990 resultados para C pool


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Arabian Sea Mini Warm Pool (ASMWP) is a part of the Indian Ocean Warm Pool and formed in the eastern Arabian Sea prior to the onset of the summer monsoon season. This warm pool attained its maximum intensity during the pre-monsoon season and dissipated with the commencement of summer monsoon. The main focus of the present work was on the triggering of the dissipation of this warm pool and its relation to the onset of summer monsoon over Kerala. This phenomenon was studied utilizing NCEP/NCAR (National Center for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric and Research) re-analysis data, TRMM Micro wave Imager (TMI) and observational data. To define the ASMWP, sea surface temperature exceeding 30.25 C was taken as the criteria. The warm pool attained its maximum dimension and intensity nearly 2 weeks prior to the onset of summer monsoon over Kerala. Interestingly, the warm pool started its dissipation immediately after attaining its maximum core temperature. This information can be included in the present numerical models to enhance the prediction capability. It was also found that the extent and intensity of the ASMWP varied depending on the type of monsoon i.e., excess, normal, and deficient monsoon. Maximum core temperature and wide coverage of the warm pool observed during the excess monsoon years compared to normal and deficient monsoon years. The study also revealed a strong relationship between the salinity in the eastern Arabian Sea and the nature of the monsoon


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During each of the late Pleistocene glacial–interglacial transitions, atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations rose by almost 100 ppm. The sources of this carbon are unclear, and efforts to identify them are hampered by uncertainties in the magnitude of carbon reservoirs and fluxes under glacial conditions. Here we use oxygen isotope measurements from air trapped in ice cores and ocean carbon-cycle modelling to estimate terrestrial and oceanic gross primary productivity during the Last Glacial Maximum. We find that the rate of gross terrestrial primary production during the Last Glacial Maximum was about 40±10 Pg C yr−1, half that of the pre-industrial Holocene. Despite the low levels of photosynthesis, we estimate that the late glacial terrestrial biosphere contained only 330 Pg less carbon than pre-industrial levels. We infer that the area covered by carbon-rich but unproductive biomes such as tundra and cold steppes was significantly larger during the Last Glacial Maximum, consistent with palaeoecological data. Our data also indicate the presence of an inert carbon pool of 2,300 Pg C, about 700 Pg larger than the inert carbon locked in permafrost today. We suggest that the disappearance of this carbon pool at the end of the Last Glacial Maximum may have contributed to the deglacial rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations.


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The translocation of protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms PKC-alpha, PKC-delta, PKC-epsilon, and PKC-zeta from soluble to particulate fractions was studied in ventricular cardiomyocytes cultured from neonatal rats. Endothelin-1 (ET-1) caused a rapid ETA receptor-mediated translocation of PKC-delta and PKC-epsilon (complete in 0.5-1 min). By 3-5 min, both isoforms were returning to the soluble fraction, but a greater proportion of PKC-epsilon remained associated with the particulate fraction. The EC50 of translocation for PKC-delta was 11-15 nM ET-1 whereas that for PKC-epsilon was 1.4-1.7 nM. Phenylephrine caused a rapid translocation of PKC-epsilon (EC50 = 0.9 microM) but the proportion lost from the soluble fraction was less than with ET-1. Translocation of PKC-delta was barely detectable with phenylephrine. Neither agonist caused any consistent translocation of PKC-alpha or PKC-zeta. Activation of p42 and p44 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) by ET-1 or phenylephrine followed more slowly (complete in 3-5 min). Phosphorylation of p42-MAPK occurred simultaneously with its activation. The proportion of the total p42-MAPK pool phosphorylated in response to ET-1 (50%) was greater than with phenylephrine (20%). In addition to activation of MAPK, an unidentified p85 protein kinase was activated by ET-1 in the soluble fraction whereas an unidentified p58 protein kinase was activated in the particulate fraction.


