948 resultados para CARBONATE PLATFORM


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Após a última glaciação criogeniana (ca. 635 Ma), extensas plataformas carbonáticas desenvolveram-se sobre diversas regiões cratônicas da Terra e, apesar da intensa dolomitização desses depósitos, muitas informações paleoambientais e paleoceanográficas estão preservadas. Um dos exemplos mais importantes deste período no Brasil são os dolomitos da Formação Serra do Quilombo, pertencente à porção superior do Grupo Araras, no segmento norte da Faixa Paraguai, sul do Cráton Amazônico. A reavaliação estratigráfica da seção-tipo da formação e de uma seção de referência na região de Nobres, com base na análise de fácies e estratigráfica, permitiu ampliar as interpretações paleoambientais e elaborar um modelo deposicional. A sucessão estudada, de 140 m de espessura, inclui a Formação Serra do Quilombo em contato basal brusco com os calcários da Formação Guia e a passagem gradual para os dolomitos arenosos da Formação Nobres, no topo. A Formação Serra do Quilombo representa um megaciclo de raseamento ascendente, constituído por duas associações de fácies: 1) plataforma carbonática profunda à moderadamente rasa, composta por um dolomito fino laminado rico em matéria orgânica e outro maciço a laminado; e 2) face litorânea influenciada por tempestades, constituída por dolomito arenoso com estratificação cruzada hummocky/swaley associada com estratificação plano-paralela, dolomito arenoso/oolítico com laminações produzidas por ondas e brecha dolomítica com matriz. A Formação Serra do Quilombo representa o registro progradante de um trato do sistema de mar alto, em um contexto de rampa carbonática homoclinal instalada no sul do Cráton Amazônico durante o Ediacarano.


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Depósitos siliciclásticos da Formação Raizama de idade ediacarana-cambriana são expostos descontinuamente ao longo da margem sul do Cráton Amazônico e Faixa Paraguai Norte, centro-oeste do Brasil. Estes depósitos são interpretados por sucessões costeiras progradacionais, sobrepondo em conformidade os depósitos carbonáticos do Grupo Araras. A análise faciológica e estratigráfica da seção aflorante na região de Nobres, Estado do Mato Grosso, permitiu a individualização de dezessete fácies sedimentares agrupadas em cinco associações de fácies (AF): AF1) shoreface inferior consiste de arenitos com laminação plano-paralela e truncada por onda (microhummocky), intercalados por pelitos laminados, e com níveis bioturbados por tubos verticais perfurantes; AF2) shoreface superior, formada por arenitos com estratificação plano-paralela e cruzada swaley; AF3) submaré, composta por arenitos com estratificações cruzadas tangenciais e acanaladas com recobrimentos de siltito/arenito muito fino interpretados como depósitos de canal e barras; AF4) planície de maré é caracterizada por arenitos com estratificação cruzada tangencial e sigmoidal, laminação plano-paralela a cruzada de baixo ângulo, gretas de contração, intercalados por siltititos/arenito muito finos com acamamento flaser, organizados em ciclos de raseamento ascendente; e AF5) fluvial entrelaçado distal é constituída por arenitos com estratificação cruzada acanalada com lags lateralmente descontínuos, estratificações plano-paralelas e cruzadas de baixo-ângulo, parcialmente retrabalhadas por onda. A sedimentação da Formação Raizama indica que o fornecimento de sedimentos siliciclásticos estariam relacionado a soerguimentos no Cráton à noroeste da área estudada, sucedendo os depósitos carbonáticos do Grupo Araras. Traços fósseis tubulares descritos na AF1 indicam, pela primeira vez, a presença de traços fósseis perfurantes sugerindo uma idade deposicional para Formação Raizama mais próxima ao limite Ediacarano-Cambriano.


