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This work reconstructs Late Quaternary paleoceanographic changes in the western South Atlantic Ocean based on sedimentary core GL-77, recovered from the lower continental slope in the Campos basin, offshore SE Brazil. The studied interval comprises the last 130 ka. Changes in sea surface temperature (SST) and paleoproductivity were estimated using the total planktonic foraminiferal fauna and oxygen isotope analyses. The age model was based on the oxygen isotope record, biostratigraphic datums and AMS 14C dating. It was observed that the Pleistocene/Holocene transition occurs within Globorotalia menardii Biozone Y, and is not coeval with the base of Biozone Z. The range between summer and winter SST estimates is larger during the glacial period compared to interglacials. Three peaks of low SST around 70, 50 - 45 and 20 ka coincided with periods of enhanced SE trade winds. Despite faunal differences between the last interglacial (MIS 5e) and the Holocene, our SST estimates suggest that SSTs did not differ significantly between these intervals.
Pollen, plant macrofossil, loss-on-ignition and radiocarbon analyses of a 1.4-m section in thermokarst topography from Faddeyevskiy Island (75°20'N, 143°50'E, 30 m elevation) provides new information on Late Pleistocene interstadial environmental history of this high Arctic region. Conventional radiocarbon dates (25,700 ± 1000, 32,780 ± 500, 35,200 ± 650 yr BP) and two AMS dates (29,950 ± 660 and 42,990 ± 1280 yr BP) indicate that the deposits accumulated during the Kargian (Boutellier) interval. Numerous mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) remains that have been collected in vicinity of the site in this study were radio-carbon dated to 36,700-18,500 yr BP. Rare bison (Bison priscus) bones were dated to 32,200 ± 600 and 33,100 ± 320 yr BP. Poaceae, Cyperaceae, and Artemisia pollen dominate the spectra with some Ranunculaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Rosaceae, and Asteraceae. The pollen spectra reflect steppe-like (tundra-steppe) vegetation, which was dominant on the exposed shelf of the Arctic Ocean. Numerous Carex macrofossils suggest that the summer climate was at least 2°C warmer than today. The productivity of the local vegetation during the Kargian interstadial was high enough to feed the population of grazing mammals.
The CaCO3-contents and the fractions > 40 µm have been analysed from 5 kastenloten, one piston core and two kastengreifer taken between Senegal and Cape Verde Islands. Numerous benthonic and planktonic organisms and different terrigenous components have been distinguished. The four cores off Senegal reach middle Wuerm sediments; cores GIK12329-6 and TAG72-1 reach the V-zone and core GIK12331-4 the X-zone (Eem); the two kastengreifer contain sediments of Holocene age. Correlation of the cores has been made. Holocene sedimentation rates decrease from the shallow cores (6-11 cm/1000 years) to the deep-sea (1-2 cm/1000 years). The following climatic variations could be deduced from the sediments off the Senegal: during Holocene climate was in general as today, the Senegal river transporting fine grained material to the sea. The upper Wuerm was arid with no river influence but with red dune sand transported to the continental slope. During middle Wuerm the climate was humid again. The deep-sea cores have been influenced by eolian material from arid regions during glacial and interglacial periods, indicated by relatively high "Wuestenquarz-numbers". However, during Wuerm "Wuestenquarz-numbers" are higher than during Holocene and Eem, indicating that more intensely red coloured sediment was exposed to wind activity on the continent during this period. Varying amounts of terrigenous material and CaCO3-contents indicate varying wind strengths (lower in Holocene and Eem than during Wuerm). The boundary between humid and arid Wuerm climate was at approximately 20 °N. Influence of upwelling is difficult to establish in the sediments off Senegal, because river influence, while increasing fertility also dilutes the diatoms which are typical for upwelling. High amounts of organic carbon, low plankton/benthos ratios of foraminifers and low plankton foraminifer/radiolarian ratios in Holocene sections might be interpreted as influenced by upwelling. Turbidites occur in cores 72 and 31 and at the Holocene/Pleistocene boundary of core GIK12329-6. Their composition indicates provenance from the continental shelf of the Cape Verde Islands for core 31 and the continental shelf and slope off Senegal for core TAG72-1. Volcanic material, rare in the normal pelagic sediment of core GIK12331-4 is more frequent in the turbidites.
