857 resultados para Atherosclerotic Plaques


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The development of atherosclerosis and the inflammatory response were investigated in LDLr-KO mice on three high-fat diets (40% energy as fat) for 16 weeks: trans (TRANS), saturated (SAFA) or omega-6 polyunsaturated (PUFA) fats. The following parameters were measured: plasma lipids, aortic root total cholesterol (TC), lesion area (Oil Red-O), ABCA1 content and macrophage infiltration (immunohistochemistry), collagen content (Picrosirius-red) and co-localization of ABCA1 and macrophage (confocal microscopy) besides the plasma inflammatory markers (IL-6, TNF-alpha) and the macrophage inflammatory response to lipopolysaccharide from Escherichia coli (LPS). As expected, plasma TC and TG concentrations were lower on the PUFA diet than on TRANS or SAFA diets. Aortic intima macrophage infiltration, ABCA1 content, and lesion area on PUFA group were lower compared to TRANS and SAFA groups. Macrophages and ABCA1 markers did not co-localize in the atherosclerotic plaque, suggesting that different cell types were responsible for the ABCA1 expression in plaques. Compared to PUFA, TRANS and SAFA presented higher collagen content and necrotic cores in atherosclerotic plaques. In the artery wall, TC was lower on PUFA compared to TRANS group; free cholesterol was lower on PUFA compared to TRANS and SAFA; cholesteryl ester concentration did not vary amongst the groups. Plasma TNF-alpha concentration on PUFA and TRANS-fed mice was higher compared to SAFA. No difference was observed in IL-6 concentration amongst groups. Regarding the macrophage inflammatory response to LPS, TRANS and PUFA presented higher culture medium concentrations of IL-6 and TNF-alpha as compared to SAFA. The PUFA group showed the lowest amount of the anti-inflammatory marker IL-10 compared to TRANS and SAFA groups. In conclusion, PUFA intake prevented atherogenesis, even in a pro-inflammatory condition. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Abstract Background To analyse histological composition and progression of carotid plaque. Methods Thirty-one patients (22 males, mean age 68.03 ± 7.3 years) admitted for carotid endarterectomy for extracranial high-grade internal carotid artery stenosis (≥ 70% luminal narrowing) were enrolled. The patients were divided into 2 groups according to symptomatology (group I, 17 symptomatic patients; and group II, 14 asymptomatic patients). A histological analysis and inflammatory cell quantification of each excised carotid plaque was made. Nine carotid arteries were removed from human cadavers that were not preselected for carotid artery disease. These specimens were used as a control tissue without any macroscopic signs of atherosclerotic plaques. Results Fifty eight percent of all carotid plaques were classified as complex plaque with possible surface defect, hemorrhage or thrombus. The inflammatory cells concentration did not differ between the two groups. All specimens from human cadavers were classified as preatheroma with extracellular lipid pools. Conclusion Asymptomatic and symptomatic patients could have the same histological components on their carotid plaques. Fibrotic and calcific plaques could become vulnerable as complex plaques with surface defect, hemorrhage and thrombus could remain silent. Asymptomatic carotid stenosis should be followed close with no invasive diagnostic methods and clinical evaluation.


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Macrophage interaction with oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) leads to its differentiation into foam cells and cytokine production, contributing to atherosclerosis development. In a previous study, we showed that CD36 and the receptor for platelet-activating factor (PAFR) are required for oxLDL to activate gene transcription for cytokines and CD36. Here, we investigated the localization and physical interaction of CD36 and PAFR in macrophages stimulated with oxLDL. We found that blocking CD36 or PAFR decreases oxLDL uptake and IL-10 production. OxLDL induces IL-10 mRNA expression only in HEK293T expressing both receptors (PAFR and CD36). OxLDL does not induce IL-12 production. The lipid rafts disruption by treatment with βCD reduces the oxLDL uptake and IL-10 production. OxLDL induces co-immunoprecipitation of PAFR and CD36 with the constitutive raft protein flotillin-1, and colocalization with the lipid raft-marker GM1-ganglioside. Finally, we found colocalization of PAFR and CD36 in macrophages from human atherosclerotic plaques. Our results show that oxLDL induces the recruitment of PAFR and CD36 into the same lipid rafts, which is important for oxLDL uptake and IL-10 production. This study provided new insights into how oxLDL interact with macrophages and contributing to atherosclerosis development.


