143 resultados para Alopecia.


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The Rho family GTPases Cdc42 and Rac1 are critical regulators of the actin cytoskeleton and are essential for skin and hair function. Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome family proteins act downstream of these GTPases, controlling actin assembly and cytoskeletal reorganization, but their role in epithelial cells has not been characterized in vivo. Here, we used a conditional knockout approach to assess the role of neural Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (N-WASP), the ubiquitously expressed Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome-like (WASL) protein, in mouse skin. We found that N-WASP deficiency in mouse skin led to severe alopecia, epidermal hyperproliferation, and ulceration, without obvious effects on epidermal differentiation and wound healing. Further analysis revealed that the observed alopecia was likely the result of a progressive and ultimately nearly complete block in hair follicle (HF) cycling by 5 months of age. N-WASP deficiency also led to abnormal proliferation of skin progenitor cells, resulting in their depletion over time. Furthermore, N-WASP deficiency in vitro and in vivo correlated with decreased GSK-3beta phosphorylation, decreased nuclear localization of beta-catenin in follicular keratinocytes, and decreased Wnt-dependent transcription. Our results indicate a critical role for N-WASP in skin function and HF cycling and identify a link between N-WASP and Wnt signaling. We therefore propose that N-WASP acts as a positive regulator of beta-catenin-dependent transcription, modulating differentiation of HF progenitor cells.


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Summary : Platelet Derived Growth Factor (PDGF) and Transforming Growth Factor-ß (TGF-ß) are two crucial growth factors in tissue repair and regeneration. They control migration and proliferation of macrophages and fibroblasts, as well as myofibroblast differentiation and synthesis of the new connective tissue. The transcription factor Nuclear Factor I-C (NFI-C) has been implicated in the TGF-ß pathway and regulation of extracellular matrix proteins in vitro. This suggests a possible implication of NFI-C in tissue repair. In this study, our purpose was to identify the NFI-C target genes in TGF-ß1 pathway activation and define the relationship between these two factors in cutaneous wound healing process. High-throughput genomic analysis in wild-type and NFI-C knock-out embryonic fibroblasts indicated that NFI-C acts as a repressor of the expression of genes which transcriptional activity is enhanced by TGF-ß. Interestingly, we found an over representation of genes involved in connective tissue inflammation and repair. In accordance with the genomic analysis, NFI-C-/- mice showed an improvement of skin healing during the inflammatory stage. Analysis of this new phenotype indicated that the expression of PDGFA and PDGF-Ra genes were increased in the wounds of NFI-C-/- mice resulting in early recruitment of macrophages and fibroblasts in the granulation tissue. In correlation with the stimulation effect of TGF-ß on myofibroblast differentiation we found an increased differentiation of these cells in null mice, providing a rationale for rapid wound closure. Thus, in the absence of NFI-C, both TGF-ß and PDGF pathways may be activated, leading to enhanced healing process. Therefore, the inhibition of NFI-C expression could constitute a suitable therapy for healing improvement. In addition, we identified a delay of hair follicle cycle initiation in NFI-C-/- mice. This prompted us to investigate the role of NFI-C in skin appendage. The transition from a quiescent to a proliferative phase requires a perfect timing of signalling modulation, leading to stem cell activation. As a consequence of cycle initiation delay in null mice, the activation of signalling involved in cell proliferation was also retarded. Interestingly, at the crucial moment of cell fate determination, we identified a decrease of CD34 gene in mutant mice. Since CD34 protein is involved in migration of multipotent cells, we suggest that NFI-C may be involved in stem cell mobilisation required for hair follicle renewal. Further investigations of the role of NFI-C in progenitor cell activation will lead to a better understanding of tissue regeneration and raise the possibility of treating alopecia with NFI-C-targeting treatment. In summary, this study demonstrates new regenerative functions of NFI-C in adult mice, which regulates skin repair and hair follicle renewal. Résumé : PDGF et TGF-ß sont des facteurs important du mécanisme de défense immunitaire. Ils influencent la prolifération et migration des macrophages et des fibroblastes, ainsi que la différenciation des myofibroblastes et la formation du nouveau tissu conjonctif. Le facteur de transcription NFI-C a été impliqué dans la voie de signalisation de TGF-ß et dans 1a régulation de l'expression des protéines de la matrice extracellulaire in vitro. Ces études antérieures laissent supposer que NFI-C serait un facteur important du remodelage tissulaire. Cependant le rôle de NFI-C dans un tissu comme la peau n'a pas encore été étudié. Dans ce travail, le but a été de d'identifier la relation qu'il existe entre I~1FI-C et TGF-ßl à un niveau transcriptionnel et dans le processus de cicatrisation cutanée in vivo. Ainsi, une analyse génétique à grande échelle, a permis d'indiquer que NFI-C agit comme un répresseur sur l'expression des gènes dont l'activité transcriptionnelle est activée par TGF-ß. De plus nous avons identifié un groupe de gènes qui controlent le développement et l'inflammation du tissue conjonctif. En relation avec ce résultat, l'absence de NFI-C dans la peau induit une cicatrisation plus rapide pendant la phase inflammatoire. Durant cette période, nous avons montré que les expressions de PDGFA et PDGFRa seraient plus élevées en absence de NFI-C. En conséquence, l'activation de la voie de PDGF induit une infiltration plus importante des macrophages et fibroblastes dans le tissue granuleux des souris mutantes. De plus, en corrélation avec le rôle de TGF-ßl dans la différenciation des myofibroblasts, nous avons observé une différenciation plus importante de ces cellules chez les animaux knock-out, ce qui peut expliquer une contraction plus rapide de la plaie. De plus, nous avons découvert que NFI-C est impliqué dans l'initiation du cycle folliculaire. La caractérisation de ce nouveau phénotype a montré un ralentissement de la transition telogène-anagène des souris NFI-C-/-. Or, un événement clé de cette transition est la modulation de plusieurs signaux moléculaires aboutissant à' l'activation des cellules souches. En corrélation avec le decalage du cycle, l'activation de ces signaux est également décalée dans les souris NFI-C-/-. Ainsi, au commencement de l'anagène, la prolifération des keratinocytes,NFI-C-/- est retardée et corrèle avec une diminution de l'expression de CD34, une protéine responsable de la détermination du migration des cellules multipotentes. Ainsi, NFI-C semble être impliqué dans la mobilisation des cellules souches qui sont nécessaires au renouvellement folliculaire. En résumé, NFI-C est impliqué dans la régulation des signaux moléculaires nécessaires à la réparation tissulaire et son inhibition pourrait constituer un traitement de la cicatrisation. L'analyse de son rôle dans l'activation des cellules souches permettrait de mieux comprendre le renouvellement tissulaire et, à long terme, d'améliorer les techniques de greffe des cellules souches épithéliales ou consituter une cible pour le traitement de l'alopecie.


