890 resultados para Brasil. [Estatuto da criança e do adolescente (1990)]


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A avaliao da eficincia da aplicao de recursos pblicos vai muito alm da simples anlise da legalidade, probidade e presteza dos procedimentos administrativos. Est relacionada tambm qualidade dos servios prestados diante do investimento realizado e dos resultados pretendidos. O presente estudo analisa a aplicao dos recursos do Fundo Municipal dos Direitos da Criana e do Adolescente de So Paulo (FUMCAD-SP), com o objetivo de oferecer Secretaria Municipal de Direitos Humanos e Cidadania reflexes sobre as prticas de gesto que impactam diretamente na qualidade dos investimentos realizados, bem como na capacidade de avaliar investimentos perante os desafios colocados pelas polticas de ateno a crianas e adolescentes e recomendaes aos gestores do fundo, visando a qualificao dos instrumentos de planejamento, monitoramento e avaliao dos projetos financiados, sob a perspectiva do FUMCAD-SP como instrumento da poltica pblica de crianas e adolescentes. Para isso, foram analisados dados e informaesos quais compreenderam o perodo de 2005 a 2015, com significativas diferenas na qualidade de sua sistematizao ao longo do perodoreferentes s prticas de gesto administrativa e governana do fundo, assim como seus instrumentos de planejamento, monitoramento e avaliao. A proposta tambm abarcou entrevistas com os principais atores dos rgos envolvidos na gesto do fundo, visando identificar informaes qualitativas que pudessem qualificar as recomendaes que sero apresentadas neste estudo.


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Intrafamily sexual violence against children and adolescents is a highly complex and serious issue in terms of the damage caused to this population. However, despite the relevance of this discussion, the matter only began to be addressed in the second half of the twentieth century, with its inclusion in academic research from the perspective of damage caused to the victims. Debate on intrafamily sexual violence against children and adolescents has intensified in recent decades, particularly with the enactment of the Statute on Children and Adolescents (Federal Law 8069/90), which recognizes children and adolescents as rights holders. Open discussion on the issue meant several fields of knowledge began to study the topic. Particularly prominent among these areas is the field of Psychology, promoting theoretical discussions and practical interventions focusing on this type of violence. Given the theoretical and methodological diversity of psychological science and the many possibilities for the production of knowledge, this study aims to map and debate research conducted in the field that discusses intrafamily sexual violence against children and adolescents in Brazil. To that end, articles published in Psychology journals were analyzed. In order to achieve this objective, a search was conducted of Scielo Brasil using descriptors on the subject, chosen from a list reported by Faleiros (2000). The time frame studied was between 1990 and 2013, therefore included the date of the enactment of the Statute of Children and Adolescents. Qualitative analysis was selected as a data analysis technique around two main themes. The first involved analyzing the concept of intrafamily sexual violence based on its components. The second analytical theme addressed the theoretical and methodological strategies used by the authors. The aim was to identify and discuss the approaches chosen to achieve the proposed objectives as well as the justifications provided by the authors for their research. Analyses of these themes were based on theoretical discussions on intrafamily sexual violence against children and adolescents. Difficulties were identified in conceptualizing intrafamily sexual violence so as to include all its elements and differentiate it from sexual exploitation. The studies assessed showed substantial diversity in both the theoretical and methodological approaches used, contributing to understanding the phenomenon. It is expected that this study will contribute to reflection on intrafamily sexual violence against children and adolescents, promoting new studies and/or practical interventions


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Ps-graduao em Cincias Sociais - FCLAR


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Ps-graduao em Educao Escolar - FCLAR


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Ps-graduao em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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The crisis of the model of technical and formal rationality is discussed in light of a paradigmatic change of the Law that arises in the context of recent transformations of capitalism worldwide, proposing a humanization of Law and Justice with a new ethical-political foundation that promotes a reconciliation between the rules that governs the social order and the world of life, a process of society’s emancipation. As empirical cut it is taken the Right of Children and Youth and, in a practical perspective, the recognition and effectiveness of the Rights of Children and Adolescents in Brazil. It is proposed to analyze the process of democratization and legitimacy of the children and youth rights from the study and apprehension of knowledge that advocate a multidisciplinary view of knowledge and a dialogic praxis for construction of a thought able to contribute to the analysis of public policies and to develop strategies that allow a real change on the social thinking about the doctrine of integral protection of children and adolescents. The proposed methodological approach was developed from a dialectical view of science and as a research strategy for data collection of symbolic cartography or cartographic sociology of law and justice. It is shown that in the process of humanization of the Law and Justice there is a gap between the rights and the democratic participation of these rights.


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This thesis investigates the historical influence of the criminal policy in the context that shapes the first specific law for children and adolescents in Brazil, the 1927 Children's Code, a standard that inaugurates the conceptual scission between children and "minor" and their different treatment by the State. The study addresses the demand for order in the context of changes in the working world in the transition from the slave system to the capitalist mode of production, and the corresponding disciplinary and punitive control mechanisms directed to the segment of childhood and adolescence. The theoretical route proposes a questioning of the political construction of law and justice, as well as the conformation of the punitive techniques, and the construction of the stereotype of the "delinquent", prime target of the criminal policy, focusing on the process of criminalization of the segment in question through the confrontation of the Critical perspective with the approaches of Classical and Positive schools. This research shows the imposition of a bourgeois morality that obscures the social conflict attributing it to people isolated by the criminalization of their conduct; and points out that the historical forms of selective social control were greatly influenced by psychiatry and psychology, either by the elaboration of the image of the "delinquent" or by the expected performance of custodial institutions. Finally, the developments and the permanence of the historical roots of the criminal policy are problematized, relating them to the difficulties currently encountered in the consolidation of the legal garantism paradigm proposed by the Children and Adolescent Statute.