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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde der Einfluss zweier möglicher Biomarker auf die Atherosklerose untersucht.rnMilk fat globule-EGF factor 8 (MFG-E8, Lactadherin) ist ein Glycoprotein, das vornehmlich von Makrophagen, glatten Muskelzellen und Endothelzellen sezerniert wird. MFG-E8-/--Mäuse zeigen vermehrt apoptotische Zellen in der atherosklerotischen Plaque, verstärkte Inflammationszeichen und vergrößerte Läsionen. In situ-Hybridisierung und Immunfluoreszenz zeigen eine starke Lactadherin-Expression in den Schaumzellen atherosklerotischer Plaques von Apo E-/-, Apo E-/-/GPx 1-/-und LDLR-/- Mäusen, vor allem in der Nähe des Lipid Core. Dort kolokalisiert Lactadherin mit dem Makrophagenmarker CD 68 und dem Chemokin Fraktalkin, das die MFG-E8 Sekretion stimuliert und so die Phagocytose forciert. Untersuchungen mittels RTD-PCR ergaben, dass Peritonealmakrophagen der Genotypen Apo E-/-, Apo E-/-/GPx 1-/- und GPx 1-/-, deren Gemeinsamkeit eine höhere Empfindlichkeit gegenüberrnoxidativem Stress ist, mehr Lactadherin exprimieren als andere Genotypen (B6, LDLR-/-). Die Inkubation muriner oder humaner Makrophagen mit oxLDL und eLDL hat keinen Einfluss auf die Expression der MFG-E8 mRNA. Der Kontakt mit apoptotischer Zellen hingegen erhöht die Expression signifikant. Lactadherin ist entscheidend für die effektive Phagozytose apoptotischer Zellen in der atherosklerotischen Läsion. Seine Expression wird vermutlich durch die Apoptose in der Nähe liegender Zellen und das verstärkte Vorkommen von ROS reguliert. Macrophage stimulating protein (MSP) übt Einfluss auf Migration, Proliferation und Phagocytose von Makrophagen aus. Seine Beteiligung an inflammatorischen Vorgängen und der Karzinogenese ist intensiv untersucht worden, nicht jedoch der Einfluss auf die Atherosklerose. Es ist bekannt, dass der SNP rs3197999 mit chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen (CED) assoziiert ist. Zudem geht er vermutlich mit einem erniedrigten Atheroskleroserisiko einher. Der Polymorphismus c2078t hat den Aminosäureaustausch R689C zur Folge. Rekombinant erzeugtes, mutantes und wildtypisches MSP induziert Migration und Proliferation bei THP-1-Makrophagen. MSPmut vermittelt dies jedoch wesentliche effektiver als MSPwt. Apoptose hingegen wird durch keine der Formen induziert. R689C führt zu einem “gain of function” des MSP-Proteins in Bezug auf die Proliferations- und Migrationsfähigkeit von Makrophagen und verändert vermutlich deren Cytokinfreisetzung. Dies führt möglicherweise zu einer erhöhten Phagocytoseeffizienz in der atherosklerotischen Läsion (erniedrigtes Atherosklerose-Risiko), und zu einer aberranten immunologischen Reaktion im Rahmen der CED (erhöhtes CED-Risiko).