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Purpose: To evaluate the extent of quality of life (QoL) associated adverse events (AEs) following PRECISION TACE with DC Bead compared with conventional transarterial chemoembolisation (cTACE). Methods and Materials: 201 intermediate HCC patients were treated with DC Bead (PRECISION TACE) or conventional TACE (cTACE) with doxorubicin in the PRECISION V clinical study. 93 patients were treated with DC Bead and 108 Patients with cTACE every 2 months and followed up for 6 months. AEs were classified according to the South West Oncology Group criteria. QoL associated AEs were defined as alopecia, constipation, nausea, vomiting, pyrexia, chills, asthenia, fatigue, and headache. Results: The biggest difference in QoL associated AEs was for alopecia: 2 patients (2.2%) for DC-Bead versus 21 patients (19.4%) for cTACE. For other clinical symptoms, constipation (n=10; 10.8% vs. n=13; 12%), vomiting (n=10; 10.8% vs. n=14; 13.0%), pyrexia (n=16; 17.2% vs. n=26; 24.1%), chills (n=1; 1.1% vs. n=5; 4.6%), and headache (n=2; 2.2% vs. n=8; 7.4%) showed lower incidence in the DC Bead group versus cTACE. Nausea, n= 15; 13.9% (n=15; 16.1%) and fatigue, n=6; 5.6% (n=13; 14.0%) were lower for cTACE. Total dose of doxorubicin was on average 35% higher in the DC Bead group. Conclusion: Although patients in the DC Bead group received a higher doxorubicin dose, less QoL associated AEs were reported for this group. Alopecia, the most obvious outward sign of toxicity, was only reported in a tenth of DC Bead patients. Thus, PRECISION TACE with DC Bead improves quality of life associated adverse events.