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Precambrian rocks comprise nearly one-quarter of the surface of Brazil and range from Paleoarchean (ca. 3.6 Ga) to the latest Ediacaran (0.542 Ga) in age. Except for controversial phosphatized 'embryo-like' microfossils like those from the lower Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation, China and complex rangeomorphs, Brazilian research has revealed all major categories of Precambrian life forms described elsewhere - microbialites, biomarkers, silicified microfossils, palynomorphs, vase-shaped microfossils, macroalgae, metazoans, vendobionts and ichnofossils - but the paleobiological significance of this record has been little explored. At least four occurrences of these fossils offer promise for increased understanding of the following aspects of Precambrian biospheric evolution: (i) the relationship of microbialites in 2.1-2.4 Ga old carbonates of the Minas Supergroup in the Quadrilatero Ferrifero, Minas Gerais (the oldest Brazilian fossils) to the development of the early oxygenic atmosphere and penecontemporaneous global tectonic and climatic events; (ii) the evolutionary and biostratigraphic significance of Mesoproterozoic to Ediacaran organic-walled microfossils in central-western Brazil; (iii) diversity and paleoecological significance of vase-shaped heterotrophic protistan microfossils in the Urucum Formation (Jacadigo Group) and possibly the Bocaina Formation (Corumba Group), of Mato Grosso do Sul; and (iv) insights into the record of skeletogenesis and paleoecology of latest Ediacaran metazoans as represented by the abundant organic carapaces of Corumbella and calcareous shells of the index fossil Cloudina, of the Corumba Group, Mato Grosso do Sul. Analysis of the Brazilian Precambrian fossil record thus holds great potential for augmenting paleobiological knowledge of this crucial period on Earth and for developing more robust hypotheses regarding possible origins and evolutionary pathways of biospheres on other planets. Received 26 February 2012, accepted 17 May 2012, first published online 18 June 2012


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Ziel der vorliegenden Dissertation war die Untersuchung der Liefergebiete und Ablagerungsräume sedimentärer Gesteine aus ausgewählten Gebieten der inneren Helleniden Griechenlands. Die untersuchten Sedimente Nordgriechenlands gehören zu den Pirgadikia und Vertiskos Einheiten des Serbo-Makedonische Massifs, zu den Examili, Melissochori und Prinochori Formationen der östlichen Vardar Zone und zur Makri Einheit und Melia Formation des östlichen Zirkum-Rhodope-Gürtels in Thrakien. In der östlichen Ägäis lag der Schwerpunkt bei den Sedimenten der Insel Chios. Der Metamorphosegrad der untersuchten Gesteine variiert von der untersten Grünschieferfazies bis hin zur Amphibolitfazies. Das stratigraphische Alter reicht vom Ordovizium bis zur Kreide. Zur Charakterisierung der Gesteine und ihrer Liefgebiete wurden Haupt- und Spurenelementgehalte der Gesamtgesteine bestimmt, mineralchemische Analysen durchgeführt und detritische Zirkone mit U–Pb datiert. An ausgewählten Proben wurden außerdem biostratigraphische Untersuchungen zur Bestimmung des Sedimentationsalters durchgeführt. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse dieser Arbeit sind von großer Bedeutung für paläogeographische Rekonstruktionen der Tethys. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse lassen sich wie folgt zusammenfassen: Die ältesten Sedimente Nordgriechenlands gehören zur Pirgadikia Einheit des Serbo-Makedonischen Massifs. Es sind sehr reife, quarzreiche, siliziklastische Metasedimente, die auf Grund ihrer Maturität und ihrer detritischen Zirkone mit ordovizischen overlap-Sequenzen vom Nordrand Gondwanas korreliert werden können. Die Metasedimente der Vertiskos Einheit besitzen ein ähnliches stratigraphisches Alter, haben aber einen anderen Ablagerungsraum. Das Altersspektrum detritischer Zirkone lässt auf ein Liefergebiet im Raum NW Afrikas (Hun Superterrane) schließen. Die Gesteinsassoziation der Vertiskos Einheit wird als Teil einer aktiven Kontinentalrandabfolge gesehen. Die ältesten biostratigraphisch datierten Sedimente Griechenlands sind silurische bis karbonische Olistolithe aus einer spätpaläozoischen Turbidit-Olistostrom Einheit auf der Insel Chios. Die Alter detritischer Zirkone und die Liefergebietsanalyse der fossilführenden Olistolithe lassen den Schluss zu, dass die klastischen Sedimente von Chios Material vom Sakarya Mikrokontinent in der West-Türkei und faziellen Äquivalenten zu paläozoischen Gesteinen der Istanbul Zone in der Nord-Türkei und der Balkan Region erhalten haben. Während der Permotrias wurde die Examili Formation der östlichen Vardar Zone in einem intrakontinentalen, sedimentären Becken, nahe der Vertiskos Einheit abgelagert. Untergeordnet wurde auch karbonisches Grundgebirgsmaterial eingetragen. Im frühen bis mittleren Jura wurde die Melissochori Formation der östlichen Vardar Zone am Abhang eines karbonatführenden Kontinentalrandes abgelagert. Der Großteil des detritischen Materials kam von permokarbonischem Grundgebirge vulkanischen Ursprungs, vermutlich von der Pelagonischen Zone und/oder der unteren tektonischen Einheit des Rhodope Massifs. Die Makri Einheit in Thrakien besitzt vermutlich ein ähnliches Alter wie die Melissochori Formation. Beide sedimentären Abfolgen ähneln sich sehr. Der Großteil des detritischen Materials für die Makri Einheit kam vom Grundgebirge der Pelagonischen Zone oder äquivalenten Gesteinen. Während der frühen Kreide wurde die Prinochori Formation der östlichen Vardar Zone im Vorfeld eines heterogenen Deckenstapels abgelagert, der ophiolitisches Material sowie Grundgebirge ähnlich zu dem der Vertiskos Einheit enthielt. Ebenfalls während der Kreidezeit wurde in Thrakien, vermutlich im Vorfeld eines metamorphen Deckenstapels mit Affinitäten zum Grundgebirge der Rhodopen die Melia Formation abgelagert. Zusammenfassend kann festgehalten werden, dass die Subduktion eines Teiles der Paläotethys und die anschließende Akkretion vom Nordrand Gondwanas stammender Mikrokontinente (Terranes) nahe dem südlichen aktiven Kontinentalrand Eurasiens den geodynamischen Rahmen für die Schüttung des detritischen Materials der Sedimente der inneren Helleniden im späten Paläozoikum bildeten. Die darauf folgenden frühmesozoischen Riftprozesse leiteten die Bildung von Ozeanbecken der Neotethys ein. Intraozeanische Subduktion und die Obduzierung von Ophioliten prägten die Zeit des Jura. Die spätjurassische und frühkretazische tektonische Phase wurde durch die Ablagerung von mittelkretazischen Kalksteinen besiegelt. Die endgültige Schließung von Ozeanbecken der Neotethys im Bereich der inneren Helleniden erfolgte schließlich in der späten Kreide und im Tertiär.