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Atherosclerotic diseases such as coronary artery disease and ischaemic stroke are caused by chronic inflammation in arterial vessel walls. The complement system is part of the innate immune system. It is involved in many processes contributing to onset and development of atherosclerotic plaques up to the final stage of acute thrombotic events. This is due to its prominent role in inflammatory processes. In addition, there is increasing evidence that interactions between complement and coagulation provide a link between inflammation and thrombosis. On the other hand, the complement system also has an atheroprotective function through the clearance of apoptotic material. The knowledge of these complex mechanisms will become increasingly important, also for clinicians, since it may lead to novel therapeutic and diagnostic options. Therapies targeting the complement system have the potential to reduce tissue damage caused by acute ischaemic events. Whether early anti-inflammatory and anti-complement therapy may be able to prevent atherosclerosis, remains a hot topic for research.


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A genetic polymorphism in the human gene encoding connexin37 (CX37, encoded by GJA4, also known as CX37) has been reported as a potential prognostic marker for atherosclerosis. The expression of this gap-junction protein is altered in mouse and human atherosclerotic lesions: it disappears from the endothelium of advanced plaques but is detected in macrophages recruited to the lesions. The role of CX37 in atherogenesis, however, remains unknown. Here we have investigated the effect of deleting the mouse connexin37 (Cx37) gene (Gja4, also known as Cx37) on atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E-deficient (Apoe(-/-)) mice, an animal model of this disease. We find that Gja4(-/-)Apoe(-/-) mice develop more aortic lesions than Gja4(+/+)Apoe(-/-) mice that express Cx37. Using in vivo adoptive transfer, we show that monocyte and macrophage recruitment is enhanced by eliminating expression of Cx37 in these leukocytes but not by eliminating its expression in the endothelium. We further show that Cx37 hemichannel activity in primary monocytes, macrophages and a macrophage cell line (H36.12j) inhibits leukocyte adhesion. This antiadhesive effect is mediated by release of ATP into the extracellular space. Thus, Cx37 hemichannels may control initiation of the development of atherosclerotic plaques by regulating monocyte adhesion. H36.12j macrophages expressing either of the two CX37 proteins encoded by a polymorphism in the human GJA4 gene show differential ATP-dependent adhesion. These results provide a potential mechanism by which a polymorphism in CX37 protects against atherosclerosis.


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11Beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11beta-HSD1) is essential for the local activation of glucocorticoid receptors (GR). Unlike unliganded cytoplasmic GR, 11beta-HSD1 is an endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-membrane protein with lumenal orientation. Cortisone might gain direct access to 11beta-HSD1 by free diffusion across membranes, indirectly via intracellular binding proteins or, alternatively, by insertion into membranes. Membranous cortisol, formed by 11beta-HSD1 at the ER-lumenal side, might then activate cytoplasmic GR or bind to ER-lumenal secretory proteins. Compartmentalization of 11beta-HSD1 is important for its regulation by hexose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (H6PDH), which regenerates cofactor NADPH in the ER lumen and stimulates oxoreductase activity. ER-lumenal orientation of 11beta-HSD1 is also essential for the metabolism of the alternative substrate 7-ketocholesterol (7KC), a major cholesterol oxidation product found in atherosclerotic plaques and taken up from processed cholesterol-rich food. An 11beta-HSD1 mutant adopting cytoplasmic orientation efficiently catalyzed the oxoreduction of cortisone but not 7KC, indicating access to cortisone from both sides of the ER-membrane but to 7KC only from the lumenal side. These aspects may be relevant for understanding the physiological role of 11beta-HSD1 and for developing therapeutic interventions to control glucocorticoid reactivation.


