999 resultados para Arterial Switch Operation
FUNDAMENTO: Em razão das controvérsias existentes na literatura quanto aos possíveis benefícios do treinamento resistido (TR) sobre a pressão arterial de repouso (PA) e por causa da escassez de estudos com indivíduos idosos e hipertensos, o TR é pouco recomendado como forma de tratamento não-farmacológico da hipertensão arterial. OBJETIVO: Verificar os efeitos do TR progressivo sobre a pressão arterial de repouso (PA), a freqüência cardíaca (FC) e o duplo produto (DP) em idosas hipertensas controladas. MÉTODOS: Vinte mulheres idosas (66,8 ± 5,6 anos de idade) sedentárias, controladas com medicação anti-hipertensiva, realizaram 12 semanas de TR, compondo o grupo do treinamento resistido (GTR). Vinte e seis idosas (65,3 ± 3,4 anos de idade) hipertensas controladas não realizaram exercícios físicos durante a pesquisa, constituindo o grupo-controle. RESULTADOS: Houve redução significativa nos valores de repouso da pressão arterial sistólica (PAS), da pressão arterial média (PAM) e do DP após o TR. Não foram encontradas reduções significativas na pressão arterial diastólica (PAD) e na FC de repouso após o TR em ambos os grupos. A magnitude da queda no GTR foi de 10,5 mmHg, 6,2 mmHg e 2.218,6 mmHg x bpm para a PAS, PAM e o DP, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: O TR progressivo reduziu a PAS, PAM e o DP de repouso de idosas hipertensas, controladas com medicação anti-hipertensiva.
As origens e distribuições das artérias que vascularizaram os lobos torácicos do timo foram estudadas em fetos de 30 suínos da linhagem C40, sendo 12 machos e 18 fêmeas. Os exemplares tiveram o sistema arterial preenchido com solução aquosa a 50% de Neoprene Látex corado e, em seguida, foram submetidos à fixação em solução aquosa a 10% de formaldeído. Os lobos torácicos do timo foram vascularizados por ramos diretos das artérias torácica interna direita (63,33%) e esquerda (53,33%), subclávia esquerda (3,33%), vertebral esquerda (3,33%), cervical superficial direita (3,33%) e esquerda (3,33%), carótida comum esquerda (3,33%), coronária direita (3,33%) e pelos troncos braquiocefálico (33,33%) e costocervical (3,33%). Observaram-se ainda os ramos indiretos das artérias torácica interna direita (70%) e esquerda (76,67%), subclávia esquerda (23,33%), cervical superficial esquerda (3,33%) e do arco aórtico (6,67%).
A distrofia muscular de Duchenne (DMD) é uma alteração neuromuscular caracterizada por contínua necrose muscular e degeneração, com eventual fibrose e infiltração por tecido adiposo. O aumento progressivo da fibrose intersticial no músculo impede a migração das células miogênicas, necessárias para a formação muscular. O modelo canino constitui-se nas melhores fenocópias da doença em humanos, quando comparados com outros modelos animais com distrofia. O tratamento antifibrose de pacientes DMD, tendo como alvo os mediadores da citocina, TGF-beta, e o tratamento com antiinflamatórios, podem limitar a degeneração muscular e contribuir para a melhora do curso da doença. O presente estudo teve como objetivo observar os possíveis efeitos adversos na fisiologia renal, por meio de avaliação bioquímica sanguínea e da pressão arterial, verificando a viabilidade do uso do Losartan (um inibidor de TGF-beta) nos cães afetados pela distrofia muscular. Foram utilizados quatro cães adultos, sendo dois machos e duas fêmeas. Utilizou-se a dose de 50mg de Losartan, administrada via oral, uma vez ao dia. Os exames clínicos, bem como alterações na função renal, o nível do potássio sérico e a pressão arterial não evidenciaram reação adversa durante todo o período do experimento. O uso de Losartan, por um período de 9 semanas, mostrou-se como uma terapia segura para o tratamento antifibrótico em cães adultos, não afetando a função renal ou pressão arterial dos animais.