Laminated sediments are unique archives of palaeoenvironmental and palaeoceanographic conditions, recording changes on seasonal and interannual timescales. Diatom-rich laminated marine sediments are examined from Dumont d'Urville Trough, East Antarctic Margin, to determine changes in environmental conditions on the continental shelf from 1136 to 3122 cal. yr BP. Scanning electron microscope backscattered electron imagery (BSEI) and secondary electron imagery are used to analyse diatom assemblages from laminations and to determine interlamina relationships. Diatom observations are quantified with conventional assemblage counts. Laminae are primarily classified according to visually dominant species identified in BSEI and, secondarily, by terrigenous content. Nine lamina types are identified and are characterized by: Hyalochaete Chaetoceros spp. resting spores (CRS); CRS and Fragilariopsis spp.; Fragilariopsis spp.; Corethron pennatum and Rhizosolenia spp.; C. pennatum; Rhizosolenia spp.; mixed diatom assemblage; Stellarima microtrias resting spores (RS), Porosira glacialis RS and Coscinodiscus bouvet; and P. glacialis RS. Formation of each lamina type is controlled by seasonal changes in sea ice cover, nutrient levels and water column stability. Quantitative diatom assemblage analysis revealed that each lamina type is dominated by CRS and Fragilariopsis sea ice taxa, indicating that sea ice cover was extensive and persistent in the late Holocene. However the lamina types indicate that the sea ice regime was not consistent throughout this period, notably that a relatively warmer period, ~3100 to 2500 cal. yr BP, was followed by cooling which resulted in an increase in year round sea ice by ~1100 cal. yr BP.
An experiment was carried out on the soft bottom in the sublitoral zone of the Furugelm Island (Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan) to study formation of benthic communities. Boxes with defauned sediments were placed on depths of 4, 6 and 13 m and exposed during 60 days in the summer period. Half of them were covered with a net with mesh size 2 cm to prevent effect of large predators. It was found that spatial pattern of invertebrates' sinking in the bay conforms to distribution of benthic communities. Larvae of benthic invertebrates sinks in general in places inhabited by their adult species. The main factors responsible for recolonzation are: sediment type and local hydrodynamic conditions. Heart-shaped sea urchin Echinocardium cordatum is numerically dominated in the bay on depth 3-4.5 m, but its larvae sinks in the deeper area. Community structure is supported by mature specimen migration to places inhabited by species. Predators affect largely on the species.
Five holes were drilled at two sites in the Sea of Japan during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 128. Site 798 is located on Oki Ridge at a depth of about 900 m. Sediment age at Site 798 ranges from Pliocene to Holocene. Site 799 is located in the Kita-Yamato Trough at depth of 2000 m and below the present calcite compensation depth (CCD); the sediment ranges from Miocene to Holocene in age. Samples from all holes contain benthic foraminifers. Faunal evidence of downslope displacement is frequent in Holes 799A and 799B. The vertical frequency distribution of some dominant species shows that significant faunal changes occur in Holes 798A-C on Oki Ridge. Based on the faunal change and the thickness of sediments, it appears that the Oki Ridge was uplifted more than 1,000 m during last 4 m.y. Benthic foraminifers also demonstrate that the water depth of Site 799 rapidly changed from upper bathyal to lower bathyal during middle Miocene time. The appearance of benthic foraminifer species common to anaerobic environments suggests that the dysaerobic to anaerobic bottom conditions existed during the evolution of the Sea of Japan. Faunal distributions also suggest that the 'Tertiary-type' species recognized in the Neogene strata of the Japan Sea coastal regions disappeared sequentially from the Sea of Japan during Pliocene to late Pleistocene.
Early summer in the Arctic with extensive ice melt and break-up represents a dramatic change for sympagic-pelagic fauna below seasonal sea ice. As part of the International Polar Year-Circumpolar Flaw Lead system study (IPY-CFL), this investigation quantified zooplankton in the meltwater layer below landfast ice and remaining ice fauna below melting ice during June (2008) in Franklin Bay and Darnley Bay, Amundsen Gulf, Canada. The ice was in a state of advanced melt, with fully developed melt ponds. Intense melting resulted in a 0.3- to 0.5-m-thick meltwater layer below the ice, with a strong halocline to the Arctic water below. Zooplankton under the ice, in and below the meltwater layer, was sampled by SCUBA divers. Dense concentrations (max. 1,400 ind./m**3) of Calanus glacialis were associated with the meltwater layer, with dominant copepodid stages CIV and CV and high abundance of nauplii. Less abundant species included Pseudocalanus spp., Oithona similis and C. hyperboreus. The copepods were likely feeding on phytoplankton (0.5-2.3 mg Chl-a/m**3) in the meltwater layer. Ice amphipods were present at low abundance (<10 ind./m**2) and wet biomass (<0.2 g/m**2). Onisimus glacialis and Apherusa glacialis made up 64 and 51% of the total ice faunal abundance in Darnley Bay and Franklin Bay, respectively. During early summer, the autochthonous ice fauna becomes gradually replaced by allochthonous zooplankton, with an abundance boom near the meltwater layer. The ice amphipod bust occurs during late stages of melting and break-up, when their sympagic habitat is diminished then lost.
