989 resultados para Biblia. A.T. Salmo 130-Comentarios
We report a Raman study of single crystal pyrochlore Er(2)Ti(2)O(7) as a function of temperature from 12 to 300 K. In addition to the phonons, various photoluminescence (PL) lines of Er(3+) in the visible range are also observed. Our Raman data show an anomalous red-shift of two phonons (one at similar to 200 cm(-1) and another at similar to 520 cm(-1)) upon cooling from room temperature which is attributed to phonon-phonon anharmonic interactions. However, the phonons at similar to 310, 330, and 690 cm(-1) initially show a blue-shift upon cooling from room temperature down to about 130 K, followed by a red-shift, indicating a structural deformation at similar to 130 K. The intensities of the PL bands associated with the transitions between the various levels of the ground state manifold ((4)I(15/2)) and the (2)H(11/2) as well as (4)S(3/2) excited state manifolds of Er(3+) show a change at similar to 130 K. Moreover, the temperature dependence of the peak position of the two PL bands shows a change in their slope (d(omega)/d(T)) at similar to 130 K, thus further strengthening the proposal of a structural deformation. The temperature dependence of the peak positions of the PL bands has been analyzed using the theory of optical dephasing in crystals.
Chronic recording of neural signals is indispensable in designing efficient brain–machine interfaces and to elucidate human neurophysiology. The advent of multichannel micro-electrode arrays has driven the need for electronics to record neural signals from many neurons. The dynamic range of the system can vary over time due to change in electrode–neuron distance and background noise. We propose a neural amplifier in UMC 130 nm, 1P8M complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) technology. It can be biased adaptively from 200 nA to 2 $mu{rm A}$, modulating input referred noise from 9.92 $mu{rm V}$ to 3.9 $mu{rm V}$. We also describe a low noise design technique which minimizes the noise contribution of the load circuitry. Optimum sizing of the input transistors minimizes the accentuation of the input referred noise of the amplifier and obviates the need of large input capacitance. The amplifier achieves a noise efficiency factor of 2.58. The amplifier can pass signal from 5 Hz to 7 kHz and the bandwidth of the amplifier can be tuned for rejecting low field potentials (LFP) and power line interference. The amplifier achieves a mid-band voltage gain of 37 dB. In vitro experiments are performed to validate the applicability of the neural low noise amplifier in neural recording systems.
Resumen: ¿Qué imágenes de Egipto encontramos en la Biblia Hebrea, además del éxodo? Los textos bíblicos miran a su vecina Egipto como país de refugio (del hambre o la persecución). Pero por ser grande y fuerte, Egipto es también proveedor de armamento militar. Puede tornarse una falsa seguridad para un pueblo que debe confiar solo en Yavé. La literatura sapiencial es más benévola. En la descripción de la cama lujosa a la que una mujer descarada atrae a su amante, Proverbios 7 ofrece un homenaje indirecto a la riqueza egipcia.
Resumen: Este trabajo pretende avanzar sobre una problemática escasamente abordada por la historiografía jurídica y social argentina: la reinserción social de los egresados de las prisiones. Así, partiendo de la utilidad que tienen para la historiografía los estudios biográficos y de instituciones penitenciarias y post-penitenciarias, analizaremos algunos aspectos de la labor profesional de Jorge H. Frías, distinguido jurista, presidente de la Cámara de Apelaciones en lo Criminal y Correccional y fundador en 1918 de la primera institución de reinserción social de la Argentina: el Patronato de Liberados y Excarcelados de la Capital Federal. Esperamos que este breve trabajo contribuya a alentar la realización de otros estudios sobre diferentes aspectos del universo penitenciario argentino (directores de presidios, viajeros penitenciarios, congresos penitenciarios nacionales e internacionales, revistas de los funcionarios de prisiones, etc.) que aún hoy en día permanecen desconocidos.