Foram comparados dois métodos não-invasivos de medida da pressão arterial, o Doppler vascular e o oscilométrico, com o objetivo de estabelecer parâmetros que possam auxiliar no diagnóstico seguro da hipertensão arterial. Para tal, foram utilizados 45 cães, machos e fêmeas, distribuídos em três grupos de acordo com o peso, pequeno, médio e grande porte. Em cada animal, procedeu-se a mensuração por meio do Doppler vascular e, em seguida, do oscilométrico. Na obtenção da pressão arterial sistólica, não houve diferença entre os métodos nos três grupos de animais, porém, na obtenção da pressão arterial diastólica, houve diferença estatística entre o Doppler vascular e o oscilométrico nos grupos de animais de pequeno e médio porte. Pôde-se concluir que valores confiáveis de pressão sistólica podem ser obtidos tanto por meio do Doppler vascular quanto do oscilométrico. Os valores da pressão arterial diastólica obtidos pelos dois métodos não se correlacionam, principalmente nos animais de pequeno e médio porte.
OBJETIVO: Analisar a freqüência de hipertensão arterial sistêmica auto-referida e fatores associados. MÉTODOS: Estudo baseado em dados do sistema de Vigilância de Fatores de Risco e Proteção para Doenças Crônicas por Inquérito Telefônico (VIGITEL), coletados em 2006 nas capitais brasileiras e Distrito Federal. Estimou-se a freqüência de hipertensão arterial sistêmica entre 54.369 adultos, estratificada por sexo, região geográfica, variáveis sociodemográficas e comportamentais e morbidades auto-referidas. Foram calculadas os odds ratios brutos de hipertensão e ajustados para variáveis do estudo. RESULTADOS: A freqüência de hipertensão auto-referida foi de 21,6 por cento, maior entre mulheres (24,4 por cento versus 18,4 por cento), menor nas regiões Norte e Centro-Oeste e maior na Sudeste. A freqüência de hipertensão aumentou com a idade, diminuiu com a escolaridade, foi maior entre negros e viúvos e menor entre solteiros. A chance de hipertensão, ajustada para variáveis de confusão, foi maior para os indivíduos com excesso de peso, diabetes, dislipidemia e de eventos cardiovasculares. CONCLUSÕES: Cerca de um quinto da população referiu ser portadora de hipertensão arterial sistêmica. As altas freqüências de fatores de risco modificáveis indicam os segmentos populacionais alvos de intervenção, visando à prevenção e controle da hipertensão
There is a considerable debate about the potential influence of fetal programming on cardiovascular diseases in adulthood. In the present prospective epidemiological cohort study, the relationship between birthweight and arterial elasticity in 472 children between 5 and 8 years of age was assessed. LAEI (large artery elasticity index), SAEI (small artery elasticity index) and BP (blood pressure) were assessed using the HDI/PulseWave CR-2000 CardioVascular Profiling System. Blood concentrations of glucose, total cholesterol and its fractions [LDL (low-density lipoprotein)-cholesterol and HDL (high-density lipoprotein)-cholesterol] and triacylglycerols (triglycerides) were determined by automated enzymatic methods. Insulin was assessed by a chemiluminescent method, insulin resistance by HOMA (homoeostasis model assessment) and CRP (C-reactive protein) by immunonephelometry. Two linear regression models were applied to investigate the relationship between the outcomes, LAEI and SAEI, and the following variables: birthweight, gestational age, glucose, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triacylglycerols, insulin, CRP, HOMA, age, gender, waist circumference, per capita income, SBP (systolic BP) and DBP (diastolic BP). LAEI was positively associated with birthweight (P=0.036), waist circumference (P<0.001) and age (P<0.001), and negatively associated with CRP (P=0.024) and SBP (P<0.001). SAEI was positively associated with birthweight (P=0.04), waist circumference (P=0.001) and age (P<0.001), and negatively associated with DBP (P<0.001). Arterial elasticity was decreased in apparently healthy children who had lower birthweights, indicating an earlier atherogenetic susceptibility to cardiovascular diseases in adolescence and adult life. Possible explanations for the results include changes in angiogenesis during critical phases of intrauterine life caused by periods of fetal growth inhibition and local haemodynamic anomalies