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This thesis investigates the historical influence of the criminal policy in the context that shapes the first specific law for children and adolescents in Brazil, the 1927 Children's Code, a standard that inaugurates the conceptual scission between children and "minor" and their different treatment by the State. The study addresses the demand for order in the context of changes in the working world in the transition from the slave system to the capitalist mode of production, and the corresponding disciplinary and punitive control mechanisms directed to the segment of childhood and adolescence. The theoretical route proposes a questioning of the political construction of law and justice, as well as the conformation of the punitive techniques, and the construction of the stereotype of the "delinquent", prime target of the criminal policy, focusing on the process of criminalization of the segment in question through the confrontation of the Critical perspective with the approaches of Classical and Positive schools. This research shows the imposition of a bourgeois morality that obscures the social conflict attributing it to people isolated by the criminalization of their conduct; and points out that the historical forms of selective social control were greatly influenced by psychiatry and psychology, either by the elaboration of the image of the "delinquent" or by the expected performance of custodial institutions. Finally, the developments and the permanence of the historical roots of the criminal policy are problematized, relating them to the difficulties currently encountered in the consolidation of the legal garantism paradigm proposed by the Children and Adolescent Statute.


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Objetivou-se conhecer as implicaes do cuidado criana e ao adolescente vtimas de queimaduras para a prtica da enfermagem. Realizou-se uma pesquisa descritiva e exploratria com abordagem qualitativa. Participaram dez profissionais da equipe de enfermagem de um Centro de Referncia a Pacientes Queimados do sul do Brasil. Os dados foram coletados no segundo semestre de 2012 por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e analisados pela tcnica de Anlise de Contedo. Em relao aos sentimentos frente ao cuidado verificou-se que esses vivenciam ansiedade e tenso frente dor do paciente, tm a sensao de doao querendo “fazer mais”, tristeza e abalo, sensao de utilidade e de competncia ao ver os efeitos do cuidado, impotncia por no terem controle sobre a situao vivenciada, revolta e raiva por no compreenderem o porqu este acidente aconteceu e pena dos pacientes e de seus familiares devido o seu sofrimento. Como facilidades para o cuidado referiram a ajuda mtua entre os membros da equipe aliada ao tempo de atuao no setor, o desenvolvimento de um bom relacionamento com a famlia da criana / adolescente, a sinceridade da criana ao manifestar seus sentimentos, uma identificao e afinidade maior para cuidar crianas e adolescentes e o adolescente ser mais aberto e entender com facilidade a linguagem utilizada no setor. Referiram como dificuldades falta de preparo e a pouca habilidade para cuidar de crianas/ adolescentes com dor, o desconhecimento acerca do paciente, a falta de habilidades tcnicas para realizar procedimentos em crianas/ adolescentes, lidar com o familiar, lidar com a necessidade de manipular o corpo do adolescente, comunicar-se com crianas que no sabem expressar-se, pacientes que no falam o portugus e adolescentes que possuem linguagem prpria, explicar para o paciente a magnitude do trauma sofrido e conversar com esses acerca das sequelas, deformidades e limitaes com as quais tero que (con)viver. Quanto s estratgias para se instrumentalizar para o cuidado utilizam a leitura sobre queimaduras e curativos, leituras de materiais de outras reas da sade, uso de tcnicas de abordagem e interao com pacientes e familiares, a prtica diria no setor e a busca de apoio na equipe e na instituio, realizando atividades de educao continuada. Quanto s estratgias utilizadas para cuidar referiram o estabelecimento de vnculo e de uma relao dialgica, o uso de brincadeiras e atividades ldicas, o fornecimento de apoio, a introduo da famlia no processo de cuidado, o uso da criatividade, a valorizao do aspecto psicolgico do paciente, a adaptao do cuidado de acordo com a faixa etria do paciente e o uso da escuta atenta e sensvel. A partir dos dados concluiu-se que o cuidado de enfermagem a crianas e adolescentes vtimas de queimaduras complexo bem como causador de impacto para os profissionais atuantes em Centros de Queimados. Acredita-se que o estudo possibilitar discutir e refletir acerca da prtica profissional da enfermagem no Centro de Queimados frente ao cuidado criana e ao Adolescente vtima de queimaduras.


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Trata do Programa de Implementao do Sistema Nacional de Atendimento Socioeducativo (Pr-Sinase) e a realidade no Distrito Federal, assunto relevante para o contexto atual, objetivando analisar a realidade das Unidades Executoras das medidas socioeducativas de internao, internao provisria, e semiliberdade. Pretende verificar, luz do Estatuto da Criana e do Adolescente, da Resoluo nº 46 do Conselho Nacional dos Direitos da Criana e do Adolescente (Conanda) e das diretrizes do Pr-Sinase, qual o provvel distanciamento das condies das Unidades de Atendimento Socioeducativo em relao ao que determinam os instrumentos legais, nos seguintes aspectos: gesto dos programas, parmetros de gesto pedaggica no atendimento socioeducativo e os parmetros arquitetnicos para Unidades de Atendimento Socioeducativo.