998 resultados para Anticoagulant-therapy
The oral anticoagulants (AOC) and platelet antiagregants are drugs used for the prevention of thromboembolic phenomena, such as pulmonary embolism in patients with atrial fribrilation heart valves, thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. For patients who are undergoing surgical procedures-dentistry were asked to discontinue the use of anticoagulants until the value of the INR remained = 2.0, that in order to avoid trans and hemorrhages in the postoperative period. However, the AOC can cause the formation of a clot, leading to obstruction of blood pathways. Thus, it became doubtful the medicine for surgery, in which local hemostatic measures would be sufficient to promote hemostasis. Thus, the objective of the review was to evaluate the risk of bleeding in patients AOC users that are subjected to surgical procedures, through a bibliographical survey carried out in relevant clinical studies published between 1990 and 2012, by the MedlinePubMed data. In this review of literature was concluded that the benefit of thromboembolism prevention overcomes the risk hemorrhage, therefore, it is recommended to keep the dose of anticoagulant therapy unchanged for patients undergoing oral surgery and implant dentistry, using appropriate INR levels with the assistance of local hemostatic. In addition, a refined surgical technique should be performed in these patients. With respect to the most invasive oral surgery, with a risk of bleeding, treatment may be necessary in conjunction with the medical staff.
Da der gemeinsame Endpunkt vieler Erkrankungen ein thrombotisches Ereignis ist, spielt eine effiziente Antikoagulation eine zentrale Rolle in der heutigen Medizin. Jedoch sind die gängigen Tests zum Monitoring der Gerinnungshemmung nicht ideal. Neue Tests, wie z.B. die Prothrombinase-induzierte Gerinnungszeit (PiCT), sollen die bestehenden Nachteile ausräumen und somit eine bessere Therapieüberwachung gewährleisten.rnDie vorliegende Arbeit untersucht dieses neue Verfahren beim Monitoring von Heparinen und Heparinoiden im Vergleich zu zwei gängigen anti-Faktor Xa-Aktivität(aXa)-Tests bei Patienten mit unterschiedlichem Thromboserisiko (z.B. Schwangere, Adipöse, Niereninsuffiziente).rnDazu wurde bei 175 Proben von 102 Patienten (53 männlich, 49 weiblich, medianes Alter 64 Jahre) die gerinnungshemmende Aktivität des verabreichten Medikaments (UFH, Enoxaparin, Dalteparin oder Danaparoid) mit zwei chromogenen Assays und dem PiCT-Test gemessen.rnHierbei ließen sich insgesamt Werte von 0 bis 1,36 IE/ml aXa feststellen. Im Vergleich lieferten die aXa-Tests höhere Messwerte als PiCT bei allen Medikamenten außer UFH. Während die Ergebnisse der chromogenen Verfahren insgesamt sehr stark korrelierten (r = 0,86), war die Übereinstimmung mit den PiCT-Ergebnissen schwach bis deutlich (r = 0,40 bzw. r = 0,66). Die Faktoren Schwangerschaft, Adipositas und Niereninsuffizienz zeigten auf die Gesamtergebnisse keinen nennenswerten Einfluss. rnZusammenfassend kann gesagt werden, dass PiCT dennoch ein brauchbarer Test zum Monitoring der Antikoagulation sein könnte. Um den Nutzen des Tests v.a. in Bezug auf seine Aussagekraft bei Komplikationen zu beweisen, sind aber weitere klinische Studien notwendig.rn
In Deutschland wird zur oralen Vitamin-K-Antagonistentherapie überwiegend der Wirkstoff Phenprocoumon (PPC) eingesetzt und die meisten Patienten werden durch ihren Hausarzt betreut. In einer deskriptiven, nicht-interventionellen Studie wurde die Ist-Situation der Versorgung von PPC-Patienten im ambulanten Sektor untersucht. Ziel war es, die Qualität und Effektivität der bisherigen Standardtherapie zu evaluieren. In Anbetracht der Einführung der neuen oralen Antikoagulantien (NOAC) ist die Untersuchung der PPC-Therapie von besonderem Interesse. Dem „Throughput-Modell“ folgend sollten „Input“- und „Outcome“-Parameter analysiert werden. rnIn einer klinischen Studie wurden 50 ambulant behandelte Patienten mit PPC-Therapie jeweils über einen Zeitraum von 3 Jahren retrospektiv beobachtet. In 5 niedergelassenen Arztpraxen in Rheinland-Pfalz wurden dazu 10 Patienten pro Praxis rekrutiert. Anhand