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O presente estudo visou verificar o efeito sobre alguns parâmetros da seleção por gradiente de Percoll® e da adição de plasma seminal do sêmen eqüino preservado a +4oC. O primeiro experimento avaliou a taxa de recuperação de espermatozóides após seleção por Percoll® em diferentes protocolos de centrifugação. Foram realizadas 5 coletas de sêmen de um garanhão. Imediatamente após a coleta, o sêmen foi avaliado quanto à motilidade, vigor e concentração. Foram retiradas duas amostras de 4 mL, diluídas em leite desnatado UHT com concentrações de 50 e 100 x 106 espermatozóides por mL cada. Cada uma destas amostras foi dividida em 4 alíquotas de 1 mL, que foram então colocadas sobre Percoll® e submetidas a diferentes tempos e velocidades de centrifugação. V1 - 200 g (5 min) + 800 g (10 min); V2 - 800 g (10 min); V3 - 800 g (15 min); V4 - 800 g (20 min). Após esse processo, o sobrenadante foi desprezado e o pellet de cada alíquota ressuspendido com 0,5 mL de leite UHT. As 8 amostras foram novamente avaliadas para concentração, motilidade e vigor. O segundo experimento estudou o efeito da adição de plasma seminal de diferentes qualidades ao sêmen eqüino selecionado por gradiente de Percoll® e resfriado a +4°C por até 72 horas. Foram utilizados 40 ejaculados de 4 garanhões, sendo dois com boa qualidade de sêmen e dois com baixa qualidade de sêmen. Imediatamente após a coleta, o sêmen foi avaliado quanto à motilidade, vigor e concentração e preparadas cinco frações de 100x106 espermatozóides, diluídas 1:1 (v/v) em EDTA-Glicose. Quatro delas, constituídas por 1mL a 2mL, foram depositadas sobre Percoll®. A fração restante foi centrifugada em tubo de vidro de 10 mL, sob as mesmas condições de tempo e velocidade das demais amostras. Foi realizada centrifugação por 5 minutos em 200 g, seguida de 10 minutos em 800 g. O sobrenadante foi descartado e o pellet ressuspendido com leite UHT desnatado compondo os seguintes tratamentos: Sp: 1,5 mL de leite UHT desnatado sem adição de plasma seminal; Hp: 1,425 mL de leite UHT desnatado acrescido de 75 L de plasma seminal homólogo; Ap: 1,425 mL de leite UHT desnatado acrescido de 75 L de plasma seminal do pool de alta qualidade; Bp: 1,425mL de leite UHT desnatado acrescido de 75 L plasma seminal do pool de baixa qualidade; Cc: foi centrifugada sem seleção por Percoll®, teve seu sobrenadante descartado e ressuspendida com 2 mL de leite UHT; C : uma amostra de sêmen diluído em leite UHT foi mantida como controle no processo de armazenamento. As amostras foram resfriadas a +4°C e examinadas a cada 24h até as 72 horas em relação à motilidade, funcionalidade de membrana (teste hiposmótico) e integridade de membrana (CFDA/PI). A seleção por gradiente descontínuo de Percoll® 90/45% mostrou-se efetiva na recuperação de espermatozóides com motilidades progressiva e total. A adição de 5% de plasma seminal ou a ausência de plasma não influenciaram os valores da motilidade das amostras selecionadas por gradiente de Percoll®. A seleção por Percoll não influenciou na percentagem de células com membrana plasmática funcional. Concentrações superiores a 2% de plasma seminal resultaram em decréscimo do número de células com membrana funcional, enquanto que as amostras sem plasma seminal apresentaram os melhores resultados e o grupo controle, que apresentava a maior percentagem de plasma, os piores. A utilização de Percoll® não separou células com alteração de membrana. A percentagem de células com membrana completamente íntegra foi significativamente maior nas amostras que sofreram processo de centrifugação, independentemente da seleção. O processo de seleção por Percoll® foi efetivo na recuperação de espermatozóides de eqüino com motilidade progressiva, mas não selecionou espermatozóides quanto à funcionalidade nem à integridade de membrana. Concentrações inferiores a 2% de plasma seminal melhoraram a funcionalidade de membrana. A ausência de plasma seminal melhorou os resultados de integridade das membranas plasmática e acrossomal; e a adição de plasma de alta qualidade não melhorou a motilidade de espermatozóides selecionados por Percoll®.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This paper proposes a combined pool/bilateral short term hydrothermal scheduling model (PDC) for the context of the day-ahead energy markets. Some innovative aspects are introduced in the model, such as: i) the hydraulic generation is optimized through the opportunity cost function proposed; ii) there is no decoupling between physical and commercial dispatches, as is the case today in Brazil; iii) interrelationships between pool and bilateral markets are represented through a single optimization problem; iv) risk exposures related to future deficits are intrinsically mitigated; v) the model calculates spot prices in an hourly basis and the results show a coherent correlation between hydrological conditions and calculated prices. The proposed PDC model is solved by a primal-dual interior point method and is evaluated by simulations involving a test system. The results are focused on sensitivity analyses involving the parameters of the model, in such a way to emphasize its main modeling aspects. The results show that the proposed PDC provides a conceptual means for short term price formation for hydrothermal systems.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Diabetes mellitus umfasst eine heterogene Gruppe von Stoffwechselfunktionsstörungen, die durch hohe Blut-Glukose-Werte gekennzeichnet sind. Zwei Haupttypen von Diabetes mellitus wurden definiert: Typ 1- und Typ 2-Diabetes. Repaglinid ist ein neuer, schnell wirksamer, bei Typ 2-Diabetikern eingesetzter prandialer Glukose-Regulator mit einer kurzen Plasmahalbwertszeit (<1 Stunde) und der erste Vertreter der Carbamoylmethylbenzoesäure Familie, der in klinischen Studien getestet wurde. Die 18F- und 11C-markierten Repaglinid-Derivate (S)-2-(2-[18F]Fluorethoxy)-4-((3-methyl-1-(2-piperidin-1-yl-phenyl)-butylcarbamoyl)-methyl)-benzoesäure ([18F]Fluorethoxy-desethoxy-Repaglinid) und (S)-2-([11C]Methoxy)-4-([3-methyl-1-(2-piperidin-1-yl-phenyl)-butyl-carba-moyl]-benzoesäure ([11C]Methoxy-desethoxy-Repaglinid) wurden als potentielle Tracer für die nicht-invasive Quantifizierung des Sulfonylharnstoffrezeptor-Typ1-Status (SUR-1) der Insulin-sezernierenden -Zellen mittels Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie (PET) synthetisiert. [18F]Fluorethoxy-desethoxy-Repaglinide konnte in einer radiochemischen Ausbeute (RCA) von 20% nach 135 Minuten mit einer radiochemischen Reinheit >98% unter Verwendung des sekundären Markierungsvorläufers 2-[18F]Fluorethyltosylat erhalten werden. Die spezifische Aktivität lag im Bereich von 50-60 GBq/µmol. Für die radioaktive Synthese des [11C]Methoxy-desethoxy-Repaglinids wurde der sekundäre Markierungsvorläufer [11C]Methyliodid verwendet. Der 11C-Radiotracer wurde in einer RCA von 35% (bezogen auf [11C]CO2) mit einer spezifischen Aktivität von 40-70 GBq/µmol erhalten. Um die Eigenschaften des fluorierten sowie des methoxylierten Repaglinids zu charakterisieren, wurde die Affinität beider Verbindungen zum humanen SUR-1 evaluiert. [19F]Fluorethoxy-desethoxy-Repaglinid und Methoxy-desethoxy-Repaglinid induzierten Verdrängungskurven mit Hill-Koeffizienten nahe 1 und ergaben Dissotiationskonstanten (KD) von 142 nM beziehungsweise 83 nM - vergleichsweise geringe Verluste relativ zu Original-Repaglinid. Die biologische Aktivität wurde mittels Insulin-Sekretionstests an isolierten Ratten-Inselzellen gezeigt und war ebenfalls mit der des Repaglinids vergleichbar. Schließlich wurde die Biodistribution des [18F]Fluorethoxy-desethoxy-Repaglinids in gesunden Sprague-Dawley-Ratten durch Messung der Konzentration der Verbindung in verschiedenen Organen nach intravenöser Injektion untersucht. Das pankreatische Gewebe zeigte im Zeitintervall zwischen 10 und 30 Minuten nach Injektion eine stabile Akkumulation von etwa 0.12% der injizierten Dosis. 50% dieser Tracer-Akkulmulation konnten durch zusätzliche Injektion von nicht-radioaktiv-markiertem Repaglinid verdrängt werden, was auf eine mögliche Eignung des [18F]Fluorethoxy-desethoxy-Repaglinids für in vivo-Untersuchungen mittels PET schließen lässt. Eine erste humane PET-Studie zeigte zwar ebenfalls eine stabile, allerdings nur geringere Akkumulation von [18F]Fluorethoxy-desethoxy-Repaglinid im Pankreas und eine überproportional hohe Aktivitätsanreicherung in der Leber. Die Radioaktivitäts-akkumulation im Blut fiel nach wenigen Minuten unter die des Pankreas.