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BACKGROUND Lichen planopilaris (LPP) is a rare variant of cutaneous lichen planus that preferentially involves hair follicles. OBSERVATION We describe the case of an 87-year-old woman with cicatricial alopecia due to lichen planopilaris. The diagnosis was based on clinical evaluation, histopathology and trichoscopy. Squamous cell carcinoma developed within the hairless area after 18 years of evolution. CONCLUSION It is necessary to consider the association between lichen planopilaris and squamous cell carcinoma and to ensure a close follow-up of LPP patients, especially when there is a long history of the disease or new a lesion develops, which does not correspond clinically or in trichoscopy to lichen planopilaris.


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Memo is a widely expressed 33-kDa protein required for heregulin (HRG)-, epidermal growth factor (EGF)-, and fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-induced cell motility. Studies in mouse embryonic fibroblasts, wild-type or knockout for Memo, were performed to further investigate the role of Memo downstream of FGFR. We demonstrated that Memo associates with the FGFR signalosome and is necessary for optimal activation of signaling. To uncover Memo's physiological role, Memo conditional-knockout mice were generated. These animals showed a reduced life span, increased insulin sensitivity, small stature, graying hair, alopecia, kyphosis, loss of subcutaneous fat, and loss of spermatozoa in the epididymis. Memo-knockout mice also have elevated serum levels of active vitamin D, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D), and calcium compared to control littermates expressing Memo. In summary, the results from in vivo and in vitro models support the hypothesis that Memo is a novel regulator of FGFR signaling with a role in controlling 1,25(OH)2D production and normal calcium homeostasis.


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We conducted a genome-wide association study for androgenic alopecia in 1,125 men and identified a newly associated locus at chromosome 20p11.22, confirmed in three independent cohorts (n = 1,650; OR = 1.60, P = 1.1 x 10(-14) for rs1160312). The one man in seven who harbors risk alleles at both 20p11.22 and AR (encoding the androgen receptor) has a sevenfold-increased odds of androgenic alopecia (OR = 7.12, P = 3.7 x 10(-15)).