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OBJECTIVES: The goal of the present study was to compare the accuracy of in vivo tissue characterization obtained by intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) radiofrequency (RF) data analysis, known as Virtual Histology (VH), to the in vitro histopathology of coronary atherosclerotic plaques obtained by directional coronary atherectomy. BACKGROUND: Vulnerable plaque leading to acute coronary syndrome (ACS) has been associated with specific plaque composition, and its characterization is an important clinical focus. METHODS: Virtual histology IVUS images were performed before and after a single debulking cut using directional coronary atherectomy. Debulking region of in vivo histology image was predicted by comparing pre- and post-debulking VH images. Analysis of VH images with the corresponding tissue cross section was performed. RESULTS: Fifteen stable angina pectoris (AP) and 15 ACS patients were enrolled. The results of IVUS RF data analysis correlated well with histopathologic examination (predictive accuracy from all patients data: 87.1% for fibrous, 87.1% for fibro-fatty, 88.3% for necrotic core, and 96.5% for dense calcium regions, respectively). In addition, the frequency of necrotic core was significantly higher in the ACS group than in the stable AP group (in vitro histopathology: 22.6% vs. 12.6%, p = 0.02; in vivo virtual histology: 24.5% vs. 10.4%, p = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS: Correlation of in vivo IVUS RF data analysis with histopathology shows a high accuracy. In vivo IVUS RF data analysis is a useful modality for the classification of different types of coronary components, and may play an important role in the detection of vulnerable plaque.


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ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1) mediates the transport of cholesterol and phospholipids from cells to lipid-poor HDL and maintains cellular lipid homeostasis. Impaired ABCA1 function plays a role in lipid disorders, cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, and metabolic disorders. Despite the clinical importance of ABCA1, no method is available for quantifying ABCA1 protein. We developed a sensitive indirect competitive ELISA for measuring ABCA1 protein in human tissues using a commercial ABCA1 peptide and a polyclonal anti-ABCA1 antibody. The ELISA has a detection limit of 8 ng/well (0.08 mg/l) with a working range of 9-1000 ng/well (0.09-10 mg/l). Intra- and interassay coefficient of variations (CVs) were 6.4% and 9.6%, respectively. Good linearity (r = 0.97-0.99) was recorded in serial dilutions of human arterial and placental crude membrane preparations, and fibroblast lysates. The ELISA measurements for ABCA1 quantification in reference arterial tissues corresponded well with immunoblot analysis. The assay performance and clinical utility was evaluated with arterial tissues obtained from 15 controls and 44 patients with atherosclerotic plaques. ABCA1 protein concentrations in tissue lysates were significantly lower in patients (n = 24) as compared with controls (n = 5; 9.37 +/- 0.82 vs. 17.03 +/- 4.25 microg/g tissue; P < 0.01). The novel ELISA enables the quantification of ABCA1 protein in human tissues and confirms previous semiquantitative immunoblot results.


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This study attempts a critical evaluation of the clinical evidence behind the use of dietary pomegranate preparations in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. A search of PubMed on August 10, 2014 identified 228 references, which yielded extractable data from 24 clinical studies of pomegranate preparations. Hand searching identified two further studies. The quality of the studies and evidence of effectiveness of pomegranate were assessed by an established set of conventional criteria. Overall, the study quality was poor. Even in the best studies, indications of benefit did not reach the conventional levels of statistical significance. The only study with a definitive design had a biochemical rather than a clinical endpoint: it showed the expected difference in blood concentrations of myeloperoxidase after a single dose of either pomegranate or placebo. Only 10 of the 26 studies provided HPLC data on the amounts of co-active ingredients in the preparations that were consumed by the subjects. If pomegranate has a role in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, there is a pressing need for dose-finding and long-term confirmatory studies. The ultimate endpoint for definitive studies would be mortality, but reductions in blood pressure or demonstrable decreases in atherosclerotic plaques would be useful surrogates. Sample sizes for various assumptions are provided. Future studies need to prove the clinical benefit.