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Oceanic islands can be divided, according to their origin, in volcanic and tectonic. Volcanic islands are due to excess volcanism. Tectonic islands are mainly formed due to vertical tectonic motions of blocks of oceanic lithosphere along transverse ridges flanking transform faults at slow and ultraslow mid-ocean ridges. Vertical tectonic motions are due to a reorganization of the geometry of the transform plate boundary, with the transition from a transcurrent tectonics to a transtensive and/or transpressive tectonics, with the formation of the transverse ridges. Tectonic islands can be located also at the ridge–transform intersection: in this case the uplift is due by the movement of the long-lived detachment faults located along the flanks of the mid-ocean ridges. The "Vema" paleoisland (equatorial Atlantic) is at the summit of the southern transverse ridge of the Vema transform. It is now 450 m bsl and it is capped by a carbonate platform 500 m-thick, dated by 87Sr/86Sr at 10 Ma. Three tectonic paleoislands are on the summit of the transverse ridge flanking the Romanche megatrasform (equatorial Atlantic). They are now about 1,000 m bsl and they are formed by 300 m-thick carbonate platforms dated by 87Sr/86Sr, between 11 and 6 Ma. The tectonic paleoisland “Atlantis Bank" is located in the South-Western Indian Ridge, along the Atlantis II transform, and it is today 700 m bsl. The only modern example of oceanic tectonics island is the St. Paul Rocks (equatorial Atlantic), located along the St. Paul transform. This archipelago is the top of a peridotitic massif that it is now a left overstep undergoing transpression. Oceanic volcanic islands are characterized by rapid growth and subsequent thermal subsidence and drowning; in contrast, oceanic tectonic islands may have one or more stages of emersion related to vertical tectonic events along the large oceanic fracture zones.