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Kurzzusammenfassung Elaeocarpacae-Alkaloide: flexible Synthesen optisch aktiver (-) Elaeokanin C Schlüsselbausteine Im Tier- und Pflanzenreich sind Alkaloide weit verbreitet und werden von der Biogenese her als Produkte des Aminosäure-Stoffwechsels angesehen. Die Elaeocarpacae-Alkaloide zählen zu den Indolizidinen, welche durch ein Azabicyclo-[4.3.0]-nonan Grundgerüst charakterisiert sind und erstmals Ende der 60er Jahre des letzten Jahrhunderts aus den Blättern der in Neu Guinea beheimateten Ölbaumgewächse isoliert wurden. Für verschiedene Vertreter dieses Alkaloid-Typs wurden sowohl racemische als auch asymmetrische Totalsynthesen entwickelt. Während für das (+) Elaeokanin C bereits Totalsynthesen existieren, gibt es für das (-) Elaeokanin C bis heute keine asymmetrische Synthese. Als Fernziel der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die erste Totalsynthese von (-) Elaeokanin C ausgewählt. Der Syntheseplan sieht zunächst den diastereoselektiven Aufbau eines optisch aktiven Schlüsselbausteins mit Naturstoff-Stereotriade im Sinne einer konvergenten ex-chiral-pool Synthese vor. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte dies durch die Aza-Claisen-Umlagerung realisiert werden. Ausgehend von diesem Schlüsselbaustein wurden verschiedene Synthesewege verfolgt um sowohl das Substitutionsmuster der Seitenkette als auch das des Piperidinsegments vielfältig variieren zu können. Die Einführung der Seitenkette erwies sich durch vielfältige Nachbargruppeneffekte wie die unerwünschte 5-exo-trig Cyclisierung zu einem Pyrrolizidin Derivat als große Hürde. Eine geänderte Synthesestrategie mit einem schrittweisen Aufbau der Kette lieferte schließlich den Baustein, aus dem nun in wenigen Stufen das (-) Elaeokanin C sowie vielfältige Analoga herzustellen sein sollten.


