85 resultados para Apes.


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In all higher nonhuman primates, species survival depends upon safe carrying of infants clinging to body hair of adults. In this work, measurements of mechanical properties of ape hair (gibbon, orangutan, and gorilla) are presented, focusing on constraints for safe infant carrying. Results of hair tensile properties are shown to be species-dependent. Analysis of the mechanics of the mounting position, typical of heavier infant carrying among African apes, shows that both clinging and friction are necessary to carry heavy infants. As a consequence, a required relationship between infant weight, hair-hair friction coefficient, and body angle exists. The hair-hair friction coefficient is measured using natural ape skin samples, and dependence on load and humidity is analyzed. Numerical evaluation of the equilibrium constraint is in agreement with the knuckle-walking quadruped position of African apes. Bipedality is clearly incompatible with the usual clinging and mounting pattern of infant carrying, requiring a revision of models of hominization in relation to the divergence between apes and hominins. These results suggest that safe carrying of heavy infants justify the emergence of biped form of locomotion. Ways to test this possibility are foreseen here.


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This work has the main goal on the recognition of the inherent value of nonhuman animals, under the constitutional framework. It is presented the main philosophical formulations of the current pattern of behavior that rules the relationship between man and animals: first those that have excluded animals from moral consideration and then the thinkers which do have included, in some way, in order to elucidate the origin of the anthropocentric thought over the natural world. In this way, the analysis these thinkers that have included animals in moral consideration will contribute to a paradigm change from the anthropocentric view, initiating legal debates. It will be made a simplified analysis of different philosophical and legal points of view that have been demonstrating the posture in which the human beings have been dealing with the environment, with the replacement of the anthropocentric thinking for the biocentric view, in which life becomes the center of existence. Life is life, no matter whether it is human or not, has a value in itself, and must be protected and respected by the legal system. Then, it will be analized the constitutionalization of the nonhuman animal dignity in comparative law; the infraconstitutional legislation which concerning the intrinsic value of all life forms and, finally, the 1988 Constitution. It will be advocated for non-human animals the condition of subjects, presenting some cases that the Habeas Corpus was used in animal defense. In this new Brazilian Habeas Corpus theory of for apes the argument of genetic proximity was used in order to overcome the literal meaning of natural person to achieve hominids in order to assure the fundamental right of physical freedom. It is realized that the fact that the great apes being recognized as a person does not preclude the possibility of other living beings be recognized as subjects of law. In this way, animals can be considered non-human subjects of law, according to the theory of depersonalized entities and may enjoy a legal category that allows a respect for existential minimum, and can hold constitutional fundamental rights


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The histo-blood group ABH antigens were first described in humans. These antigens are only present on erythrocytes from great apes and humans, while in more primitive animals they are found in tissues and body fluids. The ABH antigens are mainly distributed in tissues exposed to the external environment and potentially serve as ligands for pathogens or inhibitors of tissue connections. The objective of this paper was two-fold: (i) to determine the presence of Helicobacter sp. in the gastric mucosa of 16 captive and 24 free-living New World monkeys and (ii) to evaluate the presence of histopathological alterations related to bacterial infection and the associated expression of ABH antigens in the tissue. Stomach tissues from 13 species of monkey were assessed using haematoxylin-eosin and modified Gram staining (Hucker) methods. An immunohistochemical analysis of the tissue revealed the presence of infectious bacteria that were characteristic of the genus Helicobacter sp. The results demonstrate that various species of monkey might be naturally infected with the Helicobacter sp. and that there is an increased susceptibility to infection. This study serves as a comparative analysis of infection between human and non-human primates and indicates the presence of a new species of Helicobacter.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Appreciation of objects` affordances and planning is a hallmark of human technology. Archeological evidence suggests that Pliocene hominins selected raw material for tool making [1, 2]. Stone pounding has been considered a precursor to tool making [3, 4], and tool use by living primates provides insight into the origins of material selection by human ancestors. No study has experimentally investigated selectivity of stone tools in wild animals, although chimpanzees appear to select stones according to properties of different nut species [5, 6]. We recently discovered that wild capuchins with terrestrial habits [7] use hammers to crack open nuts on anvils [8-10]. As for chimpanzees, examination of anvil sites suggests stone selectivity [11], but indirect evidence cannot prove it. Here, we demonstrate that capuchins, which last shared a common ancestor with humans 35 million years ago, faced with stones differing in functional features (friability and weight) choose, transport, and use the effective stone to crack nuts. Moreover, when weight cannot be judged by visual attributes, capuchins act to gain information to guide their selection. Thus, planning actions and intentional selection of tools is within the ken of monkeys and similar to the tool activities of hominins and apes.


