918 resultados para Board mill
Predictions of flow patterns in a 600-mm scale model SAG mill made using four classes of discrete element method (DEM) models are compared to experimental photographs. The accuracy of the various models is assessed using quantitative data on shoulder, toe and vortex center positions taken from ensembles of both experimental and simulation results. These detailed comparisons reveal the strengths and weaknesses of the various models for simulating mills and allow the effect of different modelling assumptions to be quantitatively evaluated. In particular, very close agreement is demonstrated between the full 3D model (including the end wall effects) and the experiments. It is also demonstrated that the traditional two-dimensional circular particle DEM model under-predicts the shoulder, toe and vortex center positions and the power draw by around 10 degrees. The effect of particle shape and the dimensionality of the model are also assessed, with particle shape predominantly affecting the shoulder position while the dimensionality of the model affects mainly the toe position. Crown Copyright (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Revista Lusófona de Ciência Política e Relações Internacionais
The main purpose of this study is to analyse the changes caused by the global financial crisis on the influence of board characteristics on corporate results, in terms of corporate performance, corporate risk-taking, and earnings management. Sample comprises S&P 500 listed firms during 2002-2008. This study reveals that the environmental conditions call for different behaviour from directors to fulfil their responsibilities and suggests changes in normative and voluntary guidelines for improving good practices in the boardroom.
Introdução: O cancro retal continua a ser um dos principais problemas de saúde a nível mundial, sendo a toxicidade gastro-intestinal e génito-urinária os efeitos tardios da radioterapia mais reportados. A utilização da Belly-Board para minimizar essa toxicidade, reduzindo o volume de bexiga e intestino delgado irradiados é recomendada. No entanto, o protocolo mais adequado para o volume vesical nestes doentes é ainda tema de controvérsia. Objetivo: Avaliar a influência do volume vesical na dose recebida na bexiga e no PTV, em doentes com tumor de reto, posicionados em decúbito ventral, com belly-board. Materiais e Métodos: 38 doentes com tumor de reto tratados no CHBM, agrupados em dois grupos: o 1º grupo, com 19 doentes que realizaram tratamento com bexiga cheia e o 2º grupo, com 19 doentes que realizaram tratamento com bexiga vazia. Os dados foram obtidos através dos HDV’s e foram comparadas as doses máximas no PTV e a percentagem de volume de bexiga que recebe 50Gy. Foi utilizado o teste estatístico U-Mann Whitney com um nível de significância de 0,05. A hipótese de pesquisa deste estudo propõe que os dois grupos diferem significativamente entre si e a hipótese nula propõe que os dois grupos não diferem significativamente entre si, para ambas as variáveis. Resultados: Não se observaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos no que diz respeito à dose máxima no PTV. No que se refere à percentagem de volume de bexiga que recebe 50Gy verificaram-se diferenças estatisticamente significativas, tendo o grupo de doentes que realizaram tratamento com bexiga cheia apresentado valores mais baixos. Conclusões: Este estudo demonstrou o benefício da utilização do protocolo de bexiga cheia em doentes com tumor de reto tratados com belly-board, na diminuição da percentagem de volume de bexiga que recebe 50Gy.
Prototype validation is a major concern in modern electronic product design and development. Simulation, structural test, functional and timing debug are all forming parts of the validation process, although very often addressed as dissociated tasks. In this paper we describe an integrated approach to board-level prototype validation, based on a set of mandatory/optional BST instructions and a built-in controller for debug and test, that addresses the late mentioned tasks as inherent parts of a whole process
Background Over the years, food industry wastes have been the focus of a growing interest due to their content in high added-value compounds. A good example are the olive oil by-products (OOBP), which retain a great amount of phenolic compounds during olive oil production. Their structure and biological properties justify their potential use as antioxidants in other food products. The efficient recovery of phenolic compounds has been extensively studied and optimized in order to maximize their reintroduction in the food chain and contribute to a higher valorization and better management of wastes from olive oil industry. Scope and approach This paper reviews the most representative phenolic compounds described in OOBP and their biological properties. New extraction procedures to efficiently recover these compounds and the most advanced chromatographic techniques that have been used for a better understanding of the phenolic profile of these complex matrices are also referred. Finally, this paper reports the main applications of OOBP, with emphasis on their phenolic content as natural antioxidants for food applications. Key findings and conclusions Besides their antioxidant activity, phenolic compounds from OOBP have also shown antimicrobial and antitumoral properties. Their application as food antioxidants requires new extraction techniques, including the use of non-toxic solvents and, in a pilot scale, the use of filters and adsorbent resins. The inclusion of phenolic compounds from OOBP in some food matrices have improved not only their antioxidant capacity but also their sensory attributes.