Resumen: Durante los últimos años se ha podido notar de parte de los especialistas del pensamiento de Santo Tomás un interés creciente en sus comentarios bíblicos. Este ensayo se inscribe en este movimiento. El autor intenta llamar la atención a la teología del Espíritu Santo tal como esta se presenta no solo en la Suma de Teología sino también en otros escritos del Doctor Común. Después de presentar un resumen de las cuestiones 27 - 36, 37 y 38 de la primera parte de la ST, muestra la sorprendente riqueza de los tratados sobre el Espíritu Santo en la Suma contra los Gentiles, IV. cc. 15 a 26. El rol central e importantsimo del Espíritu Santo en la vida de la Iglesia es estudiado en un análisis del comentario de Tomás a las Cartas de san Pablo, en particular a la Carta a los Romanos y del Evangelio según San Juan. Para subrayar la dignidad de la devoción al Espíritu Santo, el autor ha añadido una sección sobre los Dones del Espíritu Santo, en particular en su relación con las virtudes teologales y morales, y con los Carismas. Unas páginas sobre la Ley Nueva como la gracia del Espíritu Santo concluyen este estudio.
Abstract: Focusing on Obadiah and Psalm 137, this article provides biblical evidence for an Edomite treaty betrayal of Judah during the Babylonian crisis ca. 588–586 B.C.E. After setting a context that includes the use of treaties in the ancient Near East to establish expectations for political relationships and the likelihood that Edom could operate as a political entity in the Judahite Negev during the Babylonian assault, this article demonstrates that Obadiah’s poetics include a density of inverted form and content (a reversal motif) pointing to treaty betrayal. Obadiah’s modifications of Jeremiah 49, a text with close thematic and terminological parallels, evidence an Edomite treaty betrayal of Judah. Moreover, the study shows that Obadiah is replete with treaty allusions. A study of Psalm 137 in comparison with Aramaic treaty texts from Sefire reveals that this difficult psalm also evidences a treaty betrayal by Edom and includes elements appropriate for treaty curses. The article closes with a discussion of piecemeal data from a few other biblical texts, a criticism of the view that Edom was innocent during the Babylonian crisis, and a suggestion that this treaty betrayal may have contributed to the production of some anti-Edom biblical material.
Bernardo Cabral (PMDB-AM), Relator da Comissão de Sistematização, entregou documento a Afonso Arinos com análise das emendas apresentadas ao anteprojeto da Constituição. Afonso Arinos (PFL-RJ) afirma que, pela primeira vez na história, é feita uma Constituinte sem um texto preliminar e que o anteprojeto é fruto de um processo democrático. Na reunião do Conselho Político do Governo, os líderes da Aliança Democrática defenderam a necessidade de entendimento em torno dos temas mais polêmicos da Constituinte. José Lourenço (PFL-BA) opina que o diálogo tem que ser retomado. Carlos Chiarelli (PFL-RS) afirma que uma Constituição duradoura é fruto do entendimento. Fernando Henrique Cardoso (PMDB-SP) acredita que o entendimento é possível, se for ao redor das teses que o povo quer como, por exemplo, no caso da Reforma Agrária. Fernando Gabeira, jornalista e escritor, explica as formas de participação popular na Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC). Na sessão O Povo Pergunta, cidadão quer saber qual é a situação da educação e se há possibilidade de aumentar a verba em benefício dela. João Calmon (PMDB-ES) responde que corre sério risco a proposta de vinculação de 18% da receita de impostos federais e de, no mínimo, 25% da receita de impostos estaduais e municipais para a educação e conclama a população a se manifestar em favor do aumento dos recursos. Outro cidadão quer saber como a Constituinte vai melhorar o atendimento médico e a saúde da população. Euclides Scalco (PMDB-PR) responde que deve ser criado o Fundo Nacional de Saúde, composto pelos 30% dos recursos da seguridade e outros recursos estaduais, municipais e do orçamento da União para garantir assistência plena e para que se implante, definitivamente, o Sistema Único de Saúde no país.