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The SWISSspine registry is the first mandatory registry of its kind in the history of Swiss orthopaedics and it follows the principle of "coverage with evidence development". Its goal is the generation of evidence for a decision by the Swiss federal office of health about reimbursement of the concerned technologies and treatments by the basic health insurance of Switzerland. Recently, developed and clinically implemented, the Dynardi total disc arthroplasty (TDA) accounted for 10% of the implanted lumbar TDAs in the registry. We compared the outcomes of patients treated with Dynardi to those of the recipients of the other TDAs in the registry. Between March 2005 and October 2009, 483 patients with single-level TDA were documented in the registry. The 52 patients with a single Dynardi lumbar disc prosthesis implanted by two surgeons (CE and OS) were compared to the 431 patients who received one of the other prostheses. Data were collected in a prospective, observational multicenter mode. Surgery, implant, 3-month, 1-year, and 2-year follow-up forms as well as comorbidity, NASS and EQ-5D questionnaires were collected. For statistical analyses, the Wilcoxon signed-rank test and chi-square test were used. Multivariate regression analyses were also performed. Significant and clinically relevant reduction of low back pain and leg pain as well as improvement in quality of life was seen in both groups (P < 0.001 postop vs. preop). There were no inter-group differences regarding postoperative pain levels, intraoperative and follow-up complications or revision procedures with a new hospitalization. However, significantly more Dynardi patients achieved a minimum clinically relevant low back pain alleviation of 18 VAS points and a quality of life improvement of 0.25 EQ-5D points. The patients with Dynardi prosthesis showed a similar outcome to patients receiving the other TDAs in terms of postoperative low back and leg pain, complications, and revision procedures. A higher likelihood for achieving a minimum clinically relevant improvement of low back pain and quality of life in Dynardi patients was observed. This difference might be due to the large number of surgeons using other TDAs compared to only two surgeons using the Dynardi TDA, with corresponding variations in patient selection, patient-physician interaction and other factors, which cannot be assessed in a registry study.


