469 resultados para Biomphalaria tenagophila tenagophila


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Moluscos criados no campo em gaiolas transparentes e escurecidas apresentaram o mesmo consumo diário de perifíron; entretanto nas primeiras existia maior proporção de organismos vegetais e nas últimas maior proporção de organismos animais. O consumo diário por molusco foi significamente maior em presença de maiores quantidades de alimento, porém a proporção consumida do total de alimento disponível decresceu.


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Caramujos Biomphalaria tenagophila descendentes de exemplares coletados no lago da Pampulha, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, foram expostos a miracídios de quatro cepas de Schistosoma mansoni: LE e HK de origem local, Belo Horizonte, AL do Estado de Alagoas e SJ, de São José dos Campos, SP. As cepas LE, AL e SJ são mantidas em laboratório e HK foi obtida de fezes de paciente que reside próximo à Pampulha. As taxas de infecção experimental foram de 4% (LE), 6% (HK), 30% (SJ) e 40% (AL). Esses indícios de infecção foram semelhantes aos obtidos por vários autores para populações de B. tenagophila de Minas Gerais. Caramujos infectados experimentalmente eliminaram número de cercárias comparável ao de B. glabrata do controle e de B. tenagophila capturada no lago, com infecção natural (cerca de 2.000 cercárias/molusco). Devido à alta densidade planorbídica atual em alguns pontos do lago, número de cercárias eliminadas por exemplares naturalmente infectados, afluxo de pessoas para pesca e lazer, contaminação das águas por dejetos humanos, os autores alertam para o risco de crescimento do foco de esquistossomose no local.


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The present study was performed using data from a Biomphalaria tenagophila population located in a water cress garden in the Alto da Boa Vista region representing an isolated focal point of schistosomiasis in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The density and age structure of this B. tenagophila population and its rate of intection by Schistosoma mansoni were studied for a period of 15 months. The snail population showed seasonal variation in density, with a decrease in number of individual at the begining of the rainy season. At the end of this season, the population consisted mainly of adults (92.8% in May 1985 and 82.8% in April 1986). The population growth curve was logistic and of sigmoidal configuration. Shiscotoma mansoni cercariae were eliminated over a short period of time (March, April and May 1986). The release of cercariae of S. mansoni and of birds seems to depend on environmental temperature, which during certain months would show a daily variation of up to 13ºC, with the lower thermal limit approaching the limit value for sporocyte development.


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Observation about conhabitation among B. glabrata and B. tenagophila revealed a greater vulnerability of B. tenagophila population during the process of competition when its density was severaly decreased in 12 trials, moderate in 2 trials. It was higher than B. glabrata in only one trial. Some snail water chemical parameters analysed such as pH, alkalinity, conductivity and oxygen dissolve, an the viability rate of batch of eggs didn't give subsidy to explain the competition mechanism. The newly-born survival, in the situation of cohabitation, was low for both species. This reveals the existence of intra and interspecific competitive interacition. The fertility rate reduction of B. tenagophila during the cohabitation was considered as a cause of its exlusion. One of the factors that seems to have influenced the fertility rate was a possible wrong crossing.


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In order to investigate a possible method of biological control of schistosomiasis, we used the fish Geophagus brasiliensis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) which is widely distributed throughout Brazil, to interrupt the life cycle of the snail Biomphalaria tenagophila (Orbigny, 1835), an intermediate host of Schistosoma mansoni. In the laboratory, predation eliminated 97.6% of the smaller snails (3-8 mm shell diameter) and 9.2% of the larger ones (12-14 mm shell diameter). Very promising results were also obtained in a seminatural environment. Studies of this fish in natural snail habitats should be further encouraged.


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The blood cells of the pulmonate snail Biomphalaria tenagophila, an important transmiter of the trematode Schistosoma mansoni in Brazil, were examined by ligth and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Two hemocyte types were identified: hyalinocytes and granulocytes. Hyalinocytes are small young (immature), poorly spreading cells, which have a high nucleocytoplasmic ratio and are especially rich in free ribosomes. They do not appear to contain lysosome-like bodies and represent less than 10% of the circulating hemocytes. Granulocytes are larger hemocytes which readily spread on glass surface and which strongly react to the Gomori substrate, indicating the enzyme acid phosphatase usually found in lysosomes. Ultra-structurally, they contain a well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum, dictyosomes and some some lysosome-like dense bodies. Granulocytes do not exhibit a characteristic granular aspect and the few granules observed in the cytoplasm should correspond to a lysosome system. They were named granulocytes instead of amoebocytes to use the same terminology adopted for Biomphalaria glabrata in order to make easier comparative studies. This is a preface study for more specific investigations on the functional activities of the blood cells of B. tenagophila and their interactions with the trematode parasite.


