157 resultados para Atrina pectinata
The name "Schlagwasser breccia" is a synopsis of several debris flows in the Warstein area, which can be derived from the Warstein carbonate platform and the Scharfenberg reef. Though only locally developed, the breccia is important for the understanding of paleogeography and sedimentology in the Eastern Sauerland. Considering this breccia some gravitational-resedimentary slide movements between a high, consisting of reef carbonates, and a basin with flinz beds can be pointed out. From the uppermost Middle Devonian to the lowermost Lower Carboniferous several slides yielded the sedimentary components building up the 30 to 50 m thick polymict breccia. Some breccias were redeposited repeatedly as can be verified by different conodont maxima in single samples. Supplying area was the western part of the Warstein high, from which the slide masses glided off to the East and Southeast, more seldom to the West and Westsouthwest. All conodont zones from the upper Middle Devonian up to the lowermost Carboniferous could be identified in the Schlagwasser breccia. Therefore, an uninterrupted continuous sedimentation must have been prevalent in the supplying area; today this area nearly is denuded of flinz beds and cephalopod limestones. The slide masses spread transgressively to the East up to a substratum consisting of different units as massive limestone, flinz beds and cephalopod limestone; they are overlapped by Hangenberg beds, alum schists and siliceous rocks of the Lower Carboniferous. Parts of the substratum were transported during the progress of the slide masses. Proximal and distal parts of the flow masses can be distinguished by the diameter of the pebbles. Graded bedding and banking structures are marked only rarely. Way of transport was up to 3 km. Differently aged slide masses do not always overlap, but are placed side by side, too. Usually the slide masses do not spread out upon a greater area during sedimentation, but form closely limited debris flows. Synsedimentary fracturing and tilting of the reef platform, epirogenetic movements and seaquakes caused the slides. The entire formation period of the breccia includes about 20 millions of years. The longevity of the events points to solid paleomorphological situations around the eastern margin of the carbonate platform.
Two of five holes drilled at two separate sites during Leg 123 of the Ocean Drilling Program intersected thick and relatively complete sections of Upper Cretaceous-Paleogene nannofossiliferous sediments. Although dominated by turbidite deposition in the upper part, Hole 765C contains a thick and relatively complete Albian-Oligocene section, including a particularly thick Aptian interval, with abundant and fairly well-preserved nannofossils. Several unconformities are confidently interpreted in this section that span much of the Santonian, late Campanian, Maestrichtian, late Eocene, and early Oligocene. Hole 766A contains a thick and relatively complete Albian-lower Eocene section having generally abundant and well-preserved nannofossils. Several unconformities also have been identified in this section that span much of the Coniacian, early Campanian, Maestrichtian, and late Eocene through early Pliocene. The chronostratigraphic position and length of all these unconformities may have considerable significance for reconstructing the sedimentary history and for interpreting the paleoceanography of this region. A particularly thick section of upper Paleocene-lower Eocene sediments, including a complete record across the Paleocene/Eocene boundary, also was cored in Hole 766A that contains abundant and diverse nannofossil assemblages. Although assemblages from this section were correlated successfully using a standard low-latitude zonation, difficulties were encountered that reduced biostratigraphic resolution. Several lines of evidence suggest a mid-latitude position for Site 766 during this time, including (1) high assemblage diversity characteristic of mid-latitude zones of upwelling and (2) absence of certain ecologically controlled markers found only in low latitudes.
The opening of the Tasmanian Gateway between Australia and Antarctica has long been considered a critical element in the initiation of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, thermal isolation of Antarctica, and Cenozoic global cooling. The timing for the opening of the gateway to shallow-water circulation and subsequently to deep-water circulation was poorly known, however, and the dating of these events was a major objective of ODP Leg 189. Nannofossil data from Leg 189 sites and DSDP Site 281 in the Tasmanian Gateway suggest a 41-42 Ma age for the initiation of widespread glauconite deposition in the region, which coincided with a sharp drop in sedimentation rate. This is interpreted to be the opening of the gateway to shallow-water circulation, which occurred within the middle of the 51-33 Ma long-term cooling. The change from siliciclastic sediments to pelagic carbonates, the most conspicuous sedimentological and paleontological change in the region for the last 70 Ma and presumably the indicator for the opening of the gateway to deep-water circulation, is dated at about 31 Ma. This event is more than 2 my younger than the major high-latitude cooling in the earliest Oligocene, and thus cannot be the cause for the latter.
