960 resultados para C-terminal Fragment
Pseudomonas aeruginosa has a pair of distinct ornithine carbamoyltransferases. The anabolic ornithine carbamoyltransferase encoded by the argF gene catalyzes the formation of citrulline from ornithine and carbamoylphosphate. The catabolic ornithine carbamoyltransferase encoded by the arcB gene promotes the reverse reaction in vivo; although this enzyme can be assayed in vitro for citrulline synthesis, its unidirectionality in vivo is determined by its high concentration at half maximum velocity for carbamoylphosphate ([S]0.5) and high cooperativity toward this substrate. We have isolated mutant forms of catabolic ornithine carbamoyltransferase catalyzing the anabolic reaction in vivo. The corresponding arcB mutant alleles on a multicopy plasmid specifically suppressed an argF mutation of P. aeruginosa. Two new mutant enzymes were obtained. When methionine 321 was replaced by isoleucine, the mutant enzyme showed loss of homotropic cooperativity at physiological carbamoylphosphate concentrations. Substitution of glutamate 105 by lysine resulted in a partial loss of the sigmoidal response to increasing carbamoylphosphate concentrations. However, both mutant enzymes were still sensitive to the allosteric activator AMP and to the inhibitor spermidine. These results indicate that at least two residues of catabolic ornithine carbamoyltransferase are critically involved in positive carbamoylphosphate cooperativity: glutamate 105 (previously known to be important) and methionine 321. Mutational changes in either amino acid will affect the geometry of helix H2, which contains several residues required for carbamoylphosphate binding.
BACKGROUND: Plasmodium falciparum MSP2 is a blood stage protein that is associated with protection against malaria. It was shown that the MSP2 dimorphic (D) and constant (C) regions were well recognized by immune human antibodies, and were characterized by major conserved epitopes in different endemic areas and age groups. These Abs recognized merozoite-derived proteins in WB and IFA. Here, the goal was to determine in mice the immunogenicity of the two allelic MSP2 D and C domains formulated with different adjuvants, for their possible use in future clinical studies. METHOD: Female A/J, C3H, and ICR mice were immunized subcutaneously 3 times at 3-week interval with a mixture of allelic and conserved MSP2 long synthetic peptides formulated with different adjuvants. One week after the third injection, sera from each group were obtained and stored at -20°C for subsequent testing. RESULTS: Both domains of the two MSP2 families are immunogenic and the fine specificity and intensity of the Ab responses are dependent on mouse strains and adjuvants. The major epitopes were restricted to the 20-mer peptide sequences comprising the last 8aa of D and first 12aa of C of the two allelic families and the first 20aa of the C region, this for most strains and adjuvants. Strong immune responses were associated with GLA-SE adjuvant and its combination with other TLR agonists (CpG or GDQ) compared to alhydrogel and Montanide. Further, the elicited Abs were also capable of recognizing Plasmodium-derived MSP2 and inhibiting parasite growth in ADCI. CONCLUSION: The data provide a valuable opportunity to evaluate in mice different adjuvant and antigen formulations of a candidate vaccine containing both MSP2 D and C fragments. The formulations with GLA-SE seem to be a promising option to be compared with the alhydrogel one in human clinical trials.