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SUMMARY The results presented here contribute to a better understanding of the crucial molecular relationships and signalling cues exchanged by several fundamental cell types (epidermal keratinocytes, dermal fibroblasts, immune and endothelial cells) of the skin. Importantly we provide evidence to directly implicate Wnt/ß-catenin signalling as a putative player in different cell types (keratinocytes and neutrophils) in mediation of the cutaneous inflammatory response (Fart A). Finally we highlight the importance of several molecules, specifically expressed in the hair follicle stem cell niche to the morphogenesis and homeostasis of the hair follicle (Part B). PART A Currently the body of work pertaining to Wnt signalling and immune cells largely focuses on Wnt signalling in the development of these cells. The data presented here suggests a novel mechanism in which Wnt signalling appears to modulate immune cell recruitment to the skin. Keratinocytes are major contributors to early inflammatory responses by the release of chemokines which recruit immune cells. The resultant inflammatory response is a dynamic process of sequentially infiltrating immune cells governed by a network of growth factors, chemokines and cytokines. In wild type mice the response is typified by a rapid and substantial infiltration of neutrophils followed at later time points by macrophages and Tcells. The expression of the canonical Wnt pathway activating ligand, Wnt3a, is able to induce a strong neutrophil infiltration in the dermis. This response originates in keratinocytes, as it is abrogated upon keratinocyte-specific ablation of ß-catenin. Notably, this suggests that the crucial cross talk between these resident cells and recruited immune cells is, in part, mediated by Wnt signalling. In corroboration of this role of Wnt-mediated recruitment of neutrophils, expression of the Wnt inhibitory ligand sFRPI during acute inflammation results in a dramatic 'dampening' of immune cell infiltration in particular of neutrophil chemoattraction. Importantly, an intrinsic Wnt signalling pathway is essential for neutrophil chemoattraction in response to inflammatory stimuli. There is a marked reduction of neutrophil infiltration in mice grafted with a ß-catenin deficient bone marrow upon TPA induced cutaneous inflammation. Additionally, neutrophils lacking Wnt/ß-catenin fail to respond to IFNγ, an early inflammatory cue, in vitro. In combination, these data indicate a potent function of Wnt signalling in immune cell recruitment and the modulation of the inflammatory response. PART B Tissue specific stem cells form the cellular base on which tissue homeostasis and repair of adult tissue relies. The maintenance of this stem cell pool is highly dependent on the immediate environment or niche. We have identified three genes, the fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1), serpin protease inhibitor (serpin F1) and the haematopoietic cell phosphatase (Hcph) to be specifically expressed in a small population of stromal cells which are in close contact to bulge stem cells. These specialized stromal cells might represent an essential mesenchymal component of the skin stem cell niche and may regulate stem cell proliferation and differentiation. Multiple FGFR1 isoforms are generated through alternate transcript splicing and are able to interact with both FGFs and cell adhesion molecules. Two predominant forms of the receptor are FGFR1-α and FGFR1-ß. Expression of a dominant negative form of the alpha isoform prevents hair follicle morphogenesis altogether. Given that FGFR1-ß signals principally through the FGF ligands, this data indicates that FGF signalling is dispensable for follicle morphogenesis. Moreover the loss of follicular morphogenesis upon suggests a requirement for signalling via cell adhesion molecule association with the receptor as FGFR1 α has a greater affinity for these molecules. The expression of the second candidate niche gene serpin f1, lead to the complete ablation of hair follicle morphogenesis. The serpin f1 product, pigment-epithelial derived factor (PEDF) has potent anti-angiogenic effects. Immunohistochemical analysis using CD31, a endothelial cell marker, revealed that although these cells are present, they have are disorganised and do not form vessels. Interestingly, endothelial cells have been found to contribute to the neuronal stem cell niche and our results suggest a similar mechanism in the skin. SHP1, the Hcph gene product, is a phosphatase which acts in the haematopoetic system. Motheaten mice carrying spontaneous mutations in the Hcph gene have patchy alopecia in their skin and severe defects in their haematopoietic system. However the haematopoietic rescue of the mouse does not result in normal follicular homeostasis. Additionally, ablation of Hcph in either the dermal or keratinocyte compartments of the skin produces hair follicles with abberant morphologies. This data indicates that although SHP1 is not essential for hair follicle morphogenesis it is required in both epidermal and dermal compartments to maintain follicular morphology. RÉSUMÉ PARTIE A Jusqu'à présent, les travaux dédiés à l'étude de la voie de signalisation Wnt dans le système immunitaire se sont essentiellement concentrés sur son rôle dans le développement des cellules immunitaires. Les données présentées ici suggèrent fortement et de manière nouvelle, l'existence d'un mécanisme par lequel la voie de signalisation Wnt/ß-caténine module le recrutement de cellules immunitaires dans un tissu périphérique, la peau, et ainsi la réponse inflammatoire cutanée. La réponse inflammatoire cutanée est un processus dynamique d'infiltration séquentielle de diverses cellules immunitaires, orchestré par un réseau de facteurs de croissance, chémokines et cytokines. Les kératinocytes sont des contributeurs majeurs à la réponse inflammatoire précoce par la libération de chémokines qui permettent ensuite de recruter les cellules immunitaires. Dans des souris sauvages, la réponse est d'abord caractérisée par une infiltration rapide et substantielle de neutrophiles, suivie par celle des macrophages et des lymphocytes T. L'expression d'un ligand activateur de le voie canonique de signalisation Wnt (après injection infra-dermique de fibroblastes sur-exprimant Wnt-3a) induit une infiltration dermique