Background The Western diet plays a role for the epidemics of obesity and related diseases. This study examined a possible association between peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and the dietary components of Japanese immigrants living in Brazil. Methods and Results In this cross-sectional study, 1,267 subjects (aged =30 years) with complete dietary, clinical and laboratory data were studied according to a standardized protocol. Ankle-to-brachial index was used to identify subjects with PAD. The overall prevalence of PAD was 14.6%. Subjects with PAD were older, had lower education and higher mean values of blood pressure, triglycerides, and fasting and 2-h plasma glucose levels compared with those without the disease. Among the subjects with PAD, the consumption of fiber from whole grains (3.0 vs 3.4 g, p=0.001) and linoleic acids (11.0 vs 11.7 g, p=0.017) were lower and intake of total (72.8 vs 69.1 g, p=0.016) and saturated fatty acids (17.4 vs 16.3 g, p=0.012) were higher than those without PAD. Results of multiple logistic regression analysis showed a significant association between PAD with high total fat intake, low intake of fiber from fruit and oleic acid, independently of other variables. Conclusions Despite limitations in examining the cause - effect relationship, the data support the notion that diet could be important in reducing the occurrence of PAD
Background & aims.This study examined the relationship between birthweight and blood pressure in childhood. Methods.Prospective cohort study involving 472 Brazilian children ranging in age from 5 to 8 years. Birthweight, systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), body mass index (BMI), total cholesterol and fractions (LDL-c, HDL-c), and triglycerides were determined. Total cholesterol, LDL-c, HDL-c, and triglycerides were assessed by automated enzymatic methods. Blood pressure was measured with the HDI/Pulse Wave™ CR-2000 equipment. Multiple regression models were used to investigate the relationship between birthweight and SBP and DBP, controlling for the following variables: gender, age, BMI, total cholesterol, triglycerides, per capita income, and maternal education. Results.When adjusting for gender and BMI, we found a systolic blood pressure increase of 2.9 (95per cent CI = −5.33 to −0.56) mmHg per kilogram birthweight reduction. The unadjusted association was insignificant. Conclusion.Our data suggest that low birthweight is one of the factors contributing to blood pressure elevation at early ages. A way to prevent these diseases is by implementing public policies focused on good nutrition and adequate prenatal care for pregnant women
Background The Western diet plays a role for the epidemics of obesity and related diseases. This study examined a possible association between peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and the dietary components of Japanese immigrants living in Brazil. Methods and Results In this cross-sectional study, 1,267 subjects (aged 30 years) with complete dietary, clinical and laboratory data were studied according to a standardized protocol. Ankle-to-brachial index was used to identify subjects with PAD. The overall prevalence of PAD was 14.6%. Subjects with PAD were older, had lower education and higher mean values of blood pressure, triglycerides, and fasting and 2-h plasma glucose levels compared with those without the disease. Among the subjects with PAD, the consumption of fiber from whole grains (3.0 vs 3.4g, p=0.001) and linoleic acids (11.0 vs 11.7g, p=0.017) were lower and intake of total (72.8 vs 69.1 a, p=0.016) and saturated fatty acids (17.4 vs 16.3g, p=0.012) were higher than those without PAD. Results of multiple logistic regression analysis showed a significant association between PAD with high total fat intake, low intake of fiber from fruit and oleic acid, independently of other variables. Conclusions Despite limitations in examining the cause-effect relationship, the data support the notion that diet could be important in reducing the occurrence of PAD.
We report a highly efficient switch built from an organic molecule assembled between single-wall carbon nanotube electrodes. We theoretically show that changes in the distance between the electrodes alter the molecular conformation within the gap, affecting in a dramatic way the electronic and charge transport properties, with an on/off ratio larger than 300. This opens up the perspective of combining molecular electronics with carbon nanotubes, bringing great possibilities for the design of nanodevices.
By the use of installed fibers inside the city we demonstrated a 48.8 km ultralong Erbium-doped fiber laser in modelocking regime with repetition rate varying from 1-10 GHz. The shortest pulse duration of 42 ps at 2.5 GHz was obtained by optimization of intracavity dispersion.