Succession was already studied over decades. The present thesis investigated the succession on hard substrate at two different study sites within the fjord Comau, Chile. Nine plates were installed at both sites (mouth of fjord and inner fjord) and photographed over three years. Additionally the natural community was recorded and a ground truthing was carried out to verify the analyzed species. Respectively at both sites over 50 different species were identified. Abundance data decreased with only one exception continuously, whereas the percentage cover increased. But the communities on the recruitment plates do still not reach the community structure of the natural environment. The present data showed that the hard-bottom succession in the fjord Comau is best described by the TOLERANCE MODEL (Connell & Slatyer, 1977). An important species of the natural community is the stony coral Desmophyllum dianthus, which normally (outside the fjord) grows beneath 1000 m water depth. The results of this work indicate that the mature community is not reached after 36 months.
The relative abundances of benthic foraminifers from the Oman margin have been analyzed from ODP Sites 725 and 726 near the upper boundary of the oxygen-minimum zone (OMZ) and 728 near the lower boundary. The relative abundance pattern of the benthic foraminiferal species in the two shallow sites show synchronous changes, which, together with variations in the faunal composition, may be attributed to changes in the location of the upper boundary of the OMZ during the last 7 million years. At the deeper site, the relative abundance pattern shows considerable variation in the faunal composition during the last 8 million years. The strong dominance of the shallow-water species Ammonia beccarii during the early Pliocene at Site 728 suggests a water depth less than 400 m during the early Pliocene and subsequent subsidence during the middle and late Pliocene to the present > 1400 m water depth.
The discovery of a neolithic pile field in the shallow water near the eastern shore of the Degersee confirmed earlier palynological and sedimentological studies stating that early man was active in the region since more than 6000 years. The already available off-site data were freshly assessed, completed by additional data from old and new cores and the interpretations revised. A common time scale for the off-site data and the on-site data was obtained by AMS dating of terrestrial macro remains of the neolithic section of off-site core De_I+De_H. The ages can thus be parallelled with AMS ages of construction timber on-site. Pollen analyses from all cores provide a further time scale. The continuously and densely sampled pollen profile of the profundal zone embracing the entire Late glacial and Holocene serves as a reference. From the Boreal onwards the relative ages are transformed by AMS ages and varve counts into calibrated and absolute. A transect cored close to the neolithic pile field across the lake marl-platform demonstrates its geological architecture in the shallow water since the Lateglacial. Studies of the microfabric of thin sections of drilled cores and of box cores from the excavations demonstrate that neolithic settlements now at 2-3,5 m water depth had been erected on lake marl freshly fallen dry, thus indicating earlier lake levels dropped by 1.5-2 m. The neolithic section of the highly resolved off-site profile in the lake=s profundal zone has laminated and calcareous zones alternating with massive ones. Assemblages of diatoms and concentrations of trace elements changing simultaneously characterise the calcareous sections as deposits of low lake levels that lasted between some 40 and more than 300 years. The ages of discovered lake shore dwellings fall into calcareous segments with low lake levels. From the end of the Upper Atlantic period (F VII) appear Secondary Forest Cycles in the beech forest, a man-made sequence of repeated vegetational development with an identical pattern: With a decrease of beech pollen appear pollen of grasses, herbs and cultural indicators. These are suppressed by the light demanding hazel and birch, those again by ash, and finally by the shade demanding beech forming a new pollen peak. Seven main Forest Cycles are identified In the upper Neolithic period each comprising some 250, 450 or 800 years. They are subdivided into subcycles that can be broken down by very dense sampling in even shorter cycles of decadal length. Farming settlers have caused minor patchy clearances of the beech-mixed-forest with the use of fire. The phases of clearance coincide with peaks of charcoal and low stands of the lake levels. The Secondary Forest Cycles and the continuous occurrence of charcoal prove a continued occupation of the region. Together with the repeated restoration of the beech climax forest they point to pulsating occupation probably associated with dynamic demography. The synchronism of the many palynological, sedimentological and archaeological data point to an external forcing as the climate that affects comprehensively all these proxies. The fluctuations of the activity of the sun as manifested in the residual d14C go largely along with the proxies. The initial clearances at the begin of the forest cycles are linked to low lake levels and negative values of d14C that point to dry and warm phases of a more continental climate type. The subcycles exist independent from climatic changes, indicating that early man acted largely independent from external forces.