très marquée de neutrophiles. De plus, la réponse est éliminée en l'absence de ß-caténine spécifiquement dans les kératinocytes, indiquant que ces cellules sont à l'origine de la réponse. De manière remarquable, ceci suggère qu'une signalisation cruciale entre ces cellules résidentes de la peau et les cellules immunitaires recrutées est, au moins en partie, médiée par la voie Wnt. Corroborant ce rôle de la voie Wnt/ß-caténine dans le recrutement des neutrophiles, l'expression d'un ligand inhibiteur de la voie (sFRP1) résulte au cours d'une inflammation aigüe en une réduction spectaculaire de l'infiltration des cellules immunitaires en général, et des neutrophiles en particulier. De manière importante, la voie de signalisation Wnt est intrinsèquement requise pour la chémoattraction des neutrophiles en réponse à un stimulus inflammatoire. En effet, suite à une inflammation cutanée induite par un ester de phorbol (TPA), une réduction notable de l'infiltration des neutrophiles est observée dans des souris préalablement greffées avec de la moelle osseuse constituée de cellules déficientes en ß-caténine. De plus, in vitro, les neutrophiles sans ß-caténine ne répondent pas à une stimulation par l'interféron γ, qui est pourtant un signal inflammatoire établi in vivo. En conclusion, nos données indiquent que la voie de signalisation Wnt/ß-caténine joue une fonction active dans le recrutement des cellules immunitaires vers un organe périphérique, la peau, ainsi que dans la modulation, à plusieurs niveaux, de la réponse inflammatoire cutanée. PARTIE B Les cellules souches tissu-spécifiques forment la base cellulaire sur laquelle repose l'homéostase et la réparation tissulaires chez l'adulte. La maintenance de ce réservoir de cellules souches est hautement dépendante de leur environnement cellulaire immédiat, encore appelé «niche des cellules souches». Dans la peau, ces cellules stromales spécialisées représentent un compartiment mésenchymateux essentiel de la niche des cellules souches en régulant leurs prolifération et différentiation. Nous avons identifié trois gènes, le «récepteur 1 àux facteurs de croissance des fibroblastes » (Fgfr1 ), l' «inhibiteur de protéase à sérine » (serpinf1 ou pedf) et la « phosphatase des cellules hématopoiétiques » (Hcph ou Ptpn6), comme spécifiquement exprimés par une petite population de cellules stromales qui sont étroitement associées aux cellules souches de la peau (localisées au niveau du bombement du follicule pileux). Pour analyser leur fonction dans ce contexte, nous avons utilisé un test de reconstitution complète de peau murine en combinaison à des. transductions géniques basées sur l'utilisation de lentivirus. Ce test repose sur le mélange de deux compartiments cellulaires, épidermique (kératinocytes) et dermique (fibroblastes), greffés sur une zone ouverte de peau du dos d'une souris pour ensemble reconstituer la peau. Des isoformes multiples de FGFR1 sont générées par épissage alternatif de transcrits et sont capables d'interagir à la fois avec les FGFs (facteurs de croissance des fibroblastes) et les molécules d'adhésion cellulaires. Les deux formes prédominantes du récepteur, FGFR1-α et FGFR1-ß, ne différent que par le «domaine ressemblant aux immunoglobulines 1 » (immunoglobulin-like 1 domain), absent de FGFR1-ß. De plus, FGFR1-ß a une affinité plus grande pour les FGFs et plus faible pour les molécules d'adhésion cellulaires telles que la Ncadhérine (connue pour activer FGFR). La sur-expression de l'une ou l'autre des formes n'empêche pas la morphogenèse folliculaire mais conduit à la formation de follicules aberrants. Toutefois, une différence phénotypique majeure est observée lorsqu'une forme «Dominant-Négatif » (DN) est exprimée dans le compartiment dermique. La sur-expression de FGFR1-ß DN conduit en effet à la formation de follicules petits et tronqués, avec des gaines épithéliales et un bulbe élargis ainsi qu'une petite papille dermique. Par contre, l'expression de FGFR1-α DN abolit complètement la morphogenèse folliculaire. Etant donné que la signalisation par FGFR1-ß est principalement dépendante des ligands FGFs, ces données indiquent que la signalisation par ceux-cì est non-nécessaire à la morphogenèse folliculaire. De plus, l'abolition du processus par la sur-expression de FGFR1-a DN suggëre une signalisation nécessaire entre le récepteur FGFR1 et une ou des molécules d'adhésion cellulaire. L'expression de notre second candidat comme gène spécifique de la niche des cellules souches de la peau, serpinf1, prévient la morphogenèse folliculaire. Seules de petites structures ressemblant à des cystes sont observées après reconstitution de la peau. De plus, dans ces transplants, aucune cellule CD34-positive (marqueur des cellules souches) n'est retrouvée associé à ces cystes. Le produit du gène serpin f1, le «facteur dérivé d'épithélium pigmentaire » (PEDF) est un puissant facteur anti-angiogénique. Nous avons donc analysé la vascularisation des transplants par immunohistochirnies utilisant CD31, un marqueur des cellules endothéliales. Nos résultats révèlent que les cellules endothéliales sont bien présentes, mais de manière désorganisée et ne formant pas de vaisseaux. De manière intéressante, les cellules endothéliales contribuent activement à la niche des cellules souches neuronales, et nos résultats suggèrent donc l'existence possible d'un mécanisme similaire dans la peau. SHP1, le produit du gène Hcph, est une phosphatase quì agit dans le système hématopoiétique. Les souris « motheaten »qui portent des mutations spontanées du gène ont une alopécie inégale au niveau de la peau et de sévères troubles du système hématopoiétique. Pour s'assurer que le phénotype observé au niveau de la peau n'est pas une conséquence d'un défaut du système hématopoiétique, nous avons transplanté des souris Hcph -/- avec de la moelle osseuse sauvage afin de restaurer la fonction de SHP 1 dans le système hématopoiétique. Toutefois, le défaut de morphologie folliculaire est maintenu. De plus, l'ablation d'Hcph dans le compartiment dermique ou épidermique d'essais de reconstitution de peau conduit à la production de follicules pileux avec des morphologies aberrantes. Ces données indiquent que SHP1 n'est pas essentiel à la morphogenèse folliculaire mais est toutefois requis à la fois dans les compartiments épidermiques et dermiques pour la maintenance de la forme du follicule.


