solid supports have a catalytic activity in the formation of sulfonamide derivatives. We found that florisil, montmorillonite KSF, and K10 could be used as inexpensive alternative catalysts that are easily separated from the reaction media. Additionally, solvent-free and microwave-assisted methods were more efficient in reducing reaction time and in increasing yield.


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It was found that cinnamic acid can react with potassium permanganate in the acidic medium and produce chemiluminescence, which was greatly enhanced by glyoxal. Under the optimum conditions, the linear range for the determination of cinnamic acid was 1.0×10-8 to 1.0×10-4 mol L-1 with a detection limit of 8.0×10-9 mol L-1, the relative standard deviation was 1.7% for 2.0×10-6 mol L-1 cinnamic acid solution in nine repeated measurements. This method was found to be novel0simple0fast and sensitive, it was successfully applied to the determination of cinnamic acid in human urine. Furthermore, the possible reaction mechanism was also discussed.


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This laboratory project is planned for an undergraduate chemistry laboratory in which students prepare a manganese porphyrin able to mimic the oxidative metabolism of carbamazepine, one of the most frequently prescribed drugs in the treatment of epilepsy. The in vitro oxidation of carbamazepine results in the formation of the corresponding 10,11-epoxide, the main in vivo metabolite. The reaction is catalyzed by manganese porphyrin in the presence of H2O2, an environmentally-friendly oxidant. Through this project students will develop their skills in organic synthesis, coordination chemistry, chromatographic techniques such as TLC and HPLC, UV-visible spectrophotometry, and NMR spectroscopy.


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A complex cation, diNOsarcobalt(III), [Co(diNOsar)]3+, (diNOsar = 1,8-dinitro-3,6,10,13,16,19-hexaazabicyclo-[6.6.6]eicosane), was synthesized and immobilized in the cavities of a Y zeolite by the reaction of precursor species in the pores of the zeolite. The encapsulated material was compared to the compound diNOsarcobalt(III) chloride, [Co(diNOsar)]Cl3. Both diNOsarcobalt(III) chloride and the zeolite-encapsulated complex, [Co(diNOsar)]3+/zeolite, were obtained in high yield and characterized by ultraviolet-visible and infrared spectroscopy. X-ray diffraction demonstrated the incorporation of the complex cation into the pores of the zeolite. The catalytic production of hydrogen peroxide from oxygenated water confirmed the successful synthesis of the complex diNOsarcobalt(III) immobilized in the zeolite.


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The bioactive 3,4-dihydropyrimidin-2(1H)-thione derivative known as Monastrol was synthesized under catalyzed and non-catalyzed conditions through the Biginelli multicomponent reaction under solvent-free conditions. The use of two Lewis acids (FeCl3 and CuCl2) and two Brønsted acids (HCl and CF3COOH) as catalysts improved the reaction yields of the transformation compared with the non-catalyzed reaction. The experiments investigated catalysis and its role, the importance of multicomponent reactions and their green features, and the application of these concepts to the synthesis of a biologically important structure.


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The use of enantiopure intermediates for drug synthesis is a trend in pharmaceutical industry. Different physiological effects are associated with the enantiomers of chiral molecules. Thus, the safety profile of a drug based on an enantiopure active pharmaceutical ingredient is more reliable. Biocatalysis is an important tool to access enantiopure molecules. In biocatalysis, the advantage of selectivity (chemo-, regio- and stereoselectivity) is combined with the benefits of a green synthesis strategy. Chemoenzymatic syntheses of drug molecules, obtained by combining biocatalysis with modern chemical synthesis steps usually consists of fewer reaction steps, reduced waste production and improved overall synthetic efficiency both in yields and enantio- and/or diastereoselectivities compared with classical chemical synthesis. The experimental work together with the literature review clearly indicates that lipase catalysis is highly applicable in the synthesis of enantiopure intermediates of drug molecules as the basis to infer the correct stereochemistry. By lipase catalysis, enantiopure secondary alcohols used as intermediates in the synthesis of Dorzolamide, an antiglaucoma drug, were obtained. Enantiopure _-hydroxy nitriles as potential intermediates for the synthesis of antidepressant drugs with 1-aryl-3- methylaminopropan-1-ol structure were also obtained with lipases. Kinetic resolution of racemates was the main biocatalytic approach applied. Candida Antarctica lipase B, Burkholderia cepacia lipase and Thermomyces lanuginosus lipase were applied for the acylation of alcohols and the alcoholysis of their esters in organic solvents, such as in diisopropyl ether and tert-butyl methyl ether. Candida Antarctica lipase B was used under solvent free conditions for the acylation of ethyl 3-hydroxybutanoate.