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In the Mt. Olympos region of northeastern Greece, continental margin strata and basement rocks were subducted and metamorphosed under blueschist facies conditions, and thrust over carbonate platform strata during Alpine orogenesis. Subsequent exposure of the subducted basement rocks by normal faulting has allowed an integrated study of the timing of metamorphism, its relationship to deformation, and the thermal history of the subducted terrane. Alpine low-grade metamorphic assemblages occur at four structural levels. Three thrust sheets composed of Paleozoic granitic basement and Mesozoic metasedimentary cover were thrust over Mesozoic carbonate rocks and Eocene flysch; thrusting and metamorphism occurred first in the highest thrust sheets and progressed downward as units were imbricated from NE to SW. 40Ar/39Ar spectra from hornblende, white mica, and biotite samples indicate that the upper two units preserve evidence of four distinct thermal events: (1) 293–302 Ma crystallization of granites, with cooling from >550°C to <325°C by 284 Ma; (2) 98–100 Ma greenschist to blueschist-greenschist transition facies metamorphism (T∼350–500°C) and imbrication of continental thrust sheets; (3) 53–61 Ma blueschist facies metamorphism and deformation of the basement and continental margin units at T<350–400°C; (4) 36–40 Ma thrusting of blueschists over the carbonate platform, and metamorphism at T∼200–350°C. Only the Eocene and younger events affected the lower two structural packages. A fifth event, indicated by diffusive loss profiles in microcline spectra, reflects the beginning of uplift and cooling to T<100–150°C at 16–23 Ma, associated with normal faulting which continued until Quaternary time. Incomplete resetting of mica ages in all units constrains the temperature of metamorphism during continental subduction to T≤350°C, the closure temperature for Ar in muscovite. The diffusive loss profiles in micas and K-feldspars enable us to “see through” the younger events to older events in the high-T parts of the release spectra. Micas grown during earlier metamorphic events lost relatively small amounts of Ar during subsequent high pressure-low temperature metamorphism. Release spectra from phengites grown during Eocene metamorphism and deformation record the ages of the Ar-loss events. Alpine deformation in northern Greece occurred over a long time span (∼90 Ma), and involved subduction and episodic imbrication of continental basement before, during, and after the collision of the Apulian and Eurasian plates. Syn-subduction uplift and cooling probably combined with intermittently higher cooling rates during extensional events to preserve the blueschist facies mineral assemblages as they were exhumed from depths of >20 km. Extension in the Olympos region was synchronous with extension in the Mesohellenic trough and the Aegean back-arc, and concurrent with westward-progressing shortening in the external Hellenides.


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The name "Schlagwasser breccia" is a synopsis of several debris flows in the Warstein area, which can be derived from the Warstein carbonate platform and the Scharfenberg reef. Though only locally developed, the breccia is important for the understanding of paleogeography and sedimentology in the Eastern Sauerland. Considering this breccia some gravitational-resedimentary slide movements between a high, consisting of reef carbonates, and a basin with flinz beds can be pointed out. From the uppermost Middle Devonian to the lowermost Lower Carboniferous several slides yielded the sedimentary components building up the 30 to 50 m thick polymict breccia. Some breccias were redeposited repeatedly as can be verified by different conodont maxima in single samples. Supplying area was the western part of the Warstein high, from which the slide masses glided off to the East and Southeast, more seldom to the West and Westsouthwest. All conodont zones from the upper Middle Devonian up to the lowermost Carboniferous could be identified in the Schlagwasser breccia. Therefore, an uninterrupted continuous sedimentation must have been prevalent in the supplying area; today this area nearly is denuded of flinz beds and cephalopod limestones. The slide masses spread transgressively to the East up to a substratum consisting of different units as massive limestone, flinz beds and cephalopod limestone; they are overlapped by Hangenberg beds, alum schists and siliceous rocks of the Lower Carboniferous. Parts of the substratum were transported during the progress of the slide masses. Proximal and distal parts of the flow masses can be distinguished by the diameter of the pebbles. Graded bedding and banking structures are marked only rarely. Way of transport was up to 3 km. Differently aged slide masses do not always overlap, but are placed side by side, too. Usually the slide masses do not spread out upon a greater area during sedimentation, but form closely limited debris flows. Synsedimentary fracturing and tilting of the reef platform, epirogenetic movements and seaquakes caused the slides. The entire formation period of the breccia includes about 20 millions of years. The longevity of the events points to solid paleomorphological situations around the eastern margin of the carbonate platform.