Affiliation: Zhujun Ao, Éric Cohen & Xiaojian Yao : Département de microbiologie et immunologie, Faculté de Médecine, Université de Montréal
L’apoptose endothéliale initie le processus menant au remodelage vasculaire et au développement de la néointima dans la vasculopathie du greffon. La formation de néointima résulte de l’accumulation de leucocytes, de matrice extracellulaire et de cellules positives pour l’actine musculaire lisse alpha (αSMA+) dans l’intima des artères, artérioles et capillaires du greffon. Les cellules αSMA+ dans la néointima sont des cellules musculaires lisses vasculaires (CMLV) dérivées du donneur ainsi que des cellules souches dérivées du receveur, dont des cellules souches mésenchymateuses (CSM). L’acquisition d’un phénotype anti-apoptotique chez ces cellules est déterminante pour le développement de la néointima. Le laboratoire de Dre Hébert a démontré que les cellules endothéliales (CE) apoptotiques libèrent des médiateurs induisant une résistance à l’apoptose chez les CMLV et les fibroblastes. Notamment, les CE apoptotiques relâchent la cathepsine L qui clive le perlécan et ainsi libère un fragment C-terminal correspondant au troisième motif laminine G du domaine V du perlécan (LG3). Le LG3 est anti-apoptotique pour les fibroblastes. Nous avons donc émis l’hypothèse que le LG3 est un des médiateurs clés libéré par les CE apoptotiques favorisant le développement de la néointima via l’induction d’un phénotype anti-apoptotique chez les cellules néointimales αSMA+. Nous avons démontré que les médiateurs libérés par les CE apoptotiques induisent un phénotype anti-apoptotique chez les CSM dépendant de l’activation de la voie ERK1/2. De plus, le LG3 active la voie ERK1/2 via son interaction avec les intégrines beta 1 et induit une réponse anti-apoptotique chez ces cellules. Cependant l’activation de ERK1/2 par le LG3 est plus faible en comparaison de son activation par le milieu conditionné par des CE apoptotiques. Nos résultats suggèrent que les CE apoptotiques libèrent aussi de l’EGF qui agit de façon paracrine sur les CSM en coopération avec le LG3 pour induire un phénotype anti-apoptotique chez les CSM. Nous avons poursuivi l’étude de l’effet du LG3 in vivo sur le remodelage vasculaire en transplantation. Nous avons pour cela développé un modèle murin de rejet vasculaire qui consiste en une transplantation aortique entre des souris alloincompatibles. Nous avons ensuite injecté du LG3 chez les souris receveuses en post-transplantation. Nous avons observé dans ce modèle que des niveaux augmentés de LG3 sérique augmentent la formation de néointima, favorisent l’accumulation de cellules néointimales αSMA+ et diminuent le nombre de cellules CD31+ au niveau du greffon aortique. Parallèlement nous avons vérifié que le LG3 induit aussi un phénotype anti-apoptotique chez les CMLV et nous avons démontré un nouvel effet du LG3, soit une activité pro-migratoire, qui dépend de l’activation de la voie ERK1/2 chez les CMLV. Nous avons complété cette étude par l’analyse des niveaux de LG3 sérique dans une cohorte de patients receveurs d’allogreffe rénale. Nous avons observé chez ces patients, une association entre des niveaux élevés de LG3 sérique et un rejet vasculaire. Le LG3 contribue à la formation de néointima par son activité pro-migratoire et pro-survie chez les cellules néointimales et aussi de par son activité angiostatique. Nos résultats suggèrent que le LG3 est un nouveau médiateur important dans le remodelage vasculaire en transplantation
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae causes severe economic losses to the swine industry worldwide and the prevention of its related disease, enzootic porcine pneumonia, remains a challenge. The P97 adhesin protein of M. hyopneumoniae should be a good candidate for the development of a subunit vaccine because antibodies produced against P97 could prevent the adhesion of the pathogen to the respiratory epithelial cells in vitro. In the present study, a P97 recombinant replication-defective adenovirus (rAdP97c) subunit vaccine efficiency was evaluated in pigs. The rAdP97c vaccine was found to induce both strong P97 specific humoral and cellular immune responses. The rAdP97c vaccinated pigs developed a lower amount of macroscopic lung lesions (18.5 ± 9.6%) compared to the unvaccinated and challenged animals (45.8 ± 11.5%). rAdP97c vaccine reduced significantly the severity of inflammatory response and the amount of M. hyopneumoniae in the respiratory tract. Furthermore, the average daily weight gain was slightly improved in the rAdP97c vaccinated pigs (0.672 ± 0.068 kg/day) compared to the unvaccinated and challenged animals (0.568 ± 0.104 kg/day). A bacterin-based commercial vaccine (Suvaxyn® MH-one) was more efficient to induce a protective immune response than rAdP97c even if it did not evoke a P97 specific immune response. These results suggest that immunodominant antigens other than P97 adhesin are also important in the induction of a protective immune response and should be taken into account in the future development of M. hyopneumoniae subunit vaccines.