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Some free-living amoebae, including some species of the genus Acanthamoeba, can cause infections in humans and animals. These organisms are known to cause granulomatous amebic encephalitis (GAE) in predominantly immune-deficient persons. In the present study, we isolated a potentially human pathogenic Acanthamoeba isolate originating from a public heated indoor swimming pool in Switzerland. The amoebae, thermophilically preselected by culture at 37 degrees C, subsequently displayed a high thermotolerance, being able to grow at 42 degrees C, and a marked cytotoxicity, based on a co-culture system using the murine cell line L929. Intranasal infection of Rag2-immunodeficient mice resulted in the death of all animals within 24 days. Histopathology of brains and lungs revealed marked tissue necrosis and hemorrhagic lesions going along with massive proliferation of amoebae. PCR and sequence analysis, based on 18S rDNA, identified the agent as Acanthamoeba lenticulata. In summary, the present study reports on an Acanthamoeba isolate from a heated swimming pool suggestive of being potentially pathogenic to immunocompromised persons.


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Whisker follicles have multiple stem cell niches, including epidermal stem cells in the bulge as well as neural crest-derived stem cells and mast cell progenitors in the trabecular region. The neural crest-derived stem cells are a pool of melanocyte precursors. Previously, we found that the extracellular matrix glycoproteins tenascin-C and tenascin-W are expressed near CD34-positive cells in the trabecular stem cell niche of mouse whisker follicles. Here, we analyzed whiskers from tenascin-C knockout mice and found intrafollicular adipocytes and supernumerary mast cells. As Wnt/β-catenin signaling promotes melanogenesis and suppresses the differentiation of adipocytes and mast cells, we analyzed β-catenin subcellular localization in the trabecular niche. We found cytoplasmic and nuclear β-catenin in wild-type mice reflecting active Wnt/β-catenin signaling, whereas β-catenin in tenascin-C knockout mice was mostly cell membrane-associated and thus transcriptionally inactive. Furthermore, cells expressing the Wnt/β-catenin target gene cyclin D1 were enriched in the CD34-positive niches of wild-type compared to tenascin-C knockout mice. We then tested the effects of tenascins on this signaling pathway. We found that tenascin-C and tenascin-W can be co-precipitated with Wnt3a. In vitro, substrate bound tenascins promoted β-catenin-mediated transcription in the presence of Wnt3a, presumably due to the sequestration and concentration of Wnt3a near the cell surface. We conclude that the presence of tenascin-C in whiskers assures active Wnt/β-catenin signaling in the niche thereby maintaining the stem cell pool and suppressing aberrant differentiation, while in the knockout mice with reduced Wnt/β-catenin signaling, stem cells from the trabecular niche can differentiate into ectopic adipocytes and mast cells.


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The viral specific precursor polyproteins of simian sarcoma/simian associated virus (SiSV/SiAV), baboon endogenous viruses (BaEV), and three human isolate retroviruses, have been analyzed by radioimmunoprecipitation and tryptic peptide mapping. Cells infected with the BaEV isolates are characterized by identical precursor polyproteins: gPr80-85('env), Pr70-71('gag), and Pr65-67('gag). By tryptic digest mapping, m7-BaEV and 455K-BaEV were shown to be highly related. By comparison, mapping studies showed that BILN-BaEV was less highly related to m7-BaEV than was 455K-BaEV. Chase-incubated cells infected with BaEV also contained a stable, p28-related polyprotein termed P72('gag). This polyprotein appeared to arise by posttranslational modification of Pr70-71('gag). Tryptic digest mapping of BaEV and HL23V precursor polyproteins suggested that the BaEV-like component of HL23V was more closely related to m7-BaEV than to 455K-BaEV or BILN-BaEV.^ The intracellular precursor polyproteins of SiSV(SiAV) and gibbon ape leukemia virus (GaLV) were compared to the intracellular proteins of the human retrovirus isolates, HL23V, HEL12V, and A1476V. Cells infected with SiSV(SiAV) were characterized by polyproteins Pr200('gag-pol), gPr80('env), Pr80('gag), pr60('gag), and Pr40('gag). We have found that the human isolates are identical to true SiAV with regard to the size and structure of their precursor polyproteins. Both gPr80('env) and Pr60('gag) of SiAV were identical by tryptic peptide mapping to the respective proteins from the three human retroviral isolates examined. We have also shown that these viruses differ significantly from each of the GaLV isolates studied. Since SiAV differs substantially from any known GaLV isolate, we feel that it is unlikely that SiAV is a subtype of GaLV which exists today in the gibbon gene pool. The experimental evidence suggests that SiAV may be an exogenous human retrovirus that was transmitted originally into the human gene pool in the distant past by cross-species infection with GaLV(,SF) or with the GaLV(,SF) progenitor virus. It is, therefore, quite possible that SiAV expression in the pet woolly monkey arose from a recent infection of that monkey with SiAV from humans.^