Legislation introduced in the U.S. in 2002/2003 significantly changed board composition of public firms by imposing a 50% independent directors’ ratio. Research on the effect of independent directors is not consensual, implying that this exogenous shock is a unique opportunity to study their importance. This study answers the question of whether or not independent directors can effectively mitigate agency conflicts between shareholders and the management, having a positive impact on the choice of successful R&D projects. We find that an increase of board independence has a positive impact on patent counts. Hence, the results support that independent directors truly spur innovation and risk taking.
This thesis evaluates a start-up company (Jogos Almirante Lda) whose single asset is a board game named Almirante. It aims to conclude whether it makes sense to create a company or just earn copyrights. The thesis analyzes the board game’s market, as part of the general toy’s market, from which some data exists: European countries as well as the USA. In this work it is analyzed the several ways to finance a start-up company and then present an overview of the valuation of the Jogos Almirante based on three different methods: Discounted Cash Flow, Venture Capital Method and Real Options.
The impact of the Board of Directors’ composition on companies’ performance This paper studies the impact that the board of directors’ composition has on companies’ performance in the Italian market. The research has been carried out by using a sample of 10 Italian companies, across different market sectors, over a period of 10 years (2005-2014). The characteristics of the BoD taken into consideration are the following: board size, board diversity (% of female directors), board independence and CEO duality. Results from the sample data collected concluded that these factors have a statistically significant impact on the performance of the companies that have been analysed.
This paper proposes an on-board Electric Vehicle (EV) battery charger with enhanced Vehicle-to-Home (V2H) operation mode. For such purpose was adapted an on-board bidirectional battery charger prototype to allow the Grid-to-Vehicle (G2V), Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) and V2H operation modes. Along the paper are presented the hardware topology and the control algorithms of this battery charger. The idea underlying to this paper is the operation of the on-board bidirectional battery charger as an energy backup system when occurs a power outages. For detecting the power outage were compared two strategies, one based on the half-cycle rms calculation of the power grid voltage, and another in the determination of the rms value based in a Kalman filter. The experimental results were obtained considering the on-board EV battery charger under the G2V, V2G, and V2H operation modes. The results show that the power outage detection is faster using a Kalman filter, up to 90% than the other strategy. This also enables a faster transition between operation modes when a power outage occurs.
O abacateiro (Persea americana Mill., Lauraceae) é nativo da Mesoamérica e chegou à Amazônia antes dos europeus. Acredita-se que a raça aqui introduzida foi a antilhana, similar a da maioria dos abacateiros pé-franco da Amazônia de hoje. Estudos de sua fenologia podem ajudar o planejamento de seu manejo e comercialização. A floração iniciou-se na segunda metade da estação chuvosa (março/abril) e durou até meados da estação de estiagem (agosto/setembro). As árvores produziram 25±15 mil flores em 1980 e 38±28 mil flores em 1981. A frutificação iniciou-se no final da estação chuvosa (maio/junho) e a safra ocorreu em plena estação de estiagem (agosto/outubro). As árvores produziram 634±299 frutos em 1980 e 1.054±456 frutos em 1981. O vingamento foi de 2,6±1,8%, menor que os valores na literatura. Os frutos pesaram 177,7±41,2 g na safra de 1980, com 51,1±4,5% de polpa. A produtividade, estimado em 112 kg/árvore em 1980 e 187 kg/árvore em 1981, foi abaixo da média de uma árvore bem manejada no sul do Brasil. As flores foram visitadas por oito espécies de abelhas, destacando-se Trigona branneri Ckll, Frieseomelitta sp. e Partamona pseudomusarum Camargo.
