857 resultados para Argon ion lasers
In this work, an investigation was conducted on amorphous hydrogenated-nitrogenated carbon films prepared by plasma immersion ion implantation and deposition. Glow discharge was excited by radiofrequency power (13.56 MHz, 40 W) whereas the substrate-holder was biased with 25 kV negative pulses. The films were deposited from benzene, nitrogen and argon mixtures. The proportion of nitrogen in the chamber feed (R-N) was varied against that of argon, while keeping the total pressure constant (1.3 Pa). From infrared reflectance-absorbance spectroscopy it was observed that the molecular structure of the benzene is not preserved in the film. Nitrogen was incorporated from the plasma while oxygen arose as a contaminant. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy revealed that N/C and O/C atomic ratios change slightly with R-N. Water wettability decreased as the proportion of N in the gas phase increased while surface toughness underwent just small changes. Nanoindentation measurements showed that film deposition by means of ion bombardment was beneficial to the mechanical properties of the film-substrate interface. The intensity of the modifications correlates well with the degree of ion bombardment. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Yttrium-aluminum oxides are interesting compounds and they have been extensively used as host for lasers and phosphors, due to their stable physical and chemical properties. The fabrication of yttrium-aluminum garnet (YAG) has been investigated thoroughly. Single-crystal YAG is expensive and to produce it a new way has been investigated. This process consists of modifying the methodology of reagents mixture and the process of heating them. The microwave irradiation is used to heat-treat the oxide mixture. The traditional synthesis of YAG powders occurs through the reaction of aluminum and yttrium powders at high temperatures. With this work we investigated the preparation of YAG by non-hydrolytic sol-gel route as an alternative methodology to obtain yttrium-aluminum matrix from inorganic precursors (yttrium and aluminum chloride). The preparation of the gel was carried out in an oven-dried glassware. The AlCl3, YCl3 and ethanol were reacted in reflux under argon atmosphere. Europium III chloride was added as a structural probe. The powder was dried and heat-treated in modified microwaves. The samples were pre-treated at 50 and 800 C during I h and then heated in microwaves for 30 s, 2 and 4 min. The formation process and structure of the powders were studied by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), photoluminescence (PL) and transmission electronic microscopy (TEM). XRD presents only picks corresponding to the YAG phase and confirmed by TEM. PL date showed that the YAG phase was formed in 2 min with the samples pre-treated at 50 C. For the samples pretreated at 800 degrees C, the YAG phase appears in 30s. The excitation spectra present a maximum of 394 nm corresponding to the L-5(6) level and emission spectra of Eu III ion present bands characteristic transitions arising from the D-5(0) -> F-7(J) (J= 1, 2, 3, 4) monifolds excited at their maximum. The magnetic dipole D-5(0) -> F-7(1) transition presents more intensity than the electric dipole D-5(0) -> F-7(2) transition. This methodology showed efficiency in obtaining YAG phase. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Thin polymer films were deposited from acetylene and argon mixtures by plasma immersion ion implantation and deposition. The effect of the pulse frequency, v, on molecular structure, optical gap, contact angle and hardness of the films was investigated. It was observed progressive dehydrogenation of the samples and increment in the concentration of unsaturated carbon bonds as the pulse frequency was increased. Film hardness and contact angle increased and optical gap decreased with v. These results are interpreted in terms of the chain unsaturation and crosslinking.
Thin films were prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) from a mixture of acetylene and argon, and post deposition-treated by plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII). The effect of PIII on the nanofilms properties was evaluated as a function of treatment time. The average thickness and roughness were diminished upon PIII. On the other hand, hardness (0.7-3.9 GPa) and elastic modulus (29-54 GPa) increased upon 60 min of ion bombardment. Such results are ascribed mainly to the densification of the film structure caused by the increment in the crosslinking degree with increasing the energy deposited in the films. Wettability of the samples, investigated by contact angle measurements, was reduced (from 64 to 21°) right after PIII. This result, attributed to the introduction of polar groups in the film structure, was not preserved as the sample was aged in atmosphere. After aging, contact angles were larger than 70° but still smaller than 90°. Although the wettability has decreased with aging, the hydrophilic character of the samples was preserved. For certain treatment times, nitrogen PIII turned the plasma-polymerized acetylene films smoother, denser, mechanically and tribologicaly more resistant than the as-deposited material. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This doctoral thesis describes the extension of the resonance ionization laser ion source RILIS at CERN/ISOLDE by the addition of an all-solid state tunable titanium:sapphire (Ti:Sa) laser system to complement the well-established system of dye lasers. Synchronous operation of the so called Dual RILIS system of Ti:Sa and dye lasers was investigated and the potential for increased ion beam intensity, reliability, and reduced setup time has been demonstrated. In-source resonance ionization spectroscopy was performed at ISOLDE/CERN and at ISAC/TRIUMF radioactive ion beam facilities to develop an efficient and selective three-colour ionization scheme for the purely radioactive element astatine. A LabVIEW based monitoring, control and measurement system was conceived which enabled, in conjunction with Dual RILIS operation, the spectroscopy of high lying Rydberg states, from which the ionization potential of the astatine atom was determined for the first time experimentally.