The L-glutamate transporter GLT-1 is an abundant CNS membrane protein of the excitatory amino acid transporter (EAAT) family which controls extracellular L-glutamate levels and is important in limiting excitotoxic neuronal death. Using RT-PCR, we have determined that four mRNAs encoding GLT-1 exist in mouse brain, with the potential to encode four GLT-1 isoforms that differ in their N- and C-termini. We expressed all four isoforms (termed MAST-KREK, MPK-KREK, MAST-DIETCI and MPK-DIETCI according to amino acid sequence) in a range of cell lines and primary astrocytes and show that each isoform can reach the cell surface. In transfected HEK-293 or COS-7 cells, all four isoforms support high-affinity sodium-dependent L-glutamate uptake with identical pharmacological and kinetic properties. Inserting a viral epitope (V5, HA or FLAG) into the second extracellular domain of each isoform allowed co-immunoprecipitation and tr-FRET studies using transfected HEK-293 cells. Here we show for the first time that each of the four isoforms are able to combine to form homomeric and heteromeric assemblies, each of which are expressed at the cell surface of primary astrocytes. After activation of protein kinase C by phorbol ester, V5-tagged GLT-1 is rapidly removed from the cell surface of HEK-293 cells and degraded. This study provides direct biochemical evidence for oligomeric assembly of GLT-1 and reports the development of novel tools to provide insight into the trafficking of GLT-1.
Flagellate bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium typically express 5 to 12 flagellar filaments over their cell surface that rotate in clockwise (CW) and counterclockwise directions. These bacteria modulate their swimming direction towards favorable environments by biasing the direction of flagellar rotation in response to various stimuli. In contrast, Rhodobacter sphaeroides expresses a single subpolar flagellum that rotates only CW and responds tactically by a series of biased stops and starts. Rotor protein FliG transiently links the MotAB stators to the rotor, to power rotation and also has an essential function in flagellar export. In this study, we sought to determine whether the FliG protein confers directionality on flagellar motors by testing the functional properties of R. sphaeroides FliG and a chimeric FliG protein, EcRsFliG (N-terminal and central domains of E. coli FliG fused to an R. sphaeroides FliG C terminus), in an E. coli FliG null background. The EcRsFliG chimera supported flagellar synthesis and bidirectional rotation; bacteria swam and tumbled in a manner qualitatively similar to that of the wild type and showed chemotaxis to amino acids. Thus, the FliG C terminus alone does not confer the unidirectional stop-start character of the R. sphaeroides flagellar motor, and its conformation continues to support tactic, switch-protein interactions in a bidirectional motor, despite its evolutionary history in a bacterium with a unidirectional motor.
The outer membrane usher protein Caf1A of the plague pathogen Yersinia pestis is responsible for the assembly of a major surface antigen, the F1 capsule. The F1 capsule is mainly formed by thin linear polymers of Caf1 (capsular antigen fraction 1) protein subunits. The Caf1A usher promotes polymerization of subunits and secretion of growing polymers to the cell surface. The usher monomer (811 aa, 90.5 kDa) consists of a large transmembrane β-barrel that forms a secretion channel and three soluble domains. The periplasmic N-terminal domain binds chaperone-subunit complexes supplying new subunits for the growing fiber. The middle domain, which is structurally similar to Caf1 and other fimbrial subunits, serves as a plug that regulates the permeability of the usher. Here we describe the identification, characterization, and crystal structure of the Caf1A usher C-terminal domain (Caf1A(C)). Caf1A(C) is shown to be a periplasmic domain with a seven-stranded β-barrel fold. Analysis of C-terminal truncation mutants of Caf1A demonstrated that the presence of Caf1A(C) is crucial for the function of the usher in vivo, but that it is not required for the initial binding of chaperone-subunit complexes to the usher. Two clusters of conserved hydrophobic residues on the surface of Caf1A(C) were found to be essential for the efficient assembly of surface polymers. These clusters are conserved between the FGL family and the FGS family of chaperone-usher systems.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a severe X-linked inherited muscle wasting disorder caused by mutations in the dystrophin gene. Adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors have been extensively used to deliver genes efficiently for dystrophin expression in skeletal muscles. To overcome limited packaging capacity of AAV vectors (<5 kb), truncated recombinant microdystrophin genes with deletions of most of rod and carboxyl-terminal (CT) domains of dystrophin have been developed. We have previously shown the efficiency of mRNA sequence–optimized microdystrophin (ΔR4-23/ΔCT, called MD1) with deletion of spectrin-like repeat domain 4 to 23 and CT domain in ameliorating the pathology of dystrophic mdx mice. However, the CT domain of dystrophin is thought to recruit part of the dystrophin-associated protein complex, which acts as a mediator of signalling between extracellular matrix and cytoskeleton in muscle fibers. In this study, we extended the ΔR4-23/ΔCT microdystrophin by incorporating helix 1 of the coiled-coil motif in the CT domain of dystrophin (MD2), which contains the α1-syntrophin and α-dystrobrevin binding sites. Intramuscular injection of AAV2/9 expressing CT domain–extended microdystrophin showed efficient dystrophin expression in tibialis anterior muscles of mdx mice. The presence of the CT domain of dystrophin in MD2 increased the recruitment of α1-syntrophin and α-dystrobrevin at the sarcolemma and significantly improved the muscle resistance to lengthening contraction–induced muscle damage in the mdx mice compared with MD1. These results suggest that the incorporation of helix 1 of the coiled-coil motif in the CT domain of dystrophin to the microdystrophins will substantially improve their efficiency in restoring muscle function in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
Immobilized Kidney 28-kDa Endostatin- Related (KES28kDa) Fragment Promotes Endothelial Cell Survival
Background/Objective: Renal ischemia-hypoxia is a leading cause of acute kidney injury (AKI). Ischemia causes extracellular matrix breakdown of the tubular basement membrane. Endostatin (ES) is the C-terminal fragment of collagen XVIII generated by proteolytic cleavage. Recent studies have demonstrated that ES expression is upregulated in ischemic kidneys. The present study aimed to characterize ES from ischemic kidneys. Methods: Ischemic renal failure was induced via 45 min of occlusion of the left renal artery and vein. After the ischemic period, blood was collected. Kidneys were harvested and used for immunohistochemical testing and protein extraction. Three-step purification was used. Soluble and immobilized purified ES were tested in cell viability and adhesion assays. Results: The soluble KES28kDa inhibited endothelial cell proliferation: 25 versus 12.5 mu g (p < 0.05); 12.5 versus 3.15 mu g (p < 0.05). Immobilization of KES28kDa supports endothelial cell survival over the control p = 0.021). Human umbilical vein endothelial cells plated on immobilized KES28kDa showed an increase in membrane ruffles and stress fibers. Conclusion: These data demonstrate the local synthesis of a 28-kDa ES-related fragment following AKI and suggest its role in endothelium survival. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel
Proteinase-activated receptors (PAR) are widely recognized for their modulatory properties in inflammatory and immune responses; however, their direct role on phagocyte effector functions remains unknown. S100A9, a protein secreted during inflammatory responses, deactivates activated peritoneal macrophages, and its C-terminal portion inhibits spreading and phagocytosis of adherent peritoneal cells. Herein, the effect of PAR1 and PAR2 agonists was investigated on spreading and phagocytosis by adherent peritoneal cells, as well as the ability of murine C-terminal of S100A9 peptide (mS100A9p) to modulate this effect. Adherent peritoneal cells obtained from mouse abdominal cavity were incubated with PAR1 and PAR2 agonists and spreading and phagocytosis of Candida albicans particles were evaluated. PAR1 agonists increased both the spreading and the phagocytic activity, but PAR2 agonists only increased the spreading index. mS100A9p reverted both the increased spreading and phagocytosis induced by PAR1 agonists, but no interference in the increased spreading induced by PAR2 agonists was noticed. The shorter homologue peptide to the C-terminal of mS100A9p, corresponding to the H(92)-E(97) region, also reverted the increased spreading and phagocytosis induced by PAR1 agonists. These findings show that proteinase-activated receptors have an important role for spreading and phagocytosis of adherent peritoneal cells, and that the pepticle corresponding to the C-terminal of S100A9 protein is a remarkable candidate for use as a novel compound to modulate PAR1 function. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1 (DGAT1) catalyzes the final and dedicated step in the synthesis of triacylglycerol, which is believed to involve the lipids oleoyl coenzyme A (OCoA) and dioleoyl-sn-glycerol (DOG) as substrates. In this work we investigated the interaction of a specific peptide, referred to as SIT2, on the C-terminal of DGAT1 (HKWCIRHFYKP) with model membranes made with OCoA and DOG in Langmuir monolayers and liposomes. According to the circular dichroism and fluorescence data, conformational changes on SIT2 were seen only on liposomes containing OCoA and DOG. In Langmuir monolayers, SIT2 causes the isotherms of neat OCoA and DOG monolayers to be expanded, but has negligible effect on mixed monolayers of OCoA and DOG. This synergistic interaction between SIT2 and DOG + OCoA may be rationalized in terms of a molecular model in which SIT2 may serve as a linkage between the two lipids. Our results therefore provide molecular-level evidence for the interaction between this domain and the substrates OCoA and DOG for the synthesis of triacylglycerol. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Tropomyosin (Tm) is a dimeric coiled-coil protein that polymerizes through head-to-tail interactions. These polymers bind along actin filaments and play an important role in the regulation of muscle contraction. Analysis of its primary structure shows that Tm is rich in acidic residues, which are clustered along the molecule and may from sites for divalent cation binding. In a previous study, we showed that the Mg(2+)-induced increase in stability of the C-terminal half of Tin is sensitive to imitations near the C-terminus. In the present report, we study the interaction between Mg(2+) and full-length Tin and smaller fragments corresponding to the last 65 and 26 Tin residues. Although the smaller Tin peptide (Tm(259-284(W269))) is flexible and to large extent unstructured, the larger Tm(220-284(W269)) fragments forms a coiled coil in solution whose stability increases significantly in the presence of Mg(2+). NMR analysis shows thin Mg(2+) induces chemical shift perturbations in both Tm(220-284(W269)) and Tm(259-284(W269)) in the vicinity of His276, in which are located several negatively charged residues. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 91: 583-590, 2009.
Preparation of C-terminal modified peptides through alcoholysis and thiolysis mediated by metal ions
Inflammatory peptides display different types of post-transcriptional modifications, such as C-terminal amidation, that alter their biological activity. Here we describe the structural and molecular dynamics features of the mast cell degranulating peptide, eumenine mastoparan-AF (EMP-AF-NH2), found in the venom of the solitary wasp, and of its carboxyl-free C-terminal form (EMP-AF-COO-) characterized by a reduced activity. Circular dichroism indicates that both peptides switch from a random coil conformation in water to a helical structure in TFE and SDS micelles. NMR data, in 30% TFE, reveal that the two peptides fold into an alpha-helix spanning most of their length, while they differ in terms of molecular rigidity. To understand the origins of the conformational flexibility observed in the case of EMP-AF-COO-, a 5 ns MD simulation was carried out for each peptide, in an explicit water/TFE environment. The results show that the two peptides differ in an H-bond between Leu14 NH2 and the backbone carbonyl of Ile11. The loss of that H-bond in EMP-AF-COO- leads to a significant modification of its structural dynamics. In fact, as evidenced by essential dynamics analysis, while EMP-AF-NH2 exists mainly as a rigid structure, EMP-AF-COO- presents two helical stretches that fluctuate in some sort of independent fashion. We conclude that the diverse biological activity of the two peptides is not simply due to the reduction of the net positive charge, as generally suggested, but also to a structural perturbation of the amphipathic alpha-helix that affects their ability to perturb the cell membrane.