der Patientenakte wurde eine Dokumentenanalyse durchgeführt. Die Selbstmedikation wurde mit einem eigens erstellten Fragebogen erfasst. rnIm Studienkollektiv wurden im Median 3 Comorbiditäten ermittelt. Die mediane Wochendosis betrug 4,0 Tabletten à 3 mg PPC. Die Patienten wurden im Median mit weiteren 15 verschiedenen Wirkstoffen therapiert, einer davon wurde in Selbstmedikation eingenommen. Im gesamten Beobachtungszeitraum fanden pro Patient im Median 57 Arztbesuche statt, die durch die Phenprocoumon-Therapie bedingt waren. INR (International normalized ratio)-Messungen (Median 47) waren der häufigste Grund für die Arztbesuche, so dass ein 3-Wochen-Rhythmus vom Gesamtkollektiv zu 97% erreicht wurde. Die „stabile“ INR-Einstellung wurde im Median nach 94 Tagen erreicht. Die prozentuale Rate (INR (%)) für die Einhaltung des INR-Zielbereiches (ZSB) erreichte internationale Benchmark-Werte, was auf eine gute Versorgungsqualität hindeutete. Die genauere Analyse ergab jedoch große interindividuelle Schwankungen. Während der „stabilen“ INR-Einstellung wurden bessere Ergebnisse als im Gesamtbeobachtungszeitraum erzielt. Drei Patienten (6%) erreichten die „stabile“ INR-Einstellung innerhalb von 3 Jahren nie. Die Auswertung für den erweiterten ZSB (ZSB ± 0,2) ergab bessere INR (%)-Ergebnisse als für den ZSB. Die Zeit im INR-ZSB (TTR (%)) erreichte mit 75% höhere Werte als INR (%) im ZSB mit 70%. Tendenziell war das Patientenkollektiv eher unter- als übertherapiert (Median „Under-INR“ 18% bzw. „Over-INR“ 8%). Erkrankungen und Impfungen stellten die wichtigsten der zahlreichen Einflussfaktoren für INR-Shifts hin zu Werten außerhalb des ZSB dar. Patienten, die Comedikation mit hohem Interaktionspotential einnahmen, erreichten in den INR-Qualitätsindikatoren schlechtere Ergebnisse als Patienten ohne potentiell interagierende Comedikation (Mann-Whitney-U-Test; p-Wert=0,003 für TTR (%), p=0,008 für INR (%)). In Zeitintervallen der „stabilen“ INR-Einstellung war der Unterschied nur für TTR (%) auffällig (Mann-Whitney-U-Test; p=0,015). Für den erweiterten ZSB waren die Unterschiede bezüglich beider INR-Qualitätsindikatoren nicht auffällig. Insgesamt wurden 41 unerwünschte Ereignisse (UAW) beobachtet, davon 24 (59%) in der Phase der „stabilen“ INR-Einstellung (21 leichte Blutungen, 1 schwere Blutung, 2 thromboembolische Ereignisse (TE)). Je 4 leichte Blutungen (19%) wurden in einen möglichen bzw. sicheren kausalen Zusammenhang mit der VKA-Therapie gebracht, wenn ein Zeitintervall von 3 Tagen zwischen der INR-Messung und Auftreten der UAW geprüft wurde. Ein TE wurde als sicher kausal gewertet. Von insgesamt 5 Krankenhausaufenthalten waren 3 bzw. 2 durch Blutungen bzw. TE veranlasst. Des Weiteren wurde im 3-Tage-Zeitintervall für 4 INR-Shifts hin zu Werten außerhalb des ZSB eine Interaktion mit verordneter CM als in sicherem oder möglichem kausalen Zusammenhang bewertet. Bei 49% der beobachteten Grippeimpfungen wurde ein INR-Shift festgestellt, der in ca. 60% der Fälle zu einem subtherapeutischen INR-Wert führte. Insgesamt war das klinische Ergebnis nicht optimal. rnDas „Outcome“ in Form der gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität (LQ) wurde retrospektiv-prospektiv mittels SF-36-Fragebogen ermittelt. Die Patienten zeigten gegenüber der Normalbevölkerung einen Verlust an LQ auf körperlicher Ebene bzw. einen Gewinn auf psychischer Ebene. Das humanistische Ergebnis erfüllte bzw. übertraf damit die Erwartungen. rnInsgesamt wiesen die Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass Qualität und Effektivität der Antikoagulationstherapie mit PPC im ambulanten Sektor weiterer Optimierung bedürfen. Mit intensivierten Betreuungsmodellen lässt sich ein besseres Outcome erzielen. rn
With the exception of anticoagulant therapy this article reviews pharmacotherapy for patients with coronary artery disease based on indications, clinical trials and current guidelines. Mechanisms of action, contraindications, and interactions are reviewed in this article. Only an appropriate use of available drugs according to guidelines permits to achieve the best relation of benefit and risk.