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Form und Gestalt kraniofazialer Strukturen sind primär beeinflusst durch die inhärente Integration der unterschiedlichsten Funktionssysteme und externer selektiver Einflüsse. Die Variabilität der Schädel-Morphe ist ein Indikator für solche Einflussfaktoren und damit ein idealer Gegenstand für vergleichende Analysen morphogenetischer Formbildung. Zur Ermittlung morphologisch-adaptiver Trends und Muster wurden sowohl Hypothesen zur morphologischen Differenziertheit als auch zu Korrelationen zwischen modularen Schädelkompartimenten (fazial, neurokranial, basikranial) untersucht. Zusätzlich wurden aus Schichtröntgenaufnahmen (CT) virtuelle Modelle rekonstruiert, welche die Interpretation der statistischen Befunde unterstützen sollten. Zur Berechnung der Gestaltunterschiede wurden mittels eines mechanischen Gelenkarm-Messgerätes (MicroScribe-G2) max. 85 ektokraniale Messpunkte (Landmarks) bzw. dreidimensionale Koordinaten an ca. 520 Schädeln von fünf rezenten Gattungen der Überfamilie Hominoidea (Hylobates, Pongo, Gorilla, Pan und Homo) akquiriert. Aus dem Datensatz wurden geometrische Störfaktoren (Größe, Translation, Rotation) mathematisch eliminiert und die verbleibenden Residuale bzw. ‚Gestalt-Variablen‘ diversen multivariat-statistischen Verfahren unterzogen (Faktoren, Cluster-, Regressions- und Korrelationsanalysen sowie statistische Tests). Die angewandten Methoden erhalten die geometrische Information der Untersuchungsobjekte über alle Analyseschritte hinweg und werden unter der Bezeichnung „Geometric Morphometrics (GMM)“ als aktueller Ansatz der Morphometrie zusammengefasst. Für die unterschiedlichen Fragestellungen wurden spezifische Datensätze generiert. Es konnten diverse morphologische Trends und adaptive Muster mit Hilfe der Synthese statistischer Methoden und computer-basierter Rekonstruktionen aus den generierten Datensätzen ermittelt werden. Außerdem war es möglich, präzise zu rekonstruieren, welche kranialen Strukturen innerhalb der Stichprobe miteinander wechselwirken, einzigartige Variabilitäten repräsentieren oder eher homogen gestaltet sind. Die vorliegenden Befunde lassen erkennen, dass Fazial- und Neurokranium am stärksten miteinander korrelieren, während das Basikranium geringe Abhängigkeiten in Bezug auf Gesichts- oder Hirnschädelveränderungen zeigte. Das Basikranium erweist sich zudem bei den nicht-menschlichen Hominoidea und über alle Analysen hinweg als konservative und evolutiv-persistente Struktur mit dem geringsten Veränderungs-Potential. Juvenile Individuen zeigen eine hohe Affinität zueinander und zu Formen mit einem kleinem Gesichts- und großem Hirnschädel. Während das Kranium des rezenten Menschen primär von Enkephalisation und fazialer Retraktion (Orthognathisierung) dominiert ist und somit eine einzigartige Gestalt aufweist, zeigt sich der Kauapparat als maßgeblich formbildendes Kompartiment bei den nicht-menschlichen Formen. Die Verbindung von GMM mit den interaktiven Möglichkeiten computergenerierter Modelle erwies sich als valides Werkzeug zur Erfassung der aufgeworfenen Fragestellungen. Die Interpretation der Befunde ist durch massive Interkorrelationen der untersuchten Strukturen und der statistisch-mathematischen Prozeduren als hoch komplex zu kennzeichnen. Die Studie präsentiert einen innovativen Ansatz der modernen Morphometrie, welcher für zukünftige Untersuchungen im Bereich der kraniofazialen Gestaltanalyse ausgebaut werden könnte. Dabei verspricht die Verknüpfung mit ‚klassischen’ und modernen Zugängen (z. B. Molekularbiologie) gesteigerte Erkenntnismöglichkeiten für künftige morphometrische Fragestellungen.