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Modifiering av metallytor med starkt adsorberade kirala organiska molekyler är eventuellt den mest relevanta teknik man vet i dag för att skapa kirala ytor. Den kan utnyttjas i katalytisk produktion av enantiomeriskt rena kirala föreningar som behövs t.ex. som läkemedel och aromkemikalier. Trots många fördelar av asymmetrisk heterogen katalys jämfört med andra sätt för att få kirala föreningar, har den ändå inte blivit ett allmänt verktyg för storskaliga tillämpningar. Detta beror t.ex. på brist på djupare kunskaper i katalytiska reaktionsmekanismer och ursprunget för asymmetrisk induktion. I denna studie användes molekylmodelleringstekniker för att studera asymmetriska, heterogena katalytiska system, speciellt hydrering av prokirala karbonylföreningar till motsvarande kirala alkoholer på cinchona-alkaloidmodifierade Pt-katalysatorer. 1-Fenyl-1,2-propandion (PPD) och några andra föreningar, som innehåller en prokiral C=O-grupp, användes som reaktanter. Konformationer av reaktanter och cinchona-alkaloider (som kallas modifierare) samt vätebundna 1:1-komplex mellan dem studerades i gas- och lösningsfas med metoder som baserar sig på vågfunktionsteori och täthetsfunktionalteori (DFT). För beräkningen av protonaffiniteter användes också högst noggranna kombinationsmetoder såsom G2(MP2). Den relativa populationen av modifierarnas konformationer varierade som funktion av modifieraren, dess protonering och lösningsmedlet. Flera reaktant–modifierareinteraktionsgeometrier beaktades. Slutsatserna på riktning av stereoselektivitet baserade sig på den relativa termodynamiska stabiliteten av de diastereomeriska reaktant–modifierare-komplexen samt energierna hos π- och π*-orbitalerna i den reaktiva karbonylgruppen. Adsorption och reaktioner på Pt(111)-ytan betraktades med DFT. Regioselektivitet i hydreringen av PPD och 2,3-hexandion kunde förklaras med molekyl–yta-interaktioner. Storleken och formen av klustret använt för att beskriva Pt-ytan inverkade inte bara på adsorptionsenergierna utan också på de relativa stabiliteterna av olika adsorptionsstrukturer av en molekyl. Populationerna av modifierarnas konformationer i gas- och lösningsfas korrelerade inte med populationerna på Pt-ytan eller med enantioselektiviteten i hydreringen av PPD på Pt–cinchona-katalysatorer. Vissa modifierares konformationer och reaktant–modifierare-interaktionsgeometrier var stabila bara på metallytan. Teoretiskt beräknade potentialenergiprofiler för hydrering av kirala α-hydroxiketoner på Pt implicerade preferens för parvis additionsmekanism för väte och selektiviteter i harmoni med experimenten. De uppnådda resultaten ökar uppfattningen om kirala heterogena katalytiska system och kunde därför utnyttjas i utvecklingen av nya, mera aktiva och selektiva kirala katalysatorer.


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In this thesis, biocatalysis is defined as the science of using enzymes as catalysts in organic synthesis. Environmental aspects and the continuously expanding repertoire of available enzymes have firmly established biocatalysis as a prominent means of chemo-, regio- and stereoselective synthesis. Yet, no single methodology can solve all the challenges faced by a synthetic chemist. Therefore, the knowledge and the skills to combine different synthetic methods are relevant. Lipases are highly useful enzymes in organic synthesis. In this thesis, an effort is being made to form a coherent picture of when and how can lipases be incorporated into nonenzymatic synthesis. This is attempted both in the literature review and in the discussion of the results presented in the original publications contained in the thesis. In addition to lipases, oxynitrilases were also used in the work. The experimental part of the thesis comprises of the results reported in four peer-reviewed publications and one manuscript. Selected amines, amino acids and sugar-derived cyanohydrins or their acylated derivatives were each prepared in enantio- or diastereomerically enriched form. Where applicable, attempts were made to combine the enzymatic reactions to other synthetic steps either by the application of completely separate sequential reactions with isolated intermediates (kinetic and functional kinetic resolution of amines), simultaneously occurring reactions without intermediate isolation (dynamic kinetic resolution of amino acid esters) or sequential reactions but without isolating the intermediates (hydrocyanation of sugar aldehydes with subsequent diastereoresolution). In all cases, lipase-catalyzed acylation was the key step by which stereoselectivity was achieved. Lipase from Burkholderia cepacia was a highly selective enzyme with each substrate category, but careful selection of the acyl donor and the solvent was important as well.


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Abstract: Although frequently in humans, hypoxic and ischemic heart diseases are poorly documented in dogs, with only few reports of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in this species. Some electrocardiographic findings might suggest myocardium hypoxia/ischemia, like ST segment elevation or depression, but there are no studies showing whether deviations in ST segment are associated to myocardial injury and serum increase of creatine phosphokinase (CPK-MB). In order to investigate possible myocardial cells injury in poor perfusion conditions, 38 dogs were studied, 20 with normal electrocardiogram and 18 with ST segment elevation or depression, recorded in lead II, at a paper speed of 50 mm/sec and N sensibility (1mV=1cm). Serum measurement of creatine phosphokinase isoenzyme MB (CPK-MB) in normal dogs (group 1) determined control values (in ng/mL), which were compared to those obtained from dogs with deviation (group 2), which allowed confirmation or not of myocardial injury. CPK-MB mean values obtained from dogs in groups 1 and 2 were 0.540ng/ml (SD±0.890)ng/mL and 0.440ng/mL (SD±1.106), respectively. At a significance level of 5%, the relation of CPK-MB with age, mass and total creatine phosphokinase (CPK-T) was not significant in groups 1 and 2. CPK-MB showed no difference, at 5% level, between groups 1 and 2. In conclusion, it is possible to use the human chemiluminescent immunometric assay kit in canine species and that hypoxia/ischemia revealed by ST segment deviation does not mean significant myocardium injury.