The effect of flow type and rotor speed was investigated in a round-bottom reactor with 5 L useful volume containing 2.0 L of granular biomass. The reactor treated 2.0 L of synthetic wastewater with a concentration of 800 mgCOD/L in 8-h cycles at 30 degrees C. Five impellers, commonly used in biological processes, have been employed to this end, namely: a turbine and a paddle impeller with six-vertical-flat-blades, a turbine and a paddle impeller with six-45 degrees-inclined-flat-blades and a three-blade-helix impeller. Results showed that altering impeller type and rotor speed did not significantly affect system stability and performance. Average organic matter removal efficiency was about 84% for filtered samples, total volatile acids concentration was below 20 mgHAc/L and bicarbonate alkalinity a little less than 400 mgCaCO(3)/L for most of the investigated conditions. However, analysis of the first-order kinetic model constants showed that alteration in rotor speed resulted in an increase in the values of the kinetic constants (for instance, from 0.57 h(-1) at 50 rpm to 0.84 h(-1) at 75 rpm when the paddle impeller with six-45 degrees-inclined-flat-blades was used) and that axial flow in mechanically stirred reactors is preferable over radial-flow when the vertical-flat-blade impeller is compared to the inclined-flat-blade impeller (for instance at 75 rpm, from 0.52 h(-1) with the six-flat-blade-paddle impeller to 0.84 h(-1) with the six-45 degrees-inclined-flat-blade-paddle impeller), demonstrating that there is a rotor speed and an impeller type that maximize solid-liquid mass transfer in the reaction medium. Furthermore, power consumption studies in this reduced reactor volume showed that no high power transfer is required to improve mass transfer (less than 0.6 kW/10(3) m(3)). (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper describes the development of an optimization model for the management and operation of a large-scale, multireservoir water supply distribution system with preemptive priorities. The model considers multiobjectives and hedging rules. During periods of drought, when water supply is insufficient to meet the planned demand, appropriate rationing factors are applied to reduce water supply. In this paper, a water distribution system is formulated as a network and solved by the GAMS modeling system for mathematical programming and optimization. A user-friendly interface is developed to facilitate the manipulation of data and to generate graphs and tables for decision makers. The optimization model and its interface form a decision support system (DSS), which can be used to configure a water distribution system to facilitate capacity expansion and reliability studies. Several examples are presented to demonstrate the utility and versatility of the developed DSS under different supply and demand scenarios, including applications to one of the largest water supply systems in the world, the Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area Water Supply Distribution System in Brazil.
The thermal performance of a cooling tower and its cooling water system is critical for industrial plants, and small deviations from the design conditions may cause severe instability in the operation and economics of the process. External disturbances such as variation in the thermal demand of the process or oscillations in atmospheric conditions may be suppressed in multiple ways. Nevertheless, such alternatives are hardly ever implemented in the industrial operation due to the poor coordination between the utility and process sectors. The complexity of the operation increases because of the strong interaction among the process variables. In the present work, an integrated model for the minimization of the operating costs of a cooling water system is developed. The system is composed of a cooling tower as well as a network of heat exchangers. After the model is verified, several cases are studied with the objective of determining the optimal operation. It is observed that the most important operational resources to mitigate disturbances in the thermal demand of the process are, in this order: the increase in recycle water flow rate, the increase in air flow rate and finally the forced removal of a portion of the water flow rate that enters the cooling tower with the corresponding make-up flow rate. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
FinFETs are recognized as promising candidates for the CMOS nanometer era. In this paper the most recent results for cryogenic operation of FinFETs will be demonstrated with special emphasis on analog applications. Threshold voltage, subthreshold slope and carrier mobility will be studied. Also some important figures of merit for analog circuit operation as for readout electronics, such as transconductance, output conductance and intrinsic voltage gain will be covered. It is demonstrated that the threshold voltage of undoped narrow FinFETs is less temperature-dependent than for a planar single-gate device with similar doping concentration. The temperature reduction improves the transconductance over drain current ratio in any operational region. On the other hand, the output conductance is degraded when the temperature is reduced. The combination of these effects shows that the intrinsic gain of a L = 90 nm FinFET is degraded by 2 dB when the temperature reduces from 300 K to 100 K. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.