OBJECTIVE Thermal Nd:YAG laser energy is well known for the purpose of blood coagulation. However, little is known about the bleeding frequency following laser-assisted oral surgery in patients on coumarin drugs. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare retrospectively the frequency of bleeding complications following Nd:YAG laserassisted versus conventional local coagulation of blood in oral surgery. METHOD AND MATERIALS In October 2002, minor oral surgical interventions were found to be indicated in a total of 45 cardiac risk patients. In Group 1, blood coagulation was yielded in 24 patients with a Nd:YAG laser system, whereas in Group 2, treatment was performed in 21 patients with conventional means of local hemostasis. All therapies were performed continuing anticoagulant therapy between November 2002 and March 2003. Clinical data were recorded retrospectively from patient charts in May 2007. RESULTS In both Groups 1 and 2, a total of two bleeding complications were recorded. However, local re-interventions were sufficient for local hemostasis. CONCLUSION These results indicate that Nd:YAG laser-assisted local hemostasis was not able to prevent bleeding complications completely. Within the limitations of this retrospective study it was concluded that in patients with anticoagulant treatment undergoing minor oral surgery, Nd:YAG laser-assisted local hemostasis is not superior to conventional methods of blood coagulation with respect to the frequency of bleeding complications.
OBJECTIVE To investigate if plasma DNA is elevated in patients with deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and to determine whether there is a correlation with other biomarkers of DVT. BACKGROUND Leukocytes release DNA to form extracellular traps (ETs), which have recently been linked to experimental DVT. In baboons and mice, extracellular DNA co-localized with von Willebrand factor (VWF) in the thrombus and DNA appeared in circulation at the time of thrombus formation. ETs have not been associated with clinical DVT. SETTING From December 2008 to August 2010, patients were screened through the University of Michigan Diagnostic Vascular Unit and were divided into three distinct groups: 1) the DVT positive group, consisting of patients who were symptomatic for DVT, which was confirmed by compression duplex ultrasound (n=47); 2) the DVT negative group, consisting of patients that present with swelling and leg pain but had a negative compression duplex ultrasound, (n=28); and 3) a control group of healthy non-pregnant volunteers without signs or symptoms of active or previous DVT (n=19). Patients were excluded if they were less than 18 years of age, unwillingness to consent, pregnant, on an anticoagulant therapy, or diagnosed with isolated calf vein thrombosis. METHODS Blood was collected for circulating DNA, CRP, D-dimer, VWF activity, myeloperoxidase (MPO), ADAMTS13 and VWF. The Wells score for a patient's risk of DVT was assessed. The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve was generated to determine the strength of the relationship between circulating DNA levels and the presence of DVT. A Spearman correlation was performed to determine the relationship between the DNA levels and the biomarkers and the Wells score. Additionally the ratio of ADAMTS13/VWF was assessed. RESULTS Our results showed that circulating DNA (a surrogate marker for NETs) was significantly elevated in DVT patients, compared to both DVT negative patients (57.7±6.3 vs. 17.9±3.5ng/mL, P<.01) and controls (57.7±6.3 vs. 23.9±2.1ng/mL, P<.01). There was a strong positive correlation with CRP (P<.01), D-dimer (P<.01), VWF (P<.01), Wells score (P<.01) and myeloperoxidase (MPO) (P<.01), along with a strong negative correlation with ADAMTS13 (P<.01) and the ADAMTS13/VWF ratio. The logistic regression model showed a strong association between plasma DNA and the presence of DVT (ROC curve was determined to be 0.814). CONCLUSIONS Plasma DNA is elevated in patients with deep vein thrombosis and correlates with biomarkers of DVT. A strong correlation between circulating DNA and MPO suggests that neutrophils may be a source of plasma DNA in patients with DVT.