Age of a population of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) from a pond in Patagonia was studied by means of scale readings. The population was sampled three times, on December 1984, March 1985 and March 1986. Length at age was back-calculated from growth marks on scales, using the Fraser-Lee equation. By the analysis of length distributions and numbers of marks on scales from each sample, it was concluded that this population was formed by a single cohort, born in spring 1982 and stocked shortly after. Stocking rate is unknown. Significant differences (P0.05) were found between back-calculations of length at age 1 from samples of December 1984 and March 1986. These differences were probably due to length-scale radius relation. Evidences from scales suggested that a single mark is formed each year, during early-mid spring. On the other hand, according to availabe data from the literature for the same species, this population has presented one of the highest growth rates. (pdf contains 15 pages)
Pedro de S. Francisco nasceu em Marzagào, na África, em data desconhecida, e morreu em 1638. O religioso franciscano foi mestre em Teologia e Provincial da sua Ordem. Segundo Inocêncio, na ‘Explicação do salmo cincoenta’, o autor analisa e comenta extensamente cada um dos versos do salmo Miserere mei Dei e afirma, ainda, que "são raros os exemplares deste livro, em que (corno diz o censor Jorge Cabral, que o reviu por ordem do Santo Ofício) resplandece a erudição, doutrina, piedade e sabedoria do autor". O impressor da obra, Pedro Craesbeeck, nasceu em Antuérpia, onde aprendeu a arte da impressão na famosa Oficina de Cristóvão Plantino. Mudou-se para Portugal por volta de 1592, onde fundou uma verdadeira dinastia de impressores célebres que ali trabalharam nos séculos XV e XVI. Responsável pela impressão de obras de grande beleza tipográfica. Pedro Craesbeeck tornou-se impressor régio, conforme consta em alvará de 28 de maio de r620. Seus trabalhos foram editados no período de 1597 a 1632.
Integrada en el cuerpo normativo de la prevención de riesgos laborales, la Ley 32/2006 aborda el problema de la elevada siniestralidad existente en las empresas de construcción que trata de atajar mediante la imposición de una serie de limitaciones objetivas a las cadenas de contrataciónen las obras y la exigencia de puesta en uso en ellas de una mínima estructura organizativa empresarial, lo que condiciona la subsistencia de un modelo de ordenación del trabajo, basado en la externalización de actividades productivas, que ha caracterizado al sector durante los últimos 30 años. La nueva norma incorpora mecanismos de control de solvencia,también en materia preventiva, de los agentes que intervienen en las obras de construcción, ya públicos (Registro de Empresas Acreditadas) ya interempresariales (libro de subcontratación y deber de vigilancia asignados al comitente). Por fin, el texto legal condiciona las plantillas de las empresas del sector, exigiendo un porcentaje mínimo de trabajadores con contrato indefinido y habilita a la negociación colectiva para la autorregulación de contenidos y condiciones en que debe impartirse la formación en prevención de riesgos laborales a los trabajadores de la construcción y la acreditación de dicha formación.
En un sistema de reparto las pensiones del periodo se financian con las cotizaciones del mismo período, de tal forma que las pensiones de los cotizantes de hoy se pagarán con las aportaciones de los futuros trabajadores. La transición por lo tanto, supone que quienes hoy estamos cotizando deberíamos seguir cotizando y al mismo tiempo, formar nuestro ahorro para el futuro. Otra posibilidad sería aumentar el déficit público. En definitiva, un coste que alguién debe asumir.
After 4 months frozen storage at –18 °C cold smoked Atlantic salmon in consumer packages can hardly be differentiated from the freshly smoked product by sensory assessment by an expert panel and cannot be differentiated by consumers.
An overview is presented on the M74-Syndrome of Baltic salmon which is known since 1974 and which, since 1992, has caused considerable losses of artificially produced yolk-sac larvae in Swedish and Finnish hatcheries responsible for compensatory salmon stocking programmes. The syndrome only affects offspring of wild salmon ascending the rivers for spawning and not offspring derived from salmon broodstocks permanently kept in hatcheries. The syndrome seems to be restricted to the Baltic Sea where it has been recorded in all of the remaining Swedish (except the west coast) and Finnish salmon rivers as well as in populations of Estonian rivers and the Russian River Neva. In Sweden and in Finland, the syndrome has been recorded in recent years in offspring of up to 80 % of female salmon used for spawning and resulted in a larval mortality of up to 90 %. A nutrition-associated thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency is considered as primary cause. However, other environmental factors seem to be involved in addition. There is concern that the syndrome constitutes a major threat with respect to the survival of the few still naturally reproducing populations of Baltic salmon.
Seven groups of fingerling rainbow trout (S. gairdneri ) were fed for 10 weeks on 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% of cassava or rice in isonitrogenous diets. Optimum growth and food utilization was at 20% dietary cassava. High fiber content of the control diet did not suppress protein digestibility in this group. Rather, at all levels, protein digestibility was good and remained between 84.4% and 90.1%. However, in the control group, carbohydrate digestibility was very poor. The cassava diets which had the highest digestible energy as carbohydrate produced the best growth performance, food utilization and protein sparing. At the levels studied, the dietary carbohydrates produced no hyperglycamic effect on the fish