Sediment trap moorings deployed during 1997 and 1998 in the Subantarctic to Polar Frontal regions of the Southern Ocean reveal distinct seasonality in foraminiferal flux. Foraminiferal assemblages vary between each site, yet major species exhibit very similar patterns of seasonal succession which can be associated with changes in mixed layer depth. Enhanced foraminiferal productivity is also associated with periods of high biogenic silica and particulate organic carbon flux. On a broader scale, foraminiferal assemblages are strongly delineated by temperature. Temperature estimates derived from the assemblages using the modern analog technique (MAT) are mostly within 2.5°C of the satellite advanced very high resolution radiometer temperatures observed during the deployment period. This indicates that core top sediments included in the MAT database do reflect modern observed conditions at the sea surface, providing a robust technique for estimating past temperature change from foraminiferal assemblages in Southern Ocean environments.
Eight Cenozoic radiolarian zones were recognized in samples from two holes at Site 603, drilled on the lower continental rise off North America during Leg 93 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Paleocene to early Eocene radiolarian zones (Bekoma bidartensis, Buryella clinata, and Phormocyrtis striata striata zones) and early to late Miocene radiolarian zones (Calocycletta costata, Dorcadospyris alata, Diartus petterssoni, and Didymocyrtis antepenultima zones) were recognized in sediments from Holes 603 and 603B. In addition, a new Paleocene Bekoma campechensis radiolarian Zone is defined by the interval between the first morphotypic appearance of B. campechensis and the B. campechensis-B. bidartensis evolutionary transition. This zone is immediately below the B. bidartensis Zone of Foreman (1973), and has previously been discussed as a Paleocene "unnamed zone" by other investigators. A hiatus between Neogene and Paleogene sequences was also recognized in the radiolarian faunas.
The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM, ~5 million years ago) was an interval of global warming and ocean acidification attributed to rapid release and oxidation of buried carbon. We show that the onset of the PETM coincided with a prominent increase in the origination and extinction of calcareous phytoplankton. Yet major perturbation of the surface-water saturation state across the PETM was not detrimental to the survival of most calcareous nannoplankton taxa and did not impart a calcification or ecological bias to the pattern of evolutionary turnover. Instead, the rate of environmental change appears to have driven turnover, preferentially affecting rare taxa living close to their viable limits.
In summary, one may conclude that human influence in the Bokanjac area started in the Eneolithic or Earlier Bronze Age - the third to second millennia Cal. BC. Traces of agriculture are weak or missing in the pollen diagram but grazing is indicated. Chestnut and walnut were introduced by humans to the area in classical times. These findings are in general agreement with the results of earlier studies at coastal sites north-west and south-east of Bokanjacko Blato.
At Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 189 Sites 1170-1172, the climatologically critical Eocene-Oligocene (E-O) transition is barren of any calcareous microfossils but contains rich marine organic walled dinoflagellate cyst (dinocyst) and diatom assemblages, suitable for detailed biostratigraphic and paleoenvironmental analysis. The resulting first-ever integrated dinocyst/diatom magnetostratigraphy allows confident correlation of the E-O interval between all Leg 189 sites, including Site 1168. Our correlations indicate that the (deep) opening of the Tasmanian Gateway occurred quasi-synchronously throughout the Tasmanian region, starting at ~35.5 Ma. At Sites 1170-1172, quantitatively, three distinct dinocyst assemblages may be distinguished that reflect the relatively rapid and pronounced stepwise environmental changes associated with the E-O transition in the Tasmanian region, from a pro-deltaic setting to a deep marine pelagic setting. Moreover, synchronous with the deepening of the gateway, at the southern and eastern Sites 1170-1172, typical endemic Antarctic assemblages were replaced by more cosmopolitan dinocyst communities. In marked contrast, at Site 1168 off western Tasmania, endemic Antarctic taxa are virtually absent during the E-O transition. At Sites 1170-1172, the endemic Antarctic dinocyst assemblage (Transantarctic Flora) drastically changes into a more cosmopolitan assemblage at ~35.5 Ma, with a more offshore character, reflecting the arrival of different oceanographic and environmental conditions associated with the deepening of the Tasmanian Gateway. In turn, this assemblage grades at ~34 Ma into one more typical for even more offshore and/or upwelling conditions at Site 1172. In slightly younger deposits at all sites, organic microfossils are virtually absent, reflecting winnowing and oxidation, indicative of a next step of oceanographic development. This phase may be dated as close to the Oceanic Anoxic (Oi)-1 18O (Antarctic glaciation) event (~33.3 Ma). In a single productive sample from the earliest Oligocene the northern Site 1172, a relatively warm-water cosmopolitan assemblage has been recovered. This aspect contrasts findings from coeval deposits from the Ross Sea, where endemic Antarctic species remain dominant. Somewhere between the paleogeographic positions of Site 1172 and the Ross Sea, a strong differentiation of surface waters occurred in the earliest Oligocene, possibly reflecting the onset of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current.