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The Notch and Calcineurin/NFAT pathways have both been implicated in control of keratinocyte differentiation. Induction of the p21(WAF1/Cip1) gene by Notch 1 activation in differentiating keratinocytes is associated with direct targeting of the RBP-Jkappa protein to the p21 promoter. We show here that Notch 1 activation functions also through a second Calcineurin-dependent mechanism acting on the p21 TATA box-proximal region. Increased Calcineurin/NFAT activity by Notch signaling involves downregulation of Calcipressin, an endogenous Calcineurin inhibitor, through a HES-1-dependent mechanism. Besides control of the p21 gene, Calcineurin contributes significantly to the transcriptional response of keratinocytes to Notch 1 activation, both in vitro and in vivo. In fact, deletion of the Calcineurin B1 gene in the skin results in a cyclic alopecia phenotype, associated with altered expression of Notch-responsive genes involved in hair follicle structure and/or adhesion to the surrounding mesenchyme. Thus, an important interconnection exists between Notch 1 and Calcineurin-NFAT pathways in keratinocyte growth/differentiation control.


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Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are ligand activated transcription factors belonging to the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily. PPARγ is involved in many different activities in the epidermis, such as keratinocyte differentiation, permeability barrier recovery, dermal wound closure, sebaceous gland formation, sebocyte differentiation, and melanogenesis. Preclinical studies with PPARγ ligands on various skin diseases have been performed and they could represent a new strategy in the treatment of scarring alopecia. PPARγ deserves further studies as therapeutic target, likely not with the current drugs, but with future new classes of safer molecules and in combined therapies.


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Bezoar is a foreign body in the digestive tract originated from ingestion of varied substances, mainly vegetal hair or coats, staple fibers among others. We present a case of a 16-year-old female with trichotillomania history of approximately 5 months, diagnosed through clinical evidence of traumatic alopecia made by her dermatologist. Though asymptomatic the presence of tricobezoar was suspected and confirmed through digestive seriography and high digestive endoscopy. The patient was operated on for gastrotomy and removal of bezoar, with good postoperative follow-up, except for surgical wound infection.


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Com o objetivo de melhor caracterizar o quadro clínico na intoxicação experimental por Stryphnodendron obovatum Benth., procedeu-se a administração das favas, por via oral, a seis bovinos, em doses únicas e a 11 outros, em doses repetidas. Doses únicas de 10 e 20g/kg não provocaram sintomas. Doses únicas de 30 e 40g/kg provocaram quadros clínicos desde leves até graves, porém só morreu o animal que ingeriu 60g/kg. Os animais que ingeriram doses repetidas de 2,5g/kg por 30 dias adoeceram levemente, já os que receberam 5g/kg durante 13 e 14 dias mostraram sintomatologia moderada e grave, respectivamente. Um bovino que recebeu 10g/kg por 8 dias, outro que ingeriu 20g/kg por 3 dias e dois outros que receberam 30 e 40g/kg por 2 dias morreram da intoxicação. Os outros três bovinos que receberam doses repetidas (dois com doses de 10g/kg por 20 e 6 dias, outro com dose de 20 g/kg por 2 dias) adoeceram, mas se recuperaram. Os primeiros sintomas de intoxicação, em ambos os grupos, foram observados a partir do primeiro dia do experimento e a evolução variou de 3 a 63 dias. Os sintomas consistiram em anorexia, fezes levemente ressecadas a líquidas, distensão do abdômen, sem timpanismo, perda de fluido ruminal durante a ruminação, atonia e acidose ruminal, cólica, sialorréia, apatia, emagrecimento, fraqueza, erosões e úlceras na cavidade oral. Em alguns animais foram observadas congestão de mucosas visíveis (sem icterícia) e de partes despigmentadas da pele, do córion laminar e da região interdigital dos quatro membros, áreas de alopecia focal e/ou hipotricose nas regiões axilares, na face lateral das coxas e membros e perda dos pêlos da ponta da cauda, alterações estas que podem ser interpretadas como as de leve fotossensibilização. Em três bovinos se observaram relaxamento intermitente do prepúcio, micção freqüente e em gotejamento e, por vezes, gemidos ao eliminar a urina que, em geral, se apresentava turva, ácida, de cor âmbar-escura, com odor adocicado e com a densidade elevada; os níveis de bilirrubina na urina foram normais.


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Dois surtos de uma doença associada ao pastoreio de duas espécies de ervilhaca (predominantemente Vicia villosa e, em menor grau, V. sativa) foram observados em agosto-setembro de 2001, em vacas Holandesas adultas de duas propriedades rurais do Rio Grande do Sul. Foram afetadas, em uma das propriedades, quatro de 42 vacas (9,5%) e, na outra, uma de oito vacas (12,5%). Os sinais clínicos incluíam, embora não em todos os casos, febre, prurido, espessamento e enrugamento da pele com placas multifocais de alopecia, conjuntivite, corrimento nasal seroso, perda de peso, acentuada queda na produção de leite e diarréia. O curso clínico foi de aproximadamente duas semanas. Todas as vacas afetadas clinicamente morreram, uma foi sacrificada; três foram necropsiadas. Em cada um desses animais havia um padrão de lesões sistêmicas que consistiam de nódulos multifocais ou coalescentes, macios ou moderadamente firmes e branco-acinzentados, que infiltravam vários órgãos, mas eram particularmente proeminentes no miocárdio, nos linfonodos, no baço, na glândula adrenal e no córtex renal. Essas lesões resultavam em aumento de volume e alteração na arquitetura do órgão invadido. Microscopicamente, as lesões consis-tiam de extensa infiltração celular composta de proporções variáveis de macrófagos epitelióides, linfócitos, plasmócitos, células gigantes multinucleadas e eosinófilos. Os números de eosinófilos eram geralmente altos. Essa infiltração granulomatosa causava degeneração e perda de células parenquimatosas no órgão afetado. A intensidade das lesões variou entre as três vacas e entre os vários órgãos de cada animal. Essa é a primeira documentação no Brasil de doença granulomatosa sistêmica em bovinos associada ao pastoreio de ervilhaca.