BACKGROUND Although the possibility of bleeding during anticoagulant treatment may limit patients from taking part in physical activity, the association between physical activity and anticoagulation-related bleeding is uncertain. OBJECTIVES To determine whether physical activity is associated with bleeding in elderly patients taking anticoagulants. PATIENTS/METHODS In a prospective multicenter cohort study of 988 patients aged ≥65 years receiving anticoagulants for venous thromboembolism, we assessed patients' self-reported physical activity level. The primary outcome was the time to a first major bleeding, defined as fatal bleeding, symptomatic bleeding in a critical site, or bleeding causing a fall in hemoglobin or leading to transfusions. The secondary outcome was the time to a first clinically-relevant non-major bleeding. We examined the association between physical activity level and time to a first bleeding using competing risk regression, accounting for death as a competing event. We adjusted for known bleeding risk factors and anticoagulation as a time-varying covariate. RESULTS During a mean follow-up of 22 months, patients with a low, moderate, and high physical activity level had an incidence of major bleeding of 11.6, 6.3, and 3.1 events per 100 patient-years, and an incidence of clinically relevant non-major bleeding of 14.0, 10.3, and 7.7 events per 100 patient-years, respectively. A high physical activity level was significantly associated with a lower risk of major bleeding (adjusted sub-hazard ratio 0.40, 95%-CI 0.22-0.72). There was no association between physical activity and non-major bleeding. CONCLUSIONS A high level of physical activity is associated with a decreased risk of major bleeding in elderly patients receiving anticoagulant therapy. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
OBJECTIVES The purpose of this study was to investigate the survival effects of inferior vena cava filters in patients with venous thromboembolism (VTE) who had a significant bleeding risk. BACKGROUND The effectiveness of inferior vena cava filter use among patients with acute symptomatic VTE and known significant bleeding risk remains unclear. METHODS In this prospective cohort study of patients with acute VTE identified from the RIETE (Computerized Registry of Patients With Venous Thromboembolism), we assessed the association between inferior vena cava filter insertion for known significant bleeding risk and the outcomes of all-cause mortality, pulmonary embolism (PE)-related mortality, and VTE rates through 30 days after the initiation of VTE treatment. Propensity score matching was used to adjust for the likelihood of receiving a filter. RESULTS Of the 40,142 eligible patients who had acute symptomatic VTE, 371 underwent filter placement because of known significant bleeding risk. A total of 344 patients treated with a filter were matched with 344 patients treated without a filter. Propensity score-matched pairs showed a nonsignificant trend toward lower risk of all-cause death for filter insertion compared with no insertion (6.6% vs. 10.2%; p = 0.12). The risk-adjusted PE-related mortality rate was lower for filter insertion than no insertion (1.7% vs. 4.9%; p = 0.03). Risk-adjusted recurrent VTE rates were higher for filter insertion than for no insertion (6.1% vs. 0.6%; p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS In patients presenting with VTE and with a significant bleeding risk, inferior vena cava filter insertion compared with anticoagulant therapy was associated with a lower risk of PE-related death and a higher risk of recurrent VTE. However, study design limitations do not imply a causal relationship between filter insertion and outcome.