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Lipocalin-type prostaglandin D synthase (L-PGDS) is localized in the central nervous system and male genital organs of various mammals and is secreted as β-trace into the closed compartment of these tissues separated from the systemic circulation. In this study, we found that the mRNA for the human enzyme was expressed most intensely in the heart among various tissues examined. In human autopsy specimens, the enzyme was localized immunocytochemically in myocardial cells, atrial endocardial cells, and a synthetic phenotype of smooth muscle cells in the arteriosclerotic intima, and accumulated in the atherosclerotic plaque of coronary arteries with severe stenosis. In patients with stable angina (75–99% stenosis), the plasma level of L-PGDS was significantly (P < 0.05) higher in the great cardiac vein (0.694 ± 0.054 μg/ml, n = 7) than in the coronary artery (0.545 ± 0.034 μg/ml), as determined by a sandwich enzyme immunoassay. However, the veno-arterial difference in the plasma L-PGDS concentration was not observed in normal subjects without stenosis. After a percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty was performed to compress the stenotic atherosclerotic plaques, the L-PGDS concentration in the cardiac vein decreased significantly (P < 0.05) to 0.610 ± 0.051 μg/ml at 20 min and reached the arterial level within 1 h. These findings suggest that L-PGDS is present in both endocardium and myocardium of normal subjects and the stenotic site of patients with stable angina and is secreted into the coronary circulation.


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Negli ultimi anni, si sono diffusi nuove strategie per il trattamento delle malattie cardiovascolari, che possano supportare una terapia medica, o in alcuni casi, sostituirla. Infatti, l’abbandono delle terapie è il più importante problema di salute pubblica del mondo occidentale, soprattutto per le malattie croniche. Ciò è dovuto alla complessità delle terapie farmacologiche e ai numerosi e in alcuni casi gravi effetti collaterali dei farmaci somministrati. Di conseguenza, una riduzione di questi effetti migliorerebbe le condizioni di vita del paziente e quindi diminuirebbe il rischio di abbandono della terapia. Per ottenere ciò, è possibile affiancare al trattamento farmacologico una terapia nutraceutica, consistente nella somministrazione di complessi molecolari o microorganismi, provenienti da piante, latte o cibi funzionali. Lo scopo generale di questo studio è indagare le attività ipolipidemizzanti di un composto nutraceutico e di un ceppo batterio specifico nel modello animale che presenta elevati alti livelli plasmatici di colesterolo. Inoltre, sono stati analizzati gli effetti del trattamento nutraceutico sui meccanismi fisiologici che contrastano la creazione della placca aterosclerotica come l’efflusso di colesterolo dalle “foam cells” presenti nell’ateroma, o la riduzione dell’assorbimento intestinale di colesterolo. La presente tesi è divisa in due parti. Nella prima parte, abbiamo analizzato la capacità dei Bifidobacteria di ridurre i livelli di colesterolo nel medium di crescita. Dall’analisi, si è osservato che vari ceppi del genere Bifidobacteria presentano un’ampia capacità di assimilazione del colesterolo all’interno della cellula batterica, in particolare il Bifidobacterium bifidum PRL2010. Le analisi di trascrittomica del Bb PRL2010 incubato in presenza di colesterolo, hanno rivelato un significativo aumento dei livelli di trascrizione di geni codificanti trasportatori e riduttasi, responsabili del meccanismo di accumulo all’interno della cellula batterica e della conversione del colesterolo in coprostanolo. L’attività ipolipidemizzante del Bb PRL2010 è stata poi valutata nel modello murino, mostrando la modificazione del microbiota dei topi trattati dopo somministrazione del batterio in questione. Nella seconda parte del progetto di ricerca, abbiamo indagato sugli effetti di un composto coperto da brevetto, chiamato “Ola”, sull’efflusso di colesterolo di criceti trattati con questo composto nutraceutico. L’efflusso di colesterolo è il primo step del meccanismo fisiologico noto come Trasporto Inverso del Colesterolo, che consente l’eliminazione del colesterolo dalle placche aterosclerotiche, attraverso l’interazione fra le HDL, presenti nella circolazione sanguigna, e specifici trasportatori delle foam cells, come ABCA1/G1 e SR-BI. In seguito, le lipoproteine rilasciano il colesterolo alle cellule epatiche, dove è metabolizzato ed escreto attraverso le feci. Per valutare l’effetto dell’Ola sul profilo lipidico dei criceti, sono state condotte analisi in vitro. I risultati mostrano un aumento dell’efflusso di colesterolo in cellule che esprimono il trasportatore ABCA1, comparato con il gruppo controllo. Questi due studi mostrano come l’approccio nutraceutico può essere un importante modo per contrastare l’aterosclerosi. Come mostrato in letteratura, gli effetti dei composti nutraceutici sull’aterosclerosi e su altre malattie croniche, hanno portato a un ampio uso come supporto alle terapie farmacologiche, ed in alcuni casi hanno rimpiazzato la terapia farmacologica stessa.


