71 resultados para CAPP


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A expressão verbal humana é vital nas relações interpessoais, possui elementos segmentais, supra-segmentais e para-lingüísticos, requer integração entre eventos corticais, neuromusculares, periféricos e, destes com outros sistemas. Influenciada por fatores hormonais, apresenta características diversificadas em mulheres no menacme e na pós-menopausa. Neste estudo foram investigadas relações entre características fono-articulatórias em mulheres no menacme e na pós-menopausa, estas verificadas nas variações de freqüência, intensidade, inflexões, ritmo e velocidade de fala. Foram examinadas 45 mulheres no menacme, com ciclos menstruais regulares e que não faziam contracepção hormonal; e 45 na pós-menopausa há 3 anos ou mais, sem reposição hormonal. As análises acústicas foram realizadas com o programa Motor Speech Profile. Os resultados demonstraram redução da velocidade de fala e aumento de duração de pausas, seguidos pela tendência ao agravamento da voz, modificações de ressonância na pós-menopausa e ainda, inexistiram variações significativas na intensidade. As diferenças entre os grupos parecem decorrer mais das particularidades na interação entre eventos corticais, subcorticais e neuromusculares e menos de mudanças isoladas em estruturas periféricas fono-articulatórias. O conhecimento das alterações da fala que ocorrem em mulheres na pós-menopausa auxiliará no planejamento de estratégias para melhorar a qualidade de vida deste grupo.


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Objetivos: determinar a atividade de tirosina quinase do receptor de insulina- fosforilação de substrato exógeno poly (Glu 4: Tyr 1)- e expressão do susbtrato do receptor de insulina 1 em miométrio normal e mioma. Delineamento: estudo experimental. Pacientes: mulheres com miomas submetidas a histerectomia. Intervenção: frações de membrana plasmática células de miométrio e mioma foram preparadas e a seguir as amostras foram estimuladas com e sem insulina e incubadas com o substrato exógeno poly (Glu 4: Tyr 1). Para estudar a expressão de IRS-1, lisato total dos tecidos foi utilizado. Western blots utilizando anticorpos específicos foram realizados. Principais medidas: medida da incorporação de radioatividade (32P-ATP) nas frações de membrana plasmática incubadas com e sem insulina. Quimioluminescência seguida por densitometria foi usada para avaliar expressão de IRS-1. Resultados: níveis de IRS-1 em miométrio (0,190 ± 0,022) e mioma (0,226 ± 0,022) não foram diferentes (p > 0,05). A fosforilação do substrato exógeno poly (Glu 4: Tyr 1) também não foi diferente entre miométrio (1,566 ± 0,177) e em mioma (1,98 ± 0,612) (p > 0,05). Conclusão: a expressão protéica de IRS-1 não foi diferente entre miométrios e miomas. A capacidade de fosforilar substratos exógenos com resíduos de tirosina foi semelhante em miomas e miométrios. Outras etapas da via de transdução do sinal da insulina podem estar envolvidas na proliferação alterada dos miomas.


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Resumo não disponível.


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Introduction: HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors are the most frequently prescribed drugs for treatment of lipid imbalance, but they have side effects, such as myopathy. Our aim was to assess the effect of simvastatin on the inflammatory process induced by skeletal muscle injury. Methods: Rats were divided into experimental groups [control group, simvastatin (20 mg/kg) group, group treated with simvastatin (20 mg/kg) and subjected to injury, and group subjected to injury only]. Histological analysis and analyses of creatine kinase activity and C-reactive protein were performed. Results: Animals treated with simvastatin exhibited significantly greater morphological and structural skeletal muscle damage in comparison to the control group and injured animals without treatment. Conclusions: Although simvastatin has a small anti-inflammatory effect in the early stage after a muscle strain injury, the overall picture is negative, as simvastatin increases the extent of damage to muscle morphology. Further studies are needed. Muscle Nerve 46: 908-913, 2012


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Muscle strains are among the most prevalent causes for athletes absence from sport activities. Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) has recently emerged as a potential contender to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in muscle strain treatment. In this work we investigated effects of LLLT and diclofenac on functional outcomes in the acute stage after muscle strain injury in rats. Muscle strain was induced by overloading the tibialis anterior muscle of rats during anesthesia. The injured groups received either no treatment, or a single treatment with diclofenac 30 min prior to injury, or LLLT (810 nm, 100 mW) with doses of 1, 3, 6 or 9 J, at 1 h after injury. Functional outcome measures included a walking index and assessment of electrically induced muscle performance. All treatments (except 9 J LLLT) significantly improved the walking index 12 h postinjury compared with the untreated group. The 3 J group also showed a significantly better walking index than the drug group. All treatments significantly improved muscle performance at 6 and 12 h. LLLT dose of 3 J was as effective as the pharmacological agent in improving functional outcomes in the early phase after a muscle strain injury in rats.


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Arthritis of the knee is the most common type of joint inflammatory disorder and it is associated with pain and inflammation of the joint capsule. Few studies address the effects of the 810-nm laser in such conditions. Here we investigated the effects of low-level laser therapy (LLLT; infrared, 810-nm) in experimentally induced rat knee inflammation. Thirty male Wistar rats (230-250 g) were anesthetized and injected with carrageenan by an intra-articular route. After 6 and 12 h, all animals were killed by CO(2) inhalation and the articular cavity was washed for cellular and biochemical analysis. Articular tissue was carefully removed for real-time PCR analysis in order to evaluate COX-1 and COX-2 expression. LLLT was able to significantly inhibit the total number of leukocytes, as well as the myeloperoxidase activity with 1, 3, and 6 J (Joules) of energy. This result was corroborated by cell counting showing the reduction of polymorphonuclear cells at the inflammatory site. Vascular extravasation was significantly inhibited at the higher dose of energy of 10 J. Both COX-1 and 2 gene expression were significantly enhanced by laser irradiation while PGE(2) production was inhibited. Low-level laser therapy operating at 810 nm markedly reduced inflammatory signs of inflammation but increased COX-1 and 2 gene expression. Further studies are necessary to investigate the possible production of antiinflammatory mediators by COX enzymes induced by laser irradiation in knee inflammation.