Olive mill wastewaters (OMW) and vinasses (VS) are effluents produced respectively by olive mills and wineries, both sectors are of great economic importance in Mediterranean countries. These effluents cause a large environmental impact, when not properly processed, due to their high concentration of phenolic compounds, COD and colour. OMW may be treated by biological processes but, in this case, a dilution is necessary, increasing water consumption. The approach here in proposed consists on the bioremediation of OMW and VS by filamentous fungi. In a screening stage, three fungi (Aspergillus ibericus, Aspergillus uvarum, Aspergillus niger) were selected to bioremediate undiluted OMW, two-fold diluted OMW supplemented with nutrients, and a mixture of OMW and VS in the proportion 1:1 (v/v). Higher reductions of phenolic compounds, colour and COD were achieved mixing both residues; with A. uvarum providing the best results. In addition, the production of enzymes was also evaluated during this bioremediation process, detecting in all cases lipolytic, proteolytic and tannase activities. A. ibericus, A. uvarum and A. niger achieved the highest value of lipase (1253.7 ± 161.2 U/L), protease (3700 ± 124.3 U/L) and tannase (284.4 ± 12.1 U/L) activities, respectively. Consequently, this process is an interesting alternative to traditional processes to manage these residues, providing simultaneously high economic products, which can be employed in the same industries.
El presente proyecto de investigación solicitado es continuacion de una línea de trabajo con insumos de desecho agroindustrial regional en la provincia de Cordoba. Prevé aportes que contribuyan a la sustentabilidad económica y social, y ambiental. Se trata de aportar valor agregado a importantes cantidades residuales de cascaras de mani. Además promueve la produccion de materiales y componentes de construcción de viviendas saludables y accesibles para sectores con necesidades sociohabitacionales.El deshecho de cáscara de maní constituye hoy en la provincia de Córdoba, un recurso sobre abundante no aprovechado en la escala en que se dispone. Existen desarrollos para su aprovechamiento - camadas de aves, alimento de ganado, carbon activado- , que no alcanzan a consumir las enormes cantidades de cascaras que se disponen hoy: alrededor de 250 000 Tn/ año. (La produccion anual de mani en caja en la provincia de Cordoba es estimada en 700.000 Tn/año)A partir de los resultados ya obtenidos con paneles livianos termoaislantes, utilizados en cielorrasos y tabiques divisorios, el nuevo trabajo de investigación y desarrollo se propone avanzar sobre las condiciones de produccion de tableros compactos, similares a los producidos comercialmente con residuos de la industria de la madera. Se estudiaran y experimentaran las propiedades de uso de resinas poliester, ureaformaldehido y fenolformaldehido, bajo condiciones de alta presion y temperatura. En la primera etapa (1º año) buscamos obtener nuevos materiales en escala de probetas.En una etapa siguiente (2º año), los nuevos materiales obtenidos serán aplicados al diseño de componentes de vivienda. Se estudiarán las posibilidades alternativas de empleo en relación a los parámetros de evaluación : peso, resistencia mecánica, aislación térmica, resistencia a la humedad, y al envejecimiento acelerado.En la última etapa (3º año) los resultados obtenidos serán aplicados en modelos de escala real y/o prototipos demostrativos para evaluar su puesta en servicio.
The objective of this thesis is to compare and contrast environmental licensing systems, for the wood panel industry, in a number of countries in order to determine which system is the best from an environmental and economic point of view. The thesis also examines the impact which government can have on industry and the type of licensing system in operation in a country. Initially, the thesis investigates the origins of the various environmental licensing systems which are in operation in Ireland, Scotland, Wales, France, USA and Canada. It then examines the Environmental Agencies which control and supervise industry in these countries. The impact which the type of government (i.e. unitary or federal) in charge in any particular country has on industry and the Regulatory Agency in that country is then described. Most of the mills in the thesis make a product called OSB (Oriented Strand Board) and the manufacturing process is briefly described in order to understand where the various emissions are generated. The main body of the thesis examines a number of environmental parameters which have emission limit values in the licenses examined, although not all of these parameters have emission limit values in all of the licenses. All of these parameters are used as indicators of the potential impact which the mill can have on the environment. They have been set at specific levels by the Environmental Agencies in the individual countries to control the impact of the mill. Following on from this, the two main types of air pollution control equipment (WESPs and RTOs) are described in regard to their function and capabilities. The mill licenses are then presented in the form of results tables which compare air results and water results separately. This is due to the fact that the most significant emission from this type of industry is to air. A matrix system is used to compare the licenses so that the comparison can be as objective as possible. The discussion examines all of the elements previously described and from this it was concluded that the IPC licensing system is the best from an environmental and economic point of view. It is a much more expensive system to operate than the other systems examined, but it is much more comprehensive and looks at the mill as a whole rather than fragmenting it. It was also seen that the type of environmental licensing system which is in place in a country can play a role in the locating of an industry as certain systems were seen to have more stringent standards attached to them. The type of standard in place in a country is in turn influenced by the type of government which is in place in that country.