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Background Statins are known to enhance atherosclerotic plaque stability through influences on extracellular matrix homeostasis. Net matrix production reflects the relative balance of matrix production and degradation through enzymes such as matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their inhibitors, tissue inhibitor of MMP (TIMPs). The effects of statins on endothelial cell production of these parameters following co-exposure with a proatherogenic stimulus such as high glucose are not known. Methods Human endothelial cells were exposed for 72 h to 5 mM> (control) or 25 mM (high) glucose +/- atorvastatin (1 mumol/l). Extracellular matrix homeostasis was assessed by measuring matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 secretion, tissue inhibitor of MMP (TIMP)-1 and -2 secretion and net collagen IV production. Results were expressed as percentage +/- SEM of control values. Results Exposure to high glucose increased cellular collagen IV expression to 190.1 +/- 11.7% (P < 0.0001) of control levels. No change in MMP-2 secretion (111.6 +/- 5.2%; P > 0.05) was observed but both TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 expression were increased to 136.3 +/- 6.4% and 144.0 +/- 27.5%, respectively (both P < 0.05). The presence of atorvastatin in high glucose conditions reduced collagen IV expression to 136.1 +/- 20.6%. This was paralleled by increased secretion of MMP-2 to 145.8 +/- 7.8% (P < 0.01), increased TIMP-2 expression to 208.0 +/- 21.3% (P < 0.005 compared with high glucose) but no change in TIMP-1 expression (155.1 +/- 14.6%) compared with high glucose alone. The presence of atorvastatin in control conditions did not affect levels of collagen IV expression (114.5 +/- 13.2%). Conclusions Endothelial cell exposure to high glucose was associated with a MMP/TIMP profile that increased extracellular matrix production which was attenuated by concurrent exposure to atorvastatin. Consequently, a mechanism by which the atherosclerotic plaque regression that is observed in patients taking these drugs has been demonstrated.


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A role for infection and inflammation in atherogenesis is widely accepted. Arterial endothelium has been shown to express heat shock protein 60 (HSP60) and, since human (hHSP60) and bacterial (GroEL) HSP60s are highly conserved, the immune response to bacteria may result in cross-reactivity, leading to endothelial damage and thus contribute to the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. In this study, GroEL-specific T-cell lines from peripheral blood and GroEL-, hHSP60-, and Porphyromonas gingivalis-specific T-cell lines from atherosclerotic plaques were established and characterized in terms of their cross-reactive proliferative responses, cytokine and chemokine profiles, and T-cell receptor (TCR) V beta expression by flow cytometry. The cross-reactivity of several lines was demonstrated. The cytokine profiles of the artery T-cell lines specific for GroEL, hHSP60, and P. gingivalis demonstrated Th2 phenotype predominance in the CD4 subset and Tc0 phenotype predominance in the CD8 subset. A higher proportion of CD4 cells were positive for interferon-inducible protein 10 and RANTES, with low percentages of cells positive for monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 and macrophage inflammatory protein la, whereas a high percentage of CD8 cells expressed all four chemokines. Finally, there was overexpression of the TCR V beta 5.2 family in all lines. These cytokine, chemokine, and V beta profiles are similar to those demonstrated previously for P. gingivalis-specific lines established from periodontal disease patients. These results support the hypothesis that in some patients cross-reactivity of the immune response to bacterial HSPs, including those of periodontal pathogens, with arterial endothelial cells expressing hHSP60 may explain the apparent association between atherosclerosis and periodontal infection.