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The present work was carried out in a watercress garden in Alto da Boa Vista, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The investigation was carried out in two phases. The first one (1985-86) involved the sampling of Biomphalaria tenegophila in two areas to determine its relative populational densities. The results showed that the populations presented similar densities and dynamics. The second phase (1988-89) involved the study of the influence of some environmental factors on the establishment of B. tenagophila in watercress garden. Two factors were identified as responsible for the establishment of B. tenagophila in the garden: (1) the quality of the water entering the irrigation system, to which domestic sewage is added, and (2) alterations in the nature of the substrate, due to inadequate fertilization techniques, which employ organic matter from adjacent pigsties. Aquatic plants and hydrological parameters of the irrigation system were subsidiary factors to the establishment of B. tenagophila in the garden.


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Two sibling species of Biomphalaria, B. tenagophila and B. occidentalis were identified using isozyme patterns obtained by horizontal gel electrophoresis. Six diagnostic enzymatic loci were identified in digestive gland homogenates. The results enable us to distinguish the species, calculate the Nei's coefficient of genetic similarity, and provide a basis for making inferences about the pattern of these two planorbid species colonization and distribution.


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Although Biomphalaria occidentalis and B. tenagophila are indistinguishable on the basis of shell morphology and the majority of their genital organs, only the latter is susceptible to infection with Schistosoma mansoni. Thus, the identification of these species is fundamental to epidemiological studies of schistosomiasis. Here we describe a simple and rapid method for differentiating B. tenagophila from B. occidentalis based on low stringency polymerase chain reaction and using a pair of primers specific for the amplification of the 18S rRNA gene. Analysis of the low stringency product profiles of populations of these snails from different geographical regions confirmed this approach as being applicable to the identification of B. tenagophila and B. occidentalis in cases where classical morphology is inconclusive


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The following hypotheses were tested for groups of simultaneous hermaphrodites Biomphalaria tenagophila: (a) snails that have low reproductive success during the process of self-fertilization do not increase their reproductive success after the end of grouping; (b) the copulation behaviour and the presence of one snail whose eggs have a low viability rate influence the partner's reproductive success by cross-fertilization. Groups were constituted by a homozygous pigmented snail and two albinos: one with a viability rate higher than 70% ("good reproducers") and the other less than 10% ("bad reproducers"). All pigmented snails had viability rates higher than 70%. The "good" and "bad" reproducer albino snails had similar copulation behaviour. However, after the end of grouping, the "bad reproducers" continued to have viability rates less than 10% over 30 days. In 100% of the cases that pigmented snails copulated (performing either a male role or simultaneously male and female roles) exclusively with "good" reproducer albinos, they presented high reproductive success (producing, on average of 8.4 pigmented embryos/egg-mass). However, in 100% of the cases that pigmented snails copulated with both partners, the "good" reproducer albino snails produced none or very few embryos (the highest average was 2.2 pigmented embryos/egg-mass). Therefore, the production of viable embryos by cross-fertilization was more influenced by self-fertilization performance than by copulation behaviour. The presence of a snail whose eggs have a low viability rate could decrease their partners reproductive success


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Biomphalaria tenagophila, one of the intermediate hosts of the trematoda Schistosoma mansoni, is a simultaneous hermafrodite snail species. In order to analyse the genetic structure of these populations, we performed a double-stringency PCR technique to obtain genetic markers with microsatellites and arbitrary primers in a single reaction.


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Specimens of Biomphalaria tenagophila exposed to miracidia of Schistosoma mansoni were submitted to different desiccation periods as follows: group I: 24 h after exposure, desiccated for 28 days; group II: after cercariae elimination, desiccated for 7 days; group III: 21 days after exposure, desiccated for 7 days; group IV: 14 days after exposure, desiccated for 14 days; group V: 7 days after exposure, desiccated for 21 days. From the obtained data it was verified that desiccation was not capable of interrupting the development of larvae of S. mansoni in mollusks. A delay in the development of S. mansoni larvae in groups I, III, IV and V was observed. A pause was verified in the development of S. mansoni larvae in groups II, III, IV and V. Some larvae, in groups I, III, IV and V, did not suffer as a result of desiccation and continued their development. Larvae in the cercariae stage were shown to be more sensitive to desiccation. It was possible to obtain clearing of mollusks infected by sporocysts II and cercariae using a period of 7 days of desiccation.


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High doses of gamma radiation (10 Krad) in Biomphalaria tenagophila snails (Taim strain), which have been found to be resistant to Schistosoma mansoni, were not sufficient to impair their resistance to the parasite. The number of hemocytes, as well as their phagocytic activity, were not affected by irradiation, thus showing resemblance with mammal macrophages, which are resistant to gamma irradiation also.