High-nutrient tropical carbonate systems are known to produce sediments that, in terms of skeletal composition, are reminiscent of their extra-tropical counterparts. Such carbonate systems and associated carbonate grain assemblages in the tropics are rare in the present-day world. Nonetheless, it is crucial to gain a better understanding of those ecosystems, including their drivers and players because such settings potentially represent models for ancient depositional systems as well as for predicted future environmental conditions. One of the modern occurrences of eutrophic tropical carbonate systems is the northern Mauritanian Shelf. The marine environment is characterized by an eastern boundary upwelling system that pushes cool and nutrient-rich intermediate waters onto a wide epicontinental platform (Golfe d'Arguin) where the waters warm up to tropical temperatures. The resulting facies is mixed carbonate-siliciclastic with a dominant foramol association grading into bimol and barnamol grain assemblages in the shallowest areas forming the Banc d'Arguin. Besides this cool water-related heterozoan association, the carbonate sediment is characterized by tropical molluskan species, while chlorozoan biota (e.g., corals and algal symbiont-bearing foraminifers) are entirely absent. We here present a first comprehensive facies analysis of this model example of eutrophic tropical carbonates. Furthermore, we reconstruct the loci of carbonate production and provide a conclusive depositional model of the Banc d'Arguin that received little attention to date due to its poorly accessible nature.
Paleocene and Eocene nannofossil flora from Deep Sea Drilling Project Legs 25 and 40 were analyzed in order to provide a basis of comparison with DSDP Legs 36 and 71 and with other South Atlantic assemblages. A mid-latitude biostratigraphic zonation, using previously described zonal markers, was adopted for the southwest Indian Ocean. Various diagenetic effects were noted in the sedimentary sequences. Some of these mask to some extent paleoecologic signals, particularly those generated by the Discoaster/Chiasmolithus ratio.
Neptunian dikes and cavities as weil as their fillings are described from Middle to Upper Devonian carbonates of the Warstein area. The genesis of the pre-Upper Carboniferous dikes is due to pre-orogenic synsedimentary tensional movements. Lifting, subsidence and tilting caused joints and cracks, which are enlarged to dikes and cavities on submarine conditions. The post-Upper Carboniferous dikes are based on the orogenesis during Upper Carboniferous time, causing numerous tectonical divisional planes in the sediments. Along these planes a far-reaching karstification took place since mesozoic time. According to their size the cavities are subdivided into macro-, mega- and microdikes. With the exception of one macrodike all the others are limited to the massive limestone. Megadikes especially occur in Upper Devonian cephalopod limestone and in the Erdbach limestone, microdikes can be found in all carbonatic rocks. The dikes follow pre-orogenic, tectonical and sedimentary divisional planes and are orientated to ac-, bc- as well as bedding planes and diagonal directions. The fillings happened down from above either in a solitary event or repeatedly in long-lived dikes during a span of several ten millions of years. More seldom the fillings took place laterally or upside from beneath. The dikes contain - without regard to autochthonous conodont faunas - older and/or younger mixed faunas, too. Occasionally they were used as life district by a trilobite fauna adapted to the dikes. The dikes represent sedimentary pitfalls and conserve sediments eroded in other places. Therefore, by aid of the fillings, it can be demonstrated, that stratigraphic gaps are not absolutely due to primary interruptions of sedimentation, but were caused by reworking. Some dikes contain the distal offsets of slides and suspension streams. Relations between condensation and development of dikes could not be derived in the Warstein area. However, an increase of the frequency of dikes towards east to the eastern margin of the Warstein carbonate platform could be pointed out. This margin is a slope, persisting more than 10 millions of years, between a block and a basin. Evidently cracks and dikes, which were caused by settlements, slides and earth quakes, occured there frequently. The Warstein dikes and cavities, caused by karstification, are filled with terrestrial Lower Cretaceous, marine Upper Cretaceous and terrestrial Pleistocene to Holocene sediments. Tertiary sediments could not be detected.