53 resultados para Boavista
[EN] A new nesting colony of Caretta caretta has recently been discovered and described in Boavista (Cabo Verde, Western Africa, FIGURE 1). Although more data are needed, it represents one of the most important populations in the North Atlantic (Brongersma, 1982; ; Ross, 1995; López-Jurado & Andreu, 1998). A tagging and management campaign has been established in Boavista to study this nesting population since 1998.
[EN] The nesting colony of Caretta caretta has been recently described for the island of Boavista (Cabo Verde, 500 km off the coast of Senegal, Western Africa, FIGURE 1). Although more data is needed, it represents one of the most important populations in the North Atlantic (Brongersma, 1982; López-Jurado & Andreu, 1998; Ross, 1995). Since 1998, a tagging and management campaign was established in Boavista to study this nesting population. We present next data on reproductive biology of nesting females of Caretta caretta in Boavista during the year 2000 nesting season, in which we obtained twice as much than those tagged in 1998 and 1999 seasons; we also found some recaptures of females from preceding years, our first data on remigration interval.
[EN] Extensive sea turtle nesting monitoring has been conducted in several islands of the Archipelago of Cape Verde during the past years. The loggerhead turtle is the only species that nests in these islands though green and hawksbill turtle juveniles are very often found feeding around their coasts. Around 90% of loggerhead nests are deposited in the island of Boavista on approximately 50 km of white sandy beaches. This is one of the less populated islands with more inaccessible beaches, as all villages are far from the main nesting areas. Another 9% of nests are equally distributed among the islands of Sal, Maio and San Nicolau and the remaining 1% of nests are found among the other six major islands and several islets of the archipelago.
[EN] Sea turtle nests are exposed to different environmental risks that may affect their hatching success. Human exploitation, predation by wild or domestic animals, nest flooding or severe beach erosion or accession are common causes of egg mortality. However, there is very little information about the impact of microorganisms on turtle eggs. We analyzed loggerhead turtle eggs from Boavista Island (Republic of Cabo Verde) which were incubated under different environmental conditions in order to evaluate the presence and impact of fungus. We have isolated Fusarium oxysporum from dead and live eggs after three days of incubation.
[ES] The olive ridley sea turtle Lepidochelys olivacea has been recorded in the Cape Verde Islands, but the most recent published data (1998-2000) are of stranded ndividuals and remains only. This article presents new data on olive ridleys recorded during the years 2001-2011 on Boavista and Sal islands. The presence of his species does not appear to be related to nesting activity. The possible geographical origin of these turtles is discussed. In addition, we propose some studies that could help to reinforce the conservation of sea turtles in West Africa.
A indústria turística tem-se focado na diversificação, de forma contínua, tornando-se um dos motores fundamentais para o progresso dos setores económicos de um país. Para tal, o desenvolvimento de um Produto Turístico de sucesso que visa oferecer ao público-alvo uma experiência memorável para satisfazer o seu desejo é essencial para que este consumidor venha a visitar um determinado destino. A nova era digital transformou a estratégia de marketing das empresas e esta nova conjuntura tem vindo a contribuir para o crescimento exponencial e para o desenvolvimento das técnicas e ferramentas que permitem promover a comunicação entre a empresa/marca e o consumidor, aspeto em que o marketing digital tem desempenhado um papel importante. Em tempos de valorização da experiência turística, o setor turístico de Cabo Verde pouco tem explorado e não tem tirado grande partido do marketing digital para dar a conhecer as potencialidades e as maravilhas do destino enquanto produto turístico, que ainda tem muito por descobrir por parte dos consumidores nacionais e internacionais. Como objetivos deste plano de comunicação Visit Cabo Verde pretende-se aumentar a notoriedade da marca Cabo Verde e captar novos turistas através da promoção de 4 ilhas: Santiago, São Vicente, Santo Antão e Boavista dividindo-as em 3 (três) subprodutos - cultura, natureza e praia. Com a realização deste projeto prevê-se que Cabo Verde atinja o público-alvo definido através da conceção das campanhas relevantes para os potenciais turistas e aumentar o fluxo dos turistas no arquipélago. As limitações deste plano de comunicação incidem sobre a variável produto que não é controlável, procurando este plano uma linha de orientação para a variável comunicação.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão de Recursos Humanos, Escola Superior de Gestão, Hotelaria e Turismo, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2016
Mestrado em Arquitectura Paisagista - Instituto Superior de Agronomia / UL