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CYP3A verstoffwechselt mehr als 50% aller gegenwärtig in der Therapie eingesetzten Wirkstoffe, die häufig an klinisch relevanten Arzneimitttel-Wechselwirkungen beteiligt sind. Das Verständnis über die Bedeutung und die Regulation von einzelnen CYP3A Genen in der Pharmakologie und Physiologie ist unvollständig. Wir untersuchten die Evolution des CYP3 Genlokus über einen Zeitraum von 450 Millionen Jahre mittels genomischer Sequenzen von 16 Tierarten. Neue CYP3 Unterfamilien (CYP3B, C und D) entstanden über eine beschleunigte Evolution aus CYP3A Vorstufen von Clupeocephala Spezies. Ausgeprägte funktionelle Unterschiede traten zwischen CYP3A in Säugern und Clupeocephala CYP3 auf. Alle amnioten CYP3A Gene entwickelten sich aus zwei CYP3A Urgenen. Aufgrund der Entstehung von Säugern mit Plazenta ging eines von ihnen verloren während das andere eine neue genomische Umgebung infolge einer Translokation erlangte. In Primaten unterzog sich CYP3A mit mehreren Genduplikationen, Deletionen, Pseudogenisierung und Genkonversionen einer raschen evolutionären Veränderung. Die Entwicklung von CYP3A in Schmalnasenaffen (Alte Welt Affen, große Menschenaffen und Menschen) unterschieden sich wesentlich von Neue Welt Primaten (z.B. gewöhnlichen Krallenaffen) und Feuchtnasenaffen (z.B. Galago). Stellvertretend für die CYP3A Protein-codierende Sequenz entdeckten wir zwei frühe Episoden von besonders starker positiver Selektion: (1) auf CYP3A7 in der frühen hominoiden Evolution, welche im fetalen Zeitraum von einer Einschränkung der hepatischen Expression begleitet war, und (2) auf humanes CYP3A4 im Anschluss an die Teilung der Abstammungslinie in Schimpansen und Mensch. In Übereinstimmung mit diesen Befunden beeinflussen drei von vier positiv ausgewählten Aminosäuren, die in früheren biochemischen CYP3A Studien untersucht wurden, die Aktivität und Regioselektivität. Es ist somit naheliegend, dass CYP3A7 und CYP3A4 katalytische Funktionen erworben haben können, die besonders wichtig waren für die Evolution von Hominoiden und Menschen. Die Charakterisierung von CYP3A Promotoren in Primaten zeigte eine Anreicherung von ER6 Elementen in CYP3A Promotoren von Primaten und einen Trend in Richtung Erhöhung der ER6 Enstehung entlang den Abstammungslinien, die zu humanen und Schimpansen CYP3A4 führten. Die steigende Anzahl an ER6 Elementen kann durch die ausgeprägte CYP3A4 Induzierbarkeit und Expressionsvariabilität im Menschen verursacht sein.


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Meta-cognition, or "thinking about thinking," has been studied extensively in humans, but very little is known about the process in animals. Although great apes and rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) have demonstrated multiple apparently meta-cognitive abilities, other species have either been largely ignored or failed to convincingly display meta-cognitive traits. Recent work by Marsh, however, raised the possibility that some species may possess rudimentary or partial forms of meta-cognition. This thesis sought to further investigate this possibility by running multiple comparative experiments. The goal of the first study was to examine whether lion-tailed macaques, a species that may have a rudimentary form of meta-cognition, are able to use an uncertainty response adaptively, and if so, whether they could use the response flexibly when the stimuli for which the subjects should be uncertain changed. The macaques' acquisition of the initial discrimination task is ongoing, and as such there were not yet data to support a conclusion either way. In the second study, tufted capuchins were required to locate a food reward hidden beneath inverted cups that sat on a Plexiglas tray. In some conditions the capuchins were shown where the food was hidden, in others they could infer its location, and in yet others they were not given information about the location of the food. On all trials, however, capuchins could optionally seek additional information by looking up through the Plexiglas into the cups. In general, capuchins did this less often when they were shown the food reward, but not when they could infer the reward's location. These data suggest capuchins only meta-cognitively control their information seeking in some conditions, and thus, add support to the potential for a rudimentary form of meta-cognition. In convergence with other studies, these results may represent early models for rudimentary meta-cognition, although viable alternative explanations still remain.


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For as far back as human history can be traced, mankind has questioned what it means to be human. One of the most common approaches throughout Western culture's intellectual tradition in attempts to answering this question has been to compare humans with or against other animals. I argue that it was not until Charles Darwin's publication of The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex (1871) that Western culture was forced to seriously consider human identity in relation to the human/ nonhuman primate line. Since no thinker prior to Charles Darwin had caused such an identity crisis in Western thought, this interdisciplinary analysis of the history of how the human/ nonhuman primate line has been understood focuses on the reciprocal relationship of popular culture and scientific representations from 1871 to the Human Genome Consortium in 2000. Focusing on the concept coined as the "Darwin-Müller debate," representations of the human/ nonhuman primate line are traced through themes of language, intelligence, and claims of variation throughout the popular texts: Descent of Man, The Jungle Books (1894), Tarzan of the Apes (1914), and Planet of the Apes (1963). Additional themes such as the nature versus nurture debate and other comparative phenotypic attributes commonly used for comparison between man and apes are also analyzed. Such popular culture representations are compared with related or influential scientific research during the respective time period of each text to shed light on the reciprocal nature of Western intellectual tradition, popular notions of the human/ nonhuman primate line, and the development of the field of primatology. Ultimately this thesis shows that the Darwin-Müller debate is indeterminable, and such a lack of resolution makes man uncomfortable. Man's unsettled response and desire for self-knowledge further facilitates a continued search for answers to human identity. As the Human Genome Project has led to the rise of new debates, and primate research has become less anthropocentric over time, the mysteries of man's future have become more concerning than the questions of our past. The human/ nonhuman primate line is reduced to a 1% difference, and new debates have begun to overshadow the Darwin-Müller debate. In conclusion, I argue that human identity is best represented through the metaphor of evolution: both have an unknown beginning, both have an indeterminable future with no definite end, and like a species under the influence of evolution, what it means to be human is a constant, indeterminable process of change.