Thrombophilia and risk of VTE recurrence according to the age at the time of first VTE manifestation
BACKGROUND Whether screening for thrombophilia is useful for patients after a first episode of venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a controversial issue. However, the impact of thrombophilia on the risk of recurrence may vary depending on the patient's age at the time of the first VTE. PATIENTS AND METHODS Of 1221 VTE patients (42 % males) registered in the MAISTHRO (MAin-ISar-THROmbosis) registry, 261 experienced VTE recurrence during a 5-year follow-up after the discontinuation of anticoagulant therapy. RESULTS Thrombophilia was more common among patients with VTE recurrence than those without (58.6 % vs. 50.3 %; p = 0.017). Stratifying patients by the age at the time of their initial VTE, Cox proportional hazards analyses adjusted for age, sex and the presence or absence of established risk factors revealed a heterozygous prothrombin (PT) G20210A mutation (hazard ratio (HR) 2.65; 95 %-confidence interval (CI) 1.71 - 4.12; p < 0.001), homozygosity/double heterozygosity for the factor V Leiden and/or PT mutation (HR 2.35; 95 %-CI 1.09 - 5.07, p = 0.030), and an antithrombin deficiency (HR 2.12; 95 %-CI 1.12 - 4.10; p = 0.021) to predict recurrent VTE in patients aged 40 years or older, whereas lupus anticoagulants (HR 3.05; 95%-CI 1.40 - 6.66; p = 0.005) increased the risk of recurrence in younger patients. Subgroup analyses revealed an increased risk of recurrence for a heterozygous factor V Leiden mutation only in young females without hormonal treatment whereas the predictive value of a heterozygous PT mutation was restricted to males over the age of 40 years. CONCLUSIONS Our data do not support a preference of younger patients for thrombophilia testing after a first venous thromboembolic event.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Aim To develop an appropriate dosing strategy for continuous intravenous infusions (CII) of enoxaparin by minimizing the percentage of steady-state anti-Xa concentration (C-ss) outside the therapeutic range of 0.5-1.2 IU ml(-1). Methods A nonlinear mixed effects model was developed with NONMEM (R) for 48 adult patients who received CII of enoxaparin with infusion durations that ranged from 8 to 894 h at rates between 100 and 1600 IU h(-1). Three hundred and sixty-three anti-Xa concentration measurements were available from patients who received CII. These were combined with 309 anti-Xa concentrations from 35 patients who received subcutaneous enoxaparin. The effects of age, body size, height, sex, creatinine clearance (CrCL) and patient location [intensive care unit (ICU) or general medical unit] on pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters were evaluated. Monte Carlo simulations were used to (i) evaluate covariate effects on C-ss and (ii) compare the impact of different infusion rates on predicted C-ss. The best dose was selected based on the highest probability that the C-ss achieved would lie within the therapeutic range. Results A two-compartment linear model with additive and proportional residual error for general medical unit patients and only a proportional error for patients in ICU provided the best description of the data. Both CrCL and weight were found to affect significantly clearance and volume of distribution of the central compartment, respectively. Simulations suggested that the best doses for patients in the ICU setting were 50 IU kg(-1) per 12 h (4.2 IU kg(-1) h(-1)) if CrCL < 30 ml min(-1); 60 IU kg(-1) per 12 h (5.0 IU kg(-1) h(-1)) if CrCL was 30-50 ml min(-1); and 70 IU kg(-1) per 12 h (5.8 IU kg(-1) h(-1)) if CrCL > 50 ml min(-1). The best doses for patients in the general medical unit were 60 IU kg(-1) per 12 h (5.0 IU kg(-1) h(-1)) if CrCL < 30 ml min(-1); 70 IU kg(-1) per 12 h (5.8 IU kg(-1) h(-1)) if CrCL was 30-50 ml min(-1); and 100 IU kg(-1) per 12 h (8.3 IU kg(-1) h(-1)) if CrCL > 50 ml min(-1). These best doses were selected based on providing the lowest equal probability of either being above or below the therapeutic range and the highest probability that the C-ss achieved would lie within the therapeutic range. Conclusion The dose of enoxaparin should be individualized to the patients' renal function and weight. There is some evidence to support slightly lower doses of CII enoxaparin in patients in the ICU setting.