Little is known about the noble gas abundances in comets. These highly volatile atoms are possible tracers of the history of cometary matter including the thermal evolution. They can help quantify the contribution of cometary impacts to terrestrial oceans and help elucidate on the formation history of comets and their role in the formation and evolution of planetary atmospheres. This paper focuses on argon and the capabilities to measure this noble gas with in situ mass spectrometry at comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko, the target of the European Space Agency׳s spacecraft Rosetta. Argon may have been detected by remote sensing in a single Oort cloud comet but to date nothing is known about the isotopic abundances of argon in comets. Furthermore, no detection of argon in a Jupiter-family comet has been reported. Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko belongs to the group of Jupiter-family comets and originates most likely in the Kuiper belt. Onboard Rosetta is ROSINA/DFMS (Rosetta Orbiter Spectrometer for Ion and Neutral Analysis/Double Focusing Mass Spectrometer). DFMS has unprecedented mass resolution and high sensitivity and is designed to measure isotopic ratios including argon (Balsiger et al., 2007). Argon measurements using the DFMS lab model (identical to the flight model) demonstrate this capability. At very least, this mass spectrometer has the resolution and sensitivity to reduce the upper limit on the argon outgassing rate relative to water by more than three orders of magnitude (for 38Ar). Most likely, ROSINA/DFMS will provide the first detection of argon in a Jupiter-family comet together with the first determination of the ³⁶Ar/³⁸Ar ratio at a comet.
Study of rapid ionisation for simulation of soft X-ray lasers with the 2D hydro-radiative code ARWEN
We present our fast ionisation routine used to study transient softX-raylasers with ARWEN, a two-dimensional hydrodynamic code incorporating adaptative mesh refinement (AMR) and radiative transport. We compute global rates between ion stages assuming an effective temperature between singly-excited levels of each ion. A two-step method is used to obtain in a straightforward manner the variation of ion populations over long hydrodynamic time steps. We compare our model with existing theoretical results both stationary and transient, finding that the discrepancies are moderate except for large densities. We simulate an existing Molybdenum Ni-like transient softX-raylaser with ARWEN. Use of the fast ionisation routine leads to a larger increase in temperature and a larger gain zone than when LTE datatables are used.
Justification of the need and demand of experimental facilities to test and validate materials for first wall in laser fusion reactors - Characteristics of the laser fusion products - Current ?possible? facilities for tests Ultraintense Lasers as ?complete? solution facility - Generation of ion pulses - Generation of X-ray pulses - Generation of other relevant particles (electrons, neutrons..)
Due to the particular characteristics of the fusion products, i.e. very short pulses (less than a few μs long for ions when arriving to the walls; less than 1 ns long for X-rays), very high fluences ( 10 13 particles/cm 2 for both ions and X rays photons) and broad particle energy spectra (up to 10 MeV ions and 100 keV photons), the laser fusion community lacks of facilities to accurately test plasma facing materials under those conditions. In the present work, the ability of ultraintese lasers to create short pulses of energetic particles and high fluences is addressed as a solution to reproduce those ion and X-ray bursts. Based on those parameters, a comparison between fusion ion and laser driven ion beams is presented and discussed, describing a possible experimental set-up to generate with lasers the appropriate ion pulses. At the same time, the possibility of generating X-ray or neutron beams which simulate those of laser fusion environments is also indicated and assessed under current laser intensities. It is concluded that ultraintense lasers should play a relevant role in the validation of materials for laser fusion facilities.
The ability of ultraintese lasers to create short pulses of energetic particles and high fluences is addressed as a solution to reproduce ion and X-ray ICF bursts for the characterization and validation of plasma facing components. The possibility of using a laser neutron source for material testing will also be discussed.
Outline: • Motivation, aim • Complement waveguide data on silica • Optical data in quartz • Detailed analysis, i.e. both fluence kinetics and resolution • Efficiency of irradiation and analysis, samples, time... • Experimental set-up description • Reflectance procedure • Options: light source (lasers, white light..), detectors, configurations • Results and discussion • Comparative of amorphous and crystalline phases
Introduction - SiO 2 •Simple composition and structure; Crystalline and amorphous phases •Adequate for atomistic simulations •Abundant in nature. Relevant for many technologies -Irradiation with swift heavy ions: •They provide EXTREME physical conditions •Very high excitation densities similar to high power lasers •Very high local temperatures •By playing with high energy and heavy mass (SHI) : •One can go from low electronic excitations (collisions regime) to high electronic excitations (electronic regime