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Lucas and colleagues recently proposed a model based on fracture and deformation concepts to describe how mammalian tooth enamel may be adapted to the mechanical demands of diet (Lucas et al.: Bioessays 30[2008] 374-385). Here we review the applicability of that model by examining existing data on the food mechanical properties and enamel morphology of great apes (Pan, Pongo, and Gorilla). Particular attention is paid to whether the consumption of fallback foods is likely to play a key role in influencing great ape enamel morphology. Our results suggest that this is indeed the case. We also consider the implications of this conclusion on the evolution of the dentition of extinct hominins.


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ContentsTanzania 'land grab' criticizedIn the company of crowsKomen cancels grantState Gym to host grand openingCheck in Monday's Daily for Veishea concert lineupCyclones balance hype, maintain focus after winStudent forms club to speak for the apes based on 'The Lorax'


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In 8 captive adult chimpanzees of various ages premedicated with oral zuclopenthixol anaesthesia was induced intramuscularly with a combination of medetomidine and ketamine (40 or 50 µg/kg and 5 mg/kg, IM, respectively), with and without midazolam (0.05 mg/kg), and maintained with isoflurane in oxygen. At the end of the procedure, sedation was reversed with atipamezole (0.25 mg/kg, IM) and sarmazenil (0.005 mg/kg, IM) when midazolam had been administered. Oral zuclopenthixol resulted in tranquillization of the whole group and only one animal required a second dart injection to achieve adequately deep anaesthesia. Effective and reliable anaesthesia was achieved in all apes; the depth of hypnosis was stable and sudden arousal did not occur. Physiological parameters remained within normal ranges in the majority of the animals; however, manageable anaesthesia-related complications, namely apnoea after darting, hypotension, hypoventilation, hypoxemia and prolonged recovery, occurred in 6 out of 8 animals. The use of monitoring devices was essential to guarantee adequate management of these complications.


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Due to the impacts of postcolonialism, social and cultural anthropology has been dealing intensively with the possibilities and limits of representing "other” human beings and their meaningful worlds. Scholars such as George Marcus, James Clifford or Clifford Geertz have discussed ways of improving anthropological methods of representation without, however, fully raising questions about the quality and validity of the objects represented and the very idea, that they could be “represented”. Thus, despite attempts to purify classical anthropological categories, substantialized presences (“Humans”, “Others”, “Pygmies” etc.), various forms of binary oppositions (us–them, culture–nature, human–animal) as well as certain epistemological modes/ logoi (representation, interpretation) have been rehearsed until today. The research aims to dissect and challenge the metaphysical outputs of the “anthropological machine” (Giorgio Agamben). I intended to solve these from their apparent familiarity as representable identities or differences in order to investigate their genealogy. In Derrida’s and Foucault’s understanding, genealogy becomes manifest mainly in the “blind spots” (Derrida) or “anomalies” (Foucault) between differences, at the borders of identities. As an analytical guideline, the research uses on one concrete metonym for the Derridean blind spot, one incorporation of a Foucauldian Other, namely pygmy narratives within early modern and 19th century imaginings. “Pygmies” have been part of both Western mythology and anthropological reflection since the antiquity and finally became “ethnographical facts” within an evolutionary anthropology in the 19th century during the European exploration of Africa. Throughout this veritable Odyssey, they were mostly precarious “category-jammers” (Timothy Beal), occupying the impossible middle grounds within (proto)anthropological classification. Thus, along with the early modern wild men, enfants sauvages or the apes of proto-primatology, the pygmies of the Homeric myth, as a catalyst for the negotiation of categories, played a decisive role in early modern and 19th century conceptions of the human. Through the precarious Pygmies, concrete socio-historical materializations of Identities (human, European), differences (human–animal etc.), as well as the accompanying logoi which vindicate these as pseudo-entities, appear evident. The research aims to read and write the history of early modern and 19th Century anthropology through one of its many classificatory constituting Others. It thus contributes to a discipline that for a long time has examined concrete systems of knowledge and the genealogy of classification in general. One might call it an “anthropologization” of anthropology.