BACKGROUND: The American College of Cardiology guidelines recommend 3 months of anticoagulation after replacement of the aortic valve with a bioprosthesis. However, there remains great variability in the current clinical practice and conflicting results from clinical studies. To assist clinical decision making, we pooled the existing evidence to assess whether anticoagulation in the setting of a new bioprosthesis was associated with improved outcomes or greater risk of bleeding. METHODS AND RESULTS: We searched the PubMed database from the inception of these databases until April 2015 to identify original studies (observational studies or clinical trials) that assessed anticoagulation with warfarin in comparison with either aspirin or no antiplatelet or anticoagulant therapy. We included the studies if their outcomes included thromboembolism or stroke/transient ischemic attacks and bleeding events. Quality assessment was performed in accordance with the Newland Ottawa Scale, and random effects analysis was used to pool the data from the available studies. I(2) testing was done to assess the heterogeneity of the included studies. After screening through 170 articles, a total of 13 studies (cases=6431; controls=18210) were included in the final analyses. The use of warfarin was associated with a significantly increased risk of overall bleeding (odds ratio, 1.96; 95% confidence interval, 1.25-3.08; P<0.0001) or bleeding risk at 3 months (odds ratio, 1.92; 95% confidence interval, 1.10-3.34; P<0.0001) compared with aspirin or placebo. With regard to composite primary outcome variables (risk of venous thromboembolism, stroke, or transient ischemic attack) at 3 months, no significant difference was seen with warfarin (odds ratio, 1.13; 95% confidence interval, 0.82-1.56; P=0.67). Moreover, anticoagulation was also not shown to improve outcomes at time interval >3 months (odds ratio, 1.12; 95% confidence interval, 0.80-1.58; P=0.79). CONCLUSIONS: Contrary to the current guidelines, a meta-analysis of previous studies suggests that anticoagulation in the setting of an aortic bioprosthesis significantly increases bleeding risk without a favorable effect on thromboembolic events. Larger, randomized controlled studies should be performed to further guide this clinical practice.
Abstract Hemorrhagic complications in oral anticoagulant therapy are frequent. Spontaneous sublingual hematomas secondary to anticoagulants are an extremely unusual complication that is potentially lethal. The study reports a case of a patient on anticoagulation therapy with warfarine who develops a massive, spontaneous sublingual hematoma with obstruction of the high airway and cardiac arrest, where emergency transtracheal catheter ventilation was used.
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AIMS The preferred antithrombotic strategy for secondary prevention in patients with cryptogenic stroke (CS) and patent foramen ovale (PFO) is unknown. We pooled multiple observational studies and used propensity score-based methods to estimate the comparative effectiveness of oral anticoagulation (OAC) compared with antiplatelet therapy (APT). METHODS AND RESULTS Individual participant data from 12 databases of medically treated patients with CS and PFO were analysed with Cox regression models, to estimate database-specific hazard ratios (HRs) comparing OAC with APT, for both the primary composite outcome [recurrent stroke, transient ischaemic attack (TIA), or death] and stroke alone. Propensity scores were applied via inverse probability of treatment weighting to control for confounding. We synthesized database-specific HRs using random-effects meta-analysis models. This analysis included 2385 (OAC = 804 and APT = 1581) patients with 227 composite endpoints (stroke/TIA/death). The difference between OAC and APT was not statistically significant for the primary composite outcome [adjusted HR = 0.76, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.52-1.12] or for the secondary outcome of stroke alone (adjusted HR = 0.75, 95% CI 0.44-1.27). Results were consistent in analyses applying alternative weighting schemes, with the exception that OAC had a statistically significant beneficial effect on the composite outcome in analyses standardized to the patient population who actually received APT (adjusted HR = 0.64, 95% CI 0.42-0.99). Subgroup analyses did not detect statistically significant heterogeneity of treatment effects across clinically important patient groups. CONCLUSION We did not find a statistically significant difference comparing OAC with APT; our results justify randomized trials comparing different antithrombotic approaches in these patients.