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Shallow-water larger foraminifers have been recovered at two drill sites on the eastern Maldive Ridge. Despite the poor recovery in Hole 715A, a rather diversified larger benthic foraminifer assemblage allowed us to date the initiation of a carbonate platform, resting on volcanic basement, as late early Eocene. Several age-diagnostic species belonging to the genera Alveolina, Nummulites, Orbitolites, and Discocyclina have been identified. The assemblages may be attributable to the upper part of the Nummulites burdigalensis cantabricus Zone and/or to the lower part of the Nummulites campesinus Zone and to the Alveolina dainellii (upper part) and/or to the A. violae (lower part) zones. The carbonate platform had a very short life (a few hundred thousand years) and rapidly sank below the euphotic zone, as testified by the occurrence of several species of planktonic foraminifers associated with redeposited reef-derived skeletal debris, especially discocyclinids, in the upper part of the sequence. Among the planktonic foraminifers, the presence of Planorotalites palmeri, which has a range confined to the lower portion of the late early Eocene Zone P9, implies that the platform was drowned before the end of the early Eocene. At Hole 714A, the occurrence of several shallow-water foraminifer genera, such as Nummulites (N. fabianii gr.), Discocyclina, Fabiania, Heterostegina, and Operculina (O. gomezi), in pebbles derived from turbidite beds interbedded within late Oligocene pelagic sediments, allows us to suggest that a carbonate platform, possibly reduced in size, was still growing in the Maldive Ridge area after the late early Eocene time. The erosional event, responsible for the redeposition of middle to late Eocene reef-derived skeletal debris, is apparently coeval with the global sea-level fall recorded in late Oligocene Zone P22.


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Site 639, drilled during Leg 103 of the Ocean Drilling Program, penetrated an Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous carbonate platform on a tilted fault block along the Galicia margin off the northwest Iberian Peninsula. The carbonate platform is composed primarily of a sequence of dolomite overlying limestone. Samples were analyzed for mineral chemistry, stable isotope geochemistry, fluid inclusion microthermometry, and volatile contents and by dolomite pyrolysis mass spectrometry for trace sulfate minerals. The dolomite recovered from the Galicia margin at Site 639 formed during shallow burial from sulfate-bearing, hypersaline brines at slightly elevated temperatures. The light oxygen isotopic signatures of the dolomite are interpreted as the result of the evaporative loop and slightly elevated temperatures during dolomite formation or from reequilibration at higher temperatures during deeper burial. The hypersalinity is interpreted to be associated with a nearby, shallow restricted basin that formed during rifting of the Iberian margin from Newfoundland. The dolomitization of the platform is therefore a by-product of the rifting.


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The Southern Marion Plateau (SMP) represents a vertical stacking of Miocene carbonate platform deposits. Two sites (1196 and 1199) were drilled on top of this plateau, penetrating a 663-m carbonate succession of bioclastic and reefal sedimentary bodies. The study focuses on the least dolomitized 410-m-thick upper part of the succession, which is middle to late Miocene in age. Sedimentological and paleontological studies were conducted at both sites in order to propose a paleoenvironmental model and its evolution through the Miocene age. Six main microfacies of possible environmental significance were defined using statistical multivariate analyses, based on the recognition and point counting of 24 biogenic components. Depositional environment reconstructions are proposed as well as the biosedimentary and the environmental evolution regarding seismic architectures, stratigraphy, biosedimentology, and microfacies analysis. The SMP platform mainly results from a vertical stacking of lens-shaped bodies in homoclinal to distally steepened ramp settings.


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Massive clinoptilolite authigenesis was observed at about 1105 meters below sea floor (mbsf) in lower Miocene wellcompacted carbonate periplatform sediments from the Great Bahama Bank [Ocean Drilling Program, ODP Leg 166, Site 1007]. The diagenetic assemblage comprises abundant zeolite crystallized within foraminifer tests and sedimentary matrix, as well as Mg smectites. In carbonate-rich deposits, the formation of the zeolite requires a supply of silica. Thus, the objective of the study is to determine the origin of the silica supply, its diagenetic evolution, and consequently the related implications on interpretation of the sedimentary record, in terms of local or global paleoceanographic change. For lack of evidence for any volcaniclastic input or traces of Si-enriched deep fluids circulation, an in situ biogenic source of silica is validated by isotopic data and chemical modeling for the formation of such secondary minerals in shallow-water carbonate sequences. Geochemical and strontium isotopic data clearly establish the marine signature of the diagenetic zeolite, as well as its contemporaneous formation with the carbonate deposition (Sr model ages of 19.6-23.2 Ma). The test of saturation for the pore fluids specifies the equilibrium state of the present mineralogical assemblage. Seawater-rock modeling specifies that clinoptilolite precipitates from the dissolution of biogenic silica, which reacts with clay minerals. The amount of silica (opal-A) involved in the reaction has to be significant enough, at least 10 wt.%, to account for the observed content of clinoptilolite occurring at the most zeolite-rich level. Modeling also shows that the observed amount of clinoptilolite (~19%) reflects an in situ and short-term reaction due to the high reactivity of primary biogenic silica (opal-A) until its complete depletion. The episodic occurrence of these well-lithified zeolite-rich levels is consistent with the occurrence of seismic reflectors, particularly the P2 seismic sequence boundary located at 1115 mbsf depth and dated as 23.2 Ma. The age range of most zeolitic sedimentary levels (biostratigraphic ages of 21.5-22 Ma) correlates well with that of the early Miocene glaciation Mi-1 and Mi-1a global events. Thus, the clinoptilolite occurrence in the shallow carbonate platform environment far from volcanogenic supply, or in other sensitive marine areas, is potentially a significant new proxy for paleoproductivity and oceanic global events, such as the Miocene events, which are usually recognized in deep-sea pelagic sediments and high latitude deposits.