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Foi realizado um estudo das doenças de pele diagnosticadas em ovinos e caprinos, no semi-árido dos Estados da Paraíba, Pernambuco e Rio Grande do Norte. De janeiro de 2000 a novembro de 2006 foram registrados no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, em Patos, Paraíba, 656 diagnósticos em caprinos e 324 em ovinos, além do estudo de espécimes de necropsia ou biópsia da pele de 31 em caprinos e 45 em ovinos enviados para exame histológico. Dos casos atendidos 80 (8,16%) apresentavam alterações na pele, destes 35 ocorreram em caprinos (5,33% do total de casos diagnosticados nesta espécie) e 45 em ovinos (13,88% dos casos diagnosticados nesta espécie). Das doenças de pele, a mais freqüente foi a miíase (10 casos em caprinos e 7 em ovinos) seguida do ectima contagioso (8 casos em caprinos e 2 em ovinos), carcinoma epidermoide (4 casos em caprinos e 5 em ovinos), dermatofilose (8 casos em ovinos), dermatite alérgica (1 caso em ovino e 1 em caprino). Além disso, foram diagnosticados dois casos de pitiose em ovinos, dois casos de epidermólise bolhosa em caprinos, um caso de intoxicação por Brachiaria brizantha (fotossensibilização) e outro de intoxicação por Leucaena leucocephala (alopecia) em ovinos e um caso de papilomatose, um de pênfigo foliáceo, um de prototecose e um de rabdomiossarcoma em caprinos. Em 4 casos em ovinos e 19 em caprinos não foi realizado diagnóstico etiológico da doença. A informação gerada sobre a ocorrência e epidemiologia das doenças de pele permite estabelecer medidas adequadas de controle.


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A estefanofilariose é uma doença mundialmente distribuída e caracteriza-se por lesões na pele causadas por nematódeo do gênero Stephanofilaria. Nos bovinos manifesta-se por uma dermatite crônica associada com erupção papular progredindo para nódulos, alopecia e ulceração crostosa. Apesar de reconhecida há muitos anos, há poucos estudos e relatos sobre a mesma. A literatura é particularmente escassa no Brasil. Esse trabalho teve como objetivos investigar aspectos epidemiológicos e clínicos da estefanofilariose em vacas leiteiras naturalmente acometidas e comparar dois métodos para a confirmação do diagnóstico, o exame histopatológico e o exame direto. Foram investigados aspectos clínicos relacionados à ocorrência natural da estefanofilariose em 58 vacas de leite de sete rebanhos criados nos municípios de Santana do Itararé, PR e de Itaberá, SP durante o período de janeiro de 2006 a agosto de 2008. Dois métodos foram comparados para confirmação do diagnóstico a partir de tecido colhido por biópsia da borda das lesões, o histopatológico (n=24) e o exame direto do sedimento da solução salina isotônica na qual o tecido permaneceu embebido (n=20). A maior prevalência ocorreu de dezembro a março (57%) e a maioria das vacas era lactante (87,9%). As lesões se localizavam nos quartos anteriores do úbere em seu aspecto cranial (96,7%), principalmente próximo à linha média (55%). A lesão típica tinha formato circular era ulcerada com crostas e exibia exsudato sero-sanguinolento. No exame histopatológico evidenciou-se uma dermatite crônica com infiltrado mononuclear e eosinofílico. A presença do parasita não foi detectada em nenhum dos cortes examinados. O exame direto possibilitou a demonstração do agente em todas as amostras examinadas, comprovando-se como um método eficiente para a confirmação do diagnóstico.


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Foi estudada uma doença em 159 ovinos em 15 propriedades localizadas em sete municípios das mesorregiões nordeste e sudeste do estado do Pará e uma em um município do estado de Roraima. Os ovinos da raça Santa Inês e seus mestiços, de ambos os sexos e com dois a quatro anos de idade, eram os mais acometidos. A doença caracterizava-se por alopecia em diversas regiões do corpo, principalmente ao redor dos olhos; essas lesões evoluíam para eritemas multifocais, pequenas pápulas e crostas. Os animais apresentavam prurido intenso no local das lesões, inquietação, perda de peso e corrimento ocular. Sempre era observada a presença de mosquitos ao redor dos animais. Com o auxílio de um puçá foi realizada a captura de insetos associados às lesões, durante o repasto nos ovinos, para a identificação. Foram identificados insetos dos gêneros Simulium e Hippelates. Realizou-se biópsia da pele lesada de 10 ovinos. As lesões histológicas se caracterizaram por leves infiltrados inflamatórios mononucleares na derme, com presença de eosinófilos. Os estudos epidemiológicos, clínicos e patológicos desses casos, bem como o descarte dos diagnósticos diferenciais, permitiram concluir que se trata de dermatite alérgica por picada de insetos.