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The Marion Plateau is a large carbonate platform off northeastern Queensland. Three sites (815, 816, and 826) were drilled on this platform and form the basis for this study. Larger benthic foraminifers, together with rare planktonic forms from the shallow-water carbonates that form the main part of the platform sequence, were studied to establish a biostratigraphy. The presence of Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidiná) howchini sensu lato and Ladoronia vermicularis, together with Globorotalia (Globorotalia) praemenardii and Orbulina, indicate an early middle Miocene (N9-N12) age (i.e., lower Tf stage) for these carbonates. Dolomitization has destroyed much of the original fabric of these carbonates, making study of the larger foraminifers difficult. Sites 815 (forereef location) and 826 (backreef, lagoonal setting) provide the best faunas. However, at all sites nodular coralline algae and Halimeda are the major bioclasts; coral fragments form a major component at Sites 816 and 826. The middle Miocene neritic sequence is separated from the overlying hemipelagic sequence by an unconformity that spans much of the middle and late Miocene. At Site 815, which is in a forereef situation, the overlying hemipelagic sequence contains a Zone N17A fauna, but at Site 816, higher on the platform, a similar sequence contains a Zone N19 fauna. The faunas indicate that the platform was built up during the early middle Miocene and remained at fairly constant water depths and temperatures during this period. It was then exposed prior to subsiding rapidly during the late Miocene and Pliocene to depths similar to those of the present day.


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High-nutrient tropical carbonate systems are known to produce sediments that, in terms of skeletal composition, are reminiscent of their extra-tropical counterparts. Such carbonate systems and associated carbonate grain assemblages in the tropics are rare in the present-day world. Nonetheless, it is crucial to gain a better understanding of those ecosystems, including their drivers and players because such settings potentially represent models for ancient depositional systems as well as for predicted future environmental conditions. One of the modern occurrences of eutrophic tropical carbonate systems is the northern Mauritanian Shelf. The marine environment is characterized by an eastern boundary upwelling system that pushes cool and nutrient-rich intermediate waters onto a wide epicontinental platform (Golfe d'Arguin) where the waters warm up to tropical temperatures. The resulting facies is mixed carbonate-siliciclastic with a dominant foramol association grading into bimol and barnamol grain assemblages in the shallowest areas forming the Banc d'Arguin. Besides this cool water-related heterozoan association, the carbonate sediment is characterized by tropical molluskan species, while chlorozoan biota (e.g., corals and algal symbiont-bearing foraminifers) are entirely absent. We here present a first comprehensive facies analysis of this model example of eutrophic tropical carbonates. Furthermore, we reconstruct the loci of carbonate production and provide a conclusive depositional model of the Banc d'Arguin that received little attention to date due to its poorly accessible nature.


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At several sites drilled during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 133 on the Queensland Plateau, larger shallow-water benthic foraminifers have been recovered from neritic carbonates and from turbidites that consist of shallow-water-derived material. Within neritic sediments, the occurrence of different faunal associations provides a tool for biostratigraphic subdivision. Three main phases of neritic deposition occurred on the Queensland Plateau. An Eocene episode is characterized by subtropical to temperate associations (Operculina-Nummulites Facies). It is unconformably followed by a late Oligocene to middle Miocene episode that contains tropical to subtropical associations (Spiroclypeus Facies, Larger Foraminifer-Coral Facies, Austrotrillina Facies, Flosculinella-Amphistegina Facies, Marginopora Facies, and Miogypsina Facies). After the middle Miocene, most of the Queensland Plateau carbonate platform was drowned. The post-middle Miocene to Holocene reefs, which are characterized by a geographically more restricted distribution, shed neritic material including larger benthic foraminifers into adjacent basinal areas. This process is associated with a partial reworking of middle Miocene deposits containing Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina).